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I blame the Poles

1jola  14 | 1875
18 Jun 2010   #1
I have come to realize that my threads are for this forum. This is not what readers and posters want here and the mods are not happy with me either.

This shall please most of you though as these kind of threads are the most popular here.

So, I stubbed my toe. How can we blame that on the Poles? I think it would be best to actually blame the unborn Poles or perhaps the dead ones. The ones who emmigrated to the Isles are also suspect.

Discuss freely, and let it all out.
pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Jun 2010   #2
fun thread! thumbs up!!!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
18 Jun 2010   #3
I blame the Poles for not inventing Bloody Mary. They had all the Wodka in the world and I am sure they had tomatoes. What was the missing link?


M-G (furious)
Robert A  1 | 102
18 Jun 2010   #4
fun thread! thumbs up!!!

Hey pg . . . u feeling bored?? ;)
OP 1jola  14 | 1875
18 Jun 2010   #5
If it weren't for the Poles stopping the bolsheviks in 1920, we might have beautiful Soviet architecture around Europe instead of those ugly old French and Italian palaces and castles.

Arhg...I'm doing it again. Laptop off.
convex  20 | 3928
18 Jun 2010   #6
I'm not sure there's much to blame on Poland. If anything, it's the whining about supposed historical wrongs...
pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Jun 2010   #7
Hey pg . . . u feeling bored?? ;)

does it show? lol
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11731
18 Jun 2010   #8
So, I stubbed my toe. How can we blame that on the Poles?

It was a polish toe? ;)
A toe on a polish body...hence a polish toe...not anybodies toe, no german or russian toe, nope, a polish toe...there, all guilty! :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
18 Jun 2010   #9
So, I stubbed my toe.

I blame yourself, being a Pole you must have been trying to open a bottle of voddy with your foot :/
pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Jun 2010   #10
It was a polish toe? ;)

no, a camel toe... :P
Amathyst  19 | 2700
18 Jun 2010   #12
I just blame Poles. (the full stop was meant as a statement rather than just as little dot at the end of a sentence) ;0)
plk123  8 | 4119
18 Jun 2010   #13
I have come to realize that my threads are for this forum. This is not what readers and posters want here and the mods are not happy with me either.

no, that is not it.. you're just too pig headed or stubborn.. you don't really understand what a discussion is.. you just scream what you believe is the truth and everything else is nonsense when in fact a lot of what you post is nonsense itself.
Zed  - | 195
18 Jun 2010   #14
More vodka everyone? It's on me :-)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
18 Jun 2010   #15
If you have also tomato juice and a little black pepper, make mine a bloody mary pls. Thanks :)


M-G (off to bed soon)
Zed  - | 195
19 Jun 2010   #16
You're on, MG.... :-)
Alien  23 | 5601
21 Aug 2022   #17
"I blame the Poles" everywhere and always for everything, e.g. about bad weather or WW2 or other atrocities. Why have enemies if you have such friends.
Lyzko  41 | 9574
22 Aug 2022   #18
Alien  23 | 5601
17 Sep 2022   #19
And here we agree.
Alien  23 | 5601
25 Sep 2022   #20
At least for now, it is better to be a Pole than a russian in Western Europe.
Crow  154 | 9297
25 Sep 2022   #21
But I can imagine jokes on the account of Poles if NATO and EU manages to turn Poland into the bloody battlefield.
Alien  23 | 5601
25 Sep 2022   #22
For now, it is a land flowing with milk and honey, not blood.
Novichok  4 | 7945
26 Sep 2022   #23
At least for now, it is better to be a Pole than a russian in Western Europe.

Did you join the nuts who communicate their feeling by screwing around with spelling, too?
jon357  72 | 23098
26 Sep 2022   #24
a russian

It's not easy to be as r*SSian anywhere right now.

Not even in Putler's r*SSia
Novichok  4 | 7945
26 Sep 2022   #25
It's not easy to be as r*SSian anywhere right now.

It's easy to be a brainless demagogue, though. Just misspell some words and everybody knows. Pity this forum does not offer different fonts and colors.
pawian  219 | 24945
26 Sep 2022   #26
Just misspell some words

You are still whining about our RuSSist spelling? Amasing, coz I thought you gave it up as completely useless. Old habits die hard, right???? hahahaha
Miloslaw  21 | 5083
26 Sep 2022   #27

I hate that spelling of the word.
I understand that it is now acceptable on the internet.
But in proper English, it just looks, sounds and feels wrong.
pawian  219 | 24945
26 Sep 2022   #28
the word

Which word?????

it is now acceptable on the internet.

No, only here.
Alien  23 | 5601
26 Sep 2022   #29
Since Februar 24, 2022 Russia was downgraded to russia. After the end of war they will be upgraded to Russia again. These are my private sanctions
Miloslaw  21 | 5083
26 Sep 2022   #30
Which word

You know very well which word, because you are deliberately spelling it incorrectly.

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