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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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6 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Crow: you are some kind of freak amongst your nation, because all others are looking to RUSSIA. I would be more proud to be born Serb than Polish!!!!

Serbs are old core. i am proud to it. All Slavs are aware of it. But, in this very moment Poland should be leading force and Serbs should help to Poland.

Russia can only profit from strengthening of Poland and increased Polish role in Slavic world. i sense that. Russia itself should be redirected to look to Poland and shouldn`t be selfish here.

This is not correct, Poland don't need anything from Serbs.

in global game, Slavic Poland can`t survive without Serbs
6 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

during Hitler era Marshall Rydz-Smigly annexed that part and fcuked up relations with President of Czechoslovakia Benes

just rely on Serbs in Polish-Czech misunderstandings and you shall see how new Poland arising. Serbs would explain to Czechs. Only Serbs makes the difference.

Vast resources of Slavija should be under Slavic control.

Now, Warsaw... what shall be!? Death in silence or attempt for eternal glory?
6 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Even tho' it is part of the Church of Rome, not the Slavic Orthodoxy?

Catholicism is Catholicism, Orthodoxy is Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy isn`t more Slavic then Catholicism and the opposite

after all, i see Poland as Slavic Poland. Other are technical details

But, let me underline that today, in Christianity, we- Slavs have far less religious differences then in ancient time when practically every house/family/clan had its own spirits, every sub-region had its own local Gods, etc, etc. So, i don`t have problems with technical details. Those details were not important to Racowie (Serbians) in the middle age and aren`t important to the modern day Serbs.

Poles are good Slavs and that`s enough to me. This way or another, Poland is hope
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Yeah, he is a big fan of the Polish football team but doesn't seem to have studied international relations.

let`s not about creature Tusk. This is noble thread dedicated to Poland as great Slavic Mother
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

i would just underline one fact that becoming obvious when Slavs from Czecka, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia,... talk among themselves

That fact is one great truth.... we all see Poland as point of sublimation for all our hopes in life in freedom, independence. We all see Poland as last resort, as center, as our great Slavic Mother.

what i want to tell you, i don`t believe in Brussel. I see only Warsaw
22 Jan 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

They have started allready (NATO)
But if it is sincere and how long it will last. Mmm :)

if you ask me- its playing with the divil situation

Biggest Poland`s hope is.... that Ukraine and Russia solve their problems, that they consolidate as democratic powers, that Ukraine and Poland solve their opened questions, that Baltic remain at least neutral on Poland, that Czech Rep. and Slovakia strenghten and that Serbia consolidates and again increase her influence on Balkan.

All that because `devil will go mad one day` as it is always with the devils. But, with consolidated situation in her Slavic neighborhood, on her northern, eastern and south-eastern borders and with her traditional partners (Balkan Serbs) in decisively important European strategic region such is Balkan, Poland can survive and even profit, even expand her borders... after devil`s schemes collapse
20 Jan 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Germans and Turks are one. Being in alliance with Germans means being in alliance with Turks

Russians played their schemes with Germans but refused to play with Turks. That`s why Russians are cursed by so called west

Now, Russians must end their schemes with Germans. Its stupid if Poles now start. It would be ironic
15 Jan 2010
News / Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport to close in September [27]

Idiotic, even by the standards of a state-owned Polish company!

what idiotic? Poland need time. That`s all. There are real problems

Do you understand that Poland suffered 50 years under communist rule? Every segment of society was affected by it. Then, look how many young intellectuals and work capable people go out of Poland in other EU countries. EU is greedy monster without limitations and wants to take best from Poland for a little amount of money.

Poland giving more then Poland receiveing from EU and,... we see consequences.
30 Dec 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

And some more german eye candy for the boys:

German you said?

its glad to me to say that germanization didn`t completely ruin beauty of Slavic genetics that was assimilated
23 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]


but see, those are just empty talks untill the Serbs stand up

23 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

we all have our rols. If there was no one Serbian Milos Obilic, there wouldn`t been one Polish Jan Sobieski. If there was no one Serbian Gavrilo Princip, there wouldn`t been one Polish Pilsudski

only tru, realy tru Poles understand Serbs. Whenever i had opportunity to talk with true Polish patriots that was conversation without mutual complexes. We knew. Tru Poles understand that Serbians are nothing but last bearers of Sarmatian name and they without hestitation admits that, without any complex. In return, Serbs knows that their time of glory has passed, scatered in centuries of clashes with our mutual foes. For that Serbs don`t blame Poles, why should they. Serbs simple know that all Serbian victims has meaning only if Poles survive and reach climax of their hights. So, Serbs tend to contribute to Poles, for Poles are nothing but other aspect of our own ethnic being. Eventualy, Serbian moment of glory can be even repeated only if Poland re-take the throne of Europe. Or if nothing, only the Poles would have rightfull interest to give a minute of silence to Serbs, only they.
23 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

just wait that Serbs stand up. Where are the Serbs there are the boudraries of Great Poland. i clearly understand that and i see point of balance. It must be so. Only then all empty and endless talks would stop and, would be peace and real prosperity
19 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

we bulgarians are the germans on the balkans.

if your King was German, it doesn`t make you Germans. Bulgaria is more like a German puppet and satelite, hand in hand with Greater Croatia
18 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Bulgaria isn`t normal country. That for sure. Its generator of crisis in the region.

On Balkan, Slav can be Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant or even Muslim but as long as he recognizes Germany/Turkey as supreme masters, he tend to be out of his mind, to say- not normal.

if we have stonger impact of Polish influence here in the region [last time when tried to help Wladislaw Warnechyk and Zawisha Czarny lost their heads], Bulgaria could be more normal. Same goes for Croatia. See,... less of German/Turkish influence, more of Polish influence. Serbs suggesting that but our partners on Balkan more likes Germany and Turkey.

One who don`t understand situation could expect that Russians oppose to eventual Polish influence but, its not the case. Here on Balkan Russia admits Polish primate but official Poland rather choose not to play `great` games. When one mention Balkan to Poles, they immidiately put cross on themselves and wash their hands from us. Why? Because Poland`s politicians don`t want to oppose to Britain, France and to Germany. They understand Polish servile role and they understand that Poland don`t need to have its national interests. So, Polish politicians live their epthy lives and refuse to upsets Poles with situation on Balkan.
12 Oct 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

It already is

i agree. Poland would liberate Slaveno-Serbian Kosovo from Albo-muja occupation. Its just the matter of time
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Polish military in 1939 in pictures

there wouldn`t be Polish 1939 if there was no Serbian 1914 year, in Sarajevo
27 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

-dividing alliance (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey and maybe some balkan countries)

except Turkey

Constantinople and much more then that aren`t Turkish but it belong to natives. So, natives should control it, not Turkey. Polish-Turkish alliance would look like that Poland guaranties Turkish conquets.

Alliance with Turkey would be Poland vs. Poland situation. Same as NATO, its a negative choice and trap for Poland.
2 Sep 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Bulgaria was the one of the poorest in the "old' communist block.

to give you picture about level of Bulgarian development i would just say that Serbia looks much more desirable place to live then Bulgaria, no matter that Serbia was isolated for the 10 years and that our economy suffered because of economic sanctions and blockade, no matter that Serbia received more then 1 mil. refuges (in a country of 10 mil.), no matter that Serbs were target of multiple attacks by NATO and mujaheedines and no matter that Serbian state was devastated by NATO bombs when total damage was more then 200 mlrd. US dollars.

still, when you travel to Bulgaria, you see that Serbians who oppose to EU and NATO, has better standard of living then Bulgarians no matter all EU and NATO investments in them.
2 Sep 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

No.Bulgarians get along with Russians.Serbs on the other hand are friendly to Poles.

its not complete information, southern

In very very short... Russia can control Bulgaria only temporarely. History proved that. Germany is main factor of influence there

but, nobody can`t control Serbs. Just, over Slavic solidarity, Serbs regard other Slavs and that way present beacon of light for Russian and Polish interests here. Simple, in clash of Slavic and non-Slavic interests, Serbs regularly (as a rule) defend Slavic interests.

It is also noticed that in a clash of Polish and Russian interests, Serbs prefer to support Poles. No, not in the sense of agravating relations with Russians- not to confront Russians with hostilities, to be their enemies. Serbs simple sending signals to Russia that, what is ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and Russia sems understand. It is impossible to Russia to ignore Serbian attitude because Russia clearly understand tragic situation in the region- IF SERBS COLLAPSE, SLAVIC SOUTH IS LOST.

and so, one might ask why then Serbs support Polish interests over Russian and why Serbs love Poles? i would tell you... its above Christian divisions, its Sarmatian thing. Its because Serbs knows that without Poland there is no Slavic west, without Poland there is no hope for restoration of full Sarmatian strenght and potentials from Baltic to Balkan. Serbs knows that and they wait for Poland... and, they play their role.

not all of us are fooled by EU indoctrination

i hope, for the good of all our children
2 Sep 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]


not surprised with your expiriance

i think that i alredy gave quite good description of situation on Balkan, for this forum

here, Poland can rely only on Serbians. All other Slavic and non-Slavic states/ethoses in the region (Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim) live to satisfy German, Italian and Turkish interests. Even Russia retreat.

Situation is tragic. People grow up, educated in anti-Slavic and pro-German, pro-Turkish spirit... in Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria

beside Serbs, there are Greaks (Orthodox) and Slovenians (Catholics) who in their national values (spirit) resist to turkization/islamization and germanization. BUT NOTE- Greaks don`t care for Polish interests and Slovenians (Slovenian state) are so weak that they no matter their resistance, serve to Germany/Austria anyway
29 May 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

How should do it when German magnates always were close with Islamic world