The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 835
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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29 Jan 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I hate the catholic church too. i wish polish people didnt always try to be west and embrace those values like two face hypocrytical catholicism instead of the byzantine and cyryllic alphabet. catholics are the biggest hypocrytes. look wt their history and burning witches and ****. its one thing to believe in god and pray but why subscribe to their dogma?
29 Jan 2021
Love / Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife [62]

I don't even get the big deal about sex. It is way too much effort in Poland to even get it and energy spent and most of them are selfish and don't even know how to please but just want to receive. i literally can get way more pleasure jacking off or using a shower spray around my balls and **** then any of these polish chicks can do for me. Plus I don't have to listen to questions about what I do or how much money I make every time I see them. all they do is use and abuse men. they get foreigners to get them free meals every day of the week in Warsaw pretending they are being taken on "dates." why would i have any respect for the female gender outside my family and how they act? if anything i can just run into some lonely and divorced middle aged woman and im sure ill have sex again anyway.

The other thing about many of these polish women is they don't seem to be into artists or want a dude in transition in life. if you ride a moped or the bus and don't own a var and don't have a fancy place it seems to be a deal breaker and its pointless to even meet or date any of them. its sort of pointless for them as well because i never dated or was in a relationship. i just use women usually even subconsciously to throw all my frustrations on and nag to them about the world. i end up ******* them and using them for my problems as someone to talk to.
28 Jan 2021
Life / Single mothers in Poland [175]

im gonna for sure stay single forever. to tell the truth ive never been in a real or serious relationship my entire life and Im 35 now.
28 Jan 2021
News / The quality of Polish media coverage [50]

lol you guys actually consider thie good journalism or what exists in Poland as good journalism and good English speakers?

At 3:33:

"Welcome to apolish In"

"Ummm... Good Day,"

They should hire me instead, even as an analyst role, as both these guys sucked. They cant even talk and all they bark is a bunch of propaganda.
28 Jan 2021
Life / Are hipster undercuts popular in Poland? [14]

I cant stand normis and corporate ***** NPCs like this so much. they make me sick. he probably thinks hes some chick magnet or some **** living a lie.

They all look like homos that get ****** with a strap on by their fat wives. And no wonder its the marketing folks:

Marketing ppl are so retarded. I don't get why this career is so popular in Poland and Warsaw and why they keep sending me these webinar invites on Facebook.

give me one reason why i would want to be them? do you really think deep down they are happy with their fakeness?

look at the dude on the right, the older csr. doesn't he look stuck up like hes got something up his ass guys?
23 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / lol at the Polish recruitment process for jobs [6]

Guys... this is the typical recruiter in Poland off LinkedIn or other sites notice how flash she seems and her profile just like these polish companies marketing how its all flashy and bells and whistles but no bang. like its all to impress first impressions like the latest game cyberpunk from cd projekt red rather than substance. They are like living the world of Las Vegas:

and the funny thing is they all seem to thing they're superior or they are some nation leading edge in tech and reject you more than any other company in the world including when you lived in USA did. this cheap ass phony pollack **** dont work and hope their companies go out of business and cd projekt red as well.

everything here seems fake or like they're trying too hard to be westerners.

also their sites even corporate professional polish company sites all seem to look similar except the top dogs or big firms. they all seem like they're made in a template. and thy only want to hire master sor oh.ds lol with such **** country their masters degrees within the country don't matter to anyone else,
23 Jan 2021
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

" that's pretty much always the case with migration - what differs are the proportions of non-integrating disgraces and those who do integrate..."

So you think the white ones even Slavs or east euros integrate better than other races?
22 Jan 2021
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

to be honest in California hed do at least ten because they for sure would charge him with attempted murder. long maybe a second or two before i let him go on got on my bike to get out of the scene, but we are talking about a guy who crushed another mans skull in after he was out with a microwave. imagine what he would be charged in liberal Santa Cruz especially being Polish.
21 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Does this include the Croats as well? because although they are Slavic there seems to be something off about them know what I mean? Bulgarians too.
21 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

again, read about the original diablo how it was made. how it was just really a passion project wnd ended up taking off for the company and at the time funding blizzard which was a no name until that game and the warcrafts. they didnt make them even with profit in mind. like the original final fantasy was just a lost ditch effort. by catering to the masses kf nor is in the west it is the opposite approach to what those companies did what cd projekt red is doing is opposite to what respectable game srudios like blizzard or valve have done before they got big. and dont tell me ce projekt red is big it isn't its just a greedy company that makes or made thus far until now a shitload of money but they dont hire a big team because again its a greedy corporwte shill of a company. they also force their devs to do crunch so they dont have to hire anyone new.
21 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

No still a business just not one where the primwry or only goal is profit wt the expense of dignity. profit csn be w gowl but it doesnt have to be the main or only one. look at non profit orgs for instance they still make money and people have salaries working for such companies but they arent greedy with it or corporate schills.
21 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

Again, you must know little about gaming as a business. There are companies out there who choose not to sell out, not to get acquired, to make a game knowing it wont sell well just to make it because it was the passion of the founder or founding members to make it, etc.
21 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

" Following the market. Normal really; they have to cover their costs."

wrong I disagree. they went beyond and beyond covering their costs which by the way due to them doing cheap marketing gimmicks like hiring Keanu Reeves and hiding the demo or other shwdy practices made them cover their entire dev cost just based on pre orders. gaming is a passion and a hobby and not just something to make money. plenty of dev studios for instance make super highly complex games and only target pc users for instance rather than all consoles and two generations at once just to make the kiddies and millenials happy. some companies like the Ukrainian studio gsc games behind the stalker series care about their fans, the market and making a lasting legacy for themselves rather than bring bought and sold on wall street like corporate ****** and shills. you seriously think theyre not greedy pulling stunts like hiding ganeplay or releasing fake demos prior to a software launch and creating a game for normies and the mass market rather than eastern europeans? Why make w game from poland about a dystopian us city full of black people trwnnies and **** when you are an eastern european game dev studio? just makes no sense man follow the lead of gsc games instead.
20 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

I agree with Crow on this. and Poland isn't western Europe you are talking someone who grew up in California or the ultimate west and Poland is the weirdest European country or really first world country I have ever been to and the most outlandish and different from "Europe,"
19 Jan 2021
Travel / Which places in Praga, Warsaw are MOST DANGEROUS at night? [15]

I sort of like the praga bar that has live music and really is so underground their bathroom barely works on the most gangster street in all of praga brzesow but it is at the beginning of that street not deep in where I went to that one time and I think i shared a video of me going into that alley of drug dealers across the broken building but thats a separate story and how one of them this redheaded guy threatened to throw me in the trash. but there is a bar that has live music on the left side in the first parking on brzeska street thats pretty cool. Not really for chicks or women just the vibe reminds me of dive bars I used to go to in California when I lived in San Jose like the 49ers bar in San Jose across from the pink poodle. the praga bar is like that. I would have funny conversations there usually with other blokes it wasnt w place to get laid but just zone out chill out listen to the music etc. I actually showed I think thet video maybe only to dirk diggler me going in there when me and dirk diggler used to be friends on here lol. but i will try to google map and see if i can find the name of that bar with the live music.
18 Jan 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

id rather be in love with Putin than quqsi religious pis. at least Putin has charisma and knows judo and how to ride a horse. what charisma does Kaczyński have?
17 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

to be honest I wouldnt mind being called or considered a freak. id much rather be an ultra who whether you admit it or not are considered freaks even within right wing Poland than someone like you or a normi. at least they have a passion or something to gang bang and fight for while most people are just corporate stooges and live for greed. most normies just live for capitalism and items or posessions they have no soul and are just bought and sold on wall street. that's why the kardashians appeal to them.

my bad I didnt mean to call you a pollack. I am a polak or Polish myself. But yea I dont want to be a normi and would choose not to even if I didnt have an alternate experience or views or even an awareness most people dont have I would rather go against the grain than be part of wo called society. Thats why the ultras are so interesting because they go against the grain and both authority and society.
17 Jan 2021
Off-Topic / "the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again) [19]

it is too normi status or made to appeal to mass appeal rather than have eastern european or slavic flavor like the stalker games for instance by gsc studio and really was just made to make money rwther than define a genre or be different. on the other hand the upcoming stalker is a game worth getting excited about by a ukrainian studio much more impressive and doing it on a much smaller budget:

the whole atmosphere from the way the cars look to houses to trees in the stalker games is eastern european it isnt a series like everything cd projekt red and Polish studios do to mass appeal but to appeal to a specific audience and has genuine feel of eastern europe. it isnt designed just to make money like the Polish software.

this is the true eastern european game worth getting excited about and it isnt made mass appeal to a western audience or made just to make money but to have an actual legacy on the market:
16 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

" I don't support anything that can be achieved with affirmative actions or quotas."

you may not but every company in tech or big tech even startups and basically any company in us outside **** jobs like manual labour do. you'll soon be replaced by a female or a robot or some black person. or have to stay in Poland making **** wages and cant even freelance with us firms.
16 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It isn't wokeness but aspects of the u.s. that is creating this like the fact you are done there if you have a record and have to be pretty much homeless unless you have friends and family to help you. But you're just a norm who wouldn't know that or think that far. Look what they do to peoples reputations there printing full names in online newspaper articles vs like in Poland or Europe with gdpr and even before gdpr not even doing that. Not everyone wants to be a plumber or some construction worker or work in a factory nor has the physical body for physical labor as a profession.

Please back to the topic
15 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Hey Paulina, are you truly woke? and do you agree or identify with women in the west like the one who wrote this?