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Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles

Natasa  1 | 572
11 Jun 2010   #31
Last time I looked Bismarck retired before the first WW...are you mixing him up with Hitler??? I wonder where you get your history from? Or did you get any at all?


This is a poster of Nazi propaganda. Nazi propaganda widely used Bismarck's ideas for their purposes, and that is what i meant. Not knowing it, you couldn't understand. It is sad that a woman from Serbia has to give history (german!!!) lessons to obviously culturally deprivated german.

that was why i said :(

NOW :)))))))))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
11 Jun 2010   #32
This is a poster of Nazi propaganda. Nazi propaganda widely used Bismarck's ideas for their purposes, and that is what i meant.

Erm....that is Hindenburg on that poster, not Bismarck!
Not every prussian moustache makes a Bismarck, you know? Even a intellectual challenged Serb should know that!

That is an election poster btw...only Hindenburgs (he was the president of Germany at that time) death freed the way for Hitler's coup for power.

If you ever take the care to have a look into a history book you will be surprised to learn that the old prussian Hindenburg hated and mistrusted Hitler and waited till the last moment to appoint him.

But the whole bruhaha in the Reichstag made ruling impossible and something had to give.

But then I doubt you will ever read a good book at go back into your corner and be ashamed!

PS: For your information:

Hindenburg, Paul von:

Bismarck, Otto von:

Natasa  1 | 572
14 Jun 2010   #33
Postcard from the 1933 Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally

my mistake

Friedrich II (1712-1786); Otto v. Bismarck (1815-1898);
Paul v. Hindenburg (1847-1934); Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
14 Jun 2010   #34

Nazi propaganda widely used Bismarck's ideas for their purposes, and that is what i meant.

What ideas would that be he got from Friedrich or Paul or Otto?
I really hope you don't think about the welfare support insurance for aging laborers Bismarck introduced...
southern  73 | 7059
14 Jun 2010   #35
Friedrich II (1712-1786); Otto v. Bismarck (1815-1898);
Paul v. Hindenburg (1847-1934); Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

They all look the same(except the moustache).

Here we see Bismarck giving his helmet to Bratwurst boy.
convex  20 | 3928
14 Jun 2010   #36
Postcard from the 1933 Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally

You think they got his approval to use his likeness?
jeden  - | 226
14 Jun 2010   #37
"Veto", remember ? Golden Freedom, anyone ?

What`s wrong with it ??? My grandfather said me that it were good things, and modern description of it is full of false.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
14 Jun 2010   #38
Here we see Bismarck giving his helmet to Bratwurst boy.

Yes, I remember that moment fondly!
OP sobieski  106 | 2111
14 Jun 2010   #39
Bismarck actually knew where to draw the line. He had no time for his own General Staff's plans for an assault on Russia. But he once was gone Germany's politcians became more belligerent. He realised the continuing existence of the Habsburg empire was essential for European peace.

He did not want the Balkan madmen to escape their cage and make havoc on European civilisation. Aided by Wilhelmine grandeur.
Yes he was also cynical but also believed in checks and balances.
sascha  1 | 824
14 Jun 2010   #40
He did not want the Balkan madmen to escape their cage and make havoc on European civilisation.

I don't know what you mean by that. To me they don't look more mad than any other nation in Europe. France, Spain, England, Germany etc....

Do you have any personal experience or do you let yourself guide by one-sided propaganda?
Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Jun 2010   #41
the Polish past and then even worse a falsified version of it.

where are you from then? Where is this golden land where past is not "falsified"?

They existed until the 4th century AD... The Polish "nobility" pretended they were Sarmatians..

Whatever you say but recently historian started to pay a closer attention to what their were saying also to some graphic and archaeological evidence.
I wouldn't been so haste if I were you to pass definite judgement based on few books you happened to come across.

Accept that your nobility was selling you to whatever Power present, just to keep their horses. "

What are you talking about ? Are you unwell?
southern  73 | 7059
22 Jun 2010   #42
You have thick heads in Serbia.
Natasa  1 | 572
22 Jun 2010   #43
In my personal "germanization project" german arguments were huh weak, really weak in quality and quantity.
southern  73 | 7059
22 Jun 2010   #44
You mean german warriors suffer from micropenis syndrome?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
22 Jun 2010   #45
Which German would want to spoil it's genepool with stupids in the first place? Big tits isn't everything...only good for some fun. Serbs have the same low IQ like their 500 year masters, the much interbreeding with them...

Which German would want to germanize such an empty head? We would only lose out..

You mean german warriors suffer from micropenis syndrome?

ROFL Southern...micropenis, stupids and poor, sniveling, begging buggers...Greeks better shut up now! Better start learning German now...
southern  73 | 7059
22 Jun 2010   #46
I just wanted to find out what this serbian girl meant.Maybe Crow can add his view on the topic.
sascha  1 | 824
22 Jun 2010   #47
Hey, BB! How are you doing? Did you miss me? A lot I suppose. Hope you enjoy the WC, especially the "purely German team". So much to mixing or better say naturalization... You mix, but you don't know it. You have an interesting standpoint.

Regarding anatomy you don't know much of southern girls(Serbian or ex YU), right? If you refer with the big tits to the German "cows", than you are right.

Southern what do you think about southern girls from this particular area?

BB, regarding IQ, judging or measuring or anything else, that is out of your league. Better take care of your own.
southern  73 | 7059
22 Jun 2010   #48
you refer with the big tits to the German "cows", than you are right.

I wouldn't call german women especially advanced in boobs area.I could tell it is mostly the opposite let's say the gardens blossom eastern of Oder.

As far as yugo girls are concerned I have to bow since most men salivate by their simple view.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
22 Jun 2010   #49
Big tits and low IQ go mostly hand in hand...we see it in the south of europe....political and economical basket cases! Being mastered by the Germans...

But...Each to his own! As the old Fritz used to say :)
sascha  1 | 824
22 Jun 2010   #50
I don't know about that, but interesting view. Pls explain the "mastering" part. I think that Germans get mastered by others as far as I can see.

I have to agree with southern. You just sub out your simple views.

As you would have any experience with a southern girl, what is hardly possible because of their high standards, you would know that in that region LEGS and ASS are the dominant anatomic attributes.

Cows-like women are more in my experience to find in Netherlands, Germany, UK etc.
Natasa  1 | 572
22 Jun 2010   #51
Which German would want to spoil it's genepool with stupids in the first place?

Dr Carl Clauberg like you hade the same ideas but no mirror.
He was halfblind,halfbold, fat, small and with questionable cognitive capacities.
His victims were also Polish women, he sterilized to prevent Polish employees mix with his superior race.
Dudeski  - | 25
26 Jun 2010   #52
I can proudly call myself a Pole, even if I like to eat a lot of bratwurst/kielbasa/sausage prepared by my grandmother (small nobility banished from Lithuania by bolsheviks)

[honest question - is sausage was first made in Poland or Germany?]

Do you think we are closer relatives to Serbians and Balkans or to Germans?

Or maybe any other options? I, for example, know a few Slovakians, even Hungarians from Slovakia and Lithuanians that speak fluent Polish and they're identifing with polish culture.

What's your opinion?

PS: yes, I already know your opinion Brathwurst Boy and yours Crow, let others speak :-]
noreenb  7 | 548
29 Jun 2010   #53
Why do you think that being interested in the past of Poland is an obsession?
Poland's history is exciting and any kind of obsession does not surprise me, especially "Lusatian/Sarmatian". Ancient Sarmatians represent mentality of the majority of Polish people.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
23 Oct 2010   #54
You are quite right there Noreen. As to your views on the mentality of the majority of Polish, a must say that you either picked a bad sample of Poles or are not that bright.

It is like saying.... The majority of British represent mentality of dopefiend opiate-adickts. And yes, given a crap sample one could prove that, even in Leafy Surrey towns(or should I say, especially in leafy Surrey, HaHa)

you british are nearly as bad as the Dutch, you put anykind of powder chemikals in yyourself.

With Polish nobility, the only 110 per cent trully holy true fact is that Jews copied their fashion, and today with some Orthodox Jew-people one can experience a taste of Polish nobility (minus the Judaism ofcourse)
noreenb  7 | 548
23 Oct 2010   #55
I must say that you either picked a bad sample of Poles or are not that bright.

Yes, but don't you think that not many people in Poland are not proud enough of our past?
especially in the contrary to English, american and so on...

PolengggsThe majority of British represent mentality of dopefiend opiate-adickts.

Well said.
Haven't you noticed that that British see great events of their history, mention them sometimes while speaking in public, whereas Polish if say anything about the past, it is not signed with a great feeling of passion or pride...

How to be patriotic in a country like our?
Filios1  8 | 1336
23 Oct 2010   #56
How to be a patriotic in a country like our?

It's actually quite easy... you are simply not trying very hard.
Maybe you should look into changing your general environment (friends, media etc)

Big tits and low IQ go mostly hand in hand...we see it in the south of europe....political and economical basket cases! Being mastered by the Germans...

Wow.. you really do sound like a Nazi propaganda machine!
noreenb  7 | 548
23 Oct 2010   #57
you are simply not trying very hard

Maybe you re'right.
But at least I'm trying a bit... to be patriotic... a bit...
Filios1  8 | 1336
23 Oct 2010   #58
But at least I'm trying a bit... to be patriotic... a bit...

Well, it is the effort that counts... ;)
Being a patriot is hard, no matter where you live. It's simply a different age.

If we were all patriots in the true meaning of the word, we would be mounting horses, dressed in hussar armour and riding towards Lwow, right? :)
noreenb  7 | 548
23 Oct 2010   #59
If we were all patriots in the true meaning of the word, we would be mounting horses, dressed in hussar armour and riding towards Lwow, right? :)

Not exactly. But I like a vision of it.
I am patriotic because I am proud of our past, I know a lot about it and I still want to think that I can change something for better.

Even if it is just a little something.
Filios1  8 | 1336
23 Oct 2010   #60
Not exactly. But I like a vision of it.

haha.. I just imagined the headline in the news, all over the world about such an adventure.

Getting a good pack of loyal friends, dressing in the armour, leopard skin, horse, mustaches, everything.. Shot of wodka, and a tight embrace with each man before mounting...

Then just riding to Lwow, and start hacking up the local army or police in ultimate aim of restoring it to its rightful owners ;)

Just imagine the insane asylum they would provide for you and your friends! (if you lived through the carnage)

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