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Posts by Spike31  

Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Feb 2022
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12 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

it's not in a good position for that.... considering sexual abuse by priests...

Yes, the Church itself has to be clear out of homosexuals which are over-represented in this institution and are demoralising it from within. I think abolishing celibacy and letting priests have families would be a good step.

The times have changed and we don`t struggle for independence like in communist times.

But yes we do. Now we have to struggle for our cultural identity.
12 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

Using the church to manifest resistance to communism is one example

That's how it manifests itself. Church was a safe haven during communist era and it also helped greatly to erode that leftist dystopia.

There's no political function to catholicism at present and so it's weakening.

It will have its political function soon enough with a surge of LGBT-qwerty movement.

Still, most Poles are conservatives at heart and prefer natural order of things. And natural order is based on classical heritage and Christianity.

Stalin has tried hard and couldn't change it, 50 years of communism couldn't change it, and hell, some '68 generation demoralized leftist from Brussels won't change it either :-)
12 Mar 2019
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [266]

Yes, but the reason for Hitler's appointment was not that the NSDAP received 33% of the vote.

It's worth to mention that German communists could block Hitler and NSDAP if they formed coalition with socialists earlier on. The reason why they didn't was that they did get orders from "The Central" (from the USSR) to not do so. For devoted communists the USSR (Comintern) was always the only real "fatherland".

For Stalin, Hitler was a very useful tool at that time. He has chocked on that tool later on but that's a different story...
11 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I guess I'll make you happy with those good news since I'm moving back to Poland this summer :-)

My contract is over and I won't extend it. My place is in Poland. My skills, my money (which I earned in the UK) and my commitment to a national cause will benefit Poland from then on. I may even visit my friends in Poznan too :-P
11 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Who is Marek Jakubiak and what is Konfederacja?

Well, if you don't know that you've got no business in discussing Polish politics.

Let me google it for you:

For the time being, PiS openly copies ideas from ultranationalists.

What is ultra-nationalist? A simple term: "Nationalism" describes perfectly what nationalists, like myself, stand for. That is:

> Ordered liberty
> Independent Nation-state
> Christian civilisation
> Natural law
> Classical heritage

11 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

This is as true as an opinion that every Pole is a Catholic.

Not every Pole yet - according to statistics - more than 90%, to a greater or lesser degree, is.

This was said by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Sure, it was Hegel and marxism was based on Hegelian dialectics. I used Marx as a point of reference because he is more "popular" and recognised by a society, thanks to his infamous works, than Hegel. So let's not be snobs here and use a simpler references whenever it is available :-)
11 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

What do decent Poles think about true rightists?

Decent Poles are true rightists and true rightists are decent Poles.

I've got a better question for you, @pawian: does spam-posting insinuations instead of real questions brings any quality to a discussion table? Or maybe your feeble mind was captivated by a Karl Marx's notion that "quantity is transformed into quality"? :-)
11 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

So recently Marek Jakubiak has joined Konfederacja [Narodowcy+Korwin+Liroy+Godek+Grzegorz Braun]. The real conservative right-wing alternative is getting bigger and stronger.

And so called liberal opposition has drowned in backing LGBT-something which has very little support in Polish society. Thank God they are so silly and detached from reality. They will loose next elections big time. Left is on a way out.
1 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

difference appears on extremes

Yes, I agree with this statement. Among men there's much more geniuses but also much more idiots. Women are more even in general.
28 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

@Pawian, Korwin's controversy comes from the fact that he is honest, too honest for a politician ;-). It says a lot about the state of modern democracy that being honest places you firmly in a 'controversial' box.

And yes, he quoted politically incorrect statistics which says that "women on average have lower IQ than men". So blame God/mother nature/natural selection/patriarchy (or whatever you believe in) not Korwin for simply stating that fact :-P

He also said that women have higher EQ, emotional intelligence.

PS: he didn't say "they must earn less because" but "they earn less because". There's a big difference between those two statements.
28 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

From what is publicly known it was hardly the case

I would disagree. When Hitler's army entered the USRR they've encountered offensive Russian forces who were unable to defend themselves effectively (different equipment is needed for defense than for offensive manouvers).

Germans have also captured a lot of abandoned tanks and destroyed plenty of planes which were sitting on field airports up to 20-30 kilometres next to the border. Stalin was planning an invasion and Hitler stabbed him in the back (just before Stalin could do the same)
28 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

A real alternative that is polling a couple of percent

Every project starts small before it become big. The EU parliament elections will be a test for this new formation. Korwin by itself has 2 MEPs in Polish parliament and 2 more in the EU parliament. So I believe that Konfederacja can achieve much better results.
28 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Konfederacja, a real alternative to PiS on a right side of Polish political scene was established by RN, Korwin, Braun, Skuteczni this week.
So don't just focus on smokes and mirrors created by PO-PiS on this thread :-)
28 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

If he won Germany would now, instead of brainwashing other EU members with neo-marxism dressed as "tolerance", teach in schools about 'ubermensh' and live of slavery of other Europeans nations.
27 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

@Bratwurst Boy

Sure, it takes German to know what Poles think and what Poles should say on PolishForums.
Psst, maybe this forum not good for you, BratwurstBoy? It clearly reads: PolishForums not GermanForums.

So I suggest that you either adjust to free speech or take a hike if you can't stand it.

That's my problem with Germans in general - you're totalitarian at heart. By your totalitarian approach you even turn virtues into vices. And then you want to forcibly share it with those who don't want it.
27 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

You are upset by the notion that Germans have so much Russian DNA in them. You're not racist are you?

And also let's not forget about the scale. Up to 2 million German when got raped during Soviet occupation if East Germany
27 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

That depends what part of Russia they're from.

And let's not forget that due to mass raping of German women during WWII, Russian (and Kalmuk/Mongolian) DNA is much more widespread in East Germany than in Poland.

Please keep to the topic
27 Feb 2019
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [400]

My true name is Pawian

Did you just started trolling Polish names thread? What's next, Polish food recipes...?
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [400]

First mention: year 1467, Marcin Obrycki from gmina "Obryte" region in Masovia. They've belonged to a Polish minor nobility
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

It would be interesting to know for me if Poles can spot any visible difference between Polish and Ukrainian appearance

The most visible difference would be a hairstyle of Ukrainian men, and somewhat exaggerated make up of a [mid age] Ukrainian women. There are also differences in face expressions. However, all of this diminishes after few years of living in Poland and the only thing that stays is the accent
25 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

It does exist. It's a political alliance of [real] right wing parties and political organisations such as ONR, MW and UPR. Currently it forms a base for ProPolish Coalition that is: RN+KORWIN +Braun+Godek+Skuteczni

In the last election their candidate R. Winnicki started from Kukiz15. Now he is a non-attached MP, a leader of National Movement and of the leaders of ProPolish coalition.

It's worth noting that a KORWIN party has also took part in both general election and the EU parliament elections and placed 2 MP's in the EU parliament. Leader of a Korwin party is a member of ProPolish coalition.
25 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Merkel has been chancellor since 2005.

Yes, correction: she's a been a leader of CDU since the year 2000 and a chancellor since 2005.

And she has in all those years stood for elections

Same as with PiS in Poland. They won the general elections and gained a majority in the Parliament.

There were never any attempts to deceive the voters about her influence.

Neither with PiS. Polish voters knew exactly who they're voting for. Kaczynski and PiS were like Steve Jobs and the Apple - everyone knew who is the leader and the spiritus movens of the party.

As a side note: I voted for a National Movement, yet I do accept the results of the democratic elections.

Far from it. The power of the German chancellor has several checks and balances, mostly through the federal nature of the political structure

So did she ask anyone for permission when she let in 1.5 million of "refugees" [many of them without any papers] to Germany? Why didn't any of those "checks and balances" work during that disastrous situation?
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Germanic racial stereotyping is still alive and well I see

Yes it is. I find it rather amusing since those who created those stereotypes were far from those ideals themselves. I wonder if Goebbels had any self-awareness about his own appearance when he preached about the Ubermensch in German media?

Yet, PolishForums is a free speech platform where anything and everything can be discussed and it should remain this way.
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

You will find many "horse faces" in Poland too

I prefer my Polish human face to any horse face thank you very much :-)

Kopernikus had a germanic head

Don't you know that Copernicus was a woman? Don't try to understand it, it's a Polish insider joke.
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

@BratwurstBoy @Weimarer

Let's take a look at German actors. Where would you place:

Franka Potente

Daniel Brühl

or Moritz Bleibtreu
24 Feb 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

There was no Polish state during the holocaust

True. In the years 1939-45 it was a General Government/Generalgouvernement that is Polish lands occupied by German army and under German administration. And the remaining parts of pre-war Poland were directly absorbed by the IIIrd Reich.
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

@BratwurstBoy, you've done you're research.

Er hat ein gutes sitzfleisch

Be more consistent, please.

Both of those statements compliment each other and are built upon your consecutive answers to my further questions.
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

I really regret the fact you don`t understand things and prefer to live in denial despite logical reasoning.

I'm asking you politely whether it is a symmetrical initiative or just a one sided homage?

If it is symmetrical, that's good, and you would have no problem providing photos of Israelis celebrating Polish culture in Israel.

No more dodging, let's see some concrete :-)