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Do I look Polish? (my picture)

WhatAmI  1 | 11
10 Feb 2014   #61
Merged: What do I look like?

My family left russia pre civil war early 1900s they were Minsk at the time Poland, Riga before latvia and the Galician area on my moms mother side and my moms father side I don't know much where they were from specifically other than there last name was Kowalsky, and they were from Russia because there was no country Poland back then, I'm half Slavic(not sure whether I'm considered Polish or Russian) and a quarter Jamaican and English. What do I look like?

  • image.jpg
10 Feb 2014   #62
actually you look like a typical south Londoner
Wulkan  - | 3136
10 Feb 2014   #63
By the really observant and Non-Polish ethnics, yes.

No, she would not. Unlike your Jewish look she would pass as a Polish 100% anywhere in Poland
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
10 Feb 2014   #64
All I'm saying is that if she was of other descents than Polish descent, Non-Polish ethnics and others would pick up on that. Also, I fully acknowledge that I wouldn't pass (thank God-I was fooled for years into believing that I would).
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2014   #65
Not necessarily, There are rare cases of dark looking Polish people like you, I guess I could tell more if you uploaded non blurry pictures :-)
McDouche  6 | 282
11 Feb 2014   #66
he doesn't look German at all.

He could pass for a German. Germans have pretty diverse looks.
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2014   #67
just like Polish
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
11 Feb 2014   #68
Not necessarily, There are rare cases of dark looking Polish people like you, I guess I could tell more if you uploaded non blurry pictures :-)

Not necessarily, There are rare cases of dark looking Polish people like you, I guess I could tell more if you uploaded non blurry pictures :-)

The operative word is "rare". Ethnic Poles are usually light-skinned, light-eyed Slavs.

Ok. Here are a few, then:

  • Keep in mind that my Mom is mostly Western European.

  • I'm trying to find ones in which I have no makeup on.

  • I was in pre-surgery mode here.

  • These are from before 2014.
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2014   #69
You are a bit similar to my sister on the second picture but your eyes are much darker
Magdalena  3 | 1827
11 Feb 2014   #70
Nicki - I'd say you look Spanish or Portuguese. Or maybe Italian? :-) But definitely South/Western European. Also, it's totally not true that ethnic Poles are blonde and blue-eyed - most Poles tend to have various shades of brown(ish) hair and can have all possible eye colours, often grey or brown. Many Polish women dye their hair blonde and that might have fooled you ;-) Of course, many people are blonde, but it's not the standard by any stretch of the imagination. Darker skin tones are not totally uncommon either. Either way, if you lived in Poland you would probably be seen as somewhat "exotic", people would tend to think you have some Spanish or Italian blood, but they would not automatically assume that you were not Polish. The Polish nation is very mixed - the Tartars and Turks, the Italians (Queen Bona), the Dutch (builders of the Żuławy Wiślane dyke system), the French (Napoleonic wars) and many others came to Poland in various periods and settled there :-)
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2014   #72
The Polish nation is very mixed - the Tartars and Turks, the Italians (Queen Bona), the Dutch (builders of the Żuławy Wiślane dyke system), the French (Napoleonic wars) and many others came to Poland in various periods and settled there :-)

More importantly I would add to that the Swedish (Potop) and Germans
TheOther  6 | 3596
11 Feb 2014   #73
The Teutonic Order/Prussian/German influence on Polish history is limited to WW2, as we all know... :)
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
11 Feb 2014   #74
You are a bit similar to my sister on the second picture but your eyes are much darker

They're actually my mom's eyes. Her dad's maternal grandma was Portuguese or perhaps even Sephardic. We don't know for sure as he fled Portugal during the Peninsular War with his parents, was given the name "John McCoy", and came to the U.S. years later.

Nicki - I'd say you look Spanish or Portuguese. Or maybe Italian? :-) But definitely South/Western European.

Fair enough.
lunacy  - | 73
11 Feb 2014   #75
They're actually my mom's eyes. Her dad's maternal grandma was Portuguese or perhaps even Sephardic.

Strong South European genes, if I may say so. There are a few Polish-Greek families in my home city and you could easily pass as their cousin, but in fact Portugal was the first thing that came to my mind - my former university had a few exchange students from there and you definitely have something similar about your appearance (at first glance).

Just reminding everyone that e.g. southern Poland has a relative majority of dark-haired people, a lot of them with dark eyes too (ethnic Górale Podhalańscy for example).

In general, the most common hair color is something girls call "mysi" ("mousy"?) unhappily - it's something between dark blonde and light brown with a greyish twist. A lot of women hate it and dye them lighter, as Magdalena wrote (one can always guess by the slightly darker color of their eyebrows). Poland being a "blonde" country is a myth, although you'd meet quite a lot of light-haired people around.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
11 Feb 2014   #76
Well, we're not Greek as far as I know. On Dad's side, we're Ashkenazi Levites and kohanim. As for Mom's side, we're Portuguese, Briton, Gaelic (Irish and Scottish), supposedly Welsh, Frankish (German and French), Wallonian and Flemish (Belgian), and German Jewish.

By the way, here are each of my looks:

- youtube. com/watch?v=By5a0dsK2pw

There are also autoadjusted versions.
enkidu  6 | 611
11 Feb 2014   #77
The operative word is "rare". Ethnic Poles are usually light-skinned, light-eyed Slavs.

Ok. Here are a few, then:

Sorry, Nicki you don't look Polish. I am not an expert - but on this pictures you look extremely Jewish.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
12 Feb 2014   #78
That's good, then. :-) I'm proud to be an Ashkenazi Jew. Again, I emphasize how (for all its flaws) my dad's family loved Poland and/or had Polish roots in the Jewish Diaspora.
Pavlo  - | 3
12 Feb 2014   #79
Yes, you look polish :-)
shaneshines  - | 2
3 Apr 2014   #80
Hello everyone, my father is irish and my mother have scottish and polish ancestry, am I look like polish or irish?

  • FxCam_1396534776263..jpg
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
4 Apr 2014   #81
am I look like Polish or Irish?

Both, I suppose. Is the Polish ancestry Polish or Jewish, by the way?
shaneshines  - | 2
4 Apr 2014   #82
Uh, I think not jewish. I never heard it.
lunacy  - | 73
5 Apr 2014   #83
Hello everyone, my father is irish and my mother have scottish and polish ancestry, am I look like polish or irish?

I'd say a mix of both. I actually have a friend who looks a bit similar to you and 'smirks' in the same way. Was you mother's Polish branch from the south / south-eastern Poland perhaps? Just curious.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
6 Apr 2014   #84
Uh, I think not jewish. I never heard it.

Ah, ok. I guess I was thinking about my cousins who look similar to you. I have to factor in, too, that their mom may be of similar ethnicity to you. Also, my dad does have a ton of Eastern European autosomal DNA (It's because he's an Ashkenazi Levite.), so maybe that's why he and you (and my cousins and you) look similar. By the way, I never heard that I am Jewish; I pretty much figured it out, and my family was not happy about it.
beckski  12 | 1609
7 Apr 2014   #85
Shaneshines, you kind of resemble my cousin Anton
zaczary  - | 5
13 Apr 2014   #86
This looks like fun. I am 4th generation Eastern European American with three great great grandparents from Eastern European countries. Would I blend in anywhere in Poland?

  • february_19th.jpg
Wulkan  - | 3136
13 Apr 2014   #87
Eastern European countries

which countries?
mochadot18  18 | 245
13 Apr 2014   #88
This looks like fun.

Well you're pale enough LOL

Pretty sure that I was a disco ball in a previous life considering how well I reflect light. :P

I was gonna say, you shoulda tried out for one of the many vampire movies and or shows LOL
p3undone  7 | 1098
14 Apr 2014   #89
Zachary,how old are you?And yes,I believe that you would blend in in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Apr 2014   #90
I didn't know you'd been, P3. But he'd probably blend in ok in a big city.

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