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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1823
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
23 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

I think it will be difficult to enforce - there are already rules against burning rubbish but i reckon about a third of the families in my street do that
cms neuf   
22 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Yes if you wanted to have a far right demo in Poland that would probably attract a counter demo if it was in a large town.

If you want to dress up and run around the forest they would probably leave you to it.
cms neuf   
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

So is Trump American or is he Scottish / German ? He is about the same connection with Scotland as your average Bradford Muslim has with the Punjab - his parents are from there, he likes the food, he follows that religion and he sometimes goes there for a holiday.
cms neuf   
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Well why don't you give your definition of what being Polish means ? That will also be easy to knock down in any argument - whatever period of time you lick there has been o,entry of other genes in the mix - Swedish, Lithuanian, Jewish, German.
cms neuf   
21 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

No - i think that people should be held accountable for their crimes. However pursuing complicated cases is costly and it's difficult to obtain convictions when many witnesses are dead or senile.

As for the KNF case - it took place in November, the govt is heavily implicated being as they looked at changing the law specifically for Getin. The NBP case last week was straightforward snouts in the trough. Glapinski is probably glad that the stabbing took the spotlight away. I dont think Kaczynski can even fire the guy as he has a 6 year term.

Both these and FOZZ have the same effect- undermining confidence by showing that there is weak control over the actions of senior govt finance officials
cms neuf   
20 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

You can start with the ft or the Economist. However i get the impression anything written by an experienced financial journalist would fall in to your definition of MSM blah blah

In Polish the best coverage of this is would be Puls Biznesu or Rz.
cms neuf   
20 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

He probably knows as much about state bond valuations as your average electrician does.

By your logic Kaczynski is responsible for the bribes in the KNF. Maybe that is far-fetched, but as for Morawiecki - and experienced banker and formerly head of a large bank he must've had a fair idea of what kind of people he was appointing to crucial oversight bodies. .
cms neuf   
20 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

Some guys did serious time for FOZZ (and have now been released) but plenty got away with it.

Im more bothered about corruption today than things that happened 25 years ago. The weakening of the KNF and NBP will have serious consequences for Poland's economic credibility (just as FOZZ did at the time)
cms neuf   
15 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

These comments by the way are on the official fb page of Marsz Niepodleglosci - an organization some claim is a harmless display of patriotism by flag waving women and kids. Of course people have a right to free speech but I am surprised that this organization can not police itself and also that it has charitable status.
cms neuf   
15 Jan 2019
UK, Ireland / British men don't really like women [137]

Business trip LOL. Every Russian easter you get a half day to listen to Shostakovich in a public park and then get wrecked on flavored vodka on the tram home. A nasty hangover afterwards allows plenty of contemplatrion of your profession of abusive trolling.
cms neuf   
7 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

I think everyone understands the big stick but this is about soft power.

I doubt you were in a Polish shopping mall but if you were then tell us which American stores were there ? Of the Top 100 retailers in Poland I think only 4 are American - all in fast food mcd, kfc, Starbucks and Pizza Hut. Even in that segment the most popular food is now is doner kebab which is basically a German concept.
cms neuf   
7 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Germany has a great deal of soft power in Central Europe - it is the biggest investor and trade partner in almost all the former Commie countries. Germany dominates several fields of day to day consciousness (e.g. cars VW, Opel and the luxury brands are the strongest in this region) or retail (Lidl, Deichmann, Rossmann, DM all easily the biggest in this region). Bayern and German soccer players are far better known here than any NBA stars and the music here has lots of German influence whether its high brow or techno / German dance music. On top of that most air connections from Central Europe involve going through Frankfurt or Munich at some point.

When you think about it maybe US soft power is in decline ? Apart from e.g. Facebook, Google then in what sectors is the US really dominant in Polish or Czech or Hungarian life ?

It also makes no sense to say Poland only wants money that is generated by the taxpayers of these supposedly decaying societies. They are obviously not going to give that money away free to a bunch of small town Soltys and halfbrained law students that make up the governing class of PiS. The idea of EU funds is to build infrastructure that will support new markets and stop nations from fighting each other.
cms neuf   
7 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Maf one reason for that difference is that the German speaking market is big enough for artists, writers to be successful and rich without caring if it will sell to people in other countries. There is a very thriving literature in German, a big movie scene and a very developed art world.

As for cultural imprint then classical music and modern philosophy are basically dominated by Germans and Austrians (including Jews of course).
cms neuf   
6 Jan 2019
Food / Where to buy corned beef in Warsaw? [21]

Try the butcher in Hala Koszyki - next to the bar called Cma.


Lidl hav some pretty good steak sometimes when they have a "luxury" promotion
cms neuf   
6 Jan 2019
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

Just wondering why nobody has set up a town in some remote place that all the swivel eyed and tinfoil hat alt right types can live in and run according to their own rules ? Of course there is a long history of that - the Amish, Welsh in Patagonia, jonestown etc.

Can the Polish govt set aside a few hundred hectares and let these guys run their schooling and public services in their own style ? Would make good TV if nothing else
cms neuf   
4 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Yes - attached chart shows the fall in dividends - i don't know eventually what happened in 2017 because like most normal people I have ditched the stock the year before. The shenanigans of the PIS members of the board are well documented
cms neuf   
4 Jan 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

Well it is a hilarious portmanteau of liberals and retards - of course if Gregy ever met a "retard" or their parents in real life he would not have the balls to use that language to their face.
cms neuf   
4 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

That's fine if you are sitting on top of oil like Pemex or Aramco but in Poland there is only one such company - KGHM, who have cut their dividends drastically but increase the salaries to the PiS functionaries on the board.

In other businesses then the Polish consumer does pay if PiS uses these as Bankomats to fund their giveaways - a prime example is the banking tax. It has cut bank profits in half but the banks are now recouping it by passing a lot of extra charges on to customers and especially to small businesses - for example my own bank charges for a modest spare time consulting business are over 500 zloty this month. PZU are increasing premia and the power and oil companies also increasing their charges.

I am not totally against a portion of strategic companies being state owned so long as they don't interfere too much in the mgmt. or the free market.