The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Sylvio  

Joined: 4 Mar 2016 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 1 Jan 2023
Threads: Total: 19 / Live: 8 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 154 / Live: 75 / Archived: 79
From: Inowroclaw
Speaks Polish?: Does
Interests: finding work

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17 Aug 2018
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

Away guy. Your comments are spot on. I counted 16 visits to office in total in 2017 to register a corsa i had bought from a lady in Inowroclaw. Plus countless paperwork. Things are like this a) authority asserts itself this way by rubbing peoples noses in dirt. After all they are the rulers not servants. b) it guarantees that only the secretly annoynted get anything done fast-. by skipping most if it. Ordinary folks wait, wait and keep paying fees..

Criticising Poland is a crime. No one is criticising Poland or Poles for being Polish. Im Polish myself. But young people in our country need to be steered away from the old models of public service. They need to learn to demonstrate, practice and enjoy empathy with customer. And make things more efficient, to save themselves bering lampooned.
27 Jul 2018
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

All these bad characteristics, although valid, are improving very fast. And I cant think of any country where culture is improving so fast, or even improving at all!. Yo me Poland rocks; We had to start somewhere. Its like a best friend who drinks too much. A cross-eyed pet dog. etc..Those who dont like it, can....look for Exit signs. ;)
24 Jul 2018
Life / Cost of converting cars in Poland to left-hand drive [58]

the usual polish arrogance and total lack of regard for other road users which is so prevalent on Polish roads.

This is so true. Wonder what it will take to see improvement there, if open borders have not done it.
22 Jul 2018
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Curious thing about all PC is no one has ever owned up to setting up its scope or criteria, deciding what measures up or not, nor even who or what institution introduced the term itself. Eh?! I suppose it must have "created itself out of nothing",.like our universe.
19 Jul 2018
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Dont forget we get horny birds like malgorzata wasserman on TV , for free here.!! :))
4 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

cms-neuf, speak for yourself. If i see a word i dont like, i scroll down. Try it. Who cares if subjects cross threads. Take a chill pill.
16 Jun 2018
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [438]

The pecking order is as long as all population lined-up in choo-choo train. And self-delusion, of thinking one is someone other than who they actually are, as common as Sunday migrane.. It would be lovely to have a pill for it developed, so all couples can keep at home in their medi- box.
15 Jun 2018
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [438]

Social intercourse is culture specific,.a little like sport. Unless you have grown up practicing it, you won't do well "in that style", and as such will avoid it. You can learn it, but it requires some effort and will take time to become good at it. As oftens is the case, untill you see yourself succeeding, innerly you can only hate it. Polish women abroad,.especially the not particularly switched on, may come across as disrespectful because they have difficulty learning it, hate it, and get scared of seeing themselves fail.
27 May 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Polish immigration to uk had been an entirely UK driven initiative. Master plan's objectives: to remove 3mln of potent and right-minded electorat from the Polish scene; to deprive these educated Christians of all political voice, and lastly to prevent UK's weak labor market from driving down GDP/£ . Catholic doctrine, with its thirst for freedom of expression, problematic to Brits through centuries. (See film: "The wind that shakes the barley" ). The so called racist attacks on Poles in UK are probably staged by low level press props in order to publish messages that would drive down confidence of the Polish Christians in UK.
2 May 2018
Life / The Art of Complaining by Polish people [47]

Complaining is the only pathway to improving anything..thats why stores who care about their trade keep a watchful eye for any sign thereof. Keep your mouth closed and watch standards of everything slide down and down..
19 Dec 2016
Food / Christmas pudding in Poland [22]

I live near Gniezno. Not sure if theres M&S in Poznan. But a recipe would be great if you could paste in here. The ingredients are in my local store, maybe except for Guiness. Wroclaw is a days drive from here. At least in my little car it is..
18 Dec 2016
Food / Christmas pudding in Poland [22]

I was wondering if any one familiar with this seasonally gay and cheerful article, ever came across it in Poland's stores? Living in a small town in Wielkopolska, do I stand a chance of finding it in our supermarkets? Thank you, and Merry Christmas
3 Jul 2016
Language / The "end piece" of a loaf of bread in Polish [80]

Nalepka doesn't mean anything such thing,Terri. Where did you get the idea of it meaning the sexual organ thing? Check out your dictionary before publishing your dross!
2 Jul 2016
USA, Canada / Car Export from USA / Canada to Poland [30]

Merged: shipping own car from Canada to Poland

Hi. Does anyone know an affordable,and reliable Polish carrier who could bring me my own truck from Canada to Poland? any advice much appreciated.. Sylvio
26 Jun 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1085]

Merged: Can Poland win Euro Cup 2016?

PL- Swiss, You may agree that again had a big problem hitting on target. This is sth to get used Polands game...dont see that being as bad in british premiership league,where seemingly good players so consistantly fail to strike on goal. Could it be Maybe they have bad eyesight or shd wear contact lenses. Or change footware? This really stands out in polands game for me...Thoughts?
1 Apr 2016
Law / Buying an unregistered car in Poland? [9]

Hi, Having seen several good value-4-money,unregistered vehicles on-line,in Poland, I am curious what are the pitfalls of buying an unregistered car from a dealer. Some of the opinions I have heard do not bode well for doing that. Are there any mitigating circumstances where buying a car like this may be ok, after all? What are the telltale signs of doom? Thank you, Sylvio