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Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary?

Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #1
What you people think?
Lenka  5 | 3524
14 Apr 2014   #2
Simple. No way.
Wroclaw Boy
14 Apr 2014   #3
I suppose if a zombie apocalyptic invasion swept throughout the planet and by some miracle Poles and Russians were immune they may be able to form some kind of temporary military alliance as long as the outcome would be mutually beneficial. Once the zombies are dealt with though, they would probably turn on each other for global supremacy.
14 Apr 2014   #4
Well, I suppose that judging on the evidence of the last couple of decades, Russians are less likely to commit genocide, mass murder and systematic mass rape than Serbs, so I suppose thatif the choice for Poles was siding with Russians or with Serbs it might be possible for Poles to side with Russians, but even then I'm sure most Poles would simply prefer to take on both nations and go down in a blaze of glory.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #5

man, you are proven NATO/EU propagandist and Net agent infiltrated among us Slavs. But still, thanks anyway for your opinion.

Simple. No way.

you are an pessimist

I suppose if a zombie apocalyptic invasion swept throughout the planet

hm. Optimist
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
14 Apr 2014   #6
What you people think?

whole lot more than you ever will be able to
OP Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #7
brrrr. Terrible
Lenka  5 | 3524
14 Apr 2014   #8
you are an pessimist

No Crow, a realist.
Besides, why would we?
OP Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #9
Besides, why would we?

for example, to drove out hostile non-Slavs who coming to Slavdom to patronize Slavs and manipulate with all our people, while impose their selfish foreign interests, steal Slavic resources and assimilate us.
legend  3 | 658
14 Apr 2014   #10
well its common sense that the US is the biggest danger to world peace.

is a Polish Russian alliance possible today? I would say no. To many different opinions, too many people blinded by propaganda which results in hatred between the nations,

and also there needs to be more done for reconciliation.

perhaps when the retards awake and release NATO is a rogue and dangerous alliance some steps might be taken to at least have neutral relations.
Lenka  5 | 3524
14 Apr 2014   #11
for example, to drove out hostile non-Slavs who coming to Slavdom to patronize Slavs and manipulate with all our people, while impose their selfish foreign interests, steal Slavic resources and assimilate us.

Well, I don't think it's too possible. Poles generally look more towards west than east that's one...2- the misterious Slavdom monster is kind of a foggy idea...3- who'd try to patronize, manipulate and all that? 4- would these mysterious forces attack us military?
OP Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #12
perhaps when the retards awake and release NATO is a rogue and dangerous alliance some steps might be taken to at least have neutral relations.

i think that would situation around Silesia lead to the at least temporary Polish-Russian alliance, when NATO/EU finally openly betray Poland on the behalf of Germany. Hopefully, if that happen, process may finish with formation of Lusatia as independent Slavic state, formed from territories that are today, what i know, partly in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland, while in return Russia could give Kaliningrad region to the Poland.

This could consolidate Slavic west.
4 eigner  2 | 816
14 Apr 2014   #13
i think

quit lying, LOL
OP Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #14
i don`t lie. I just see how are people fascinated with daily political schemes and monstrosity of reality imposed on all of us by world magnates and bangers, i mean bankers, and i wanted to give some refreshing thread.
Lenka  5 | 3524
14 Apr 2014   #15
situation around Silesia

The situation around Silesia? I live in Silesia, there is no threatening situation here. If ppl will manage to orginise referendum (which is doubtful imo) ppl will decide what they want to do. That's all.

at least temporary Polish-Russian alliance. Hopefully, if that happen, process may finish with formation of Lusatia as independent Slavic state, formed from territories that are today, what i know, partly in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland, while would in return Russia give Kaliningrad region to the Poland.

Yeah, like this is going to happen...I can see Poland asking for help, then Russia helping us and even givng us her land just like that...Crow, wake up, you are obviously sleep walking :P
OP Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2014   #16
The situation around Silesia? I live in Silesia, there is no threatening situation here. If ppl will manage to make referendum (which is doubtful imo) ppl will decide what they want to do. That's all.

yes, Poles are famous by their nerves.

Yeah, like this going to happen...I can see Poland asking for help then Russia helping us and even givng us her land just like that...Crow, wake up, you are obviousl sleep walking :P

call me naive but, i think that Russia and Poland need each others.
16 Apr 2014   #17
Crow :
"call me naive but, i think that Russia and Poland need each others."

I know Russian and from to time visit some Russian sites. I can say that lots of Russians (majority maybe) hate and despise Europe, let alone the West .The word Europe is often pronounced as Gayrope , USA is Pindostan (from Pindos + stan ( ending like in Khazachstan etc )). I do not understand what the word Pindos means but it's sure it's very humiliating .But almost all Gayropean states ( Poland including ) are even worse than Pindostan because they are UnderPindostanians. They believe that everything in the USA and Europe is controlled by Jews and in addition Russians naively believe that China is their friend .Of course not all Russians hold such opinions but the trend is very noticeable .

The only fantastic situation requiring Polish - Russian cooperation that I can think up is the Chinese army fighting Russian troops somewhere between Moscow and the present day eastern Ukrainian frontiers
Nathan  18 | 1349
16 Apr 2014   #18
How can Poland ally itself with Russia, if the latter multiple times in the past invaded it, took away freedom, eliminated millions of people, trampled culture, destroyed churches, etc.? How can Russia be even trusted with an alliance if the international agreements for it are nothing. Within the two months it violated multiple accords that exist among the civilized countries. How many military agreement have Russia broken in the past.

Another thing that Poland should be aware of is that Serbian chetniks are ultimately Poland's enemies. Serbian chetniks or whatever is the name of these Neanderthals want to restore Yugoslavia, which they already tried using genocide in the 1990s. They realize that alone they cannot do it and they need Russia. Russia is the same terror and expansion driven genocidal machine that needs to weaken Europe in order to preserve Russia's own existence, because in the world of competition and democracy it simply cannot exist. It will implode. Both these groups, Serbian chetniks and Russian imperialists, therefore, have the same goal.Important for Poland is to boost its defense potential, which is already being done, and work for stronger Europe, more so as Poland is becoming more and more powerful member and is gaining more influence within the EU. Poland, please, remember: RUSSIA IS A LAND OF LOCUSTS: IT LIVES TO DESTROY - NOT TO BUILD. This knew our fathers, grandfathers, we and the generations to come. All its history it was a terror state, poisoning the surroundings. Not for me to tell you that. Keep Poland safe!
OP Crow  154 | 9463
16 Apr 2014   #19
The only fantastic situation requiring Polish - Russian cooperation that I can think up is the Chinese army fighting Russian troops

see, that`s a good example. Poland would sure want to see China stooped, if some new Genghis Khan move on Europe

Not for me to tell you that. Keep Poland safe!

you believe in negative choices. Poland was sometimes in history dominated by Russia and now is dominated by the west of Europe. Right now, assimilation of Poland, germanization, anglo-saxonization and americanization is assured. So, Poland historically (since fall of Commonwealth) just changes her masters. That`s what you want for Poland?

My dear Nathan, if Poland has true friends on the west of Europe and in USA they would allowed formation of new Commonwealth, as Pilsudski suggested. No, Poland don`t has friends. Poland has masters. Now, new regime in Ukraine has same masters.
Lenka  5 | 3524
16 Apr 2014   #20
Poland was sometimes in history dominated by Russia and now is dominated by the west of Europe

The difference is- Russia didn't ask us what we want which means agression. EU asked Poles what we want and ppl decided they want to join it- that's called Union.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
16 Apr 2014   #21
back in time of Russian Tzars something like `modern-day democratic process` didn`t exist and, nobody didn`t ask anybody. It was same in time of communism. Chaos.

Now, you have domination by the west of Europe covered with hypocritical democracy, while is in reality, everything dictated from few financial centers. Plus, you now have mass-media.
Lenka  5 | 3524
16 Apr 2014   #22
covered with hypocritical democracy

Ppl decided by voting in referendum, that was the decission of Poles- deal with it.

back in time of Russian Tzars something like `modern-day democratic process` didn`t exist and, nobody didn`t ask anybody. It was same in time of communism. Chaos.

Ach, so they were trying to make union with Poles but just didn't have other means? Poor Russians- such good intentions...They just invaded Poland, killed Poles, forbade them speaking their language but that's just lack of other means... :D
OP Crow  154 | 9463
16 Apr 2014   #23
Ppl decided by voting in referendum, that was the decission of Poles- deal with it.

my complete body and mind respect it, as long as Poles respect it.

Ach, so they were trying to make union with Poles but just didn't have other means? Poor Russians- such good intentions...They just invaded Poland, killed Poles, forbade them speaking their language but that's just lack of other means... :D

For most antagonisms among Poles and Russians say one great thanks to the Christianity
16 Apr 2014   #24
R.U.R.:The only fantastic situation requiring Polish - Russian cooperation that I can think up is the Chinese army fighting Russian troops
Crow :
see, that`s a good example. Poland would sure want to see China stooped, if some new Genghis Khan move on Europe

Russia will never, ever give up Siberia to China without a fight
dear Crow, will Serbian men go to fight to potect Siberia? Will you die for another country ?
In my opinion, the Poles put too much blood and sweat in reforming Poland, and you too should make an effort to abandon the fantasy,
OP Crow  154 | 9463
17 Apr 2014   #25
Russia will never, ever give up Siberia to China without a fight

i agree to it

dear Crow, will Serbian men go to fight to potect Siberia?

we have our interests there. Emotions aren`t only hings that moves Serbians.

Will you die for another country ?

everything has its price. So, i suppose, my life as well. To me i am priceless

In my opinion, the Poles put too much blood and sweat in reforming Poland, and you too should make an effort to abandon the fantasy,

i expect maximum from my private business. Still, i have emotional goals
MediaWatch  10 | 942
17 Apr 2014   #26
RUSSIA IS A LAND OF LOCUSTS: IT LIVES TO DESTROY - NOT TO BUILD. This knew our fathers, grandfathers, we and the generations to come. All its history it was a terror state, poisoning the surroundings. Not for me to tell you that. Keep Poland safe!

This is quite interesting.

As somebody of Slavic/Polish ancestry who is proud of being Slavic, I would love to see Slavic nations creating a powerful Slavic alliance among themselves. But how can this happen, if the biggest Slavic nation in the world is invading and attacking a fellow Slavic nation Ukraine??
Szalawa  2 | 239
17 Apr 2014   #27
Poland and Russia? the two strongest Slavic nations working together, now this is a dream.... These two countries more often then not sided against each other. I don't see Poland coming to the aid of Russia, but if the E.U/NATO were to push anti Polish policies to take away Pomerania and Silesia from Poland, then I could see Russia siding with Poland. This is the only example for me that comes to mind.
Wulkan  - | 3136
17 Apr 2014   #28
Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible?

When are you going to finally comprehend that Poland doesn't want to have anything to do with Russia?
17 Apr 2014   #29
Russia wants nothing to do with Poland. That is why it built a pipeline around it.
Szalawa  2 | 239
17 Apr 2014   #30
I can see the hostility already- The inconvenient truth is that Poland does need Russian gas, If Poland is more willing to co-operate with the west (including GERMANY) over Russia- both of them committing there fair share of crimes- then the only way for Poland to side with Russia is if the west push an anti Polish agenda. Whats the deal with it being hard for Poles to get Visas for U.S.A?- we are in an alliance aren't we? wheres the missiles they promised...

Home / News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary?

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