The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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14 Feb 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]


Relax >

Lepa Brena - Janos - (LIVE) - Belgrade Arena

/and spot comments on video/
14 Feb 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Novak Djokovic - Serbian King HD

Pure testosterone. Manly energy in the full sense of the word.
12 Feb 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Melbourne Australia - Among Sarmatian finest Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic: "One of the most special wins in my life!" on-court interview | Australian Open 2021


Novak Djokovic vs Taylor Fritz



Novak Djokovic - A monster

12 Feb 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Spot development and see how German dreams becoming nightmares.

Germany responded: These statements are really worrying

Relations with the EU could be severed if Brussels imposes sanctions that are risky for sensitive spheres of the economy, Lavrov stated.

"These statements are really worrying and incomprehensible," said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while government spokeswoman Steffen Seibert

11 Feb 2021
Genealogy / Am I of Polish or German descent? [10]

Nothing that drastic has happened. But I owe it to my children to be prepared.... So my question is this, what heritage am I?

Speaking legally, if you seek a passport on the basis of origin, this should be crucial to you, as you said yourself >

Gdańsk, Poland. My family left that region in 1884

It's a legal part. You should ask for citizenship of Poland if you can prove your ancestors came from what is now Poland. Don't bother yourself with Germany and Prussia. Focus on Gdansk.

Now, if you also seek to answer yourself what is your ethnicity, you just have to consult history. We live in an information age. It's easy. Go google Gdansk. It's on the Baltic. The oldest human-written data on it says Baltic is `Oceanus Sarmaticus` (Sarmatian ocean) or sometimes `Mare Sarmaticus` and linguistic science speaking in general, agree that Sarmatian name represent the corrupted name of Serbs (ie Slavs). See, coincidentally, even now in this very moment, Gdansk is the center of the Kashubian populace in Poland. They do still consider themselves to be Serbs. Don't be confused with that `Serbs`. Of those Slavs (ie Sarmatians) that are still Serbs, there are Lusatians, Kashubian, and Balkan Serbs. All are native populace where they live.

So, ultimately you are Kashub if we look starting point of your family to the USA, back in 1884. It's a complete story for your children if you lost any other family memory on it. Once in Poland, you can search on your own, in institutions, in Churches, etc. But, you have a valid indication of who you are, legally and ethnically. Yes, you need Poland`s citizenship.
9 Feb 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [122]

Beautifull, ah. Something our, not Jewish, Greek, Roman, and globalistic, with all due respect on them all.

Native Polish Church, Rodzimy Kościół Polski


based on the concept of henotheism, and a mixture of pantheism (or even panentheism) and polytheism on the other - i.e.

PNC recognizes the highest god to be Świętowit, other names from the highest circles of the Slavic pantheon are commonly used (Perun or Swaróg);

9 Feb 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Listen. Russian-German's contract on Nord Stream is a joke. By the contract, the deal can be or can`t be. There is Balkan stream operational and gas first goes to Poland and just then Germany gets gas via Poland.
8 Feb 2021

Look Poland what came to be from our wild Scythians. Good that we didn't destroy them completely after Orsha battle and later in Moscow. Good that we, I mean you (let's be frank, you were the brain), didn't quite follow Papal instructions.


Look what came to be of them >>> >>>


But I am not surprised by their success. They have us for their brethren, isn`t it and, it means something. If they survived us, none can harm them.

Let us now hope they came in time and pull us out from the sh** so we all live happily ever after.
8 Feb 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [122]

Vatican is Vatican. Poland is Poland. Non in Poland pretend. People there is also historically molested from west and east of Europe and its just too cruel to realize that your own religious center represent point of truly worse possible evil on this Earth, let`s say comparable only to madness of worse Islamic preachers, mujaheedines and lunatics. If you are Slavic either you are with Vatican and die when it suits to purpose of Vatican or you are not with them and you are target for extermination in the first opportunity. And its not some meat grinding machine of past. It works even right now.
6 Feb 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [122]

He's cleaning up corruption and he's returning the Church to the values promoted by Jesus.


But he didn`t go to apologize in Jasenovac, for more then 1. mil Serbs killed (in most bestial imaginable ways) in genocide organized, led and perpetrated by Vatican, together with deluded and indoctrinated locals. So, no sincerity in him. Only calculations. You may say, sure he calculates, its Rome, the Vatican. Exactly, only business, no deep spirituality. Even when he wash lags, its just business. What Papacy have with Jesus? Nothing. Constantinople? Nothing. When did you heard in your life that Patriarch of Constantinople said a word of compassion for 800.000 Slaveno-Serbs killed in genocide by Greeks after WWII. Never for sure. Ask Patriarch of Constantinople as a journalist, he would return question to you and ask what you talking about.

Those are Christians? Man, they are satanists.
6 Feb 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Ha, look how masks rapidly falling down. Austria decided to renew its support to Nord Stream 2.

> b92/biz/vesti/svet.php?yyyy=2021&mm=02&dd=06&nav_id=1807000

Let me just put simple questions. Did my brethren from Poland expected Austria to side with Central Europe instead with Germany? Did you expected from Austria support to Poland`s interests over Catholic solidarity?

Well, you mistaken. After all, Hitler was Austrian and he didn`t wish well to Poland.

But see now how Gavrilo did well for Poland, too? If AH continued to exist until today Slavs of Poland would be completely Germanized, Poland never to be restored. And that with blessings from the Vatican.
3 Feb 2021
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

When they in Poland molest you because you are Kashub, Lusatian, Silesian, Lemko, etc, you know you are Polish.
1 Feb 2021
History / Any good sources on Kashubian history/culture? [4]


Thread on rights of Kashubs and Silesians in Poland or How to make better place of Poland

Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań
source >>>

Two fragments from the text >

PiS presents Donald Tusk as a threat to national unity, emphasising his Kashubian origin (see: Nijakowski 2009), or even the fact that his father was conscripted to the Wehrmacht during WWII.

linguistic minorities (Buchowski and Chleiwńska 2010). Again, Silesians are not accorded this status, in contrast to the Kashubians.

So, native Kashubs are seen as pro-German, while they definitely aren`t. They were exposed to genocide by Germans. Now, they are exposed to assimilation in Poland. Somebody wants them to extinct, become non-Kashubs. Silesians on the other hand, don`t even have status of minority. They are aliens in their own native land and country. These are no nice ways to deal with kin Slavs.

But, scandal in itself is that Kashubs have status of minority instead of status of constitutional people considering what Poland have of Baltic is mostly thanks to the Kashubs.

So let us talk and help make Poland a better and more free place.

An article

Kashubian Poles: Struggling with the "fifth column" label


Kartuzy - a town in the Pomeranian Voivodeship that has long been a cultural center of the Kashubians

Two fragments from an article >

Once the Polish troops entered Pomerania, hence Kashubian lands, the developments in the aftermath led to a culture conflict between the Kashubians and Polish people

"Kashubians were perceived as a fifth column, a foreign element which might betray and switch sides in case of German invasion," Słomczyński said.

30 Jan 2021
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Truly great. Look how long ago Lech Kaczinsky warned on NATO and EU tendency to violence against Slavs. He was right. We all know he was right. Same as Walesa is right.

Hate against Slavs on the west of Europe in reality.
29 Jan 2021
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

I respect Walesa but brat Lech Kaczinsky is even greater hero. He spat on NATO and EU during UNGA because they attacked Serbs. Great patriot was that Lech. I have no doubt western Europe killed him. He was killed and Walesa humiliated. Thdt is how they work.
29 Jan 2021
News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines [202]

Just heard that Russia offering 100 mil anti-Covid vaccines to the EU. Final blow to EU dignity. I think that Merkel and Macron cry now liker a little children. They are mentally destroyed.

Let me use opportunity and ask Mrs. Merkel.... Do you want more of maiden in Ukraine?
29 Jan 2021
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Brat nicely said he was `searched`. Go google that. You know how it goes. Anglos are experts with their tiny greedy fingers.

What you want us here to do. To humiliate brat? Let us agree, he was `searched`.
29 Jan 2021
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

I never got finger in my ass on airport. Brat Walesa suffered.

Would you like to take it? No, not of course. See, he is symbol of crucified Poland. That is what western Europe doing to Poland all the time. Its not normal procedure.
26 Jan 2021
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

There is no Cyrilic alphabet. Its hoax. Only Vinca Azbuka and before that scripture of Lepenski vir, original native Slavic akphabet. Its not Greaks and Romans that invented akphabet but Slavs ie Sarmats. Oldest alphabet in the world.

Freedom to Slavic ie Sarmatic world!
24 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Basketball was invented as a children's game, you can look it up if you dont believe me.

Why wouldn`t I believe you. People usually aren`t that sick to feel necessity to lie online.

So game for children? Well, why not. Take Star Wars. George Lukas said his original idea for Star Wars was to make show for children but it went on its own path.
23 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Raise the basket up another 5 ft.

Actually very good idea.
22 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

An article

Poland's problem with this Pope


an example by taking in 20 Syrians (all Muslims) into Vatican, a state of only 1,000 citizens. ..... Europe should take in 6 million Syrians.

How much should Poland accept to satisfy Pope?

What Poland expect from Vatican, as from western Europe in general, and what Poland gets?
22 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Serbian NBA basketball player Nikola Jokic is best center of the world said Michael Maloun trainer of Denver Nuggets. And also said... ``Its when you see how surgeon opening someones body.``


Nikola Jokic