Genealogy /
How to find a burial site / records in Poland... [80]
Record 193 is for Julianna Wesołek (parents: Michał and Maryanna nee Dąbrowska). If you have her death or marriage certificate (I don't know where she got married), compare the names of the parents. Julianna Wesołek was born in Krzywki, the parish was in Szrensk. The names of the parents, the witnesses and the child are also written in the Latin alphabet.
As for the surname, ime, they sometimes got ski ending at some point but in my family's case that happened in the 1790s -early 1800s.
Some records from Szrensk are indexed at geneteka, including Michał and Maryanna's marriage.
When you're sure it's your Julianna, you can go deeper into your family's history. The links to the scans of actual records are given on the right.
As for Szrensk and Krzywki, a quick google search suggests they still exist; )
Two places called Krzywki in gmina Szrensk
Krzywki -Boski