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Why do you guys think that so much Polonia is fake?

Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #1
Why dont we see more real down for the cause Polaks like the hoolz in Poland and blockers rather than the rich new money wannabe desperate housewives a. I mean the mexicans keep it real and have their street culture present all over california and the south west. Why dont we bring the hooligan culture with us like them? Why be fake and try to be something youre not. Youre not Americans or desperate housewives but a nation of fighters and warriors who love to fight and have no game with women. So keep it real.

This is who we are so embrace that:

We're not France or from some rich white washed countries.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Dec 2013   #2
Why do you guys think that so much Polonia is fake?

imagination. Those who thinks so don`t have imagination
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Dec 2013   #3
Though there are similarities, Mexican and Polish cultures are very different and the story of Mexican and Polish immigration to the US is even more different.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
10 Dec 2013   #4
Though there are similarities, Mexican and Polish cultures

Explored in depth, here.
Wulkan  - | 3136
10 Dec 2013   #5
We're not France or from some rich white washed countries.

there are hooligans in France too, and we are white country, maybe not rich but whiter than any other country on the west of Europe
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Dec 2013   #6
Explored in depth,

Sometimes one immigrant group shrinks fast from any comparison to a similar group, doesn't it...
OP Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #7
What I'm saying is that a law like the three strikes or taking peoples rights away and making it a police state would never occur in Poland what is happening in California. These guys would not allow it to happen. Also they would have our backs even in the joint. I've seen how most whites here in California are in the joint, they prey on other whites (weaker) while Mexicans are unified and support each other and even a small tiny Mexican is safe in there and their own race makes sure hes not preyed on. Polaks are like that oo its just the American whites have this white guilt complex and they drive their own people to the ground. They even have young blond haired white guys like Christian speaker who there is no support for, no rallies, nothing unlike the Mexicans who even consider the locked up Mexicans as "their people" or the ones living in slums. Just read up if you don't believe me about what is happening in California and how people are like cattle:

There is over 300,000 people just in prisons not counting those on probations and in local jails. Its a world within a world.

These guys from Poland would never allow this to happen:

Its slavery. What is happening in California is the gulag archipelagos or soviet union coming back.
sobieski  106 | 2111
10 Dec 2013   #8
Were you born in a zoo, or were you raised perhaps in a safari park?
Polson  5 | 1767
10 Dec 2013   #9
Why dont we bring the hooligan culture with us like them?

a nation of fighters and warriors who love to fight

Is that a culture? I thought the Poles were (still) largely Christian, not skinheads.
You should be happy about the fact that Poles usually integrate well into the countries they emigrate to.
I'd rather have a successful, desperate housewives-like Polonia, than a bunch of gangstas that don't want to have anything to do with the country they live in.

And before you say anything, if you don't like the country you live in, why don't you go back to your country, or to another country you'd feel closer to?

We're not France

Many Arabs (not all of course) are our Mexicans, if I can make the comparison. They often live within their own community, and have much stronger ties with their fellows than with their country of adoption (France). And this is good...for no-one.
OP Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #10
The people from my hood in dabrowa Gornicza and in general from the blocks are nothing like American white people at all. Even when I was locked up in a jail here in Santa Cruz full of mexicans I told my celly this. They would never let other whites sleep in the bathroom during lockdown (after a riot) while mexicans have the best cells and be punked left and right for chairs like the mexicans did to the whites. They would take it to the browns right to the throat instead of preying on their own to get points with them.

"Many Arabs (not all of course) are our Mexicans, if I can make the comparison. They often live within their own community, and have much stronger ties with their fellows than with their country of adoption (France). And this is good...for no-one."

Ae you talking about France or Poland because last time I heard there are no arabs in Poland, Polaks dont fuk around and would not let themselves be punked by other groups so they don't come there.

Also I told my celly Polaks are not cowards and pussies like American whites that go to cops after losing or getting the horns when they start the fight or fuk with the wrong bull like me (a Polak they tried to punk out):

That **** would never happen in Poland esp chase someone just to call cops on them. In Poland they fight with decks or 2 by 4s in local or village (wjoskach or mjasteczkach) dyskotekach. Its a warrior culture not like cop calling white America.

Polaks never go to cops and it is in our nature to hate authority, politicians and cops (due to suppression a no mistrust with so many corrupt governments and foreign rule in our past). There is even a whole culture of anti cop graffitti in Poland it is called whdp or w how dupe policji. It is nothing like white America at all so dont try to be. We hate cops more even than the blacks in America. Its in our blood.
p3undone  7 | 1098
10 Dec 2013   #11
Oh yeah,depends on where you live my friend.Don't confuse "trendy" Americans,for white America.
OP Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #12
Just read some of the comments on the a huffington Post piece about the California gulag archipalego:

This is exactly why whites prey on other whites and have no unity or balls in there. No one supports them and their own people want nothing to do with them and think somehow they must have had the same opportunities or life must have been easy just because theyre white. Reality is often completely different from this selfish and lack of empathy thinking. Polaks dont think like this and neither do Mexicans. Both of our cultures have a strong family bond where we support our kids (and not just kick them out after they turn 18) and families in distress. We do not turn our backs on our own people like white America preferring to live in a bubble. I know Mesicans dont. Their own guards while I was in there supported them and talked to the, and joked with them, it was only the whites who were left with no one and with no support. And if you found out the life Christian Speaker lived (Polish heritage), your heart would go out to him. From YMCA, group homes, and juvenile facilities but because he was born white, white America only wanted to make sure hell never have a chance of getting out.
p3undone  7 | 1098
10 Dec 2013   #14
Oh that is such bs,I can have empathy,but we each choose our own actions.I have never blamed anyone in my life for the mistakes I have made in life.And it's buying into this "victimization" that perpetuates this gang culture in Cali.No one wants to take responsibility for their own actions.This is what real men do.When someone decides to pull out a weapon and hurt someone who has done them no harm,just because they want the easy money...this is no excuse.And it's often done to people who are struggling to make ends meet.
OP Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #15
No, what I went in there for was because a bunch of "local whites" wanted to punk me and did not expect me to fight back or stand up for myself so when ai did and pushed the guy back from my face after he said "hey youre sitting in my spot" after I was there like 10 minutes and the whole time he said nothing nor ever sat there int rash snata cruz dive bar, then he decided to come at me swinging with my hands down so I cracked him with a beer mug after I also saw from corner or my eye the people he was playing pool come at me. They gave me a strike for this under California three strike laws and right away talked about prison in court, not to mention the cops arresting me out me in handcuffs right away without asking what happened ater those coward american whites chased me and 3 on 1 tackled and choked me. Does this sound like anything Polaks or any other people beside white Americans would do? And just look at those laws. In Poland they right with wood literally or other weapons every weekend. Over there to beat someone up is nothing and all you have to do is make a comment toward the wrong person or about polish girls in general and its enough. America and California is such a pussy state.

By the way, explain why the mexican guards and black activists support them then if the American white thinking is correct? Explain why trevon Martin got such support if you think somehow everyone thinks like white Americans? They don't, and Polaks dont either. We need to support our race and people no matter what they've done just like minorities in the usa do.
p3undone  7 | 1098
10 Dec 2013   #16
You were drinking in a bar....hmm maybe you should think about not drinking.You may have got a bum rap,but I'm only getting your side of the story,and let me were innocent in two other felony cases?And if you're a three striker..why aren't you doing at least 15 years?
Polson  5 | 1767
10 Dec 2013   #17
last time I heard there are no arabs in Poland

There are some. Not many.
And yes, I was talking about France.

Polaks dont fuk around

Polaks are not cowards and pussies

Polaks never go to cops and it is in our nature to hate authority, politicians and cops

Stop with the generalisation nonsense.
Strangely, I've spent a lot of time with Poles (from Poland, the real ones, right?) and I've never heard anything about cops and politicians. I mean not more than in France or elsewhere.

wjoskach or mjasteczkach

Wioskach or miasteczkach ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305
10 Dec 2013   #18
Tell them why you were on probation and how you ended up on the sex offenders register.
OP Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #19
"You were drinking in a bar....hmm maybe you should think about not drinking.You may have got a bum rap,but I'm only getting your side of the story,and let me were innocent in two other felony cases?And if you're a three striker..why aren't you doing at least 15 years?"

I not have other felonies. I can go on and on about another case I had where they took away my right to a bail and habeus corpus and assumed I was guilty of a thought crime when I told myself the night before I was only going to meet the girl and even in the chat transcript said we are only getting to know each other nothing else (**** like this doesnt even exist in Poland where they arrest for pre emotion or prevention crimes or assume and what if crimes taking place. There is no hdybywanie in Poland). I was already assumed guilty right away for only not being local to the area and being a Polak. Nothing more, nothing less. I have not seen cops even show up to a club or bar in Poland even once. Even in my hood in Dabrowa Gornicza in Limanowskiego in all my time there I have not seen any cops show up and saw plenty of fights and agression and threats and people getting beat up with bootles, etc.
p3undone  7 | 1098
10 Dec 2013   #20
Then how could they have hit you with the three strike protocol?It's three felonies,and you should know this
Lenka  5 | 3524
10 Dec 2013   #21
I have not seen cops even show up to a club or bar in Poland even once. Even in my hood in Dabrowa Gornicza in Limanowskiego in all my time there I have not seen any cops show up and saw plenty of fights and agression and threats and people getting beat up with bootles, etc.

Then you must have been blind. I live in quite safe town and still I saw cops in a pub few times. In what Poland have you been?
peterweg  37 | 2305
10 Dec 2013   #22
You were convicted of lewd behavior towards a twelve year old girl, you pleaded guilty and got 120 days. You were lucky not to get a lot longer, what did her mother call you? a 'Vile Stalker', a 'predator',

Just because you don't consider it a crime doesn't make it so.
TheOther  6 | 3596
10 Dec 2013   #23
Even in my hood in Dabrowa Gornicza in Limanowskiego

Wariat, the Polack gangsta from da hood ... LOL! Is this a joke, or what? You know that "the hood" is always associated with the idea of a run-down, crime ridden ghetto, right? So are you saying that Poland is such a place?
peterweg  37 | 2305
10 Dec 2013   #24
then he decided to come at me swinging with my hands down so I cracked him with a beer mug after I also saw from corner or my eye the people he was playing pool come at me.

Lets be clear here, you smashed a beer glass in a mans face before he hit youbecause there is no sign of damage in your after-arrest mug shot. And three 'cowards' stopped you from running away.

So this mistreatment is because you are Polish and not because of an assault with a deadly weapon? Just as your Polish-ness was the cause of your previous conviction of trying to seduce a 12 year girl.

Evil American system.. right.
OP Wariat  2 | 12
10 Dec 2013   #25
Lol, you're lying to yourself. The original mugshot does show it, but the one they have there now is the one after I bailed and turned myself in months later. it clearly shows I got sucker punched and a bruise on my upper left cheek. Exactly where ai told the cop he sucker punched me before I even had a chance to look at a mirror. It was all in my statement, yet the da still choose to believe that local alcoholic loser's story that he somehow hit me afterwards lol even when the private investigators got statements from his own friends that I smashed it after we were already engaged and not out of the blue. How would you react if I come at you with your hands down and you take straight shots to your face while Im still coming t you and you see people from side also coming toward you?

Here ya go I realized it was saved on my iPad. Another ploy by white America to destroy me and apolaks by removing the real one:

But even if you were right your argument would still not hold. Because like I said, apolaks never go to cops, ever even after being sucker attacked or moved on or jumped. Only women and old men to to cops in Poland no matter what happens.

Here is proof if you don't believe me, they fight with bootles and decks and even shake hands afterwards and keep fighting and no one, not even the store clerk goes to cops in Poland:

That's how I was taught to get down. That's how my grandpa and great grandpa taught me. You need to be a man and stand up for yourself. Do you think that guy's dad or grandpa is proud when he told the story "I fuked some guy over and got him in hell of legal problems after he hit me with a bootle. I actually under punched him first and came at him but couldn't knock him out some retaliated with a weapon and I got the cops involved."

Lol white America, they never do that type of shet against mexicans or blacks but against their own race. Whites are so cowardly here they think minorities will shoot them on sight. I've seen a black punk three white college students in chico after the cowards tried to get me and the guy involved.
peterweg  37 | 2305
11 Dec 2013   #26
Another ploy by white America to destroy me and apolaks by removing the real one:

Fair enough, but if you hadn't used a beer glass you wouldn't have been charged with "BATT W/SERIOUS BODILY INJ (SNT 364/17)", which I assume means Battery with serious bodily injury. That was you destroying yourself, not 'White America'

Only women and old men to to cops in Poland no matter what happens.

Yeah, sure.

They most be so proud of their pedophile ex-con who thinks its standing up for yourself to use a weapon in a fight.

Well, maybe they are because they are bad parents who have done you no favours.
OP Wariat  2 | 12
11 Dec 2013   #27
Lol, watch the vid above "rozruba w zabce" and any hooligan vids. All Polaks use weapons. Nothing is off the table, there is no such thing as fair on the streets. This is exactly why whites get punked by minorities all the time because you think they auto automatically use guns and weapons (and they do and should but all you have to do is do it back at them). Plus, the fact I used a glass doesnt change the fact I had to. I was outnumbered, he did not want a fair fight or else he would have left me square up and not sucker punched me and said lets to to the bathroom or outside and handle it, and his friends wouldnt be coming in my direction making it a three on one but stayed back. So he got exactly what he asked for: a streetfight not a fair fight or some sort of ring fight fantasy you live in.

Her are two pages worth reading from Geoff Thompson's book about street fighting called "The Fence" about hitting first and quickly and efficiently to take them out as quickly as possible because there is no such thing as fair:

Like I said, there is no gentlemen handshakes or fair fighting or not hitting them too hard when they come at you full force. Its either you or them. That's the mentality of the Polak and blacks/mexicans as well as survivors and not victims.
p3undone  7 | 1098
11 Dec 2013   #28
This is how you survive on the street,no doubt but it's not necessary to be in that environment,that is if you don't want to be.
peterweg  37 | 2305
11 Dec 2013   #29
Survivors don't get into fights, victims do.
p3undone  7 | 1098
11 Dec 2013   #30
I hear ya,but in that element,it can't always be avoided,and you better be ready to defend yourself.

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