The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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2 May 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

well they didnt shoot me but i never actually resisted or tried to fight them. but they did other things like i said tried to antagonize me like darren or daren kerr in santa cruz made lies up on me and almsot threaten me choosing sides with the gypsy right away without really investigation just their lies that they had witnesses when they only had one guy who never saw the beginning of the fight and was probably a friend of or paid off with drugs that raphael luciano guy since they went into the rv together i saw as later i rode on my bike past them to see if cops were there and none were only way later they showed up after the event because i think they saw me still lurking around. but like i said just antagonize me the fop saying oh i would ounch you too or just talking ****.
2 May 2021
Life / Litter in Poland [24]

lol i just saw it right now some patologia pollack kids some girl with her little group threw trash right outside a zabka store one of those bags for breads. dzikusy thats what they are and their country.
2 May 2021
Life / Litter in Poland [24]

Exactly and you never see that stuff in Germany because Germans are civilized and a high level civilization with a long history as well as being westerners. They are known for their discipline and order.
2 May 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

Actually I found out the naruszenie nietykalnosci is a small fry since they would have to go to private court and go out of their way explaining the situation and giving documents to some courts and show up later etc just to get it done. so using aikkido wrist locks on bums asking you if youre Polish or nationalist questions, when youre just sitting down trying to read and **** like "where you from" should be ok. i may do it for all the Ukrianians they probably harass asking these questions on a regular basis. just wrist lock em around.
2 May 2021
Life / Why the hell does Poland close medical facilities until Tuesday? Holiday [3]

just because Monday is some holiday no body cares about why do medical facilities like health centers or doctors have to be closed? hell why do they even have to be closed saturday? In USA I dont think most medical places are losed on saturdays are they?
1 May 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

at least half the time or one third at the least cops start shooting in us before there is any threat to them. ive seen windcam vids where a cop starts shooting at some hillbilly white guy just because he refuses to give his id or license and runs and shoot at him as hes running from the back. what threat is he running away?
1 May 2021
News / Polish LGBT activists perform tribute to George Michael [38]

wtf is going on with elliots page tho whats with her cutting off her tits and trying to become a man?

hey she makes a good point doesnt she iron?

what point do Polish people own even their land or their country or think it has to be made ot them just because they were born there? How are the ukrainians or immigrants not entitled to it or jews whose fmailies owned it at one point? and what makes u or ur kind better than anyone iron or your buddy spike on here?
1 May 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

this is the stupidest law ever. so in Poland its almost better it seems to knock someone out or choke them or head stomp them because if you just shove them or move them from your vicinity or put hands on them they could call it naruszenie nietykalnosci even if the guy starts harassing you for no reason asking where your from or your nationality or being a nationalist or fascist if you get sick of it and end up punching him or something and he is a snitch which most of these bums or nationalists are this is what could await:

i guess in Poland its cool to make threats on people asking what team you support their hooligan bullshet at carefour in Warsaw open 24 seven but if you answer wrong, or dont answer, they can make threats on you and the teller wont even care nor i doubt any pollack cops if you call or where some random drunk skinhead looming ruvkw can come up to you basically asking where your from or your nationality but if you put hands on such garbage ur gonna be charged with that above?
1 May 2021
Love / Best, safe Polish dating sites? [95]

why is there such patologia on Polish dating sites or apps? why are they so wybredne yet so uneducated and so right wing and claim vaccinnes are fake or that covid isnt real and act rude and like white trash and no one ever wnats them and they sit on those sites years on end? im mostly talking about the cougars or older ladies past 50 or in their early 50s as i dont even try to talk to 20 yr olds as theyre all gold diggers in pollackistan and the 30 somethings are all looking to have kids or wre boring and just not exciting in any way. but damm this country has a white trash and pathology problem.
1 May 2021
History / 1612 new russian epic movie. Polish troops in Moscow. [25]

lol now you people are taking credit for napoleon? how low can you go?

lol next thing you are gonna see them claim hitler didnt just mop through them. thwt hitler would have lost if not for the russians and thwt on the 17th their govt didnt flee like cowards with twils behind their legs long before staling even put some troops there thwt came in without resistance.
1 May 2021
Life / Litter in Poland [24]

maybe the Polish far right and guys like spike or iron ar behind it or reasons for the trash being thrown on/within their country?
1 May 2021
Life / Litter in Poland [24]

the question is what to fo about ir ot how do you guys deal with it when you see these Polish hooligand and vagabonds and street people throw trash everywhere how do you handle the situation or deal with them?
1 May 2021
Life / Litter in Poland [24]

i wrote about this topic here and no one replied for some reason including the Polish supremacists or fascists who are immigrants themselves like iron or that spike guy:

how can anyone respect such a culture and people where they dont respect themselves and act like blakc people in the US in this regard while calling indians savages (that iron guy did this in the Polish language thread).

" hardly unique to the country but I'm in a bad mood about it"

it is oretty unique in terms of a white or european country and culture about it particularly one who likes to refer to itself as central but not eastern Europe and calls native americans or blacks as savages when they act the same.

lol Polish people seem to be like the real dzikusy (irons words not mine) of Europe theyre exactly the same as these people it seems:
1 May 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

"You live there and don't know the laws?"

Multiple reasons. One is I have no friends here right now or family or anyone to ask and cops or anyone here hate answering questions even one time in old town they were lined up for no reason at all in Warsaw near where I lived and I asked one of them wahts going on and they didnt even want to answer this basic question. You do realize how these people here are right? They dont even want to answer questions at the vogt office that issues passports or renews passports. The only polite friendly people here who answer such questions are in the private sector like private healthcare clinics or private education like private colleges etc.

Secondly, a lot of what is official or on the books and actual police procedures are increidbly different. I discovered this first hand in USA and this seems to be a worldwide issue or phenomenon with police. For instane miranda rights are supposed to be read to you in the USA and they were not to me on at least one occassion in fact cops committed outright perjury against me multiple times so officially they do none of those things but in reality at least in my case against a Polish immigrant they do it daily or as easy as eating bread with butter.

Thirdly, all the ifnormaiton absed on laws here or police tactics are written in Polish with the englishs tuff targeted at foreigners being usually outdated. My Polish is slow and I am too lazy to go through their mumbo jumbo jargon and much of the time they dont explain it anyway or just allude to things.

The guy next door with the domestic violence case what it looked like to me they just went in right away inside his apartment and didnt ask for permission but I am not sure as I was opening my own door and didnt have time to just stand there and look to see.
1 May 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

what I want to know is if they have to have a warrant to go in your home and search your property because it doesnt seem like it to me.

Like if you get in a fight with somebody or something I wonder if they could just knock on your door and go in your place and look for same colored jacket etc. that the guy had in the fight to try proving it was you.
30 Apr 2021
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]


WHy do you and why does society always blame men for their problems or issues they gotten themselves in but not females or women for anything they do? Like how they choose to do **** its always some guys fault or how they choose to be hookers its someone elses fault or them having a bad childhood or how they choose to sleep drunk with the wrong guy and regret it the next morning its the guys fault and they should lie to the cops and metoo him etc.?? why?
29 Apr 2021
Life / Fast Food missing in Poland [32]

only in Warsaw in one or two shops I imagine? I think it was on marshalkowska street or aleje jerozolimskie once? by the way, is it even possible to get a malt or a good shake even in Warsaw?
29 Apr 2021
Life / Fast Food missing in Poland [32]

They dont have chipotle either but an off brand or Polish version of it at the malls or galerie. Its not the same though not even refried beans.
29 Apr 2021
Life / Fast Food missing in Poland [32]

Anyone beside me noticed taco bell virtually doesn't exist in Poland? I am not sure I think ive seen it once in Warsaw but even then I am not sure I may be imagining things.
29 Apr 2021
Life / Communication and Polish culture [7]

I am watching this hike right now these guys are going on in LA mountains live on youtube and it is fascinating watching it as it happens from Poland where it is night here:

It also shows how different it is in California how people are friendly or communicate with one another even if they dont know each other if theyre hikers coming down a mountain or something.

Also It is more of talking louder or konferencji than the other person vs waiting for them to talk or to jest their opinion in Poland. Maybe this is more common in furorÄ… at place like govt institutions or healthcare or comes from the communist times.

This is why I do not get how so many people here or in Poland are offended to be called Russian. When I was asked or called Russian in the joint I actually took it as a badge of honor or respect and went with the flow. But what I mean is the personality trait of being rude and ignoring people and looking away or not saying hi when you are hiking down or up a hill is a typical only in Poland or Russia trait I think.
29 Apr 2021
Life / Communication and Polish culture [7]

I've noticed that sometimes what I presume to be someone very rude to me or just disrespectful is actually just the way many Polish people communicate even to one another.Like sometimes it seems someone is attacking you or raising their voice but they are raising their frustrations on something else like the system or other stuff than you personally. Like they may be mad at their work culture or the health care industry or bureaucracy rather than you approaching them and trying to get something done but they sometimes will just not let you say a word. It is same trying to return an item with a receipt in a store. Like they treat it as a slap in the face even if the item doesn't work or work as advertised or intended. I think communication issue and even if you know the language well is difficult because people have different ways of communicating. some people stomp their feet or lack self awareness or want to be right and others are introverts etc. so its difficult sometimes here with this regard. But in us it is mostly just shining you on and not taking even in what you say so thats a diff issue. I used to get pissed and offended and start hating on people here or even got in arguments or fights because i presumed i was being belittled or talked down to but thats just the culture i guess of how some people talk here.

I think the whole culture of communication is different here. It is less of asking questions or a mutual exchange of ideas but more statements or what I think etc.
26 Apr 2021
Classifieds / American guy in London looking for a Polish girl [29]

" Polish women aren't impressed with someone who claims to be American, Australian, German, British, etc."

actually many are in Warsaw at least and thats the sad part. to to any club or trendy spot there like hala koszykow or the plac zbawiciela area and youll see American black guys twice their age impressing them on dates over wine and french baguettes about America. so sad and pathetic. at least ive seen it. another black guy in a bar near hala koszykow called bar szawa even said this how he or any of his American buddies had no problem getting them. and that's a separate incident from the guy with the chick half his age talking about how America is this or that in that French baguette place under plan b in plac zbawiciela.
26 Apr 2021
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]


lol polish people blaming the jews now?

saying they killed them in actually? is this what the polish govt or pis as this channel is called narional media claims? and you guys srill dont think kamala harris will sell poland or cancel culture it like yalta to putin?
24 Apr 2021
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

alwo, why do they think the whole beach belongs with them near warsaw on the other side of the river if they are shooting some stuff like wedding videos why do they do it there and tell people to get out their way or shoo people away when its a public beach? wouldnt it be smarter for them to find private locations or pay fir private access to such spots? and why are their women so bitchy all the time?
24 Apr 2021
Food / Polish & US heat & eat foods? [16]

Another thing aive noticed is theyll eat french fries or some other similar condiments or supplements to meal as full on meals. theyll buy just french fries and no burger or coke. what gives?
23 Apr 2021
Life / Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland [77]

here is another question: why do they not look at pedestrians when they turn into lanes or care if they run someone over?

Would this work in Poland if one of those drivers actually hits you? what if you dont have insurance? you have to go to the hospital or how do u collect money in Poland? say ur a pedestrian and they never look as youre walking the street?