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Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]
I will give you even more info on this scandal and you wont like it. Nazi Croat ustashe movement truly dealt fatal blow onto the memory of John Paul II when they seduced him to start process of sanctification of ustashe main Catholic military vicar priest.
Serbian mass media brings these days news about latest documents that without any doubt confirms monstrous nature of Cardinal Stepinac that was beatified by Pope John Paul II.
Detalji iz Stepinčevih pisama: "Srbi bi bili likvidirani"; "Ili će biti katolička, ili neka nestane"b92/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2021&mm=03&dd=24&nav_category=167&nav_id=1832193
From letter Stepinac wrote to Pope Pius XII at a time of ongoing genocide (in worse imaginable bestial ways) of around 1. mil. Orthodox Serbs in so called Independent state of Croatia during WWII in area under Stepinac`s jurisdiction:"Veliki je interes Srba šizmatika da uđu u Katoličku crkvu. Sigurno to čine pod utiskom da vlast podržava katoličanstvo.
translation > ``Its in great interest of Orthodox Serbs to enter in Catholic Church. They doing so because state support Catholicism.``
Verujem, kada bi poglavnik Pavelić bio 20 godina na čelu vlade, šizmatici bi bili likvidirani iz Hrvatske".
translation > ``I believe, if Pavelic is head of state for 20 years, all Orthodox would be liquidated.``
mogu primetiti da u krugovima vlasti postoji najbolja želja da se Hrvatska pretvori u katoličku zemlju
translation > ``I can notice how are state leaders completely dedicated to turn Croatia into a Catholic state.``
Ratni ministar (Slavko Kvaternik) mi je apsolutno garantovao: ili će Hrvatska biti katolička zemlja, ili neka nestane"
translation > ``A war minister gave his word to me- Croatia will be Catholic or there won`t be Croatia.``
Scandal culminates among Catholic clergy in Croatia. Nothing problematic in Stepinac`s letters to Pope Pius XII. Nothing against Christian faith and morals.
> youtube.com/watch?v=GeOGCibqjLw