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Why Poles will never belong in England

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #241
What you are all missing here is that all in the UK, except for an odd fish 'n chip shop are controlled by Israelis.

What utter codswallop.

Poles in UK will never be seen working as bank, school or corporate manager.

I know plenty of successful Poles in the UK. Having Polish parents and presumably being Catholic didn't stop Miloslaw and dolnoslask on this forum from succeeding, did it?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Mar 2019   #242
Poles in UK will never be seen working as bank, school or corporate manager

well that is not true. I can think of several Polish people I know, working in the bank here in town, or at the council as housing officer, or running care homes or shops. You are spouting pure nonsense.

There are vast swathes of the UK population who are still Catholic from the old days, pre-Reformation. Shocking eh?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #243

Every political movement which the Israelis had funded, organised, and influenced since 1948, had always kept the Catholic church in the cross-hairs

Yet the idiot evangelists love them....
Not just Catholics - all white conservatives. The Jews fund and push multi-prong strategies to destroy the white socially conservative family. You look at feminism, LGBT, liberalism, multiculturalism and there is always a Jew funding it, at the head or pulling the strings behind the scenes. ALWAYS. Whether it's government, media, finance, ngos, etc.their goals are the same but approaches different. Yet, the things that they desire for their own country, even the liberal Jews, is considered racist, islamaphobic, homophobic, etc. when white Europeans demand it. Can you imagine if a dude in France or UK ran a campaign where he promoted deporting africans by force, putting up huge walls around the country, citizenship gained through DNA tests proving they have the right genes, no marriage certificates given to gays or mixed couples? Hell he'd probably end up in jail for 'hate speech' and wrongthink. Yet those are all policies in Israel.

Poles in UK will never be seen working as bank, school or corporate manager.

That's not true though. There's many Poles working in corporations, owning small businesses, etc. They generally tend to be younger educated people though. The uneducated and older men tend to work construction like the do in the US. However, I wouldn't discount it. I know many Poles who can barely speak English yet they're making six figures working a trade.

Muslim parents pull out 600 kids from classes in a school Birmingham because of the new UK law forcing kids as young as 5 to learn about trannies, read book about gay penguins, and how to tell your parents you have HIV.

This isn't even the most shocking thing. Those 600 Muslim students represent 80%of the student body as the school.

80% Muslim. Kind of like UKs future. No wonder poles are leaving in greater amounts...

Some Muslim say they'd leave the UK if their kids were to be taught this crap. Could this be the key to removing kebab? IDK what's the lesser evil - teaching kids about homos and an even greater rise in autistic kids claiming they're now a different gender or having Muslims around.

Why don't white parents protest this stuff? Man we've become such wimps. If I was there I'd be standing alongside the muslims pulling my kids out of school too.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Mar 2019   #244
FGS Dirk, that is how it is, Get over it. The Muslims I mean. I don't blame them for pulling their children out. What a lot of nonsense. I would be with them.

What do you think should happen?
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Mar 2019   #245
I think Dirk doesn't really know which he's more upset by:

The number of Muslims in the school.
The sex education curriculum.

Then there's the terrible confusion of finding himself on the same side as the Muslims for once and added to that, the carrot of the hope that this new law might end up making them leave the country. Oh the dilemma.

It's actually a 98% Muslim school btw, Dirk, not 80%. The old speed reading is your downfall. Did you notice that the headmaster is gay??

Apparently the kids at the school are aged from 4 to 14. It doesn't make it clear to what extent the younger ones are being subjected to this. I wouldn't want anybody other than myself, giving my child, aged under 12, sex education of any kind but I accept that it's necessary in order to protect children and some parents either won't or don't know how to talk about such things. However, it should be as minimal as possible so that a child can remain a child, and I think the LGBT stuff can wait till they're teenagers. Also if there's going to be a sex education program in a school, it should be discussed with the parents beforehand and the parents should have a vote to approve or reject the content, ask for modifications etc.

There's the question of whether parents should have an opt-out right, if they don't like the sex education program in their child's school. But the government can rightly claim that the state has a responsibility from a public health point of view to educate children on sexual matters for their own protection, from abuse, stds etc. and also that a parent has an equal responsibility to fulfil that duty.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Mar 2019   #246
No wonder poles are leaving in greater amounts...

and Polish people are not leaving because of Muslims, don't be ridiculous.

Anyway you lot are always banging on about how great Poland is, lack of Muzzies etc., well then why don't people go there and work hard and make it a better place, instead of running like rats from a sinking ship?

Shall I tell you why?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #247
well then why don't people go there and work hard and make it a better place, instead of running like rats from a sinking ship?

Working hard is for suckers. I prefer to delegate and supervise.

Of course poles aren't leaving UK just because of Muslims. It's a combination of things destroying UK society which makes them want to move back, usually once they've amassed a bit of savings.


All I need to know are two things

Kids as young as 5 are being taught about transistors, gay penguins and 'non traditional' families.

The 600 kids pulled out by Muslim parents represent 80% of the student body.

Again, 80% 98% Muslim, whatever the number is. Just like UKs future.

Although if Muslims do actually end up leaving UK because of this, which I doubt they will, I will then switch positions and demand LGBT education in every UK school. The fags will take care of themselves demographically through aids and they can't reproduce unlike the Muslims which have a 3x higher birth rate than Europeans

Then there's the terrible confusion of finding himself on the same side as the Muslims for once and added to that,

I've said Muslims do certain things right before. Did I not praise them when they were throwing gays off roofs? Did I not say they got feminism on lock in their countries?

But yes in this case if the gays make Muslims leave I'll support the gays since disease and degeneracy keeps their numbers low. We can deal with them.
mafketis  38 | 11142
5 Mar 2019   #248
Working hard is for suckers. I prefer to delegate and supervise.

You'd have made a good overseer on a southern plantation, whipping others to work hard for no pay seems to be about your speed....

Muslims do certain things right before. Did I not praise them when they were throwing gays off roofs?

your political instincts are almost a perfect storm of wrong and stupid, that's quite a feet (though if you're emotional age is still 9.... mebbe not....)

your'e a good example also of the value of the catholic church in Poland... since you obviously have no connection to it or have forgotten anything they ever spoke about there....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #249
You'd have made a good overseer on a southern plantation,

That would be nice. Unfortunately I have to settle for telling my Mexicans 'get back to work or I'll have your ass deported.'

No but in all seriousness I love my crew. I have to keep them on their toes though or else they'll start taking siestas and drinking cervesa on the job.

, that's quite a feet

The word you're looking for is feat. I'm sorry I can't help it when things out of my control make me happy.

your'e a good example also of the value of the catholic church in Poland

I despise the current state of the church, especially the commie pope. Neither do I believe all the dogmas. That doesn't mean I want beautiful churches that are centuries old to make way for mosques, especially in Europe.
mafketis  38 | 11142
5 Mar 2019   #250
Neither do I believe all the dogmas

But your'e a normie and normies need religion, when they wander away from it they become nihilistic and fall prey to ideas they don't fully understand...

word you're looking for is feat

My white hot partisan rage sometimes gets the better of my spelling...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #251
Normies respect societies strange new norms. I don't. Normies allow themselves to be brainwashed from countless angles. I don't. Normie men put the pussy on a pedestal, think lgbt is 'normal,' and are clueless on how to do an anything that involves your hands even as simple as changing the oil in your car let alone remodeling a bathroom. Normies can't even bench their own body weight. They won't get into a fight even a friendly spar. You are far more 'normie' than I...

And actually I'm an Xmas/easter church goer. I've probably been in mosques more times than a Catholic church the past few years. I'll walk in, muddy boots and all eating a kielbasa on rye, or with my dog, and pretend to not speak English. Or I'll rev my harley as they're trying to snack bar. It's made me realize that muzzies are only tough when they sneaky and attacking a weaker person, especially women and unarmed civilians. When they go against someone who is able to defend themselves they just shout some gibberish.
mafketis  38 | 11142
6 Mar 2019   #252
I'll walk in, muddy boots and all eating a kielbasa on rye

you have a very odd fantasy life...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Mar 2019   #253
If you want I'll be happy to send you a video
mafketis  38 | 11142
6 Mar 2019   #254
I'm sure it would be very entertaining....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Mar 2019   #255
I'm sure Hollywood would be interested ...
mafketis  38 | 11142
6 Mar 2019   #256
I hope he talks and I hope he sounds like Tom Hardy in Venom....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Mar 2019   #257
In addition to learning about pedaly starting at age 5, kids in UK are now being taught to treat wounds caused by spontaneous cultural enrichment.

Learning about fags and treating stab wounds. This is what western education has come to...

I'm sure Hollywood would be interested ...

Nah Jewish hollywood only care about remaking comic book classics with gay and black characters, and pushing other degeneracies in line with their social engineering agenda.
6 Mar 2019   #258
You should see twitter these days, it is exactly full of this. ALl conversations are this and every disagreement you have with all these feminists including male feminists or their cheerleaders and a lot of jewish lawyers and white guilt people including this ex con called Joshuahomie or whatever his name is and that jewish sex offender dude and his wife @GUy Padriactic or whatever his name is, are about that stuff. They will block you or report you to the twitter police for any disagreement and label you racist or sexist. I am already suspended the second time now for like 4 more days on there.

If you go to Morocco, Marraketch in particular they will test you. In a heartbear particularly if you are from us or dress well. They will lie, steal and rip you off every chance they get.
Anoushka  - | 1
5 Jul 2020   #259
I regard Anglosaxon Protestants as white, not Slavic Catholics. Poles have swamped England - they are no different to Nigerians, they are, ethnic immigrants.

Thank-you for letting me know. That means people like my parents and grandparents wasted their bloody time working here and paying taxes since you never wanted us here in the first place. It was a waste of time for people like my grandad to fight along with the British Army in WW2 since you had no intention of ever helping to re-establish a free Poland.

Next time I have to fill in one of those stupid diversity forms which ethnicity should I tick, black or Asian? My skin is white but it's not of the freckled kind commonly associated with Anglo-Saxon or Celtic heritage, and I don't go pink in the sun like your average alcohol soaked twat in a pair of Union Jack shorts on a beach in Benidorm, so I'm not sure I would be what you class as "white" anyway. Neither would I want to be.

Thank-you so much to you and your fellow UKIP/EDL prats for creating an atmosphere in which people like myself have no idea whether we belong in the UK anymore. After this Covid and Brexit nightmare is finished, it will be interesting to see exactly how well you cope, given that the coronavirus death toll is the worst in Europe, Japan has given you 6 weeks to do a trade deal (and you haven't even got any paperwork arranged yet) and any trade deal with the USA means you'll have chlorinated chicken and GMO foods on the menu whether you like it or not.

Poles will never belong in England? Not sure they'll even want to with a future like that.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2020   #260
It looks like that doesn't it , but we don't need to live in Britain anymore, I am looking forward to many British poles coming here to Poland to live in peace and safety, It is only going to get worse in the UK , Brexit, Covid , Terrorism and BLM, lefties will make sure of it.
6 Jul 2020   #261
They can go to Visby, it has more than 2000 hours of sunshine yearly, more than Krakow's 1300 (believe it or not Visby gets as much sunshine in the winter as Krakow despite the shorter days)...
20 Feb 2023   #262
Polish people belong in England because Polish people have helped make England rich.
Alien  25 | 6397
20 Feb 2023   #263
It's not enough.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
20 Feb 2023   #264
Polish people belong in England because Polish people have helped make England rich.

I agree!

It's not enough.

Novichok  4 | 8485
21 Feb 2023   #265
Polish people belong in England because Polish people have helped make England rich.

Define "rich" in pounds or dollars.
Let me guess...You have no idea so that claim was just a feel-good mental fart.
jon357  72 | 23483
21 Feb 2023   #266
Polish people have helped make England rich.

It was rich before.

Why only England in this thread? Not Scotland and Wales?
Bobko  27 | 2079
21 Feb 2023   #267
It was rich before.

Yes, I was quite amused by this. Does England know that it owes its wealth to Poles? Why Poles, and why not Pakistanis, Kenyans, Jamaicans, or the Irish? The English themselves - are they just passengers?
Alien  25 | 6397
21 Feb 2023   #268
Why only England in this thread

Because Poles say England when thinking about Great Britain.
jon357  72 | 23483
21 Feb 2023   #269
Poles say England

Some maybe. the ones who get it wrong.

Great Britain.

Or even Britain. The Great part refers to the main island and excludes the thousand little ones around it and the bit of Ireland we want to get rid of but nobody else wants including the south.

Does England know that it owes its wealth to Poles?

There was me thinking it was wool exports then the industrial revolution.
23 Apr 2023   #270
British person (as in an actual ethnic Brit) here, just popping in to agree with the OP and encourage Poles to go home.

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