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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2134 / Live: 994 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
25 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Anybody who is eligible to vote in Poland is able to read here what we write, no matter which party they belong to.

I simply ask to lower the tension, I know this is a hot potatoe and I am strongly on one side of this fence and no, I am not naive when it comes to PiS. I can't remember any economical policy I would support that they have suggested

It's just a matter of degree, freedom to choose which milk you would like to drink from which type of cow is not the same as having the butcher operating cows to take out calves cause they didn't have enough white spots to be łaciata
Mr Grunwald   
25 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

Oddly enough, I remember reading about a German officer on the eastern front being out of bullets and looking at his enemy soldier thinking first he was fighting the red army, after understanding it was a Polish soldier he exclaimed that he would had surrendered long ago if he knew he was fighting the Poles! Then a Soviet officer (not sure if in Polish uniform or not) approached the German and executed him.

I read it about In a book about Berling's army
Mr Grunwald   
25 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

If you don't believe me, then just google "red pill movement" they are actively working for the abolishing of marriage as they consider it one sided. Only sleeping with women and bailing as soon as possible after they had their fun, just spreading misery everywhere. This needs to stop

We need an open dialog in the Sejm, not more protesters in the streets. We need to talk honestly about this and not fixate on PO vs PiS contest.

This is about the future of Poland and not some football match
Mr Grunwald   
25 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

They are shooting themselves in the foot, don't they understand which path it leads them to? Trust in marriages are declining in the west, soon these women protesting now thinking they can find a husband when turning 30-35 years old will get a huge shock about who they will be able to choose.

It's a dark and grim future I wish we could avoid... at least in Poland. Men will soon lose interest in having children or proposing marriage if nothing is done. You should know perfectly well what hopeless and careless men are capeable of (as a teacher knowing history)

Those protesters need a wake up call
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

Your saying there are no consequences to refusal of paying taxes? How wonderful

I did not state about any state not using taxes
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

It's not about being afraid to use violence, it's about not using it. Or you saying that the milicja during PRL was justified in using violence? The state is not supposed to use violence against her own citizens, simple
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

I regard the higher the taxation there is in a society, the less trust it has in it's own society to solve problems, meaning less civilized and more barbaric.

Not being afraid to seek conflict (verbally) is not the same as threatening somebody.

Do you regard it to be peaceful on this forum? :)
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

Don't tell you me didn't know that Romans regarded their emperors as Gods? It was the reason Israelites couldn't tolerate Romans or why Christians didn't bow to Roman authorities

And yes, coins from that time clearly states it

Do you know the history of taxation? It wasn't standard to tax income monthly until very recently in a modern age (to the state) it was used during wartime or to prepare for war. Check up history of taxation in the U.S, plenty of roads in major American cities and railroad being built across America.

I don't know anything about Zakat, I am simply confident that Jesus did not intend people to point guns at others to help the poor
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

What a remarkable proposal, I have been pondering over creating an orphanage actually. I would support it wholeheartedly, let's see how many in Poland would sign up for it
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I hope you understand my position of being against rights and privileges for a certain group within our society.

As it would again lead us towards a dark path in our history.

One should always be willing to help those in need, wether they are rejected, poor, unprotected or without options. Creating laws that make the assumption that a man can't be trusted to take care of a family only nourishes that thought further.

I for one am not going propagate irresponsibility towards others. I have been quite irresponsible most of my life, I am willing to turn that around now.

Anyone is free to voice their opinion, either on the street, a forum or newspapers. To think it won't have consequences is folly however.
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

1. Coins that stated that Ceasers were divine were definatly not from the almighty father, so seek what is of the father, not what is of Ceasers! Forcing anyone to pay through taxes on the threat of jail or worse through violence? One is supposed to give it up willingly on an individual level to those in need, not giving up 35% or more of your work to brutes threatening you.
Mr Grunwald   
23 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


What do you call killing unarmed prisoners? Tell me how can someone not born yet, protect themselves from death? We are not talking about a single cell that has no possibility on it's own to become a human being here.

You can bend it no matter how, I won't agree with you on this. It's just wrong, if women even considers this I rather spend the rest of my time as a hermit. Hidden away from anything you would call civilization

Love is what I aim for, and this action will never be love.
Mr Grunwald   
23 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

You seem to be under the impression that murder has no consequences, especially towards those you seem esthetically unpleasing.

I am quite grateful that you are not the prime minister of Poland
Mr Grunwald   
15 Oct 2020
History / Rome - It's traditions in Poland throughout history [4]

I thought about having this thread containing several topics:

Religion: Poland being mostly Roman Catholic having strong connections with the bishop of Rome when it came to religious matters

Politics: From the concept of Polish crown being granted as legitimate by the bishop of Rome and republican traditions that inspired the "Sejm" "rzeczpospolita" and it's relations towards emperors

Culture: Roman sense of honor seem to have been conflicting with Polish women's power and influence in Poland. In Roman tradition it was very much up to the head of the family, the man to decide about the very life of women in his family (especially after being dishonored wether wife or daughter) while communication seem to have been the key in intermarriage among Poles.

Military: The Roman military was adjusted to military expansion through conquest and conquering slaves to secure their economical standpoint. While Poland seem to have used it's military to a far more larger degree to secure political gains, prestige and defense against invaders. (An exception to this was during the wars that Mieszko and Bolesław Chrobry expanded Poland's borders)
Mr Grunwald   
14 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]

When I am in Poland, I experience quite good services actually. Even when I was visiting with my friends ordering pizza, they were all positively surprised and gave a bonus tip for the service.

A week ago almost I was in Poland, and both hotel staff and the office I was at were rather welcoming and helpful
Mr Grunwald   
14 Oct 2020
News / A good day for animals, fur trade and ritual slaughter banned / limited in Poland [22]

That is utter rubbish, humans mainly ate meat (hunting wild animals) using fur for clothes and tents. Only during warm times it was that fruits, vegetables were eaten.

I have been eating mainly meat and fish for the last year with only a few vegetables and no carb filled rice/pasta/bread (Sunday's an exception for obvious reasons)

I have never been as healthy as I am now a days I feel very good. It has healed my body and helped with fasting as well! Importantly wild meat or quality meat should be consumed
Mr Grunwald   
14 Oct 2020
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [222]

Depends on the word I reckon
Wiedżma/baba Jaga has a more pagan/sinister maliscious sounding to it (witch)

While czarownica has more the resemblance of the word "enchantress" as being "zaczarowanym" is basically being enchanted.

Shortly... He is probably in love and has difficulty of thinking about anything else then you, and considers you to be the source of his affections and hormones going wild
Mr Grunwald   
13 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

Could you please explain to all of us how centralized the HRE was? Was there a need for diplomacy between merchants? Clergy? Nobility? The emperor? Not to mention the electors

Britain on the other hand was more then enough willing to meddle anywhere she could get her nose in.
Mr Grunwald   
13 Oct 2020
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [1006]

@Dirk diggler
That's where you are wrong, just as @pawian clearly points out what is shown at school, Poles (slavs in general, take a guess why slavs are called slavs in English) were captured and sold off as slaves before slavic states started to exist.

Servitude without locked chains are not the same as having a healthy framework with boundaries.

There is a difference of owning a human being and looking at that human being as a product compared to owning each other's hearts like two lovers.

That you don't feel empathy or sympathy towards anyone who's ancestors experienced slavery, wether under the boot of communists, fascists, emperors or any tyrannical regime begs the question: Who are you?