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Posts by smurf  

Joined: 8 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 Jan 2017
Threads: Total: 38 / Live: 5 / Archived: 33
Posts: Total: 1940 / Live: 423 / Archived: 1517
From: Your Ma's room
Speaks Polish?: kurwa

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31 Oct 2012
Life / Blasphemy not OK in Poland! [54]

I commit blasphemy as many times a day as I can. I regularly insult peoples' gods.
You see that's my religion.
My religion's main belief is to belittle other religions & gods whenever possible.
If the religious try and rebuke I simply remind them that their god is a god who preaches forgiveness so they must forgive me.
13 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

No European country has death penalty as crime punishment.

Loads of them do, they just don't use them.

God appointed a day when Christ will come back in anger and He will judge in righteousness

No, no, no, no, no.
13 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Yes, you've convinced me now.................., I lied.
terminatinga FETUS isnot KILLING achild

See how annoying that is? No need to capitalise, I'm envisioning you screaming at your screen & life is too short to get upset about something on the internet.

little chlidren being murdered that CAN'T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES

Who made you their spokeman? And sure anyway kids can't speak properly until they are about 2 years old. Newborns can't talk. You must be a man, men don't know much about giving birth, so it's ok dude, calm down, get a pint and don't be worrying your head about abortions, you'll never need one.
12 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Apparently you're not a native spekaer of English

Far more of a native-speaker than you are boy.

To take a powder means to split, disappear, vanish

OK, so I looked it up

To take a powder means to leave quickly in 1940's slang.
It can also mean to suddenly disappear/run away, especially to avoid something unpleasant.


I think you've been watching too much Boardwalk Empire :P

Abortion needs to be legal in every country and easily available up to 16 weeks!

100% agree
12 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Wouldn't it be horrible to be able to send your 12-year-old daughter to summer camp and know that she would not be molested

no, it wouldn't.

Wouldn't it be horrible if there were fewer sperm-spewing foot-loose daddies getting women pregnant and then taking a powder...

powder? What ya talkin about? Cocaine? Talcum powder?


sperm coming out of their mouths? Nasty. You should get that seen too.


Being a good dancer attracts the opposite sex.
12 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Wouldn't it be horrible to be able to send your 12-year-old got women pregant and then took a powder occurred only very rarely?

I'll see your gibberish and raise you:
“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?”
11 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986] scared of what is going to happen after

Nothing's going to happen, why would you be scared of nothing?

I don't want to die because I don't want to stop living, but we'll all die and that'll be the end.

You close your eyes one last time and the curtain closes one last time.
11 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Could this go to a referendum?

I think this would be the best way to decide it. Let the people decide what they want for their country, not the suited and booted cronies in Warsaw.

I'd vote yes btw.
Abortion is not murder. Murder is a term that can only be used for the killing of a person, a foetus is not a person. It is a life form of course, but it is not a conscious logically thinking life.

If you choose to wrongly believe that a foetus is a person then OK, that's fine with me, you are entitled to your beliefs, but I will not allow you to force your beliefs on me. Keep your beliefs to yourself and if you don't want an abortion don't have one, simple as that. And since you are so Christian, you can pray for the salvation of those who have had to have abortions and the lost souls of those dead foetuses who are lost to an eternity in limbo because they were not baptised and cannot get to paradise........I can't believe there are people out there in the 21st century who still believe such nonsense, but yea, believe what you want. Just don't shove it down my throat.
7 Sep 2012
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [122]

Somehow certain facts go unnoticed. Wrong!

slow news day eh?

Give the tossers a job, fukin disgusting animals or get some hawks to move into that big church on the square and get rid of all those horrible flyin rats
4 Jun 2012
Life / Popular Polish blog and chat sites [65]

[Moved from]: Polish Bloggers

Who are the most influential bloggers in etc etc. Thanks, help appreciated
17 Apr 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

that is still unresolved

It's resolved, read the reports.
Get over it.

Jarek is a troll of the highest calibre. A man who had led his party to 6 consecutive election defeats. He will grab at any and all straws to hang onto his position.

Which is good when you consider that now that Poland has both PO and Palikot for the younger more intelligent voter it means less votes for mentaller Jarek and his blind followers.
16 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

I have no idea what RAŚ stand for because they don't have an English-language website

use google chrome as your browser, it has an automatic translating thingy.

As for Jaro, I wish he'd been on that shaggin flight too. This country would be a whole lot better if both of them were rotting into worm food in Wawel now. Although it's a crypt so maybe worms don't get in there. Then again, when we decompose aren't we eaten from the inside out, by maggots.

Smaller government means people's votes and opinions matter more.

100% agree.

In other words, you don't have a deep enough understanding of Polish culture and politics to write anything very insightful.....

helpful as usual Mafk *slowclap
4 Apr 2012
News / History lessons no more in Poland (Tusk's change) [61]

Reducing number of history lessons to almost non existence

History here seems to be taught completely wrong. Every single student I've ever had here complains about their history lessons.

They seem to be nothing but learning facts and dates and then the exams are multiple choice questions. No focus is put on understanding the history and what lead to significant events happening. It seems to me anyway that schools here are killing student's interest in history before it can have a chance to take root.
19 Mar 2012
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]

Don't mind them lad, I've been living in Kato for more than 2 years and it's great. Place is gonna be the richest city in Poland within a few yeasr, loads of investment going on here and loads of jobs too.

2) Good tips for learning Polish...websites, cd's etc.

Cant help ya there, it's a pure bastard of a language, near impossible to learn...and there's a dialect here in Kato, but that's far easier, grammar isn't so difficult and the words don't look like they were written by an autistic blindman whacking a keyboard.

3) Any advice about buying a house / is the right time, where to get mortgage, what I could expect to pay?

prices vary a lot according to the district you want to live in so have but for a house you shouldn't pay more than 1,000,000zl and an apartment from 250,000zl upwards

Any advice on cultures and customs

Tell people you hate Warsaw and Sosnowice and they'll love ya :P
15 Mar 2012
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

good god *rollseyes

it's nearly a permaments carbon sink

Well, that's a good thing then, however, it won't always be there.

CO2 emissions in itself are not a huge hazzard to marine life

c'mon man, ya didn't ever read the article, ya didn't even give it a chance.

you are not really ready to recognize it

now, now, play nice :P

For all the things you've said so far man, you've only provided one link.,...about a coral reef....could you please provide links to where you're getting your other information? Teach me something new and put your money where your mouth is.
15 Mar 2012
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

1. human emissions of CO2 consist only a couple per cent of yearly emissions into the atmosphere

So we should do absolutely nothing? Just let the chips fall like they may. That's the kinda attitude that got the dinosaurs where they are today. Nonsense attitude. A pre-destination attitude, are you a Calvinist, they think that way too.

CO2 in the atmosphere accounts to less than 20 per cent of greenhouse effect in the atmosphere

Yea, so if we got rid of a 5th of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere it'd be a really really stupid idea. Really? are ya sure? Really?

there is no good correlation

I beg to differ, you provided no links as proof whatsoever, what you're saying is totally unture, even back in the 1800s scientists knew of this.

scientist haven't reliably evaluated ocean CO2 'sink' so far

Maybe not to your high levels, but they've been doing their best and according to this, the oceans have soaked up quite a lot of emissions and it's had a terrible effect on sea life.

plants grow considerably faster in higher levels of CO2 binding it

Yea, that's right but what happens when those trees and flowers die? Yea, that's right the CO2 is released into the atmosphere

there is a negative feedback in the earth's atmosphere against warming - this is called clouds which raise earth's albedo significantly - the mean daily temperature in the height of June in Poland under a thick cloud cover can be lower than 10 centigrades while in the full sun it can easily rise above 30 degrees (and a mean temperature throughout the day can be above 20 degrees)

What point are you trying to make here? NOt that I've ever experienced a temp of lower than 10C in June in Poland, but that's neither here nor there, Clouds keep the temps lower during the day & warmer at night, sure a 12 yr old geography pupil knows that, they also know that clouds also reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere but it's being kept in by the greenhouse gases

Ya see the thing is man, that there is no climate change debate, you guys lost, it's over, now just do everyone a favour and separate your trash, burn less coal, walk to the shops instead of driving and help the earth out a bit, it all helps if everyone just does their bit and stops dragging their heels. I know this is Poland and it's the national pastime to complain and drag your heels but you're wasting your breath in the longrun.
19 Jan 2012
News / Is there anything Poland won't do for money? "Wolf's Lair" - up for rent" [59]

one in every ten goes to see the same tiny place


dude, there's no way that 1 out of every 10 tourists goes there.
How many of the 1.3m visitors that Fuzzy wrote about aren't tourists? Think of all the Polish school kids that go there every year as part of school trips, that'd take up quite a large portion of the number.

& have you even been there? It's not like there's a giftshop to buy tshirts ^_^
I remember one crappy restaurant that was more like a bar mleczny beside it. I remember going there coz I needed some stiff drinks after being in the place. Shock me up something bad so it did. Don't think I'll ever forget the place.
19 Jan 2012
News / Is there anything Poland won't do for money? "Wolf's Lair" - up for rent" [59]

1,300,000 visitors a year and you don't see how Poland and its citizens profit from Auschwitz? i don't know what to say.

yea, but in fairness not that many tourists who come here actually bother going there.
Latest estimates show that Poland had 13.1 million tourists last year, so (according to your figure) only 10% went to Oswiecim. Doesn't seem like Poland is dependant on it to make a few bob.