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Do I look Polish? (my picture)

OP TheJunglist  1 | 7
16 Jul 2012   #31
Could be Polish, but at the same time be any ethnicity which has Nordic blood in the mix, (German, Estonian, Russian, Swedish, Dutch..) You don't really have a typical Slavic face, light(er) hair and eyes with a slight Asian twist to it.

Well, I'm from Eastern Finland, so your guess was quite correct. By Asian twist I suppose you mean the slightly slanted eyes and high cheekbones.

You don't look like typical Spanish either (already checked your profile).

Haha! I also think that I don't look typical Spanish either, even though people with very light features can also be found in Spain.
4 eigner  2 | 816
17 Jul 2012   #32
can you seriously tell the difference between ethnic English and Germans?

Not really because

but (under normal circumstances) you can say the difference between a Pole and a Brit.
Meathead  5 | 467
17 Jul 2012   #33
So did Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindlers List, can you seriously tell the difference between ethnic English and Germans? Because i cant, perhaps thats because were from the same stock.

Even with the stereotypical dress, put the same dudes in opposite clobber and we have mirror images.......could pass as English or Germans....

Wrong! English ancestry is Anglo-Saxon, Celtic (Scots, Irish, Welsh) and Norman. Saxony is Germany now but used to be considered Denmark not that long ago. Most of Anglo Saxon English are historically Danish. In fact before 1066 England was considered a Scandinavian country. English ethnic heritage is Scandinavian (Danelaw) even the language is more closely related to Norwegian than German. No the English don't look German, a certain percentage of the population look Danish.
4 eigner  2 | 816
17 Jul 2012   #34
Most of Anglo Saxon English are historically Danish

"The migration of Germanic peoples to Britain from what is now northern Germany, the northern part of the Netherlands and southern Scandinavia"
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186
17 Jul 2012   #35
Yes. I am somewhat versed in anthropology, and you look like a mixture of Eastern European subraces, primarily East-Baltid. However, your profile shows more of a neo-danubian influence. Besides your slavic genetic makeup, you do remind me of the "Polish look" that I can faintly see in myself and others of Polish descent that have the widely spaced eyes, high forehead, and prominent cheekbones. I would guess you were about 1/4.

You definitely don't look British!!If you hadn't asked that particular question,i would have guessed from your looks you were German.Yeah you could definitely pass for a pole!

He does NOT look German at all. At least not the real stereotype, maybe he could pass for being from that country.
crystalsuns  - | 4
30 Jan 2014   #36
Merged: My picture: Do I look Polish?

My grandmother, my mother and myself have been told by Polish friends by the dozens and for decades that we look Polish. We are missing a lot of family records and the city of origin in the US (Baltimore) has an enormous amount of Polish descended people. What are your thoughts on this matter? Thank you!

  • mesummer.jpg
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
30 Jan 2014   #37
Your Polish friends would know better than I would. But they themselves may not actually even be Polish. Given that you're "missing a lot of family records" and you have friends with possibly-dubious Polish origins, you may only look Polish but not be so. I know this because I have family who are light-haired and/or light-eyed Jews who have Diasporan roots in Poland, and they were able to pass for Slavic for years (Some of them would also wring my neck because I found out who we are.). Also, I would not be surprised if you ran into some of my family (probably distant, but my dad and his family, my uncle and his children, and my grandmother as well as some cousins live in Maryland, and some live right in the Baltimore area-and I say "his family" because my dad's made pretty clear that his wife's are more daughters to him than my sister and I are.).
crystalsuns  - | 4
30 Jan 2014   #38
The poles I know have grandparents and great grand parents right off the boat so to speak and have native speakers. But there are so many sub races in Europe, many of which with blondes in them it becomes perplexing. Thanks for the reply!!

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Nickidewbear  23 | 609
30 Jan 2014   #39
Ah. Well, if any of them have the last names or variants of the surnames Czernecki, Andrulewicz, Uszinsky, Foczko, and Morgiewicz, and possibly Daniłowicz (since Daniłowicz is definitely common), know that:

- Andrulewicz" is exclusively Ashkenazi Jewish (It's a variant of a name that was made up at Stakliskes, Lithuania.). In fact, here's a picture of cousin of mine, Susan Lorraine Kopanski Duane (whose mother was an Androlewicz. May she rest in peace.) from St. Louis, Missouri.

- 3503.jpg
- [So is "Foczko" and "Focko" (It was made up in Warszawa, Radom, and £ódż.). The Foskos of Kentucky and Tennessee are, as far as I know, not ours, by the way (Their "Fosko" comes from "Fusco".).

- If the Czerneckis, Morgiewiczes, and Danilowiczes are all part of the Lipsk, Krasne, etc. group, they're ours.
- My Uszinsky (Ushinsky) branch snuck into Saros megye in Hungary from the Russian Empire.

So, their grandparents and great-grandparents definitely came off of the boat and spoke Slavic languages (at least if they were assimilated and/or Crypto Jews).
Monitor  13 | 1810
30 Jan 2014   #40
yes, you do.
jon357  72 | 23098
30 Jan 2014   #41
Agreed. In Poland, nobody would say you didn't look Polish.
bobolek  - | 3
30 Jan 2014   #42
yes pretty polish :-)
local_fela  17 | 172
30 Jan 2014   #43
What are your thoughts on this matter?

My thought is that you are very hot and sexy- my type- bubbly, chubby and not skinny! your second picture tell me that you look more Scottish.
30 Jan 2014   #44
In Poland, nobody would say you didn't look Polish.

Would people in Germany say she doesn't look German? Would people in the UK say she doesn't look British? Would people in France say she doesn't look French? Would people in Holland say she doesn't look Dutch? Would people in Belgium etc.

I say "his family" because my dad's made pretty clear that his wife's are more daughters to him than my sister and I are.

You know that isn't true Nickie, really you do.
jon357  72 | 23098
30 Jan 2014   #45
I suppose the clincher is what people in her local environment think she might be.
Englishman  2 | 276
30 Jan 2014   #46
Well, you look pretty enough to be Polish, that's for certain :-)

I guess Polish people are a mix of Caucasian, Teutonic and Slavic, with some Jewish genes mixed in too. So difficult to identify a specific characteristic that marks someone out as being of Polish origins by their appearance.

A lot of people emigrated from Central Europe to the US from the late 19th to mid 20th centuries. I think if you were able to find out more about your family history it might help answer your question. One option might be to go to Ellis Island and enquire there, as that's where most were processed and admitted.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
30 Jan 2014   #47
One option might be to go to Ellis Island and enquire there, as that's where most were processed and admitted.

Going to Ellis Island would probably be pointless because her OP states that her family is from Baltimore:

city of origin in the US (Baltimore)

A lot of the Polish immigrants coming to the USA, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, had the port city of Baltimore, and not Ellis Island, as their landing point. All of my paternal great-grandparents arrived in the USA via Baltimore. Much of this Polish immigration through Baltimore was "illegal" and so there is no government record of the processing and admission of these immigrants.
crystalsuns  - | 4
30 Jan 2014   #48
Yeah Baltimore immigration was a sketchy ordeal. The Nords on my grandfather's side came in through the Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore then Baltimore. We are missing a ton of information and surnames making this very tricky! I can upload a pic of my maternal grandmother who has always been told she is Polish, she even cooks Polish. Her hair is actually mod. brown but she has been dying it for ages. However, blonde is the primary hair color for my kin. Thanks for the responses and compliments! Just from my observation, courses and discussions over the years some of our facial features don't fit the Nordic, Germanic or Celtic characteristics. Plus with all the comments in regard to us I figured we may really be Polish.

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rocky2124  1 | 10
30 Jan 2014   #49
Your are beautiful that's all you need to know. Polish, German, Turkish. crap...leave it in the hands of politicians :)
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
30 Jan 2014   #50
It is important, though, because certain ethnicities ("races") do have certain looks. Something didn't look White or Polish-Lithuanian about my granddad. That's because he was a Poylisher Litvak and Ungarish Yid. Also, one of my former friends told me that I look Jewish, which I didn't figure at all until I found out that I'm a Levit descended from even kohanim.
Marek11111  9 | 807
30 Jan 2014   #51
you look like white American to me
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
30 Jan 2014   #52
Only Native Americans are ethnic Americans.
Wulkan  - | 3136
30 Jan 2014   #53
So you say white American wouldn't pass as Polish?
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
30 Jan 2014   #54
It depends. If someone as observant as I can be notices a dark-skinned "White" who doesn't look Polish, then he or she may not be able to pass. Even I couldn't have fooled my former friend who noticed that I'm Jewish had I wanted to do so, e.g..
Wulkan  - | 3136
30 Jan 2014   #55
then he or she may not be able to pass.

Are you trying to say that she would get stared in Poland for looking foreign? Please...
Marek11111  9 | 807
30 Jan 2014   #56
she lives in Baltimore and I assumed she was born there that makes her not native American but a white American and if she goes to Poland she will be recognized as foreign, the way people dress, hair, do.
Wulkan  - | 3136
31 Jan 2014   #57
If she is dressed like in the second picture, she will not be recognised as foreign until she opens her mouth.
crystalsuns  - | 4
31 Jan 2014   #58
I know I look like a 'white american' but we all have roots somewhere guys lol. Thanks for further input. What do you think of my grandmother's photo???
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
31 Jan 2014   #59
Are you trying to say that she would get stared in Poland for looking foreign? Please...

By the really observant and Non-Polish ethnics, yes.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
31 Jan 2014   #60
Your eyes remind me of my Polish friend's mom's eyes and she is Polish so yes. In the face you look Polish.

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