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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Is it that important to name all people? You know it's just a way of branding somebody (wether it's accurate or not is irrelevant) "He belongs with those guys! He is like THAT!"

I am able to read any source without major influence from the source unless it's relevant.
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Poland's borders throughout history [25]

So you would say that most of the areas and borders of "The grand Duchy of Lithuania" was the most volatile throughout Poland's history?
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Hopefully most of Poland's academia (especially those connected with PiS) are able to speak about the downside of censoring historians. It will have a far more powerful impact.

Never heard of this Timothy chap, where can I read about it? Is it paid services? What newspaper? (Haven't been reading much newspapers lately, a lot of bureaucratic work to do)
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Your taking up that topic on an U.S based forum in the English language. We have to expect American opinion about it either we like it or not. We are guests here on this forum. Either we like it or not
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I thought you knew,

All Poles and Jews who were able to escape Poland during partitions, after ww1 and ww2 basically transported their hostile conflicts and relations with each other to U.S.A...

So any conflicts between Jews and Poles before ww2 lived and lives on in the U.S today. And it got nothing to do with Nazi Germany, they know perfectly well how to rile each other up. Most American tv shows show it quite easily, "Big Bang Theory" for example shows it with the character Howard and his Fiancée where he has a hard time connecting with his father in law in anything, world view, sports etc.
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Poland's borders throughout history [25]

I didn't know about the financial dealings with with counties in Pomerania. Can you broaden it out for us? Take your time of course. Would love to read about it and your opinion on it
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Poland's borders throughout history [25]

You thinking about Russia as a whole (including the Muscovite state?) or Tsarist Russia? Or geographically speaking.

I want to be specific as Kiev Rus and Grand Duchy of Poland were quite stable border with Poland (crown lands of Poland) in the east until the partitions. Or you thinking about the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth as Poland?
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Poland's borders throughout history [25]

Poland has through most of history had changing borders. Which borders have changed the most and where? At which time? Are you able to answer? Have any of them been stable? At which period in time? Let the competition! Begin!

First out: Poland's border with "The Holy Roman Empire"
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Don't you know about Poloniusz's stance on Hollywood and their war on Poland? He is very allergic when it comes to matters such as these, an inner American conflict between American Jews and American Polonia. You are just riling him up right now.

I understand your concern in the matter, but for the Members of that fringe group to learn something they need access to Polish history. It's precisely their lack of knowledge on the matter that they are a fringe in the first place. I would be genuinely surprised if IPN started to organize political rallies for that group. It would mean loss of political support for PiS, scrutiny filled campaign in the media and a scandal.

Poland's nr 1 enemy in the 20th century were Nazis&Communists.

I much prefer hooligans and their ilk to read books and talk then go around the streets beating up imaginary enemies
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I would simply check the sources of anything published by the IPN in Wrocław, maybe three times just to be sure.

Both you and @Poloniusz are right
The hand in the air salute is typically recognized as a Nazi greeting. That is because the Nazi's copied everything they could from Italian Fascists (They wanted to rebuild the Roman Empire... The horror) which indeed is where this salute comes from.

This guy in the picture might have the same perspective as Poloniusz adds, more likely he probably counts it as a fascist salute and not a Nazi salute.

Anyhow I would have argued with him that anything performed by the Nazi's&communists is open for scrutiny as something to fight so it doesn't see everyday light. One of them is this salute (Poloniusz if it's a Roman greeting, it's even worse)

Many people, just like that ONR guy probably thinks in terms of only left-right and that the most extreme is communism vs nazism. Which is only true if one is a socialist, there are several other ideologies which are less based on being a collection of people but, as individuals. Which fascists/Nazi's saw as a tool of their enemies etc (Liberalism, Capitalism, Monarchists etc)

I am not defending the guy here, I just think it's better that he talks with somebody then rots in jail. Why he was given that position? I have no clue
Mr Grunwald   
12 Feb 2021
Life / Pączki Day--do Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme count? [39]

Thanks Atch! Who knows, maybe I'll meet some troublesome Irish lads during an excercise or something. Would make for a good story if they asked what that piece of paper is ;)

I got a notebook for recipes so I'll write it down no worries! Thanks for sharing!
Mr Grunwald   
12 Feb 2021
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Useally more emotionally loaded too, I remember hearing from friends (non-Polish speakers) that it was like hearing a thunderstorm when me and my sister even simply argued in Polish.

So adding swear words to it too? Oh boy
Mr Grunwald   
12 Feb 2021
Life / Pączki Day--do Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme count? [39]

Wish I could, currently renting a flat in Warsaw for a month before joining the army. Unable to bake or make much with the things I have right here, not to mention fasting until easter... :(

(I have to find about more about how it all works tho, can allways search how to make them only so far)
Mr Grunwald   
12 Feb 2021
Life / Pączki Day--do Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme count? [39]

I wonder if there are any sugar free pączki to be bought anywhere in Warsaw, preferably with a different sweetener that makes the carbs not get absorbed or with small amounts of carbs. Cause it seems to me they have too much suger :(

(Had to enjoy something different yesterday and looked with sad puppy eyes internally while visiting Lidl a few days ago)
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Polish nobility - what is the status of princes and aristocrats in modern Poland? [33]

Exactly right, it's informal. Drand Dukes or in general magnateria were a Grand Duchy of Lithuania case. Not that of the crown of Poland, it isn't first after the 3rd of May constitution that the whole of Poland-Lithuania was formally integrated. It was disputed many times before, especially when Prussian delegates didn't see the need to be considered to be under Polish jurisidicial law etc.

Of course, then the partitions happened and any regulations had to wait until 1918 with the nightmare of three different law systems. Then the Polish state was decided to not recognize them making it an informal matter. Then came the PRL era which outright branded anyone with background of nobility/aristocracy/magnateria as enemies of the PRL. Then came 1989 and after 1989 the areas that included such aristocrats (Grand Duchy of Lithuania) wasn't part of Poland anymore.

So it's not an issue
Also if there is any group pushing for noble titles being recognized in Poland it's the nobility, and the traditions of Polish nobility has been that if you have any aristocratic title it's of foreign origin and most likely bought...
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

If the thread would about the lawsuit, it would be in the thread category "LAW" not history. So I'll still consider it as a thread about the event itself during World War Two, wether or not to talk about it doesn't have anything to do about laws, filesuits or political mud throwing. So if the thread is in the wrong section I'll lose my interest as my interests are mostly reserved for history threads. Bye bye and see you another day
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I have no interest in the lawsuit... why you are so concerned about is beyond me.

PiS is a socially-conservative party. As far as I know it's the only ruling party in Poland (the government). If there is a broader coalition in the government I haven't heard or read about it.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [148]

If one is sceptical of any institution you tend to avoid it unless you have to contact it to achieve some sort of short term goal. Example being: certain ceremonies which people mix up with cultural norms or social norms.

Depends on the experience and knowledge of a person of faith + perspective and how one treats your enemies.

Just cause somebody says their part of a religion doesn't mean they have a full grasp of it and it's requirements. Plenty of people have gone through religious activities out of habit rather then faith, just as people communicate differently, so do people learn differently.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

When you write nationalistic organizations (when it comes to Poland) which are you talking about? As far as I am aware there are no nationalistic powers currently ruling in Poland. You talking about some other country?
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [148]

Faith and scepticism are the opposite of each other. Only those not belonging to a religious community has a need for a secular version on anything really as those who are in a religious community which is based on trust, rely upon each other and good faith.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

There is a difference between publishing anything in a newspaper and publishing scientifically approved content through a scientific journal.

Also whether it's approved at a university level or not.

Content you read on the internet should always be taken with a grain of salt. Especially Wikipedia,

And if you AGAIN think I am for restricting academic research then AGAIN I need to remind you I am not a supporter of it. Take your grudges to any PiS member if that riles you so much
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I agree it's a problem if people say they don't exist. Cause they do, blowing their numbers out of proportions however is another problem also as it has more to do with fear rather then the truth.

Depends how you speak and what you say to a nationalist, if you are using broad collective cultural/national terms. Of course they will take it personal, many nationalists have fewer social circles, emotional attachments then normal people have. Lost family members or even sidelined by their own family, finding a collective attachment either through political rallies or soccer matches. Just look at soccer hooligans and their social aspects and connections.

So whenever a person is talking to a nationalist/patriot who has a strong attachment to their nation/country, you bet they will take it personal if you are stirring their view of how his/her society is. Even more so when done in a hostile manner or if it's perceived like an attack... Automatic self-defense mechanisms activate
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Just like criminals (which they became btw, the flunkies that is), prostitutes, communists, fascists, falangists and butterfly collectors

None of them were chosen, elected or even accepted as representatives of the Polish society at large. So whenever this topic in general is taken up, to any Pole... It's like talking about Iglo building on top of skyscrapers in North America 50 years ago... and? Even if somebody was able to do it, why is that relevant or even remotely interesting?
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [148]

Seems to me most Atheists behave like hurt kids and want to wreck ultra-extremist Protestants most adored "toy" which is religion&faith cause of harsh restrictions.

The more extreme tendencies of religious conservatism the harsher the restrictions: example like not consuming coffein through coffee or even tea.

With their lack of understanding about deeper meaning of faith... many seem to only look at religious institutions as an institution of repression.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2021
Genealogy / Am I of Polish or German descent? [10]

1. Move to Poland
2. Learn the lingo (especially if you don't know it) it's gradual and slow. If you would even speak perfect Polish I would be surprised (this is regard to me aswell btw and many native speakers of the language)

3. Don't expect any red carpet, don't demand tons of privileges based on any pre-1920 connections to Poland. It's too far back in time for it be counted

4. Fix yourself a place to work or own business I don't know your trade (if you have written it already then I apologize as I was reading your post in haste)

5. Have your pre-1920 connection to Poland as a motivation&main reason why you want to move to Poland and not... France? Slovakia or Russia for instance. The closer you decide to live near the location of your ancestors the more credibility you will have to your claim. The truer it will be, the easier it will be for you to obtain validly a Polish citizenship down the road.

6. Work for it&take it as a personal challenge to succeed
That is my advice
Mr Grunwald   
10 Feb 2021
History / Polish nobility - what is the status of princes and aristocrats in modern Poland? [33]

In personal relations it get's easily self regulated, not to mention the internet, published sources and ancestral lineage and DNA tests posted and shared on certain internet sites. (Yes there are sites where you can find people you are related to by simply giving your own heritage history)

Not to mention it's not widely popular among most people in modern society, where plenty of people think of it as outdated, a thing of the past or irrelevant. So more often then not, one is more prone to become an target of ridicule. Rather then awe or respect.

And yes there are people even changing their names to prince/princess or surnames. Protected titles are reserved for professional use via education (doctors etc)

So in Poland the heritage itself has more sway among Polish nobility itself, not the title in itself. It's more about belonging to a social group which is restricted, not by law (like in the past) but, through social connections.

Most everyday Poles probably have no clue or idea there actually still are Polish nobles in Polish society at large as, fashion and design/clothes used by nobility today aren't class restricted (certain way of clothing/lifestyle was restricted by law and punished dutifully as claiming privileges falsely was a major offense)

Nowadays if you wear a Kontusz, nobody will bat much of an eye at you and will most likely think it's a reenactment performance from the trilogy of Sienkiewicz or something.

Also not to mention the unnecessary funding of Złoty only a small portion of society would interested in/ be conscious about. So I honestly don't see it as a problem in Poland. U.K on the other hand with certain nobility having their own political chamber, it's another story which could easily create a scandal.
Mr Grunwald   
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Good. So you in fact approve of him including the testimony of the last surviving eyewitness

And disapprove of .

(Had to shorten the quote)
Why would I be against it in the first place?! When have I ever given the impression of it? Just cause I have an opposed view of somebody, doesn't mean I treat them how you seem to think I would

Most Poles know perfectly well of the blue Police, especially the historians. You not knowing of the amount of "samobiczowanie" in the history of Poland makes you only an outsider to every Polish reader...