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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 2 / Archived: 7
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From: Warszawa

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11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Yes, Tictatoe!: Like said, if you with key words, you should get tons of entries (in Polish language only). I know, in the 21st century it's hard to believe (and unfortunately Poland is not the only place where women have to rely on things of the kind).

Yes, Domestos sure does kills germs but let's imagine the damages to the women (probably even perforation).
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Tictato: ps; I know it's hard to believe. First time when I was told, I refused to believe it..... Then I heard it from all sorts of people not connected with each other and now I know that this is the (sad) reality.

I checked through Google Polska: Polska - aborcja - domestos and only in the Polish language I got over 1.5 million entries.
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

True and well known in Poland! Check with women's associations for instance! Illegal abortions are performed not only with coat hangers ;). Women as so desperate that they use anything they can think of and that's the reason why abortion should be legal and thus performed in medical environments.

Only Valibans don't want to face reality!

@Tictatoe: the proof is a well-known fact in Poland. I used Google and I found 1,620,000 entries (in 0.54 seconds ;)) with keywords ;). There is also ... Ludwik used too ...
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I remember some years ago when a Dutch boat transformed into an abortion clinic came near Polish coast but stayed in international waters to perform abortions in Poland inspite of then Polish government's uproar. Most probably we'll have more of such boats to come to Poland to help Polish women who cannot go abroad.

Besides, for quite a few years, there have been quite a few abortion clinics in the Czech Republic near the Polish borders and owners of said - private - clinics get "golden b..." (as said in France) out of it.

Again, pure hypocrisy! A lot of people are getting very rich with this kind of business whereas, an abortion being a medical act, should be performed in a hospital and free of charge (= NFZ in Poland)
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Jon: as you are aware, the current Polish law is most restrictive and I'm sure that a lot of women in Poland would like to have abortion as easily available (and free of charge) as it is everywhere in Europe (with exceptions of only Ireland, Malta, Andorra and San Marino ;)).

Under current law, some 1,000 abortions are done per year in Poland whereas some 80,000 to 100,000 Polish women abort illegally. They either do it themselves with coat hangers, Domestos or knitting needles and when they have money they travel abroad each year (mainly of course to neighborhing countries, Germany, Czech, Slovakia and even Ukraine). I knew about abortion clinics in Czech near Polish border to accommodate Polish women but I did not know that Ukraine was liberal in terms of abortion (sure in places like Ukraine or Russia, they used to have abortions AS contraception but since after communism, they have become very religious but may be the Ukrainian Church is more progressive than the Polish Church ;))

(PS: numbers can be checked in all Polish medias as well as in foreign medias)

(PPS: #IamaPolishwoman)
10 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Pol: even among Church people, chastity does not exist! How many abortions of nuns or of other women made pregnant by priests?Well, it's the same in the other religions. With religions, it is "do as I say not what I do". I know, in religions, best to pretend everything is alright. Pure hypocrisy!

@Pol: abortion does not only concern young girls but all women and I'm sure that most abortions are not by teenagers. Yes, I know, it's easier to believe Church propaganda according to which teenage "sl..ts" abort and they need to be punished. I suppose you have never met any woman who had to go through an abortion.

Anyway, whatever the Church will say, women have always aborted and will always do and within let's say max10 years, abortion will be legal in Poland.
10 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Hi Jon! Great article, thanks! Not nice to Polish government but so .... true! The Guardian is needless to say serious source (contrary to YouTube and whatever Daily Sh#### so often referred to here by ignorants)
9 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

of course, there is a "before" and an "after" "service". A woman considering abortion has to meet psychologists and doctors so she can understand what is it about. Further to the 1 or several (depending on cases) meetings with psychologists and doctors, the woman is given time to think it over and when she feels ready, she aborts. She may of course change her mind and decide not to abort. Obviously after abortion, more psychological help as needed. This is so in western countries.

Deciding to have an abortion is not like making an appointment to have a hair cut the following day.

Since obviously NO ONE can stop abortions, best to have them done in hospitals by competent professionals! An abortion being a medical act, it cannot be performed at home while using coat hangers, soap, knitting needles or the like. I cannot even imagine a woman introducing objects into her body and risking her life ... We are not in the Middle-Ages or in Afghanistan!

@Ironside: Wrong, no sex education classes in Poland! I know that in the West, they even show kids how to put condoms on. I seriously doubt that they do that in Polish schools ;). Also, they don't teach about contraception. The no.1 contraception in Poland is ... temperature (like they used to do in Western Europe till 1950)

@Pol: how do you think a girl aborting in her bathroom or kitchen using a coat hanger may feel? Do you think that if she does not kill herself, she'll feel great? Would it not be better and to have her abort in a hospital's comfort with professionals?
9 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

come on, Pol! As to Razem, as they have brilliant leaderS, I'm sure they'll be in Sejm next time. There were also ... rainbow flags. I know, I was there for a while, as they had a stand by the side of the Canadian Embassy and in front of French Embassy.

And yes, a woman's uterus belongs to her, not to a state, to a religion or to anybody else.
9 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

For sure! ;). Anyway, the show starts at 2 pm ("Polish" time) so getting ready to go ;)

Well, was there for a while! Of course, there were not ... millions of people but it is good when people react.... There were women, men, of all age groups although a majority of very young girls (18-20...) since obviously the main concerned about problem. Although it seems to have been organized by Razem, there were quite a few people from KOD. I suppose people supporting KOD are mostly liberal so they can relate to pro-abortion movements....

Basically for me: "hospital: yes", "coat hanger: no"!
9 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Pol: do you really believe that a SINGLE PiS MP will vote against such a proposal? ;). Anyway, demos everywhere in Poland not only in Warsaw.
8 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Absolutely, Atch! Although I have witnessed a lot of changes (for the better ;)) within Polish society over the years, they still represent a tiny % of society and at least for a very long time, Poland will remain a closed and conservative society. Societies like Spain and Portugal have progressed a lot and have become most liberal (especially Spain) in the past 25-30 years when they became democratic so everything can change but in case of Poland (for instance), it'll take a longer time ;)....
8 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

of course, forbidding something does not make it to disappear ;). Having an abortion is not "easy" so best to make it legal. Nobody will force anyone to have an abortion but if a woman has to go through the ordeal, she will be able to have one in the best condition and with the proper psycholigical help (she won't be treated as a criminal but as a woman in a very difficult situation who needs support).

Sure, it will hurt the poor since the rich will keep paying private doctors in Poland or go abroad (even in nearby Czech Republic, it is not cheap). In Poland, a private doctor demands a few thousands of ZL (the guy risks prison so he won't do it for free) and for most women (especially when alone and from underprivileged classes, it is a lot of money and they don't have it). Going abroad costs a lot that only the very rich can envisage.

Anyway, keeping things illegal (abortion, drugs, prostitution, .....) just make things worse! When things are made legal, they become clear and are controlled and the whole society benefits from it. But, let's keep doing like in the "old times" and like in backwards countries and let's pretend everything is ok ;). In the same idea, I remember having watched a meeting in an American society between the then President of Iran with American students, during which said Iranian answered an American student that "in Iran there are no homosexuals and therefore no problem with homosexuality" ;). Polish authorities and (all) religions act same way: they don't want to acknowledge problem so there is NO problem to deal with.

A lot of Polish women (since we are in Poland) will continue butchering themselves but "who" cares? Those "s...ts" (I am using their way of talking) got what they deserve. Didn't Trump himself say a couple of weeks ago that women who abort should be .... punished (.....)! Welcome to the Middle-Ages!

Poor women!
8 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

It is just a matter of stopping with hypocrisy! Best to abort in a hospital rather than at home with the use of coat hangers, soap, knitting needles and the like. Only brainwashed people cannot understand this. Abortions are as old as the world is and always will be so why being hypocrit about it and pretending nothing happens?

Rich women will always have access to medically assisted abortions thanks to their money + contact and the other women (the most numerous in any society) will keep butchering themselves in countries such as Poland. In order to stop being hypocrit and to discriminate against poorer women, legalizing abortion is of course the only answer.

How many of you guys in this thread personally know about abortion? I mean, for boys/men, how many girls/women do you personally know who had to go through an abortion? I suppose almost no one so once more, stop talking about what you know nothing about (a speciality in these fora ;)). Do you guys imagine how desperate a woman can be when she introduces objects into her body? I am sure that most of you cannot...

Unfortunately most Polish women won't go down to the streets tomorrow since unfortunalty most Polish women accept the "status quo" (= "it is like this, so ..... tak jest") and some Polish women will fight against abortion because the Church told them "abortion is wrong"...

Nobody forces anybody to abort so don't deny basic rights to others!

Like French philosopher Voltaire said "I don't share your opinion but I will fight so you can express it"....
8 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Atch: In 2016 to have women aborting themselves with coat hangers, soap, knitting needles and the like is criminal and also hypocrit. When something goes wrong and the woman has to be taken to hospital, doctors have to report the case to police and woman faces (up to 5 years in prison) (I know it from high level Polish politicians, I don't rely on YouTube bs like a lot of members(Levy, Mafketis and the sort ...) here ;)).

This is pure hypocrisy as abortions cannot be forbidden: rich women will go abroad or at home will seek private doctor's help and the poor will do it themselves with all the risks.

Also a big problem, in societies such as Poland (and other religious countries), people do not receive sex education so they don't know much about sex.

Here again, the problem is ... (any) religion (= intolerance, ignorance and lack of basic rights)
8 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Tomorrow, more demonstrations in Warsaw and most probably in other big cities in Poland. As a woman and as a democrat, I'll be there. Since abortions have been around since the beginning of the human race and will last for ever, I prefer to have women abort in secured medical structures rather than having them to do it themselves while using coat hangers or soap.....

In Europe, only Poland, Ireland and tiny places such as Malta, Andorra, San Marino ... are still denying basic rights to women!

PS: how many (moreover unwed ;) nuns do abort? ;). Let's stop hypocrisy!
7 Mar 2016
Genealogy / Want to find a person [761]

@Usiena! I suppose it won't be difficult since you have full name and where + when she was a ballet dancer. I am sure you'll be able to get info re her whereabouts since then from places she could have danced with. Good luck! :)
5 Mar 2016
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

geez! 'ALL" Poles being blond with blues eyes!!!! Another post written by a teenager! Poles have all kinds of colors of hairs and of eyes. Personally I'm still amazed at those Poles with litteraly black hair. Before that, I had seen (white) people with black hair only in Southern Spain, Portugal and Italy. In my "goodless" language, we don't even use the word 'black" for color of white people's hair (= implying that white people don't have black ) but strangely in Poland some do..... .
2 Mar 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@Pol3: probably better to be bashed than to be ignored! Only significant people are bashed ;) so don't worry too much!
2 Mar 2016
Polonia / Is it possible to meet a Polish female in Dubai? I'm looking for fun. [45]

Why do Polish women have so bad reputation? It is rather insulting. I live in Poland and I can say that at least 99.99% of Polish women are no different from any other. I personally know around 100 Polish women. Some are pretty, some are ugly, dumb or intelligent, skinny or fat, etc etc and contrary...

Such posts are rather immature!

It used to be a time when Polish girls were desperate to get out of Poland so they would jump along with any first idiot from the West unable to find a local or western girl but these days are well over. Polish girls are no longer desperate and I assume that only in tiny sh@@@hole places, having a western partner/spouse is still seen as some kind of "prestige". I have met thousands of Polish girls and interact with at least 1 hundred of them and I don't see any difference between them and grils/women from similar backgrounds in the west. The huge majority of Polish women I know are married or in couple with .. Polish men. Polish girls/women prefer nice successful Polish men rather than ugly and poor westerners.

Westerns guys who are too ugly to find someone locally and who are desperate should look further East where women are really desperate because of poverty and need to go West. Most Polish women are not any different from most western women (I am a woman first of all and have met thousands of Polish women so I know). I understand those immature guys base their "theory" on ONE or a couple of Polish girls they have met but be serious, how to judge a whole population upon such a tiny sample? Completely stupid!

To whom may be concerned: grow up, become a man and also do RESPECT women and I am sure you'll find a nice local girl just around your corner!
28 Feb 2016
Real Estate / Websites to find an apartment for rent in Poland? [30]

Tough but reality (and not only in Poland but everywhere). Of course owners want to make sure that tenants will be able to pay rent. Polish laws make it very difficult for owners to expel tenants so they'd rather not rent to avoid problems. My husband and I used to have tenants and after too many problems (after a tenant had left, we found the bathroom sink (total remont of flat 6 months before ;)) inside a cupboard in the bedroom), we decided to sell.... Having tenants often means a lot of problems and if on top of that tenants don't have jobs, don't have money, what to expect? Most owners are not big capitalists but "average" people who rely on money received from tenants in order to live a bit better or to reimburse a mortgage, etc...

As to owners not renting to (some) foreigners, it is of course a reality (not only in Poland but everywhere again) and NEVER we read anything of the kind in PF. People who of course don't live in Poland and basically don't have any experience with situation will tell anyone from India, Pakistan, Nigeria and so forth "go through" or whatever WITHOUT saying that it'll be most difficult to be accepted by (Polish) landlords. Yes, if you are from a 3rd world country, you are not white, not catholic, you'll have a hell of time to find accommodation in Poland. It is this way too in Western Europe and in North America (for instances, as I personally know both areas very well) so why should it be "easier" in Poland? Because of EU, there may be anti discrimination laws in Poland too but how the h..ell can we prove that we are denied a flat/house or a job based upon one's race, nationality, religion (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, handicap....? We canNOT unless of course concrete written proof (but in 99.99% of cases no proof) so just forget about it!

Obviously nobody in PF will give you accommodation. The only way to sort it out would be to get help from your country people. I suppose you are from India and you hang around other Indians. You know, minorities always rely on their own communities for help.

If you have no job, why are you in Poland? If you are from non EU, your stay in Poland is because of work and if no work = illegality.

Not easy situation and I hope you'll resolve your problems!
26 Feb 2016
Classifieds / Teaching Job [online] for an English Native Speaker - Poland based online school [19]

@Terri! yes :) )! When something looks too good, I suspect it to be fishy and very often it is. I know that people need to work and sometimes as they are desperate, they just take anything (I have done it too because no other choice (but never stayed long) so I understand and I don't blame them) but it is necessary to first of all check all details about the company. Also, when a company hires all the time, it is often because employees don't stay ;). I'm also skeptical about those looking for labor through free of charge portals (ok though for a babysitter, private lessons, a cleaning lady or someone to work around the house...) (I've been working for close to 30 years so I know a lot re topic and I could write books ;)).
26 Feb 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@Pol3: absolutely! It is NOT to be a "marxist" to expect that the "élites" to be concerned about the WHOLE nation and not only about themselves and their castes. I agree with you and it has nothing to do with "marxism" or any other "ideology", it is just democracy (from Greek "demos") and common sense.

Unfortunately for (a lot of) Americans, life is so simple; either you are with "us" or you are a "communist" and they don't have the slightest idea that life is not black or white but that there are thousands of views in between. Well, people, like you and me, Pol3, know it but ... ;)

I have personally noticed in Poland that those NOW claiming to be strong anti-communists were among those who benefitted the most from the socalled communist regime. Typical! ;)
25 Feb 2016
Love / What are the good places to meet decent woman motivated to establishing a family in Ustka area? [32]

Sorry, Grzegorz, I am "concrete" but basically a lot of guys (including here) don't see much more re women. Sad, I know but life is .. crual

@Twoni: thanks for your mp (wow! What class! :))! Please don't focus on anything particular and you'll find THE woman. Usually we find when not looking and this applies to everything.

PS: are you sure you don't have any nice single woman around you? ;).