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What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
21 Oct 2023 #211
coz you are not a Pole.

And neither are you, you are a Communist Soviet.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
22 Oct 2023 #212
Hungarian advisors and spin doctors hired by PiS politicians.

This proves again, for the upteenth time, that Polish rightards are clueless idiots who are unable to think on their own and invent sth new which could produce good results.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
1 Nov 2023 #213
Hungarians dreaming of taking back some Ukrainian territory with Hungarian minority. main reason why Hungarians decided to support Putin and object to EU`s sanctions on RuSSia.

Here is a good article which corroborates my view from May 2022 - Hungarians support their autocratic nationalist leadership coz they believe that President Orban will bring back Hungary its past borders.,30bc1058

The ending of the article

But has he really achieved everything? His hagiographer Gábor F. Fodor probably wrote the truth and hit the nail on the head when he claimed that Orban is the only leader who "is able to complete the great work of Hungarian unity", like King St. Stefan. In his opinion, only leaders of this stature - visionaries and charismatic leaders - "are able to reach the top." And these words and many similar words in the local government propaganda prove one thing: Hungary under Orbán's leadership not only said goodbye to liberal democracy and built a leader-like and authoritarian system, but is also a revisionist force in the region, dreaming of rebuilding the existing borders.

Viktor Orbán has already achieved so much that he himself believed in favorable stars and the reconstruction of Hungary from the times of Saint's Crown. Stefan. But will he achieve this goal? And if so, at what cost? How long will Orbán's charm, myth and charisma last? We do not know. However, we know that true authoritarianism has been built within the EU.

Orban constantly alludes to the Treaty of Trianon which deprived Hungarians of massive lands and population. in 1920.

OP pawian 221 | 24284
21 Mar 2024 #214
Hungary`s leader, Orban, is the only one in Europe to congratulate Putin on winning the latest "elections" in Russia. What a Russian ass licking madafaker.

Message to Hungarians who voted for Orban from a decent Polish ape:

DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too!!!!

Ironside 50 | 12345
21 Mar 2024 #215
Orban, is the only one in Europe to congratulate Putin on winning the latest "elections" in Russia.

Well, That is another good idea, I think Polish leaders should do the same.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
21 Mar 2024 #216
I think Polish leaders should do the same.

You fekking Russian ass licking azhole!!!!! DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too!

PS. It is good you reveal your true nature. This message about far right Konfederacja nazio boys who support Putin will reverberate all over Poland. :):):)
Ironside 50 | 12345
21 Mar 2024 #217

What? Making monkey noises again? Do you want a banana or something?

who support Putin

Who is `supporting Putin? You are an ape and don't get humans, go back to your monkey business
OP pawian 221 | 24284
21 Mar 2024 #218
want a banana

I don`t want a banana coz I have one in the fridge for tomorrow`s lunch.
However, I noticed you had been longing for monkey feces, so I offered it to you in an abundant quantity. I hope you feel satisfied and grateful now. hahahahaha buhahahaha

Thank me politely, Iron, for my understanding and compliance with your wishes aka hidden desires. :):):)
Ironside 50 | 12345
21 Mar 2024 #219
monkey feces

I never said anything about it. At least you are aware what you doing,
OP pawian 221 | 24284
21 Mar 2024 #220
I never said anything about it

You revealed your hidden desires by making that rabid nazio boy style post 215.


Yes, darling, I am doing it with full awareness as a Polish patriot who throws mud and monkey feces at a stinking Russian ass licker. :):):)
Ironside 50 | 12345
21 Mar 2024 #221

lol! Do you need to embarrass yourself more? Go ahead I won't stop you.

Yes, darling

yuck, if you have a crush on me try some flowers and choco chips rather then mud and feces. Better still, find some other object of your unhealthy attention.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
21 Mar 2024 #222
find some other object

Darling, I didn`t address you, it was you who replied to my post. :):):) Why are you so limited??? :):):)
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
22 Mar 2024 #223
Hungary`s leader, Orban,is the only one in Europe to congratulate Putin on winning the latest "elections" in Russia.

This is disinformation.

Of the European leaders, Putin only congratulated Vučić and Orban on the New Year

Ofcourse, to whom should he congratulate to Scholz or Tusk maybe? Putin will congratulate only to leaders who command his respect and work in the best interests of their nation, not globalist lackeys.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
22 Mar 2024 #224
Hungary`s leader, Orban,is the only one in Europe

Of course I meant the EU!

to whom should he congratulate to Scholz or Tusk maybe?

Tusk the Saviour keeps Putin`s congrats in deep disregard. Ha!!!
Ironside 50 | 12345
22 Mar 2024 #225
I meant the EU!

We should leave that crazy house ruled by corrupted morons.


Should be in jail.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
22 Mar 2024 #226
We should leave

Fortunately, Poles and Polesses voted for the EU when they rejected PIS in latest elections. Ha!!!


The Saviour in jail??? Like Jesus........
Ironside 50 | 12345
22 Mar 2024 #227
Fortunately, Poles and Polesses voted for the EU when they rejected PIS in latest elections. Ha!!

No, they voted against PiS don't lie.

Like Jesus...

No like Himmler.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
22 Mar 2024 #228
like Himmler.

Your role model, we know.

they voted against PiS

By voting against PiS they voted for the EU. I see you are pushing obvious facts out of your consciousness into the unconscious. It is called repression in psychology. AmaSSing!!! hahahaha
Ironside 50 | 12345
22 Mar 2024 #229
By voting against PiS they voted for the EU. I

It doesn't work like this, unless you are delusional.

we know.

you and your flies seem to know; a lot of things that are not there, don't forget to take your meds.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
22 Mar 2024 #230
It doesn't work like this,

Of course. Stop pushing into subliminal. It is unhealthy :):):)

your flies

Flies are around lions. I am a monkey so it should be fleas. :):):)

take your meds.

I haven`t for about 6 months - when I had bronchitis in November. :):):)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Mar 2024 #231
Flies are around lions

Hey, Iron, I will gladly educate you now: I meant La Fontaines` fable about a Fly and a Lion. In French, the language of which you know some rudiments.

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