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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1824
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Dolno read on a website - try Rz or someone like that. PiS wanted to build a commercial skyscraper on their HQ site in Nowogrodzka - few hundred million zloty of work and then stiffed the architect. They told The architect to take them to court - courts which of course are controlled by PiS

Dirk - PO did not even exist when the Marriott Brigades were doing their thing. Neither did PiS
cms neuf   
7 Feb 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

There are plenty of other answers apart from immigration

Raise the retirement age - PiS lowered it and I don't see any of the other parties talking about it
Cut or hold benefits - PiS raises them
Increase ZUS rates
Increase birth rates - to be fair they are increasing
Crack down on ZUS fiddles in umowa o dzielo etc

I can't see any of these being tried soon but a broken system is better than no system. You are in the UK Spike so you can see what it is like to take a massive leap in the dark on a huge economic issue.

Opting out is nuts by the way - you are forgoing the free money from your employer and the govt, so you are obviously not the best advocate for wise pension planning.
cms neuf   
6 Feb 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

You are talking about opting out of your employers pension scheme ? In the UK that is normally an unwise thing to do so I hope the upsides and downsides were explained to you before you did it.

As for scrapping ZUS that is just nuts - still Korwin has put it to the Polish voters many times and surprisingly they have not been interested
cms neuf   
6 Feb 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Communism has never worked in the long run but there are many social market economies that have worked very well for 80 years now and they are mostly at the top of the charts for living standards and wealth - Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Germany, Netherlands, Austria etc.

State education is also a pretty good invention - check before and after results for any country where it was introduced. Where it is a free for all then obviously you are going to get an entrenched class system of people that can afford it. Everybody should get the same chance in life and then it's up to them how they use it.
cms neuf   
5 Feb 2019
Travel / Visiting the Polish Balitic Sea coast in the Winter [30]

Intermarium i found your post distasteful rather than a racist outrage - but maybe you can clarify why you should be made more welcone in Poland than a non white person ? To me its the same odds if a white guy from Germany or a black guy from Martinique turns up - both are EU citizens
cms neuf   
2 Feb 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

? Over your head maybe :) strange because anyone who lived in the US for a long time would know that song

Forget about your worries and your strife
cms neuf   
2 Feb 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

So why don't you, get yourself a beer and watch it with them - concentrate on the bear necessities instead of trolling. If I left my kids with their Dziadzia for an afternoon I would want him to spend one of his last weekends on earth socializing with them rather than crouched over a keyboard ranting about liberals.
cms neuf   
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

That would be a good thing Maf - I am sure that it is much better for those guys to be comfortable that they will not get abuse and stigma, they can get on with their lives just like every other Pole. I would say the same is evident in professional life - I know in a corporate or professional setting there is no issue with being out any more.
cms neuf   
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

Indeed - as a pension aged Polish citizen Rich should have received a handy booklet telling him that married benefits for people who outlive their spouse are basically nic, and work benefits for people who outlive their spouse are also basically nic.

Anyhow he is probably on the tram home by now with only another 12 stops berfore he gets to Heroes of the Baltic Fleet housing estate.
cms neuf   
1 Feb 2019
Life / Poles against gay marriages. Really? [120]

Why do you have to pay gay peoples social benefits ? You need to ask your boss for a new scrpit

At the moment imagine a gay guy minding his own business, not attending parades or any of the other things that grind the gears of all you pent up single folk in your chicago bedrooms and moscow basements.

That gay is susidising benefits for child heathcare, school, 500 plus, university, post natal care etc
cms neuf   
30 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

Thats good - they were lucky with the excellent summer weather but now we had a couple of ugly sundays with the kids at home bored and grumpy I an sure that people are getting fed up of it
cms neuf   
29 Jan 2019
News / Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake? [146]

Rich if you have ever been to a Soviet cemetery here in Poland you would see it is your own Russian govt that is disrespectful - they are filthy and overgrown and the Russian govt does not spend a single kopeck to look after them. There are German and even British graveyards here in Poland that are dignified and well maintained.
cms neuf   
28 Jan 2019
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

Altgrabau Could be Grabowo near Koscierzyna.

leopoldsberg was the German name of Stare Grabowo - a few km from the Grabowo above

This site is pretty useful for that kind of thing

Note there are quite a few Grabowo s in Poland but that is the closest one to GdaƄsk
cms neuf   
27 Jan 2019
News / Do you think Germany will stop buying out Polish media? [15]

No - it is Agora that is bidding for that. It's a publicly owned company and I would not be surprised if one of Soros funds has some shares in it. However you can buy some yourself tomorrow morning if you like - price is 10.35. Then you can attend a shareholders meeting and spout your nonsense about Tusk and Soros.

I don't know if you have ever listened to Radio Zet - it has very neutral and banal 2 minute news segments every hour squeezed between 80s hits (dirty dancing is a favorite) and Lidl adverts. It is the last vehicle either Soros or Putin or Kaczynski would use for propaganda.
cms neuf   
26 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Compare Serbian growth from 2007 with that of Romania and Bulgaria - they are leaving Crow's homeland in the dust.

Or compare the 3 ex USSR states that joined the EU with Belarus and Ukraine.

Polands increasing wealth in the late 90s was driven by the fact it was on a pro western path with NATO membership providing security and EU membership providing a legal framework- once you have those things people would invest and the zloty became stable and Poles would feel more confident planning for the long term
cms neuf   
25 Jan 2019
Study / Expat kids in schools in Poland [77]

I hope some absurdist film maker will follow your adventure - you want to escape from immigrants who don't speak German by becoming an immigrant who does not speak Polish. In doing so you face the same difficult decisions and insecurities that your average Mehmet would when he turns up in Frankfurt.

My take on school is like this - my kids have Polish names and spoke native Polish but with some mistakes when they started school (Polish state school - I could not spend all day driving across town to international school). There has never been bullying but there has been the odd incident and a few tears. Your kids will probably only attract attention at times when they compare the how things are in Germany with what they are like in Poland. I do not think it will be easy unless they get to a good standard in Polish first - which means Polish at home and Polish on the TV. In my younger kid's school there are a handful of kids from Ukraine and also a mixed race kid born in UK - I don't know if they get bullied but nothing has been mentioned and they all seem to speak Polish well.

The curriculum is not static and so don't assume that it will be set in aspic for the 12 years your kids will be at school. At the moment it is quite heavy on some aspects of modern Polish history that fit in with PiS ideology. But you know most of the time they are doing math. science, languages etc.

You also need to understand that Poland and especially a big town like Szczecin is not some kind of right wing wonderland with 1950s values - yes most Poles are kind of conservative but the support for PiS is somewhere between 30 and 40 percent and most of that comes from old people and the countryside. They have attracted a lot of young family voters too but it is about their 500+ program and free medicine etc rather than caring about Gays or Transgender issues. The number of working age employed people who share your views in Poland is maybe 10% and n Szczecin maybe more like 5%. Those tend to be quite into the church too so assuming you are Catholic that might be the best place to make contacts with like minded people.
cms neuf   
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

I doubt it - most of those people live in small towns and have low education so will not differentiate between different kinds of foreigners.

Still if you buy your fair share of warka strong and cheap speed they might invite you to one of their tragicomic events.
cms neuf   
24 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

I have seen plenty of countries in plenty of different decades. Corruption always impacts on quality of life as the ordinary citizens always pay for it.

You can pack whatever heat you want in Chicago - here in Poland your obsessions mean you would probably fail the paychological tests needed to carry a gun.

Antheads - TVN and Polsat are private businesses aimed at advertisers.they do hVe a bias - towards the kind of people that adverts are targeted at. private right wimg stations and newspapers do exist bit less people watch them.

But TVP is funded by the taxpayer and its job is to be neutral not to redress perceived bias
cms neuf   
23 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

So point me to another more reliable measure of corruption if you know of one
cms neuf   
23 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

There is a separate thread about the US.

Yes - there are many more corrupt places than Poland - russia and any of its client states for starters

But for Poland we should demand a higher standard and also keep improving not go backwards
cms neuf   
23 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

If you want evidence about corruption then just check polands current place in the transparency index - After many years of improvement under all govts It has now started falling again, and it is back to the same level as 2014 when PO were in charge (ranked number 35)

I expect when the next set of figures are released: will worsen further. Reasons for this fall are the staffing of state companies with P I S functionaries plus weakening of the legal system and the weakening of financial oversight.

When it comes to corruption I think that they are all as bad as each other - what concerns me very much about PIS is their willingness to undermine democracy and to use propaganda.