The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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23 Apr 2021
Life / Why do Polish people throw trash on the ground? [4]

They are like black people in this regard it seems:

Maybe they only do it in Poland hence no articles has been written about them on this subject yet?

This is another reason why I dont get why so many polish people dislike ukrainians like this spike guy on here or iron who are both polish expat immigrants in the uk. When your own countrymen throw trash on the ground like black people how can you like polish people not like other europeans or white races?
23 Apr 2021
Life / Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos" [7]

Here is another question about Polish people. Why do they always try to show off their money or spend it in stupid ways? like buying the biggest iphone they can just to show they have one even if they dont know how to use it? this is particularly true for polish mena round the age of 50 or middle age crisis? the ones who lived in communism.
23 Apr 2021
Life / Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos" [7]


What do Polish people mean when they use the word my?

Like Biden or democrats are against "my" or "us" how do they even know this or what Biden or democrats are against. It seems Polish people really love to use the word my ad make generalizations like this or is this just me and my experience amongst them guys? What I mean is how can they all classify each other as my arent there a wide difference of people opinions etc. within their own country even amongst women by themselves? yet they refer to everything as my.
22 Apr 2021
Life / Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos" [7]

What i mean is certain things unify them or make them different from everyone else. this includes their love for religion not just faith but quasi zealot like religious behavior. their hate fir Russia and everything it stands for. their new age capitalism where they spend everything they got on consumerism etc. i bet you that this pawian dude and spike or iron or all those guys arguing with one another are all really the same. the difference between them is much smaller than say the difference between any of them and a Spaniard. or even someone like me.

or maybe it has more to fo with normis vs not normis? wat u guys fink? anyone?
22 Apr 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]


Why do some eastern Europeans tend to force everyone calling themselves central Europe?

I like this answer or education reeducation should I say on history:

" Poland part of Germany for thousands of years? Are you sure about that? Neither of the two countries are thousands of years old. As regards the Kingdom of Prussia, it was established only in 1701, when the House of Hohenzollern finally formalized the personal union of Margraviate of Brandenburg with the Duchy of Prussia, a region in East Baltic that was a fiefdom of the Kingdom of Poland since 1525, after the desolution of the Teutonic State. These are the beginings of the modern German state, united into the Prussian-led German Empire in 1871. As far as Poland is concerned, prior to the Partitions of the late 18th century, it was never a part of any German-speaking political entity. Yes, some regions and provinces in today's Poland were controlled by German sovereigns in the past, but as a whole Poland, unlike Bohemia, was not a part of the Holy Roman Empire, neither it its early history, when it was ruled by the Polish House of Piast nor when it united with the Duchy of Lithuania under the Jagiellon dynasty. Even when partitioned, the puppet-state of the Congress Kingdom of Poland (dissolved after the January Uprising of 1863 and demoted to the status of Vistula Land) was ruled by the Russian Tzars, represented by their Viceroys. Prussia ruled over most of Greater Poland province, while the Austro-Hungarian Empire (successors of the HRE) had the Lesser Poland and Galicia."
22 Apr 2021
Life / Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos" [7]

well the funny thing is if you go to that dydrymaczki thread you will realize how in all reality once they are together without diversity or anyone from outwide their sphere or country around them thry are all the same. from that guy pawian to spike they even admit basically on everything or agree on everything but racism or small extreme things. this just shows what happens to a country that is either ethnically cleansed from other viewpoints, races or ethnicities or one so stuck up each others ass there is no outwide influence. they also think theyre right and any outsiders who call them on their **** are automatically wrong and "not Polish". its sort of like North Korea. Poland is. North Koreans might disagree on small minor things but in the end they are pretty much all alike just like them. now compare both these groups to Americans and the huge wide range of opinions, religions etc. that exist in America.
21 Apr 2021
Life / Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos" [7]

question to you people who only feel confident speaking the Polish language, being or living in a non diverse region full of only right wing Polish people, or who live in enclaves of a pure Polish community abroad. how does it make you feel living in such a ghetto and being so not open minded to criticism or what others say about you, Poland or your culture? that thread dydrymaki o niczym reminds me of this and why i wanted to start this topic. also Polish twitter reminds me of this as self imposed Polish ghettos around the world do as well.

Also, novichok how did it feel when they claimed you're not a true polak and tried to ostracise you from the ghetto because you either didn't speak perfect written Polish or have different views from them?

lol I think such places both online and off their own secluded world is where thy discuss Polish death camps.
21 Apr 2021
Love / Are Polish men cold? What do they like? [33]

all that food drink etc crap is meaningless. the only thing id rather spend time with females with is sex everything else is lame or disappointing or needy.
21 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

So you guys think it sok what usa are doing and polish cops should just start shooting real live bullets at the ultras and start a civil war against those patriots here in poland like they would do in the usa? They should go to the stadiums or arenas with real live bullets? thats what u fink?
20 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

it seems to work in Europe pretty well. much better than your gang infested California or Brazil. maybe you should learn something from the Europeans they can teach you a lot.
20 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

you are literally retarded. You dont have to shoot in the air you morons. You shoot on the ground or at a trash can or anywhere with no humans involved!. That is what a warning shot is moron not in the air lol. Thats what your Chechen buddies do and Muslims.

"I still call cops as needed without zilch fear. lol just like the BBC here would try to scare me about cops, straz etc and lately by urzad skarbowy HA!"

Of course you do. Until the day you and your lame normi life will come clashing down when you run into some street saavy punk like raphael luciano who knows exactly what to say or who or how to use his kids and fat wife to lie for him and your world will be quite different and you wont be calling ever again. you lame.

"And.... by the time the cops start shooting at you they want you dead."

in america all it takes is being the wrong color or being an immigrant and some of them want you dead.
19 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

Do Polish cops also ask questions only to get you to answer you were there or present in some incident as an excuse to put hand cuffs on you before even investigating or getting your half of the story but simply dismissing it and you being there and having a record enough to just lie not read you your rights claim the other guy like a gypsy named raphael luciano is dying in some hospital inside the cop car while repeating the same statements trying to antagonize you and talk **** to you supporting the gypsy saying i would do this and that too etc. (in two separate cases saying similar stuff and behaving in a similar way in america with one a bar fight and one a gypsy shows you what they think of pollacks) or is Poland and their police less corrupt? DO they take sides right away based on race gender or good ole boy status like AMerikkkan ones doe like stephen kerr from santa cruz and his Mexican female partner and the entire DA office who they let go junkies or people connected to Jewish lawyers like joseph rosiman while trying to do every possible thing to lock a pollack up for fighting a gypsy as long as possible?

and do the polish cops like the USA cops also misquote your words and use them as statements turning small differences in words around against you like saying you reacted to someone hitting you vs defending your space or standing your ground or saying you only got hit once when you told them it may have been one and it may have been a full on attack you dont remember? and do they try antagonizing ppl in the back of the cop car taking the sides and right away pinning you as guilty of the gypsy or the other guy? that is my main question and do they twist your words against you on such a scale every lawyer in usa tells you never to talk to cops or even say one word?

and do they try to get you to be sorry based on a lie of the other guy or party or supposed victim with lies saying they are dying in a hospital or have a tub down their throat and right before they put you in the local jail claim it was wrong information or basically "I was just kidding" just to get you to feel bad or feel guilty or who knows what?
16 Apr 2021
Classifieds / Ordering from [12]

because this is poland as the saying goes. how often does one get burnt on usa amazon or ebay? this is poland I say.
16 Apr 2021
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

Kamala Harris would make sure if or when she finds out just hownright wing and racist polish people wre wnd their govt they would be left in the dust lol. she would make sure of it and black lives matter would too. oh wnd especiwlly once she finds out poland was trump's puppet a puppet state of trump full of antisemites and racists and no diversity due to kicking out jews in 68. usa would never support such a country officially and under any non trump govt.
16 Apr 2021
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

"Yes,. exactly. The only possible option for Poland to deter Russian invasion is to integrate further with the European West so that we become a fully European country."

whwt makes you think if it came down to it poland wouldnt be treated like ukraine or like it was at yalta? why would wmerica a country thwt makes fun of poland in popular culture and full of jews in power eho dislike poland and its right wing racist politics treat it any different than ukraine or the way it did in 45? a country like poland no one cares or talks about especially in us media unless it has to do with racism or anti jewish pogroms is going to help it? a non diverse country in the wge of metoo and camcel cukture and ven biden supporting blakc lives matter? Kamala Harris would make sure if or when she finds out just hownright wing and racist polish people wre wnd their govt they would be left in the dust lol. she would make sure of it wnd blakc loves matter would too.
16 Apr 2021
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

"Too late, unfortunately. They got rid of them in 1990s. They were naive when they believed not only the Kremlin but also the West which vowed the protection of Ukraine`s independence and integrity.

@ pawian"

sort of like Polish people are naive today to believe kaczynski an duda by sucking up to americans nato would protect them?
14 Apr 2021
USA, Canada / Why do you guys think that so much Polonia is fake? [51]

according to popular media particularly in west coast USA or liberal states there is. and Hollywood. and the average person or woman you ask in a bar over there about Poland.
14 Apr 2021
USA, Canada / Why do you guys think that so much Polonia is fake? [51]

thats fine if they are open about being white supremacists but many are in denial or hiding it or outting on a brave wannabe west (like iron Poland is Central Europe face) and wont admit their country is backwards and east euro. also they should be less bias and treat their own women the same way they look wt others their own gogetters trying to go west.
14 Apr 2021
USA, Canada / Why do you guys think that so much Polonia is fake? [51]


Polonia or Polish Whites and the movement of pollackhood behind white lives matter guys

i hate to say it but look at the flag in the main image of this article to see who the real culprit behind this new age movement coming up in USA and it is none other than Polonia or Polish people guys:

this is the typical polak abroad or Polonia or just expat from Poland:

this is why there is so much white supremacy on this very forum guys: pollacks.
9 Apr 2021
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

your article reminds me of an interesting article i read about jadk tramiel or trzemiel who as born and grew up in Poland and after the war ended up in the us where he started or formed i think commodore. he was behind amiga btw. he went back with his sons and they looked up their old hime or areas they lived i think kielce or radom or something. super great read.
9 Apr 2021
Work / Moving to Poland, Working for a UK Company [34]

yes its true it seems Croatia is as well. and Italy due to the rude women there. But Morocco and Turkey are the true god forsaken countries.