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Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!

Susila  1 | 1
19 Apr 2010   #1
Polish immigrants - victims or criminals?!
After almost 4 years in the UK I have to say I am falling out of love with this country a little bit. Haven been attacked a few times and told to go back to my country among other insults regarding my national origin makes me start thinking whether I made a mistake moving here. My partner, who is English, tries to persuade me that it’s partly because of so many Polish criminals who had come here as well and spoilt “our” good name... Asked where he got this idea from, he pointed at daily newspapers... but to be honest, this kind of comments annoy me even more, as I cannot really recall any criminal behaviour amongst my friends or friends’ friends, who decided to settle in the UK for a few months or a bit longer. On the contrary, some of them complain about discrimination and unpleasant comments as well. Even though one cannot neglect the facts, and it needs to be admitted that there were quite a few cases of crimes committed by Polish immigrants. However, I would be far from generalizing that all Polish people are anti-Semite or petty criminals...

What do you think? Have you been attacked or discriminated against? Or maybe you know some Polish persons who indeed are/have been involved in any kind of criminal conduct?
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Apr 2010   #2
My condolences to you. Precious few deserve to be a victim of guilty by association. I hope more stories are unearthed here. I hate neds/chavs, nobody is safe from them.
richasis  1 | 409
19 Apr 2010   #3
Have you been attacked or discriminated against?

Both. As a Polish-American in... America.

Precious few deserve to be a victim of guilty by association.

I absolutely agree - regardless of who(m) one is.
rychlik  41 | 372
19 Apr 2010   #4
You should go back to Poland. Why stay in a country that is going to hate you? Don't you have any self respect? Is Poland really that bad? Let me guess, you went there to snag a rich westerner?
Spaceman77  3 | 58
19 Apr 2010   #5
This happens everywhere.
I think that all immigrants in all countries will sooner or later feel uncomfortable with the treatment they receive in their new home.
For example, I live in the U.S. and being latino is a problem here.
Indeed, there are a few bad apples, but because of those few bad apples, then all latinos are the focus of a new Anti-immigration wave. Like "hate" agains all hispanic regardless their nationality.

Specially if you live in Texas, where all the red-necks show their xenophobia and their ignorance on everything they do.

You see, when the native habitants of a country have a false sense of superiority, then, this is how they act. By attacking immigrants from inferior countries (Inferior, according to them).

For example, americans think they own the world, therefore, they demand that all undocumented immigrants be deported and kicked out of the U.S. However, they don't understand that emigrating to the US by legal means is next to impossible. Nonetheless, they want to close the borders and seal it off, so that no one would come and steal their land. They forget that this is a nation that was made and forged by immigrants.

In the U.K. something similar is going on. They believe that the U.K is superior to other countries and therefore, their collective ego dictates that they should reject other countries and its citizens.

A newspaper showing some news where a pole is committing a crime is just an excuse to fuel their hate.

The hate starts with the very reporter who writes the news. The nationality of the criminal doesn't really matter. There are criminals in every country. But the fact that they want to state the nationality of a criminal is what shows you that, to them. It matters.

It's called ignorance, insecurity and low self stem. You should just ignore them and live your live with your head up.
pgtx  29 | 3094
19 Apr 2010   #6
Let me guess, you went there to snag a rich westerner?

omg! stop being full of yourself... nobody thinks that "westerners" poop gold and cash...
for fck sake...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
19 Apr 2010   #7
I think that all immigrants in all countries will sooner or later feel uncomfortable with the treatment they receive in their new home.

no problems here and that's after twenty years. once you learn to negotiate the problems of september 39 and why the brits don't always have mixer taps you're pretty much intergrated.
TIT  5 | 208
19 Apr 2010   #8
and why the brits don't always have mixer taps

yeah, why? just wonder:)
rychlik  41 | 372
19 Apr 2010   #9
In the U.K. something similar is going on. They believe that the U.K is superior to other countries and therefore, their collective ego dictates that they should reject other countries and its citizens.

So knowing this, why even go there? To wipe the a'sses of Anglos? Again, it's about respecting yourself. Nobody wants their people being hated on.
pgtx  29 | 3094
19 Apr 2010   #10
Specially if you live in Texas, where all the red-necks show their xenophobia and their ignorance on everything they do.

hmmm... i've always felt welcome...
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Apr 2010   #11
There is nothing worse than being set upon for being 'one of them'. It has cost people their lives in brutal fashion (think of the Balkans). Thankfully, some are neither criminals nor victims.
OP Susila  1 | 1
19 Apr 2010   #12
Ha! Honestly, I have never heard this kind of comment, I need to ask my partner why he is not a rich westerner I have supposedly come to ‘snag’; as I wouldn’t mind him to be one :) But seriously... not every Polish girl coming to the UK is after a man... On the other hand, you should check the amount of ‘westerners’ desperately looking for a Polish wife through matrimonial agencies in Poland :D

Come on... open your mind! Life is unpredictable and you never know where you gonna settle down, and what does it have to do with prejudice and hate towards individuals?!
TIT  5 | 208
19 Apr 2010   #13
On the other hand, you should check the amount of ‘westerners’ desperately looking for a Polish wife through matrimonial agencies in Poland :D

these agencies are lookng for russian, ukrainian women to be precise
we dont need agencies, some of them ( Polish princesses ) can go to UK directly without any fuss
divided  - | 4
19 Apr 2010   #14
well i stumbled on this site tonight as i had an idea of buying a house in poland an still be a uk taxpayer be a resident of poland but commute to the uk .

well it seems to be easier to settle in the uk than in poland,
first post i hit ola123 was spewing venom,
an youre goverment wont let me own a property outright,
an this is before i get out my chair,
if anyone feels persecuted in uk ,
well done youre becoming british.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Apr 2010   #15
I myself have hardly met any vicious approach at myself being a foreigner. But then again, I am a pretty big guy and I look quite strong, so all those yabs will think twice. However, I've come across it a few times, but mostly within the poorer areas of Dublin and even then mostly by women. Those times were rarely a physical attack but merely sth in the order of "fokoff to your own country" without any reason or suddenly stopping to talk with me when they find out that I'm not Irish. But that was only a handful of times and usually I am capable enough of giving a more than decent reply. :)

I think with the Poles it's because there are so many of them. Locals saw the tidal wave of Polish workers as a threat and in a way you cannot blame them for it, it's threatening to be suddenly in the middle of a huge group of ppl who hardly speak English. But it's unfamiliarity and ignorance that causes these attacks. Stupid ppl who don't think further than their noses are long, as we say in NL. And usually it's a very small group that spoils it for the majority of good ppl. It's always like that.

I wish you good luck and I hope you will remain to see the good sides of the British as I am sure there are a lot of good ppl still.

Anecdote: in a nightclub I was looking around and happened to look at an average girl a for about 5 seconds. Even though she was not that good looking and kinda fat, she still was a stuck up, uppety biatch. She shouted at me: "what are you looking at?" "Nothing special", I replied. She went silent and ran off.


M-G (tiens)
pgtx  29 | 3094
19 Apr 2010   #16
I am a pretty big guy and I look quite strong, so all those yabs will think twice.

yeah... me too...

Advice: just grow big, and you'll be safe...
TIT  5 | 208
19 Apr 2010   #17
its true there is something strange with these islanders does not matter if they are from a big one or a small one, they do not behave like Europeans

well, I am talking about ordinary folks/peasants/descent of peasants/rednecks/local uneducated country people
fokoff is just an invitation to a casual sex, never heard of it?
divided  - | 4
19 Apr 2010   #18
i think if i walked into a a bar in a provinsional town in poland myself,
i think id probly end up getting the hell kicked out me an loseing my wallet.?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Apr 2010   #19
fokoff is just an invitation to a casual sex

Hm, most casual sex I had with local girls wasn't preceded by "fokoff", only once or twice maybe. Maybe they wanted to induce me into this part of the rich Irish folklore.
TIT  5 | 208
19 Apr 2010   #20
how they reacted to your penis cut in the half? :):) :)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
19 Apr 2010   #21
its true there is something strange with these islanders does not matter if they are from a big one or a small one, they do not behave like Europeans
well, I am talking about ordinary folks/peasants/descent of peasants/rednecks/local uneducated country people

Then why do you live amongst these "islanders"? You choose to live and work in FreeDerry, yes?
TIT  5 | 208
19 Apr 2010   #22
history and politcs are different story
mingle with locals ( in bars in particular )
rychlik  41 | 372
19 Apr 2010   #23
westerners’ desperately looking for a Polish wife through matrimonial agencies in Poland

This should tell you that there is a business for cheap, desperate Polish women. You can't buy something that's not for sale.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
20 Apr 2010   #24
sure but history and politcs are different story than mingle with locals ( in bars in particular )

Did you tell the natives what you thought of them whilst in there presence in these bars?

its true there is something strange with these islanders does not matter if they are from a big one or a small one, they do not behave like Europeans
well, I am talking about ordinary folks/peasants/descent of peasants/rednecks/local uneducated country people

Derry is a city by the way, so the locals are not "country people".
TIT  5 | 208
20 Apr 2010   #25
listen RN, middle class people are other species
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
20 Apr 2010   #26
Id say you are very popular in FD.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
20 Apr 2010   #27
partly because of so many Polish criminals who had come here

I wouldn't believe him, fact is after reading several newspaper articles and listening to some MP's speeches, there is a far greater native criminal element than among Polish migrants. what you are probably witnessing is an inferiority complex from the former 'working class', who now no longer work and express their inferiority through racism.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
20 Apr 2010   #28
Per capita, whom is more inclined to commit crime? Poles or Brits?

Please provide stats.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
20 Apr 2010   #29
Per capita, whom is more inclined to commit crime? Poles or Brits?

Oh RN change ur record eh??
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
20 Apr 2010   #30
Get out of my country "Dave the taig".

Why do you claim to be Catholic?

You are ex squaddie, yes?

You live in Fermanagh, yes?

Very taig like.

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