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Any Pole with predominant Black or African ancestry?

21 Oct 2014   #1
Hi all! I'm 3/4 Polish and 1/4 Belarusian and I have a question, does any Polish person have black ancestors? (Except Polish-born Nigerians as they are awesome!)

I got some Black ancestors and I'm pure white (Or so I thought). Do any of you have Black ancestors or perhaps friends with black parents or ancestors?
Levi_BR  6 | 219
21 Oct 2014   #2
34 million poles, maybe there are some. Maybe not.

Why skin color matters so much?

If we were talking about religion or political views, than it could be a discussion since it affects daily life and some religions/political views can destroy the culture of a country.

But... Skin color?
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Oct 2019   #3
One of the cashiers in Krakow`s Auchan chain in completely black - an African man around 25-30. Wow! I already met Ukrainian cashiers before but never a black person. I wonder if he is a new immigrant or Polish by birth. Next time I visit the city and go shopping, I will choose his checkout for a little conversation. :)
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Oct 2019   #4
Of course there are people of mixed Polish and African origin.
6 Oct 2019   #5
A Polish-Kenyan child is one of two Polish citizens who died in the Ethiopian Airlines in March (the other citizen was a Polish diplomat not related/connected to the child)
pawian  219 | 24592
6 Oct 2019   #6
Of course there are people of mixed Polish and African origin.

Yes, of course, but the one I saw was pure African black. And looked very intelligent. We need more Poles like that.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Oct 2019   #7
...the one I saw was pure African black. And looked very intelligent.

Pawian, pawian, my dear progressive friend, do you know that in the land of loons - that would be Canada, the EU, and the US - what you wrote would get you fired?

This is how far the pc cancer has gone, with no cure in sight.

Being intelligent as you are, I will let you figure out what is missing in the second sentence to dispel any doubts that you are a hardcore racist.
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Oct 2019   #8
I'm not sure you can say he was pure African black just by looking at him :) but if he is then he might be an African living in Poland like Osi and Izuagbe Ugonoh or even August Agbola Brown -an African in the Warsaw Uprising.
pawian  219 | 24592
6 Oct 2019   #9
No, Rich, I have no idea what is missing. :):) I think I sent a completey neutral message. So, what is wrong?

I'm not sure you can say he was pure African black just by looking at him :)

Yes, you can say it. Pure blacks are very dark, while mixed blacks are less dark. Easy.
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Oct 2019   #10
It depends on the part of Africa they come from really just like the complexion of Europeans.
pawian  219 | 24592
6 Oct 2019   #11
So my black cashier was very very dark. I will try to take a photo next time.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Oct 2019   #12
Any Americans here to help pawian before I do? It seems that this PC riddle is too hard for him to figure out.
BTW, I still like you, so it's nothing personal. I am just having fun with the PC morons out there who brought us all to the brink of insanity.
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Oct 2019   #13
Oh, don't :)
No need really and I'm not sure he'd be pleased.
pawian  219 | 24592
6 Oct 2019   #14
BTW, I still like you, so it's nothing personal.

I know, no hurt feelings whatsoever. :)) I really don`t know but I will try. I said: He looked intelligent. You probably mean that saying so about a black person suggests there are also black guys who aren`t intelligent. And that is against Am PC.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Oct 2019   #15
That would not be so bad. The implication from what you wrote - and I know you didn't mean it - is that being black and intelligent is noteworthy because it's rare.

If you google racist compliments, you will get the sense where the sensitivities are. At least here.

Other than that, you are fine. Since you are Polish and white, that was not a left-handed ethnic compliment.

So, the part that was missing in your sentence was: And looked very intelligent for a black guy.
And that is what 99% here would add in their minds.
pawian  219 | 24592
6 Oct 2019   #16
is that being black and intelligent is noteworthy because it's rare.

Aaah, now I see it. :):)

But to my defence I must add that I say such things about my white compatriots, too. I looked at the cashier as a member of the Polish society.

Many intelligent people have this special tint in their facial features which makes us guess their mental abilities.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Oct 2019   #17
But to my defence I must add that I say such things about my white compatriots, too.

That defense would work very well with me as the presiding judge. In fact, I would throw something heavy at the DA for wasting my time.

In the land of the insane, that defense would not be acceptable because you are supposed to be extra sensitive and remember every single injustice committed against blacks since 0001.

Luckily, we can't see that tint here.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Oct 2019   #18
DA means defense attorney? The guy who defends me in court where I am brought for defamatory statements against blacks . So why would you throw anything at him if the defense would work well with you? I don`t get the logic of it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
9 Oct 2019   #19
DA means defense attorney?

Sorry, I shouldn't have been that pithy. In the US, DA stands for district attorney, a prosecutor. So, let me try one more time.

As a judge, I would be irate at the prosecutor for bringing a case like this to me.

I hope this clears it up.
pawian  219 | 24592
9 Oct 2019   #20
DA stands for district attorney, a prosecutor.

Aah, now the issue of throwing things is clear.

On a side note: funny how US middle class changed that improper brutal "prosecutor" into a mild PC "district attorney."
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
9 Oct 2019   #21
but the one I saw was pure African black. And looked very intelligent. We need more Poles like that

You will get your wish if and when Polish girls currently in England return to Poland.
So many of them are dating or have married Indian or Pakistani men.
The girls seem more open minded than the boys, boys tend to date or marry Polish or other white European girls.
kaprys  3 | 2076
10 Oct 2019   #22
Some have returned and brought their beautiful children.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
10 Oct 2019   #23
It is often a very attractive mix.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Oct 2019   #24
And looked very intelligent for a black guy.

According to that logic, you may say: "he looked intelligent for an American guy"

Or, he looked intelligent for a Republican. Or, he looked intelligent for a Texan. Or, he looked intelligent for a Polish scientist.
pawian  219 | 24592
10 Oct 2019   #25
You will get your wish when Polish girls currently in England return to Poland.

My wish expressed a few posts above concerned pure African race, but Indian will also do. :):)
pawian  219 | 24592
20 Mar 2020   #26
We need more Poles like that.

E.g., like that:
Izuagbe Ugonoh (born 2 November 1986) is a Polish professional boxer and former kickboxer, who competes in the heavyweight division. He is a graduate of the Jędrzej Śniadecki University School of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk.

  • 220pxIzuagbe_Ugonoh.jpg

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