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Why Poles will never belong in England

7 Aug 2011   #121
Have you seen how brown and black some English are? Gulasz is Hungarian btw. Africans have been around for a while, yes. Many do well when given a chance in the West.

English people are white. If you are not white, you are not english and you most certainly do not belong in western europe.

I was born in a hospital, does that make me a doctor?
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #122
Besides, colour is BY FAR not the sole determinant of any given piece of land.

English people are a mix of colours. Your comment tells me you have never been there.
7 Aug 2011   #123
English people are a mix of colours.

It is unfair to tell a black chap that he is european or english( substitute english for any other european nationality). It is patently untrue. He is and always will be, an african living on western european soil.

Lineage is more important than a passport. Remember that.
modafinil  - | 416
7 Aug 2011   #124
I was born in a hospital, does that make me a doctor?

Mental hospital, was it?
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #125
So what about Afrikaans folk claiming that large chunks of African land belonged to them? The Boers went there, as did the Brits and French etc etc. They also killed many native Africans during apartheid. Besides, how do you expect people to truly learn about other parts of the world if you deny them the opportunity of travelling? It's just fear on your part.
Ironside  50 | 12946
7 Aug 2011   #126
Lineage is more important than a passport

Why don't you move to Denmark or Norway then ?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Aug 2011   #127
It is unfair to tell a black chap that he is european or english( substitute english for any other european nationality). It is patently untrue. He is and always will be, an african living on western european soil.

Lineage is more important than a passport. Remember that

FGS theres "black chaps" living in London Bristol or Liverpool whose "lineage" is lost in the mists of time. does it matter?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Aug 2011   #128
It only matters in his unemployed, bitter mind.
7 Aug 2011   #129
ENGLISHMAN , you are ofcourse totally correct .Polish are allways trying to sing about how great their country is but the truth is it is just a peasant farming country, and it is true that they have no history of great people or inventions.The Polish proverbial Bighead is indeed all mouth and no trousers .The truth is that only a select few countries can be credited with a long list of great people and great inventions .For example, poland would not have radio/tv or electric light if it was not for the inventions of the british. It is no wonder that every god damn son of a gun wants to get into the uk, becasue this is the angel isle the central hub of great minds(shame though our greatness and industrious prowess is evaporation) because we have sold everything off to asians .
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
7 Aug 2011   #130

make your mind up please.

7 Aug 2011   #131
Oh dear me its so difficult to digest the truth about your own country instead of pointing the finger at everybody but themselves .......................jesus,nie normalny glupi polska.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #132
Poles have their own inventions but let's not get into inventions. It doesn't decide who belongs where. Besides, they are for the collective benefit of humanity.

No Polish, please. Especially wrong Polish. GÅ‚upia if you want to be correct. Nie normalna. Wild flaming!
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Aug 2011   #133
nevermind. Carry on.
Avalon  4 | 1063
8 Aug 2011   #134
an african living on western european

I think. "benefits" is the word you are looking for. At least the Poles make an attempt at paying into the system. All you do is try and use the excuse of "slavery" to milk the same system for all its worth. Jesus!!! 7,000 years ago, my ancestor killed one of your relatives with a stone axe, do you still want compensation?. I am "sorry" so "sorry" for what my ancestors did. If I could go back in time and make this right I would. As I can't, Fcuk off and annoy somebody else.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Aug 2011   #135
Avalon, many Africans study Medicine. Brits are major recipients of benefits as the nanny state makes them that way.
Avalon  4 | 1063
8 Aug 2011   #136
I left the UK and moved to Poland in 2004 because of idiots like you.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
8 Aug 2011   #138
I left the UK

oops,read that wrong lol,carry on,nothing to see here ....
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
8 Aug 2011   #139
The real shame is that your "greatness" didn't manage to influence your spelling and grammar, lol :p
Avalon  4 | 1063
8 Aug 2011   #140
Avalon, many Africans study Medicine. Brits are major recipients of benefits as the nanny state makes them that way.

So have Asians. Have you noticed in the UK press how many have been charged with "malpractice"? and struck off!! Apart from Harold Shipman who is an extreme example, I know who I would rather have treating me!!!
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Aug 2011   #141
NHS culture plays a large part in that, Avalon. Polish doctors tend to be effective.
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Aug 2011   #142
Help me here, I don't understand what the OP meant by 'belong'. Like the Italians belong in US, for example? More? Less? Nicaraguans?
grubas  12 | 1382
8 Aug 2011   #143
I only regret that I have to restrain myself from posting in "Poles in the UK" kind of threads because I don't want to offend some of British members who, to be fair seem to be decent lads.It used to be a lot of fun to bash them when I first joined this forum.
gazzaroon  - | 36
8 Aug 2011   #144
I will never understand why people just can't accept other people from whatever nation they originate. We all have our 'histories' and 'culture' that have an impact on what we believe and the way we behave. Poles have a certain way of thinking, behaving and reacting which is different to the English way sometimes, but it doesn't make them any less a person than an Englishman. I have lived in Poland for just over 7 years and I know my way of thinking has changed to better 'adapt' to my new life here. I love the country, the city I live in, Wroclaw, and the people I have met both Poles and non-poles. But, I am not Polish I am English but I don't think it's important what nationality you are as long as you respect the culture you are living in, accept it and don't constantly complain about it.

I would find it very hard to return to the UK these days as I enjoy my Polish life too much.
8 Aug 2011   #145
Oh dear me its so difficult to digest the truth about your own country instead of pointing the finger at everybody but themselves .......................jesus,nie normalny glupi polska.

Wroclaw is Englishman. Isn't it pathetic to carry one-man war under few different nicknames just to pretend there are a few more people with your views? Who do you want to fool.

And moderator seeing that's just an act of trollism should delete this thread... or maybe not. This is quite funny ;)

.For example, poland would not have radio/tv or electric light if it was not for the inventions of the british.

For example Britain would have never could treat cancer with radiotherapy if not a Pole.

Why Poles will never belong in England

Isn't it ironic that one of the most notable English writer was actually Polish?

Wroclaw is Englishman.

I mean he is of English nationallity, not the OP, of course...
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Aug 2011   #146
Good post by gazzaroon :) :)

'Just a world that we all must share' (On The Turning Away, Pink Floyd).
8 Aug 2011   #147
The truth is that only a select few countries can be credited with a long list of great people and great inventions,

You don`t realize that most of the latest technological advances were created by Polish scientists..

Meet some of the device invented by our inventors., for example :helicopter, manual mine detector, walkie talkie, bullet proof vest, a colorful photograph, blue laser, manual camera, film projector, tank periscope, enigma decoder, graphen mass-scale production,advanced method of blue rey produced from nitrogen crystals

Original inventors of graphene were unable to move the production of this material outside their own laboratories and Polish scientists came with help.

modafinil  - | 416
8 Aug 2011   #148
Sorry, when it comes to inventions UK is leagues ahead. Only a very misguided education could lead anyone to believe

most of the latest technological advances were created by Polish scientists

Wroclaw  44 | 5359
8 Aug 2011   #149
when it comes to inventions UK is leagues ahead.

anyone who mentions 'inventions' in this thread will incur my wrath.
Pierdolski  - | 31
8 Aug 2011   #150
If poles were so hardworking and enterprising, as we keep hearing, they would have a working economy of their own, but they don't. Nothing is "Made in Poland".

First of all, the Poles that come seek work in England are generally speaking lower working class people. Successful and educated Poles need not be interested in bloody England. Poland contributed just as much as England if not more to science. East Germans are lucky to have been absorbed by West Germany, except they don't cry about it because it's their own people. Apparently it's the lower class English who have a problem with the Poles working in England. Low class hating on the low class. The difference is, Poles will work, while the English complain about not getting paid enough.

Poland is now the 6th strongest economy is Europe and is on its way to becoming a major power in Europe. A Pole goes to England, works hard, gets married, educates his children, and his children blend into the English culture, where the only difference in the end is the last name. If you have a problem with that, maybe your daughter can marry a Nigerian.

Furthermore, Saxony is in Poland.

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