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Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938

pawian  219 | 24592
8 Dec 2022   #271

After WW1, Poles and Ukrainians fought for the control of Western Ukraine which had belonged to the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth for centuries, practically since the Middle Ages. Poles considered the territory Polish coz main cities like Lviv were inhabited mostly by Poles. Ukrainians were the majority in rural areas.

Poles rejected Ukrainian aspirations for independence and eventually won the conflict, which ended with reintegrating Western Ukraine into a newly resurrected Polish state.

See the map showing the range of Ukrainian and Rus languages in interwar Poland


pawian  219 | 24592
9 Dec 2022   #272
Poles rejected Ukrainian aspirations for independence

The aspirations which didn`t cease to exist and Poles were aware of the fact. That is why they decided to commence the campaign of forced polonisation of the Ukrainian minority. They did the same things which the partition occupiers of Poland - Russians, Germans and Austrians had been doing to Poles during 123 years of partitions.

How did Poles run the cultural genocide on Ukrainians?? Let`s have a look at some issues.

Case 1:

Ukrainian minority ranged from 3.5 to 5 million - about 13% of the total population of Poland, Yet, in 1924 the Ukrainian language was eliminated from use in state institutions, judiciary and government agencies.

pawian  219 | 24592
10 Dec 2022   #273
Case 2
The polonisation in education meant that Ukrainian uni-lingual schools were closed down. Their number gradually decreased from 3000 to 400. Polish authorities replaced them with bilingual schools at first, which later transformed into fully Polish schools.

In higher education the already existing Ukrainian departments at Lviv University were abolished, and a promised separate Ukrainian university was never allowed to be created. An underground Ukrainian university functioned in Lviv from 1921 to 1925 when it was dissolved by the Polish authorities.

pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #274
Yes, this dark page continues till today coz still too many Poles prefer to whitewash our cultural genocide on Ukrainians in the pre war period

AmaSSing that so many Poles/Polesses are still too immature to admit Polish guilt. Does this issue concern the whole nation? No, but most of it.
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2024   #275

ah you a re the mature one with quating yoursl;ef on this forum and your erratic posts that border on isane.
You also are the judge of who is mature and who is not.
Sorry to burst your bubble you are not and you won't be. So you might stop your bleateing.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #276
Iron, I thought you eventually matured with age. It seems I was wrong. :):):)

Yes, for 14 years he still hasn`t grown up enough to apologise first.

But my views of 2010 haven`t changed, either.

Polish pre-war authorities, believing that it was possible to polonize Ukrainian minority, committed a grave mistake. After various acts hostile to Ukrainians, the Polish-Ukrainian relations became the worst in history and their tragic culmination was the genocide of thousands of Poles in Volhyn region.

Another dark page in Polish history discovered.

Yes, but still too many Poles/Polesses prefer to keep it under the carpet. Fake history, fake history!!! they cry, like Iron does in this forum.
When will we become mature enough to admit out guilt????
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2024   #277
but still t

You are spreading fake BS history. Whether it was a mistake or not it doesn't; matter it is all in the past all those lands do not belong to Poland, so even compensation claims would be ridiculous, it is rather those countries own some compensation to Poland.
As for all the rest even if that was a mistake it was no crime and wasn't anything that wasn't a norm at the time, even as you call it democratic states.
As your favorite pastime is compering apples and oranges all the time you must be blind.
If you want to make a point you need to try harder. So far you have made empty claims and silly slogans.
It is a waste of typing space having these meta conversations with you.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #278
it was no crime

Polish whitewashing continued:
Our crimes weren`t crimes at all, they were the norm at the time, let`s consider them history and move on. .
Others` crimes on us were horrible crimes which we mustn`t forget.
gumishu  16 | 6181
8 Sep 2024   #279
Our crimes weren`t crimes at all, they were the norm at the time

if you compare a "crime" of demolishing couple of tens Orthodox churches in Volhynia with slaughtering of over 100 thousands of unarmed defensless people then you are sort of sick
amiga500  5 | 1473
8 Sep 2024   #280
if you compare a "crime" of demolishing couple of tens Orthodox churches in Volhynia with slaughtering of over 100 thousands of unarmed defensless people then you are sort of sick

Moral relativism tied into post modernism is all the rage these days.
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2024   #281
Our crimes weren`t crimes

there were not crimes then because it was all legal.
So you use the proper terminology for starters.
Was it fair or just, wise, or even ethical those are separate questions.
All deed like all crimes have their graduation as a teacher (my God, what are you teaching poor children) should know that very well. What happened at some point one of your wires overcooked?
on the same not you are completely illogical. You claim that Ukrainians had the right to do anything no matter how criminal and vile because allegedly Poles were colonizers.
Orthodox churches were built by Moscow.
As a part of its policy of Russification, colonization, and conquest.
Somehow Poles are the one missing in your equations. They get it from both sides, if they are victims they should just take it if they retaliate they are criminals,
However, if someone retaliated against Poles it is all nice and dandy.
you have oikophobia. if I have ever seen one that you.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #282
a "crime" of demolishing couple of tens Orthodox churches

Another Polish whitewasher.

This only shows that whitewashing history is a popular national sport in Poland as I already mentioned.

it was all legal.

You mean Polish colonisers made cultural genocide on Ukrainian minority legal.
In result, Ukrainians decided to make their own genocide on Polish colonisers.

Orthodox churches were built by Moscow.

They already existed when there wasn`t Moscow......
Lemko minority which is Orthodox live in southern Poland near Gorlice region. It is only 170 km from Krakow considered the capital of Lesser Poland. Did Moscow bring them there??? No.
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2024   #283
Ukrainians decided to make their own genocide on Polish colonizers.

by what right, laws, or a country? They had no right to make such a decision, Hence it was illegal. They have been a group of Polish citizens that committed treason against their country and on top of it they committed genocide against innocent civilians. Crazy nazi terrorists.
Why would you condone such deeds?
You are a defender of the murder of innocent children and ethnic cleansing and nazism. Bravo you decient man. If that is your definition of decency I will pass.
They already existed when there wasn`t Moscow

Learn some history you ignorant 'person'. You are very bold with your claims while you are so ignorant as to historical facts.
amiga500  5 | 1473
8 Sep 2024   #284
Bravo you decient man. If that is your definition of decency I will pass.

yeah, me too. this teacher clown does not have a right to pontificiate about lemkos or anything else resembling sub-human inteligence. lemkos living very happily in carpathian regions. at least on the polish slowakian side.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #285
They had no right to make such a decision,

Of course, Volhyn Massacre was a genocidal act and I have never denied it.

Hence it was illegal.

Yet, it happened coz Ukrainians remembered occupations, annexations, invasions, persecution and oppression which they had had to suffer for centuries at the hands of Polish kings, gentry and finally ordinary colonists.
Were Ukrainians aliens who appeared in Volhyn all of a sudden and started murdering people for no reason, just for fun?? No, they had their reasons - generations of Poles had worked for it before.

I will pass.

Good. Let`s not waste time on fruitless exchanges. I have already destroyed your whitewashing denials several times and now let me focus on my historical presentation.
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2024   #286
I have already destroyed your whitewashing denials

You are living in parallel dimension if you think that is what happened here.
Let me tell you what happened here.
Your arguments and your claims have been shown to have no merit being baseless and worthless woke BS and everybody knows it.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #287
Lemko minority which is Orthodox live in southern Poland near Gorlice region. It is only 170 km from Krakow considered the capital of Lesser Poland.

I said it without previous checking coz I know the region well from our regular vacation trips to Wysowa and the vicinity of it. I have a photo collection of a few dozen Orthodox churches.
However, it isn`t 170 km. Coz Orthodox Lemkos lived closer to the capital of Lesser Poland - only 100 km. Amasing!!!!
Check this map, the best I found - Lemko settlements close to Krakow in the red circle.
Where and when did they find themselves there???????????????

Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2024   #288
Check this map,

So what? Why you showing me a map from after 1945 while your argument is about times in 1930' when a map of Poland was different?
It is simply impossible to have a debate with you, you are dumb and ignorant.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #289
Why you showing me

Darling, don`t be so self centred and self-righteous. I am not showing you anything. I am done with you for a while coz you vowed to pass on me. :):):)

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