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What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
19 Jul 2021   #31
Piast dynasty (those who later on were Dukes/princes) mixed with local nobility to uphold influence locally and have ties with those who were powerful.

Actually, the Piast dynasty mixed heavily with foreign nobility and foreign royal houses, German in particular in the 10th and 11th centuries; and later on with Ruthenian or Hungarian princesses.
Crow  154 | 9552
19 Jul 2021   #32
So far Poland and Hungary are part of the EU, which I hope dearly will remain.

You can hope but Duda and Orban aren`t madman. EU either change its format and Belgrade replace Brussels or EU is no more or even worse, sunk in relentless chaos what again finish in dissolution. You heard Orban? He nicely says Serbia should become member of EU as soon as possible and its not possible with current format of EU that is actually Holly Roman Empire, as German Shroeder said. Everything rotate around papacy and its disgusting as you see. Only fanatics rejoice.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
19 Jul 2021   #33
current format of EU that is actually Holly Roman Empire, as German Shroeder said.

That´s based on the idea of a united Christian Europe, which you reject cause Belgrade ain´t gonna be the capitol. It´s openly obvious to everyone except yourself it seems
Crow  154 | 9552
19 Jul 2021   #34
That´s based on the idea of a united Christian Europe

How they say... EU is founded on Judeo-Christian heritage. Plus, what they don`t say... on Egyptian, Arab and Islamic heritage. All but not Slavic heritage. Slavs are too White and therefore outlawed.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
19 Jul 2021   #35
As I know the slices of salami should be so thin

Oops, it is like eating snow flakes. :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
19 Jul 2021   #36
Are you saying the EU has no similarities with Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? I thought the PL-commonwealth as a predecessor of the EU.

Would you say Poland stopped being slavic by being partitioned by Prussia? Did Czechs stop being Slavs by being part of Austria?
Crow  154 | 9552
19 Jul 2021   #37
I thought the PL-commonwealth as a predecessor of the EU.

You heard founders of EU. No, its not on the heritage on anything Polish and Slavic, old European feith, etc. Its Jewish, Christian, and now also Islamic, etc. That`s them.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

When we have Central European Union it would be founded on the heritage of European Sarmatia, Scordisci-Boii tribal alliance, Samo`s Empire, Great Moravia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Serbian Empire (because encompased entire Balkan and parts of Central and Eastern Europe, liberating Slavs from Western and Eastern Romans), Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Visegrad Group. Then we can also say on the spirit of old Slavic feith and Christianity. That`s us.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
19 Jul 2021   #38
You know that the "Central European Union" idea was just a thought, played out like a theatre play Right? It's called larping, or roleplaying. It's used as a way to understand how politics work and international relations. It's a great way to educate ones self by participating, but it was never real you know?
Crow  154 | 9552
19 Jul 2021   #39
EU was realty and now is just an illusion. If CEU is merely a thought it has much better prospects then EU.
20 Jul 2021   #40
Oh, I'd love to have a unit between Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and Poland but Slovaks will never have it with Hungarians.
amiga500  5 | 1506
20 Jul 2021   #41
Slovaks will never have it with Hungarians.

Relations between Hungary and Slovakia are the best in history, with many joint economic projects. (highways, high speed rail etc)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 Aug 2021   #42
In my youth I saw the affinity between Poles and Hungarians.
Despite the fact that Hungarians are not Slavs i saw a connection.
I have known one of my oldest friends since we were 15 years old.
He was of Hungarian descent, me of Polish descent.
We went to school together, worked together and even went on holiday together.
He was always welcomed into my Polish family home as I was into his Hungarian family home.
We are still in touch despite the fact that he has lived in America for many years now.
My question is this.
Do you think that this Polish/Hungarian link still exists?
Spike31  3 | 1485
21 Aug 2021   #43
We owe Hungarians for help in the 1920 Polish-Soviet war. The ammunition delivered by them has greatly helped Poles to beat bolsheviks.

  • Polishsoviet_war_19.jpg
amiga500  5 | 1506
21 Aug 2021   #44
Also they ripped up the railroad tracks going to polish border to prevent Hitler from invading via hungary in ww2
Crow  154 | 9552
21 Aug 2021   #45
What owe to Hungarians? Hungarians were gentle on Poland during AH. They took only what Austrians forgot to take.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
21 Aug 2021   #46

Sorry mate, I didn't understand a word of your post.
mafketis  38 | 11176
22 Aug 2021   #47
Join the club....
Crow  154 | 9552
22 Aug 2021   #48
What you don`t understand? Hungary was younger partner in AH. Therefore, Hungary wasn`t perpetrator of anti-Polish policy (eventually) but Hungary did profit from taking part in ruling AH. Now, AH stolen from Poland a lot of, that way Hungary profited. Could they take much more? Of course they could but were either prevented from Germanics/Austria and Vatican that rather wanted more for themselves or were stupid or maybe loved Poland and didn`t taken more.

Let us sing to Hungary.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
22 Aug 2021   #49

Sorry mate. Still can't understand a word, just gibberish to me.
Please learn English berore posting again on this forum.
That may take some time......
mafketis  38 | 11176
22 Aug 2021   #50
Please learn English

His problems go waaaaaay beyond language. He needs to learn thinking and logic.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Aug 2021   #51
" We owe Hungarians for help in the 1920 Polish-Soviet war. The ammunition delivered by them has greatly helped Poles to beat bolsheviks."

they never best the bolsheviks. they were getting their asses kicked than a miracle on vistula happened and soviets went back to their border. learn history moron.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
18 Apr 2022   #52
And look at Hungary - they're in the EU and so what?

Hungarians have decided to keep good relations with Putin`s RuSSia for a reason. They are still dreaming of the territory they lost 100 years ago. They believe that Putin`s Russia will dismantle the European order so that they regain some scraps of land which ones belonged to them. Ukraine and its Western territory with the Hungarian minority might go first.

Do Hungarians really hope for playing the role of a hyena next to the RuSSian bear? It seems so. Amasing.
If so, it means that Poland and Hungary will go different ways coz Poles will never support such crazy acts.

Hungarians! Come to your senses and do not let sly politicians trick you into such mad ideas. You will never regain the lost territory coz Putin`s RuSSia will be too weak to support your claims.

See Hungarian obsession:

  • breakupofhungary.j.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11176
18 Apr 2022   #53
Do Hungarians really hope for playing the role of a hyena next to the RuSSian bear?

Not so much Hungarians, from what I gather many just didn't want a change in uncertain times... like Putin and Merkel and Erdogan, Orban has somehow convinced many Hungarians that they can't survive without him...

You do see the two maps (the modern and pre-Trianon borders) all over the place in Hungary...
Tacitus  2 | 1255
18 Apr 2022   #54
Like Putin and Merkel and Erdogan, Orban

Could we please not put Merkel in a line with those people? Like or dislike her, she has won her elections fairly without murdering her opponents (Putin), imprisoning them (Erdogan) or redrawing election districts and rules and outspending the opposition 10:1 (Orban).
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 Apr 2022   #55
Could we please not put Merkel in a line with those people?

Why not?

She deserves to be with them..
A useless leader.
Bordering on the traitorous....
OP pawian  226 | 27572
18 Apr 2022   #56
You do see the two maps (the modern and pre-Trianon borders) all over the place in Hungary...

Yes, this is a result of the Kremlin propaganda on Hungarians to make them believe they can regain some lost territory. Hungarians must feel really desperate if they fall for that.

An article from June 2021 - half a year before the RuSS invasion.
Pro-Kremlin portals in Hungary like to cover events in Ukraine in a manner suggesting that Hungary might recover its lost territories there in the near future - even though Budapest is not making any territorial claims on its neighbours.

  • 1.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 Apr 2022   #57
Hungarians must feel really desperate if they fall for that

Only a few,very stupid Hungarians,will fall for that!
OP pawian  226 | 27572
18 Apr 2022   #58
Unfortunately, over 50% fell for that in recent elections in which they chose Orban who had been happily playing the Trianon Trauma agenda, together with the Kremlin orchestra.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
18 Apr 2022   #59
Why not?

Because she was a democratically elected leader who upheld the rules of democracy unlike the former.

Those who did not like her in Germany could vote against her and her opponents could make a case against without fear or consequences. They just failed to do since she was the greatest European politician of her generation.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
19 Apr 2022   #60
Because she was a democratically elected leader who upheld the rules of democracy unlike the former.

Orban was elected democratically as well, not sure about Turky but I'm sure that majority of Turks support him.


Hungary has no interest in going all out against Russia. That is all. As for getting their territory from Ukrainie it is a streach. I think that Orban doesn't think about it. Althought Ukrainie get on his bad side by not playing nice when it comes to the Hungarian minority in Ukrainie.

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