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Why do you visit Poland?

frdalloway  1 | 19
30 Dec 2010   #31
I visited Poland in August to participate in a Polish course, but since I've met many people during my stay, I'm going to visit them in spring. I recommend Cracow - friendly people, nice historical places and many clubs to visit :-)
justinloe84  - | 3
17 Mar 2011   #32
I love to visit Poland because of its landscapes,amazing life,natural spots as well as ancient castles too....The cities here are very intelligently built and you can wander here without any fear of being solen by someone...
Anita23  1 | 4
29 Mar 2011   #33
Right now I am in Poland because of my thesis. I need to do research here for this about Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Though, I always wanted to visit Krakow and enjoy it a lot!
29 Mar 2011   #34
A different life paradigm for a few years.

While not working too hard, learning of different cultures and meeting people with different history, traditions, values etc.
valpomike  11 | 194
29 Mar 2011   #35
Poland is full of many great things to see and do, but what I love most of Poland, are her great people. They will be there to help, when you need it, and care for one another. Not like many here in the USA.


delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Mar 2011   #36
They will be there to help, when you need it, and care for one another.

Really? That's why the doctors take bribes, why people steal from their neighbours and why vandalising public property is seen as acceptable?
ChrisCambridge  - | 3
15 Apr 2011   #37
Whats Warsaw like ? would you recomend a visit.
Midas  1 | 571
15 Apr 2011   #38
Why do you visit Poland? -

1) Was born here and still like to visit what I consider one of my "home" countries,

2) Business nowadays mostly, there's still plenty of good deals to be had if You know where to look for them and can navigate the traps and pitfalls the Polish public officials routinely set for foreign investors :-)

Whats Warsaw like ?

Warsaw is a modern European city with loads of foreign investment going on. The difference between Warsaw and the rest of the country can be only described as staggering sometimes. Warsaw is also a city that is REALLY trying to be "worldly" and "hyper-trendy" to an extent which is sometimes comical ( especially visible in some of the swankier night clubs in the city ), which might bother some people.

Architecturally downtown Warsaw is a unique amalgamate of various styles, which reflects the city's convoluted history. You'll find relatively old ( not as old as in Cracow ) townhouses right next to, well, housing projects built by Gomulka after the war, right next to housing projects built by Gierek a few decades later, then on the plot across the street You'll find a modern skyscraper designed by a world-class architect, plus there'll be a hotel built by the Swedish in the 1970's or so a few blocks away. Extremely interesting if You're into that stuff and pretty much something a few city planners in Western Europe would allow for.
15 Apr 2011   #39
I've only been to Szczecin, but I enjoyed my albeit brief stay immensely and found people relatively friendly, even though they knew I was a foreigner. As noone essentially "spoke" any other language by Polish, my efforts were greatly appreciated!
Nojas  4 | 110
15 Apr 2011   #40
To visit my girlfriend.

Planning to enjoy most of the summer down there living on my tax return which should come in middle of June. *yaaaay*
tomek_g  1 | 3
25 Jun 2011   #43
Szedłem na wakaję, kiedy studiowałem w zeszłym roku w Niemczach. Zwiedziłem Warszawę.

I went on vacation while studying in Germany last year. I visited Warsaw.
Palivec  - | 379
26 Jun 2011   #44
For architecture and history, as a tourist. And the country is so much better than this forum suggests... :D
gumishu  15 | 6228
26 Jun 2011   #45
Szedłem na wakaję, kiedy studiowałem w zeszłym roku w Niemczach. Zwiedziłem Warszawę.

I went on vacation while studying in Germany last year. I visited Warsaw.

It must have taken you a good couple of weeks to walk all the way to Warsaw and back to Germany ;) - this is what the sentence roughly means in Polish

Don't translate word for word using dictionaries - it actually seldom works

OK - after reading your Polish sentences I notice this szedłem is the only mistakenly used vocabulary so don't despair - you're doing pretty fine.

Kiedy studiowałem w Niemczech, pojechałem do Polski na wakacje.
jrspetch  1 | 5
4 Aug 2011   #46
As for me, I just wanted to spend a couple of days in a country that is new to me ie Poland, which hopefully will prepare me for another trip in the near future to discover the eastern region as well as Lithuania and Latvia.

Done Slovakia and the Czech Republic several times and thought I should venture further, not to mention folks in Switzerland have highly suggested visiting Poland.
rybnik  18 | 1444
4 Aug 2011   #47
I haven't been back in over 20 years BUT I will be popping in for a quickie(8 days).
Why am I coming back? Because it is impossible to stay away. I'm experiencing a "re-awakening" of my Polish-ness. I'm not sure why. It might have something to do with my parents being gone or that my youngest is almost college-aged? All I know is I can't wait for September!
szarlotka  8 | 2205
4 Aug 2011   #48
I'm experiencing a "re-awakening" of my Polish-ness. I'm not sure why

Those were almost the identical words my wife used after not returning to Poland for eighteen years. Now ten years on I can't keep her away. She has found old school friends and found some of her more distant realtives. Now that the last of our kids is away at university she just keeps popping back over.....

if I were the suspicioius type......

All I know is I can't wait for September

Have a great return to Poland. It would be interesting for you to let us know the changes you see when you are there.
xjessie007  - | 7
4 Aug 2011   #49
The most beautiful girls in the world, that is the reason to visit Poland. :)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
4 Aug 2011   #50
Let's face it, none of the expats on this forum would have ever considered moving there if it was full of fat & ugly women, would they :)

Why do you visit Poland?

Er.... I don't :p
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Aug 2011   #51
Why not? Do you think I'm in Poland for the girls?
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 Aug 2011   #52
not for girls, but for the girl - yes!
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Aug 2011   #53
One, yes. However, there is much much more you can do in Poland than enjoy female company.
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 Aug 2011   #54
like what?
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Aug 2011   #55
There are lakes, mountains, seaside and also many nice buildings to look at :)
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 Aug 2011   #56
ah, OK :)
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2011   #57
=pgtx]there is much much more you can do in Poland than enjoy female company.

like what?

Male company?
Marynka11  3 | 639
5 Aug 2011   #58
My whole family is there.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
6 Aug 2011   #59
pgtx: not for girls, but for the girl - yes!

haha, pwned! :)

Seanus: There are lakes, mountains, seaside and also many nice buildings to look at :)

I've got all this within an hour of where I live, we have better choice of food, and my city is light years ahead of Poland musically (ok so Decapitated are good, but still, lol) so why would I need to visit Poland? If I start to miss seeing Pinocchio noses I can knock my neighbour up lol
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Aug 2011   #60
Are you Russian, Chodov? You may have those things but as spectacular as in Poland?

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