The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2013
Threads: Total: 18 / Live: 4 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 1444 / Live: 297 / Archived: 1147
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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21 Jan 2013
History / Judge Tuleya mother was in SB [74]

in as much as this running debate between Gumishu and Pawian is very interesting and, at times, enlightening(for this American Polonian), it's at the same time very sobering illustratrating the deep divisions that exist between brother Poles :) Makes me a little sad.
21 Jan 2013
History / Judge Tuleya mother was in SB [74]

You simply seem to idealise the country of your forefathers

I think you're right
21 Jan 2013
History / Judge Tuleya mother was in SB [74]

people where much more united in the times you have studied in Poland rybnik

they had a common purpose namely resisting communism right?
23 Jan 2013
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

edg·y (j)
adj. edg·i·er, edg·i·est
1. Nervous or irritable: The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin.
2. Having a sharp or biting edge: an edgy wit.
3. Daring, provocative, or trend-setting: an exhibition of edgy photographs; an edgy menu.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

edgi·ly adv.
edgi·ness n.
24 Jan 2013
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

Rybnik, what do you know about dupa????

Now that's a "loaded question" :)
btw I didn't know Tuwim was also Jewish
28 Jan 2013
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

WielkiPolak's post jogged my memory as it relates to this word.
My childhood friend Andziej (when I was a boy my father took me along to other Polish families where I was befriended by their sons - Andziej was one of them).

Andziej's mother was a proponent of corporal punishment. She was always beating him. And Andziej seemed to relish antagonizing her pushing her buttons (mind you we're about 6 years old). One of those buttons which he pushed often was his use of vulgar Polish words. He absolutely loved saying "kupa gówna, kupa gówna) and duźa dupa! Saying those words always cracked him up, enraged his mother and sent me to a neutral corner :)
12 Feb 2013
Travel / Completely random views of Poland, a co! [80]

just wanted to say i'm really diggin this thread
that Picaso was cool But the "aparat do masaźu" turystyczny, no less, was the bomb! lol
12 Feb 2013
Food / Polish head cheese [46]

Same here!
Ah the memories. We kids loved it( galaretka) too.
wish I had some right now :) Mmmm pycha
21 Feb 2013
Life / The Best Things About Poland [24]

I love the three things you cited.
I never, until now, thought of those two Army-related items you cited as distinctive nor stylish.
I do now
ps I too love gołąbki...........
9 Apr 2013
Travel / Storks - the Symbol of Poland [59]

I just saw a wonderful piece on TVP about some storks who "ryzykowaly" (took the risk) to come to Poland from Africa despite the cold and snow and were shown all this love and attention from the locals. It really was very touching to see the locals feed the birds and worry so about them. Apparently, nothing unites a village like the presence of a mating pair of storks.
9 Apr 2013
Travel / Storks - the Symbol of Poland [59]

I even dreamed last year a Stork nest fell thru my roof

does that confer an abundace of luck if the roof caves in? :)
..........If I'm not mistaken, they are also revered in Germany?
9 Apr 2013
Travel / Storks - the Symbol of Poland [59]

I had NEVER seen a stork until I had my first sighting back in 1978.
I, like most New Jerseyans my age, had only heard and read about them.
I was enthralled, to put it simply.
And to see their nests! Magnificent.
I re-tell the experience to my daughter (apparently ad nauseum) over and over again.
I can't wait to bring her to Poland and show her myself!
20 Jul 2013
Life / What's the best Polish radio station? [36]

this could be useful for my Polish language learning.

I find listening to Polish radio very helpful.
I stream Polskie Radio Trójka.
It's got a nice mix of talk and music
20 Jul 2013
Life / What's the best Polish radio station? [36]

sorry swissi, I stream it from the States.(listen online)
I'm sure some of the in-country members can help you out :)
keep listening. it helps a lot :)
6 Oct 2013
Love / Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this? [262]

the secret is to date the youngest sibling and not the oldest. Oldest siblings tend to be Type A because they were bossing their brothers and

my Polish ex-wife was the baby of the family.
She also was a monster.
9 Oct 2013
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

I mean REAL hard. Wet-panties-humping-my-leg hard. Not bad for a 53-year-old. I could chalk it up to my God-given good looks, my efferverscent, charming personality, or to my long, flowing white beard. But the cynical side of me has to concede it has more to do with cash.

are you certain they weren't simply hookers (no offence)?