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Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]
I 've not weighed in here because it was at first all men arguing and I REALLY dislike how the thread is titled. It is makes for troll bait "Control?"rly? But Natasha is not alone.........
My children , which you can see in my profile..were all carried to term after I was age 30.
Invasive procedures and pressure to abort has come with each one. A given almost- I have to actually speak loud to say ?what! Of course I am keeping "it"!
I am very adamant about a desire for abortion to be called what it is: Terminating one life for the convience of one's own. Period.
Biblical consideration aside (and it states at conception in several places)....
Conception and the child is dehumanized in order to sugar coat and justify....
And even the infamous person here in US who fought in Roe vs Wade- regretted both the action and her case being made landmark .
I believe informed choices and FULL information is required. Pro abortionsits call it scare stories...
Have any of these pro abortionists (I say my belife pro-choice is the availbility of procedure in MEDICAL hands..not the tax support and promotion of it!) really watched a child in ultrasound? (which wasnt available when abortion was legalized). He/she is alive. Not alive like mold...truly alive!
Throwing abortion numbers out does not indicate how many of those young women did not know the full consequence..the risks to their fertility.. their mental state... Coercion comes in many forms and degrees.
Without many details..mine involved a gun, involved being tracked down, taken out of state against my will to a state that allowed for later termination. I had my "support " along side me all along... "aww how caring! " By the time I could speak alone to anyone it was too late. It wasn't even his child...he wanted ownership of me...
The damage done made for inability to carry without assistance until repair was thought to be done when my middle son was born
(oh yay ..
now I can have the typical family litters.. *sigh* and our women dont hit menopause til well into 60s). My Xmonster hates kids so had a vasectomy. He put up so didnt have to shut up.
I always know the WEEK I concieve that I am pregnant. And I am not the warm fuzzy type.
Though I gladly accept each pregnancy as a miracle and each child as a measureless gift, my aspergers actually makes it a queasy and disturbing time to have something LIVING moving INDEPENDENTLY of me and 'touching' me from inside.
I must point out though..sometimes one is on wrong side of small percent. My youngest made his way past 3 forms of birth control. One being Depo Provero !!
(( *whistle* 9_9 ..despite being forbidden by my normal physician to use hormonals..oh right Planned Parenthood asks no questions and simply promotes. So if I as knowledgible adult did many young who are under parental responsibility do so?)
Whats really ironic is when I tease family on the far side of left about death penalties (which they are so adamnat on taking of a life then) simply being "retroactive abortions". Sooo angry.
(I know it is trolly of me. I try not to most the time..but after they slap my face with their trout mace of +12 Liberalism 2-3 times ..I must use my saving throw to up my +13(add 6 for cha) shield of STFU!) srry my humor is all that keeps me sane