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Posts by cms  

Joined: 4 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Feb 2018
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12 Dec 2017
Life / Why do so many Polish strive to be accepted by the West? [78]

Yes the west does not like criticism but it does not responding by jailing, mudering and poisining critics like the Russians do.

As for Russia being more spiritual than the west i have never noticed that on my visits. Unless by the East you mean Nepal or Tibet ?
17 Dec 2017
News / The quality of Polish media coverage [50]

So don't watch in that case. This is a free country. Your wife and kids might be a bit upset because that's where most of the interesting programs are. Or maybe you don't have any family ? It does seem that most of the posters on here with your kind of views tend to be single guys.
20 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

It is not because in the US judges get life time terms and thus are appointed and confirmed by different presidents and senates over many years.

The American Bar Association has strongly criticised the Polish actions, which have no parallels in the developed democracies
20 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

Yes - but given no president can serve more than 2 life terms there is an excellent check and balance on judicial appointments

Unlike PL where Ziobro could prosecute Tusk and have him tried by PiS appointed judges
23 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

It is more subtle than that. I think the perfectly sensible point that people have is that the yes/no referendum is not suitable to extremely complex issues, with literally thousands of hidden consequences and something that is irreversible. There is also the problem that the people who call the referendum we are not willing to implement his results.
23 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

But That time will never arrive because the money that we get is not just what is handed out in the form of grants, the mutual trade between the 28 countries of the EU makes them all richer, all safer and all with better prospects.

Unless you think you're better off just trading with Hungarians. By the way, if the Hungarian opposition can get its act together over the next six months I have a good chance of taking away Orbans absolute majority.
23 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

Exactly the same arguments came from Brexit supporters - that Britain was too big a market fot the other 27 to ignore.

18 months later the EU has called their bluff and told them no access to the single market without accepting EU law. Now the Brits are begging to be allowed to stay.

And that was Britain which has far more leverage than Poland would
4 Jan 2018
Work / English speaking Tax accountant in Warsaw [6]

There are plenty of small private accountants so just google ones near your apartment . You would struggle to find anyone for less than 250 in central Warsaw. Add in the requirement for English and the 400;is probably right.700 is probably a rate given by someone who is already busy and only wants clients who pay well. If they get to know you are an easy client and pay on time they will probably drop the cost a bit after a year or so.

You don't need to hire an accountant - you could do it yourself. If you think professionals are expensive then try amateurs.
8 Jan 2018
Life / So I found out the guy I was prepping myself to fight in Warsaw [19]

You didnt pay to get in ? Thats probably why he got upset. Anyway good luck fighting them - I've been there before and they do not look people I would take on.

Next time go to the bathroom in Luzztro next door - its only 10 zloty to get in, open all night and a favorite place for Legia fans to let their hair down.
9 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Clinton is yesterday's news. Put her on trial and lock her up if shes guilty.

But Trump is the person in the post now. Obviously he is mentally unstable- question is whether he is also a crook or merely a dupe of Putin ?
10 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

She was not pardoned because she was never convicted of anything. comey closed the investigation.

Why do you keep turning this back to Hillary Clinton ? she is not in office and most Poles dont care either way about her. If shes guily then lock her up.

What we do care about is our most important ally being run by a man with the attention span of a 5 year old.
10 Jan 2018
Work / Business ideas for Poland [63]

The average Pole spends 100 zloty a month on clothes or shoes - im not sure you could even get a pair of socks for that price in Armani.

The number of high earners outside Warsaw is not enough to sustain designer shops yet - people who have that kind of wealth are not flainting it either at the moment
28 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

It is obviously the case that the trade benefits and the subsequent increase in opportunities for Polish business, employment, tax base, economic stability are far greater than the actual amount of the cash recieved.

Sadly that is not obvious to people who see this as a zero sum game and advocate leaving as soon as the EU stops handing us money. None of those posters here were in Poland pre 2004 and have an idea of what it was like in those days. They should watch some of the reruns of M Jak Milosc that TVP is running at breakfast time - see what people wore, drove and ate before the EU and what their houses and streets looked like,.its the best advert for the EU on TV.

The same story in Britain - I read a series of interviews with leavers this weekend and the uneducated ones they still cite the UKs cash contribution as a big reason for leaving, even though Brexit is already costing them 3x the amount of the cash contributed.

But it's difficult to make that case when levels of education are low and attention spans even lower.
28 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Yeah great - Farage has run away and is working on a radio show, his party has all but collapsed and his Brexit is costing his voters thousands of pounds already. Not that he cares about them - in this video he mocks small time bank clerks but those are precisely the sort of hard working people that he managed to con.
28 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

Could be Slocin in Wielkopolskie - German name Vorwalden which would be pronounced as though the V were an F. But there are probably other places with the same name in present day Germany (it means "before the forests").
28 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Poland's minimum wage only crossed 1000 zloty in 2006. So plenty of people were working for less than 50 zloty a day. Unemployment was nearly 20 percent so you could employ people for peanuts. Many employers did not even want to spend that 1000 and there was a thriving grey labor market. It was not "a bit poorer" than Germany, it was many degrees poorer. You would not know any of that because you were probably at school in Chicago.

Without a doubt inward investment revolutionised the labor market here and made local employers both raise their wages and behave themselves fairly.
28 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Right - but what was in it for Austria, Sweden, Belgium or any of the other 10 net payers ? Nothing to do with wanting a buffer but everything to do with wanting a stable and prosperous democracy that they can trade with and wouldn't go up in flames like Bosnia
29 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

The Euro is not stagnant - it has gained strongly against the pound since Brexit and the dollar since Trumps election. You can see money talking about where people think will be a safe investment.

EU funds might only be 3% of GDP, but they are closer to 20% of investment and in peak years it was over 30 %. That is very important since investment multiplies. This is stuff from literally week 1 of an economics course.

In fact without this investment, the amount of capital expenditure by Polish owned businesses is one of the lowest in the developed world - Partly because of the Audi syndrome, where successful people first buy flash cars and houses rather than re-investing in the business.

Polish exports to the EU are 30 percent of GDP - a figure that has doubled since the 90s and which would probably halve if there was a Polish exit.

Reimittances from Poles working abroad are another 1.5 percent of GDP and much of it goes into houses and domestic infrastructure (new rooves, plumbing, new furniture)

Finally millions of Poles are employed by EU companies in Poland - often receiving valuable training and certainly without that the pool of management talent in Poland wold be very thin - the education system here is good technically but awful for soft skills.

These are the facts that should be widely disseminated, not some economically illiterate twaddle about its only 3 percent. And if the price of all of that is that you might have to take in a couple of thousand migrants is that really so onerous ?

Can we here from a Pole in Poland about whether the EU is beneficial, rather than words shouted across the table of the Red Apple buffet after a dodgy bottle of Krupnik ?
29 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

So come to Warsaw and try and do a big deal in zloty or dollars - over a certain level here then business works in Euro.
30 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

I think 19 percent is a fair rate - more of an issue is how it is spent.

The Hungarian consumer has no choice but to pay the VAT that they had to introduce to fund the corporate tax cuts.

They needed those tax cuts to maintain investment after investors got spooked by Orban forcibly nationalising banks and targeting other foreign investors.