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What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

28 Jan 2023   #181

I found that German got me quite far in at least

Sure that Hungarians know German from their long contacts with Austria.
Paulina  17 | 4488
28 Jan 2023   #182
Who said that exactly?

PiS politicians. I don't take notes which ones exactly (Duda, for example), but this seems to be the PiS policy towards Hungary - they all seem to be repeating the same thing. Kind of criticising Orban and then defending him, either alternately, or at the same time.

I don't know what Kaczyński said, but other PiS politicians first criticise Orban a bit and then defend him, by claiming that he's "just" defending Hungary's interests and this happens again and again.

I'm guessing the main reason for such behaviour is that Orban is their only ally in the EU.

Calm down, youve seen too many ukranian psyops on facebook. ever wonder why those fake photos of atrocities you fell hook line and sinker for

Wow, thanks for showing your true colours, amiga500. What mainstream media show concerning what RuSSia is doing to Ukraine isn't enough for you to stand on the side of Ukraine? You think people need some kind of "Ukrainian psyops on Facebook" or "fake photos of atrocities"? WTF is wrong with you??

Orban is allowed his stance, as is half the world. Besides the ukrs have treated the hungarian minority in the carpathians badly.

And I am allowed to have an opinion about his stance and anyone elses. And do tell what horrible fate the Hungarian minority in Ukraine suffers exactly?
OP pawian  223 | 27089
28 Jan 2023   #183
Wow, thanks for showing your true colours, amiga500.

Yes, this sudden change of sides is amassing, really.

And do tell what horrible fate the Hungarian minority in Ukraine suffers exactly?

Amiga probably meant Ukrainians didn`t allow their Hungarians to seperate and join Great Hungary. :):)
mafketis  38 | 11131
28 Jan 2023   #184
showing your true colours

the far right (whether in Poland or abroad) tends to sympathize with russia. Maybe it's the longing for a powerful big daddy? rightists love the idea of a Sugar Daddy State (right wing version of the Nanny State) and RT has convinced them that Vova is a sugar daddy for them, willing and able to subsidize their efforts on his behalf....
amiga500  5 | 1514
28 Jan 2023   #185
but this seems to be the PiS policy towards Hungary

Your PiS derangement sydrome has really affected you, Kaczynski personally insulted Orban, all high level meetings were cancelled and the V4 is now the V3. Stop bringing your PiS hate into every thread. In a time of war this is borderline treason.

the far right (whether in Poland or abroad) tends to sympathize with russia

excuse me punk? Check yourself before you wreck yoursel you silly yank, my posts have shown i'm totally against russia invasion.

Amiga probably meant Ukrainians didn`t allow their Hungarians to seperate and join Great Hungary.

I meant that the ethnic hungarian minority were forbidden to teach hungarian in schools before the war and they are disportionatlly being consripted to fight in the east during the war.
Paulina  17 | 4488
29 Jan 2023   #186
Kaczynski personally insulted Orban, all high level meetings were cancelled and the V4 is now the V3.

And yet PiS politicians keep defending him, and it looks like - so are you.

I meant that the ethnic hungarian minority were forbidden to teach hungarian in schools before the war

That's because the official language in Ukraine is Ukrainian, just like in Poland - Polish. This affected all the minorities, not only Hungarians.

they are disportionatlly being consripted to fight in the east during the war.

Paulina  17 | 4488
29 Jan 2023   #187
In a time of war this is borderline treason.

I just stated a fact. Orban's behaviour is treasonous. What if Poland was attacked by RuSSia? How would Orban behave? Did such question cross your mind? Because it did cross my mind.
amiga500  5 | 1514
29 Jan 2023   #188
That's because the official language in Ukraine is Ukrainian, just like in Poland - Polish

Ukraina dla Ukraniców? Now you sound like a Banderist, the german minority in Poland has rights to be taught german in school, why should the same be denied to the hungarian minority in Ukraine?

In the school year of 2014/15 there were 387 elementary schools in Poland (all in Upper Silesia), with over 37,000 students, in which German was taught as a minority language (that is, at least for three periods of 45 minutes in a week), hence de facto as a subject." .. "there were three asymmetrically bilingual (Polish-German) schools, where most subjects were taught through the medium of Polish""

And yet PiS politicians

And yet you can't provide any evidence for this, in contrast to being provided with all the facts on how Poland has cut friendly relations with Hungary.

Orban's behaviour is treasonous.

The EU recently gave a hungarian oil refinery an expemption from the sanctions, so they import the oil from russia, ship it to slovakia where it is refined, and then able to be sold to Austria, Czech, Slovakia etc.

So now awaiting your moral outrage to extend to the European Commission, please call von der Leyen a piece of sh*t, and call all those that support the EU over Poland scumbags.. tick tock i'm waiting.
amiga500  5 | 1514
29 Jan 2023   #189
What if Poland was attacked by RuSSia? How would Orban behave?

Polak, Węgier - dwa bratanki,
i do szabli, i do szklanki,
oba zuchy, oba żwawi,
niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi.

English translation: They would behave just like in world war 2 and for centuries before that, do what they can to help.
Paulina  17 | 4488
29 Jan 2023   #190
Ukraina dla Ukraniców? Now you sound like a Banderist,

Don't be a nasty demagogue. I claim no such thing that "Ukraine should be for Ukrainians".
I'm not saying that I support such policies towards minorities in Ukraine, but I realise that Ukraine is in a different situation than Poland. And all minorities were affected, not only Hungarians, so it wasn't like they were somehow "targeted".

German was taught as a minority language ((...)at least for three periods of 45 minutes in a week), hence de facto as a subject."

That's in the past though, because of PiS:

"reduces the number of hours of German-language teaching for children from that minority from three to one per week"

"The decision has been condemned by representatives of the German minority, who collected thousands of signatures on a petition against it, as well as by the political opposition. Poland's commissioner for human rights has also warned that it may violate international agreements and the Polish constitution."

And yet you can't provide any evidence for this

How can I provide you with an evidence of an interview that Duda gave on TVN, as far as I remember? I was watching it on TV. Maybe there is a video somewhere or it was reported somewhere in some article - I don't know. I've read articles in which other PiS politicians were defending Orban - I can't provide you with links right now. I'll try to do that later. All of that happened last year. Did much change since then? I don't know, but I suspect that it didn't or not much.
Paulina  17 | 4488
29 Jan 2023   #191
all high level meetings were cancelled and the V4 is now the V3.

Really? What is this then?:,morawiecki-szczyt-v4-ke-w-rowny-sposob-traktowac-wszystkich-czlonkow.html

The EU recently gave a hungarian oil refinery an expemption from the sanctions, so they import the oil from russia,

I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about how Orban behaves and that Hungarian state TV is repeating RuSSian propaganda. None of the EU prime ministers, even Scholz, behaves like this. I'm talking about how Orban was trying to stop sanctions against RuSSia or was threating to block Sweden's and Finland's NATO bid. My moral outrage extends to all countries that behave in an immoral way concerning the war in Ukraine. That included PiS who was criticising Germany for importing RuSSian gas and oil even though Poland and Hungary were doing the same. That was hypocrisy. Or Israel that wouldn't sell Iron Dome system to Ukraine.
mafketis  38 | 11131
29 Jan 2023   #192
ow Orban behaves and that Hungarian state TV is repeating RuSSian propaganda.

according to generalsvr (usual caveats) russia is pressuring him heavily.... (and had promised him a chunk of Ukraine when they won)

No one's mention the recent elections in Czech. Apparently the pro-russian candidate (and Orban ally?) lost and the former NATO general won...

Good news!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11885
29 Jan 2023   #193
and the former NATO general won

A clear decision from the Czechs in these times....
mafketis  38 | 11131
29 Jan 2023   #194
A co-worker is married to a Czech woman who claims that the political situation in CR was just as bad (or worse) than Poland.... hopefully they can turn it around. When Babisz said he woudn't send Czech soldiers if russia attacked Poland... (sealed his fate then?)
Lyzko  44 | 9703
29 Jan 2023   #196
For that reason German remains immensely practical throughout much of Eastern Europe, including Hungary, as it was the erstwhile language which united East with West, even in pre-Communist times:-)
OP pawian  223 | 27089
29 Jan 2023   #197
For that reason German remains immensely practical throughout much of Eastern Europe,

Yes. My parents forced me to learn German since I was 6 coz they always repeated only the knowledge of German saved Poles from instant execution during WW2. If you knew German, you could explain to German police or soldiers that you weren`t a partisan or underground courier.
Lyzko  44 | 9703
30 Jan 2023   #198
In addition, as I've observed often times on this forum, Poles for examplemay bemoan their having to study German, nonetheless, those many Poles whom I've met over the years speak far better German as a second language than English!!

English may well be considered "cooler" than German, however, the quality of written German among those Poles I've known, exceeds their abilities in written English by a country mile:-)
mafketis  38 | 11131
30 Jan 2023   #199
many Poles whom I've met over the years speak far better German

What a Polish English teacher (married to a Polish German teacher) told me was that for Polish learners the first two-three years of German are much harder than English but after that the German learners catch up and start to overtake the English learners.

There's just more cultural connections historically between Polish and German and ....a kind of... similarity in lots of very deep ways that show up later.
Lyzko  44 | 9703
31 Jan 2023   #200
Makes perfect sense, Maf!
As I've always maintained, having grown up bilingual; English looks easy at first and gets tough as hell eventually.
German is the opposite:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
31 Jan 2023   #201
English looks easy at first and gets tough as hell eventually

There is truth in there.
But to learn basic English is the easiest thing in the world.
Which is why it has become the new lingua franca!
mafketis  38 | 11131
1 Feb 2023   #202
to learn basic English is the easiest thing in the world

the lower the barrier to entry... the higher to the barrier to fluency and the higher the barrier yet to mastery

Stick to the topic please
OP pawian  223 | 27089
20 Oct 2023   #203
People, you won`t believe it but it seems and the rumour says that to some extent we owe the latest PIS` ballot defeat to Hungarian advisors and spin doctors hired by PiS politicians. Those "experts" were imported from autocratic Orban`s circles to help Polish rightists attain what Orban had done earlier in his country - namely, win the ultimate majority of seats in the Parliament.

However, Hungarians flunked the job coz they didn`t know :Polish reality well enough. Their advice was useless for Poland and contributed to PiS` demise.

We owe them a really big one!!! Thank you, Hungarians!!! hahahaha
A Pole and a Hungarian - two buddies. hahahahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
20 Oct 2023   #204

You truly are a huge idiot! Hungary has been Poland's biggest friend for decades and they will right this wrong.
OP pawian  223 | 27089
21 Oct 2023   #205
No more, darling. They are obsessed about the Trianon Treaty and dream of retrieving their lands back. Ukraine goes first as the object of Hungarian land recapture obsession. That is why those Hung azholes support Orban. Poland certainly mustn`t be friends with those nuts anymore until they swallow and digest at last what has troubled them for decades.
mafketis  38 | 11131
21 Oct 2023   #206
win the ultimate majority of seats in the Parliament.

Also note that after that victory the Orban government used its power to jerrymander the country and create an electoral system so that he only has to get about 40 percent of the votes to get a two thirds or so majority.

I'm a little surprised PiS didn't try that (imagine the protests if they had tried.....)

Hungary has been Poland's biggest friend for decades

Part of the problem of being part of Polonia and not knowing Polish is that you fall behind the news cycle.... feelings toward Hungary have definitely cooled ever since Orban came out as pro-russian (he doesn't call it that but....)

Orban has even toned down celebrating the anniversary of the Hungarian 1956 uprising (because russians say it was a fascist revolt bravely put down by 'real' Hungarians and soviets).

Will relations improve in the future (given the past)? Probably but only without Orban (who's indicated he more or less wants to be president-for-life) or his ilk.
Tacitus  2 | 1308
21 Oct 2023   #207

I'm a little surprised PiS didn't try that

I have read claims that they tried, just more discreetly. Apparantly election districts were not updated to the changing population allocation, which meant that urban areas have fewer MPs relative to the size of their population. They put lots of election booths in villages but fewer in cities. They made it more difficult for the Polish diaspora to vote. Given that and more, it is incredible that the opposition managed to win this election.
OP pawian  223 | 27089
21 Oct 2023   #208
I have read claims that they tried, just more discreetly

Wow, now you impressed me a lot. For a German, you are quite well-read about Polish matters which aren`t so widely known to aliens.

Are you also an agent of influence like our Russian members????? :):):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
21 Oct 2023   #209
Part of the problem of being part of Polonia and not knowing Polish is that you fall behind the news cycle.

You make the same mistake as Pawian by making huge assumptions.

I fully understand that the relationship between Poland and Hungary has changed recently, but I believe that in the long term it will survive.
OP pawian  223 | 27089
21 Oct 2023   #210
but I believe that in the long term it will survive.

No, darling, you can believe nothing coz you are not a Pole.
BTW, it is amaSSing when you support Polish -Hungarian bond in the light of Hungarian pro Russian and anti Ukrainan attitude. You are a lost mongrel, indeed. Tfu!

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