History /
Polish mathematicians who solved the Enigma machine [86]
Heeee,Heeee. Heeeee. If you mean how they betrayed us, sold us down the drain, used us when we served their purpose, then discarded most of us like a dirty rag.
If you are talking about this collaboration, think before you call anybody an ignoramus; better yet, look in the mirror.
I do not call you ignorant, the dullest knife in the drawer, brainless nincompoop, a man with the limited intelligence, but I won't, because you suffer enough, a joke, stumbling around with no apparent purpose or steady set of beliefs I could speak your language, write a few pages about your shortcomings
But I won't; you are Polish after all, poisoned by British propaganda, but Polish nevertheless. If you plan on talking to me, use civilized language, or wait for the return of your equal, Szczelec
Now that's a bald-faced lie; next, you outdo your unfathomable assessment and come up with another doozie and inform me that the British love us back, with passion. By the way, I was not going to go the bragging pat, but you asked for it. The history of my brothers is written in blood, from Syberia to Monte Cassino, to the British Isles, so please don't start with your uncles, who are probably honorable men. Read The Monte Cassino, by M.Wankowicz on eyewitness, not someone writing from a hotel room or you and Jon relying on manipulations. Then, perhaps in the best interest of both of us, ignore me if you can't act like a civilized man.