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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

What other states did you think I was thinking about? Clearly I was thinking about NATO-allies, which yes. Also includes Germany and the U.S.A

How trustworthy allies they are, is a different matter. Time will tell the next months

You surprise me (in a positive manner)
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

If they had been teaching you critical thinking instead of brainwashing, you would actually understand "pis or right polish dogma or religion"

Instead your raving like a toddler on an internet-forum crying for attention and sympathy for not understanding Polish culture or norms in Polish society and expect norms you have experienced in the states to be universal (which is bullocks by the way)
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Why am I surprised that a redneck has been brainwashed so much by the American school system he doesn't even make sense anymore to me.

Last time I checked, it has been U.S involvement in those cases you contribute to NATO.

I can understand Serbians (and any ex-Yugoslav) having a grudge against NATO. So far they haven't invaded or bombed Russia
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Start acting like a great power, and not frantic teenager with the need of a gigantic tube on tractor belts to show off.

If their able to do that, nobody is going to ask for any American soldiers
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

What I expect from Russia, and what I wish they had done/do are two separate things.

I expect them to continue their policy of conquest, or in current situation re-conquest of past Soviet states. Then Warsaw Pact members, as they felt cheated during the 90's

What I would hope for them to is, build up economically. Strengthen their military and build ties with all the slavic states while, counter-acting U.S.A and China schemes.

So far they have only been taking the bait and creating division among Slavs (Ukraine) and forcing central-eastern Europe in to seeking non-slavic alliances.
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Which is quite sad, as I am rather negative towards anything that hasn't been in nature the last 2 000 years. So I very much prefer meat, fish, eggs, butter, broccoli, coil flower and nuts (almond, macadamia)

The more people put sugar or carbs in to meat the worse it will be for all of us sadly
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Russian patriotic-zeal won't allow a "rozbicie dzielnicowe" faster it will be a civil war.

A decentralized Russia would be quite functional for the Russian Federation cause of vast distances and reducing the need for communication with the top for every little thing in their lives.

Unfortunately that would need trust, responsibility and co-operation without having to use fists or threat of it with every little thing. So far, I have seen that to be quite impossible so far as their "macho-gorilla" approach seem to be quite popular there.
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Polish-Russian relations are going to be vital during the next 20-30 years. When Putin dies, and a more liberal government (read less authoritarian, nothing to do about Democratic Party in the U.S.A)

Takes place. Then having good relations with said government can increase trade and exchange of culture. Not to say the least, possible increase in energy deals. Gas etc
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Basically yes,
With a hunter mentality it's either pray or hunter (wolf vs sheep)

One forgets tho there is a combined mentality of a shepherds dog. Both prey AND hunter.

Poland has had both, one more then the other lately.
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

And THAT Rome was defeated. There are no Roman emperors today and the very essence of Rome was brute violence. Very animalistic, that was defeated. There is Italy, not Rome, there is the Vatican in Rome (capitol of Italy) but not Rome itself. The one of the ancient times was defeated (thankfully), other states tried to copy-cat it. With failure
Mr Grunwald   
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Can't you blame your own misfortune on yourself? Are you so powerless that you blame the church given to us all by Jesus Christ? Who is stopping you? Live your life! Don't destroy the life of others
Mr Grunwald   
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Why you think Germans have good relations with Slavs in general now compared to, let's say 200 years ago. One would think that Poles and Russians wouldn't leave a single German alive after what the NSDAP cooked up during the war. To the point of East-Prussia and most eastern populated provinces of Germans ran with the highest speed possible to escape the horde of the red army. Yet, Germans survived and even had a communist state.

I got a lot of ammunition to use against communists, Russians too. But treating Germans unfairly isn't one of them. Especially reading your text, sounds more fitting for to have been a member of NSDAP
Mr Grunwald   
17 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Around 100.000 I think, long time I read about it tho. Don't think there was conscription in Poland at the time, but citizens were called in to service non the less. I haven't studied it too close to be 100% sure
Mr Grunwald   
17 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

The amount of Hebrews in Europe at the time was so minuscule that it was fairly easy for the German government to track every single one of them basically. Not only that, few of them were organized or even remotely concerned or interested in Poland unless the country they were living in stated something about it. Their main concern was fitting in and created any attention about themselves, especially in 1934-1945 German controlled areas. Then it was the priority of building Israel.

Anyone being able to share any opinion about anything about Poland, it was the Hebrew diaspora in U.S.A and at the time it had been heavily invested in creating tensions with Poland for the sake of making Polish Hebrews leave Poland and build Israel. So a lot of efforts were made to portray every possible incident between Poles and Hebrews to be worse then it actually was to increase number of emigrees to Israel (which they wanted to settle and build)

A good example was the Polish police harshly handling an illegal gathering of Orthodox Hebrews in 1920's Poland. (It was wartime and public gatherings were strictly reduced, as to counter communist activities)

After that incident it was blown all over the world about Poland performing a "pogrom" on Hebrews. Soon after American public after being strongly in favor of supporting the creation of Poland withdrew their support towards Poland and isolated herself from Europe.

Poland was basically seen as a smaller version of a Russian Tsarist-state by everyone not being Polish after that.
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Cause he is a human being, and I shall see him as one. As long as he wishes to talk (in this case write) I will treat him as one.

Love is the choice I made, even for those who consider me their enemies. As long as they don't force me to shoot at them, I will chose dialogue
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Not allways, I remember seeing an documentary of U.S polarization. There was a lot more cross party co-operation in the U.S congress in the past.

Now, especially with the Trump impeachment it's quite easily spotted. Faction vs faction, few acting for the best of the country, easily pushed to the side. Extremist views growing etc, branding an opposing side an extreme version of the opponent their meet etc

Thankfully, Germany is now more democratically operating then ever. Trading and co-operating with her neighbors, not having to fear invasion from neither France or Poland.

Austria reduced to a minor state, and only state that has any potential to endanger Poland is the Russian Federation, the most democratically governed form of Russia in history. So Poland's greatest goal is to reduce Russia's willingness to invade states in general (especially Poland) and create as much communication and contact with everyday Russians, trade and share culture.
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

In an ideal, loving peaceful world yes. But with the polarization in the U.S it's quite difficoult. A lot of journalists will use this for sensationalism and politicians for political coin in their own country. Poland has very few allies abroad, and a lot of issues to solve. Thankfully less then in 1918 or 1989, still a lot to do
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Cause for many (on this forum to) is to prove/show ones loyalty&allegiance. Especially in a situation seen as an attack. What you see as lawful criticism , many Poles see as political subterfuge. Which is why it should be discussed internally, you even imagining Poland capable of such sinister governance creates hostility from the get go. Because your taking a relativistic stance on this
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Poland got nothing to hide, they can try all day. Even if I have to show a naked chest.

Again @jon357
We are talking about Poland's dark past. Not that of a few individuals. We are not talking about a few individuals who happened to be born and learned Polish growing up on the geographical territory of Poland. Show me, name me political parties collaborating with Nazi-Germany, list of SS troops. Underground movements fighting on Germans side. Go on
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Poland has never had as large a population as it has now, it's part of a Union of European nations. Part of NATO.

Politically there is a lot of catching up, it's improving day by day. The hardships have been at a great cost, which only makes it harder to give up.

Freedom for all of humanity must go on, never lose hope

I have experienced it plenty of times, no need for me to imagine conflicts I have experienced before
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Which is why our watch is everlasting, watching out for twisters and their motivations. Standing our ground, not giving an inch away. Fighting at every possible doorstep, with every tool at our disposal. No matter the pain or suffering, our honor and duty remains. So help us God
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

As long as there are immature kids wanting to rile up hatches, perceived to have been buried it will continue. Poland has good enough relations with Israel at the moment, it only remains to better relations with Hebrew diaspora in other parts of the world. If not, it will just continue endlessly.

And yes, I wish Poland was able to defend all her citizens in 1939. That failure is hard to blame on Poland alone, yet not withstanding The Polish state has a duty to all her citizens. I will grief every time thinking about it, no matter how much hate I will hear from anyone about Poland lost battle in 1939. It is one of many things that drive me, improve, overcome and do better
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

The national image you speak of: Polish martyrdom

Can hardly be challenged in Poland (No matter which political side it is) as it's one of the few unifying factors among us Poles. Many a times people complain over being individualistic and not group minded enough (compared to the west, with a well functioning state, clean roads/pavements etc) which "activates" during a crisis like military invasion, national tragedy etc.

So that is a battle one can't possibly challenge, without battling it heavily. And at the slightest hint of arguments that were repeated by occupying powers. The argument becomes invalid, no matter the goal, feelings or logic.

It's simply a halt

Which is why it needs to be discussed internally first, otherwise it will only be seen as an attack
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Yeah, and there was no place for any honest good historical debate in Poland since 1939... Since 1945 it has been basically impossible and used as a propaganda tool to legitimize the communist authorities right to rule Poland.

So later on it almost became a sport to win historical arguments or a way to show opposition to the ruling party simply by disagreeing. Facts or not.

This tradition has continued on to this day among many Poles. Trying to do it as best as possible is quite hard when people from the outside not understanding this take sides without knowing it
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I have no illusions of PiS's authoritarian tendencies, only problem is that it hasn't been solved internally but been heavily pushed internationally. Giving PiS basically freebies to score political points among those who are most interested in Polish sovereignty.

Instead of having an historical debate
Mr Grunwald   
15 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Same with Gross, he published books about Poland which could been readable but, no sensationalism.

It is a pity they are dragging Poland down the mud for profits sake. I sense they could gone bitter over the years, writing and not earning as much as they hoped they would. Bitterness is quite dangerous (talking from own experience)

I am in a good mood today, I'll forgive you for badmouthing me. I'll start replying back to you
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Poland's borders throughout history [25]

Languages being different, with different buildup it's no wonder places are called differently. Some states Even used it as a political statement to underline who is in control of the area.

Lwów being a perfect example with Lviv and Lemberg throughout history. Even tho I must say the Austrian were a bit sloppy Löwe or Löwenstadt would be more fitting
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2021
History / Poland's borders throughout history [25]

Germans also refer to Warsaw as Warschau... and?

As long as Germany doesn't demand Poland's western cities to be named in German manner domestically (in Poland) or internationally it has little to say.

Germans had a lot of trade and contact with Poles, it's not surprising they have their own version of city-names of Polish cities. Just like Poland has for German cities.

For instance oddly enough the Norwegian language uses either German, Latinized or Polish version of those same cities depending on the time period. But Warsaw is allways: "Warszawa" it's basically spelled as if written Varsjava in Norwegian. But as Norway has had little contact with Poland throughout history most oftenly use the country's version of the name.

What kind of nonsense you writing about?