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Do Poles like to hunt? Hunting in Poland.

Lenka  5 | 3531
4 Jan 2023   #151
I don't like to hunt and I'm explaining why. I also don't know anyone in real life who likes to hunt or hunts at all

Same here.

So we have 3 Poles for no, 2 PolAms and one Yank yes.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
4 Jan 2023   #152
So we have 3 Poles for no, 2 PolAms and one Yank yes.

No, we have 3 Poles who don't hunt and 3 American citizens that do.
It must have something to do with Polish culture vs. American culture
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Jan 2023   #153
3 American citizens that do.

That says more about the Yanks here than Merkins in general. Most never hunt. many find it repellant.

So we have 3 Poles for no, 2 PolAms and one Yank yes.

And a Polonised Brit who hunted several times as a kid in the village but decided that animals are better alive than dead.
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Jan 2023   #154
"3 deer per year to "harvest" about 50 kilograms of meat

It wasn`t my idea - johhny mentioned his standard annual hunting results. :):):)

A mature deer in Michigan will provide in most cases 70 to 100 kilo of meat

You missed again. We are talking about whitetailed deer, the most popular game in the area where our Am buddies live and in all US. And johhny mentioned that species a few times.

Do you know what whitetailed deer looks like??? :):):)

Poland to hunting in the USA is nonsensical.

Missed the third time and Bingo! :):):) . My attitude to hunting is mostly based on Polish contexts coz I live in Poland. I don`t care about the USA.

As for your costly purchase of tenderloin, you should stop buying in the Food Halls of Harrods, London and go to a normal supermarket, instead. :):):)

As for the need for hunters to keep the population of deer under control, you missed again coz it was my argument that hunters first get rid of natural predators and then happily wait for calls summoning them to deal with adundant herbivores.

4 misses. Not bad for one post. My pleasure. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Jan 2023   #155
Doesn't it bother you in any way that you're taking life?

Do you consume meat, dairy or eggs? If so you're complicit in the taking of life...

a human being who doesn't want to be around people who don't have to hunt ....and yet they CHOOSE to do so.

No one's asking you to socialize with hunters or spend time with them... just to be tolerant that they exist (and not everything they do is bad).

Again... being killed by a hunter is a quicker and mostly less painful than the alternatives (apart from being killed predators starving to death or dying of untreated illness or injury are other common ends). Mother nature does not believe in gentle ends for most animals....
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Jan 2023   #156
just to be tolerant that they exist

So we are. :):) Who in the forum wants to ban hunting???

being killed by a hunter is a quicker and mostly less painful than the alternatives

Nope, coz many hunters miss and only wound animals.

dairy or eggs? If so you're complicit in the taking of life...

Hmmmm, do hens die while laying eggs? Do cows die during milking? Do bees perish while producing honey??? etc etc
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2023   #157
Honestly,I would be against trophy hunting,thats why US has a law for Endangered Species .I dont hunt any more as a deer lasts us 2/3 years,not worth it.I would do quails but now its too much work for very little meat.There are lot of hunting trips in Poland though
johnny reb  49 | 7974
4 Jan 2023   #158
Excellent find Cargo.
I liked this one of deer hunting best even though I don't know what they are saying.
Maybe Paulina could interpret for us.

This one of shooting and killing predators is pretty cool too.

Now I want to come to Poland to hunt a bison.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2023   #159
Excellent find

You like it,go for me a JUG of piwo and grilled steak.......well well well done please hate that oozing blood on my plate.LOL too bad for brits there ELECTED leader worships cows lol maybe i should too but before eating lolol.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Jan 2023   #160
You really need to read in context. I have a home in Michigan. I have Whitetail deer in my yard every morning. I know what they look like and taste like coming off the grill. The last one I killed was about 90 kilo field dressed, a 50 kilo pile of meat like you suggested is not typical of any deer in the United States outside of a Key Deer which are protected.

Your attitude toward hunting in Poland is what it is because of your environment, so criticizing others not raised in that same environment does not make much sense.

Natural predators? You mean wolves, mountain lions and cougars? Those that are not and have never been prevalent in most of the US?

Of course you dont account for the explosion of agriculture in the US which has lead to greater winter survival rates for all animals, and thus ever increasing reproductive rates. No sense in taking those factors into account when you can simply go hug a tree.

As for my costly purchase of tenderloin, your comments show you have no idea how expensive it is to live in the US and like most Poles your opinions are derived from the Hollywood presentation if life in the US. Go enjoy your flank steak under plastic wrap and think about how many bullets to the head or nails to the head are going into domesticated cows each day in order to bring that meat to your table. One day you're a pet in a closed environment the next day you're on a truck to the slaughter house. Indeed it all sounds so humane.
Paulina  17 | 4465
5 Jan 2023   #161
Do you consume meat, dairy or eggs? If so you're complicit in the taking of life...

Um, you don't kill a cow to get milk :)))
Yes, I do eat meat. I don't do it "for fun" though - I can't give up meat due to my health problems.

But I already wrote that I don't mind people eating meat and yes, I realise that you can't get meat without killing an animal. And I don't mind people who hunt for food solely or out of poverty.

The difference is that I'm not killing those animals personally and I DON'T WANT to be doing that personally and I'm GLAD that I don't have to do it. Taking animal's life wouldn't bring me "fun" or any pleasure. I don't have to do it, so I'm not doing it, because killing a living being, especially a mammal, would be traumatic for me. That's why for me the fact that someone can be hunting "for fun" is f*cked up.

Is it really so hard to understand? I feel like I'm explaining the same thing over and over again. Pawian understands it, jon357 understands what I'm talking about, so why don't you?

Again... being killed by a hunter is a quicker and mostly less painful than the alternatives

I see you don't understand...
It is not about eating meat, the death of the animal itself or what it looks like, but the act of killing done by a human. I don't understand people who WANT to kill, even though they don't have to (since they're doing it mainly for fun - they can buy meat at the store or at the butcher's). For me it's a sign that there may be something disturbing about this person. So, for me the issue is the motivation and the mentality of such a person. The same is with people working at a slaughterhouse - I wouldn't mind people working there, because there's no other job available where they live. I would mind however people who are working there... "for fun"... or find working there "elating" or "self-cleansing"...

No one's asking you to socialize with hunters or spend time with them...

I know! lol Do I claim that anyone is forcing me to socialize with them? I'm just trying to explain my point of view, because I see that you guys don't seem to understand what I'm talking about...

Maf, you probably eat meat, but have you ever killed an animal? Would you WANT to kill it? Would you consider it "fun"?

@jon357, cows can be pets too (they can be affectionate and playful). And pigs. And pretty much any farm animal really...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
5 Jan 2023   #162
Most never hunt. many find it repellant.

No, no Jon Most, even though not hunting, supports bunting over the objections of an ignorant crowd.

first get rid of natural predators and then happily wait for calls

This is the most ignorant, I would say, stupid opinion, an unforced error by uninformed lib. You just dishonestly stated that you commented on the reality of hunting in Poland. In fact, the majority of your comments are about hunting in the USA, a subject foreign to you, yet you continue without taking a break.

You would need more narrative, not short, two or three messages talking about hunting in Poland. There is no hunting in Poland comparable to hunting in the USA. In Poland,eliterian activity for selected few. On the other hand, in the USA, sports are within reach of the average person, regardless of income or social standing. Hunting in the USA is woven into the fabric of society. In Poland, even going back centuries, hunting was for elites. So absent our hunting traditions. For poor Paw and his plebeiskich ancestors, a chance never existed. Given a chance, there would be a stampede of million or millions of hunting enthusiasts, even in Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jan 2023   #163
This is the most ignorant, I would say, stupid opinion

Only a completely dumb person could say sth like that. :):)

the majority of your comments are about hunting in the USA,

BS. :):) My basic opinion on hunting has always applied to Poland - check post 8

Some of my next comments could refer to the US but only because you and your Americano buddies have meddled into the discussion and I was replying to them.

I already told you - I don`t care about the US, it is Poland which matters most to me.

Without taking a break? Yes, I am coz you and your Americano buddies still post about your silly US hunting in the POLISH thread!!! HA!!! Check the name of the thread and realise you and your US buddies are GUESTS here. Ha!

And you dare to say that I am talking about US all the time. FY, azhole! Ha!!!!

eliterian activity for selected few.

You are not so brilliant as you think. I already wrote it in post 8 two years ago.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jan 2023   #164
a 50 kilo pile of meat like you suggested

It wasn`t me who suggested it but johhny in Random. I already mentioned it but you are in such intensive love with your own posts that you seem to ignore what others write to you. Can you change it coz it badly affects our discourse and you sound intellectually deficient??? :):):):):)

Here is what johhny said:
I harvested three of them this year. They only weigh about 60 kilo alive so you only get about 16-18 kilo of boned out processed meat.

Now, take a calculator and multiply 16-17 by 3 and you will get 50, the magical number you seem to be so obsessed with. Ha!!!

As for natural predators of which you said:you mean wolves, mountain lions and cougars? Those that are not and have never been prevalent in most of the US?

do you really want to tell us that wolves have never been prevalent in the areas with whitetailed deer population??

Your attitude toward hunting in Poland is what it is because of your environment, so criticizing others

Don`t meddle into a Polish thread with your silly Americano hunting so I won`t have a chance to critisize you. But as you incessantly do, I comment on your dumb posts. Do you have a problem with understanding such truisms???

You really need to read in context

No, it is you who needs to improve your reading skills. Probably it isn`t a problem of some deficiencies in yuor intellect coz you seem an intelligent person overall. Probably you are so self centred that you only focus on your own contribution. .

That is very unprofessional. Do you also stick to this weird style in your job???? :):):)
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Jan 2023   #165
not hunting, supports bunting

Hunting, even.

Why not have a referendum there.

@jon357, cows can be pets too

The problem is, they're a herd animal and get a bit miserable on their own. You'd need a lot of them.

I'd not mind a herd of camels if I had the land (in fact we do, however it's down in the far south-west and I don't think they'd like the weather there much) since they are very affectionate and highly intelligent. I don't eat them though and didn't when I was in a country where camel is a major food source. They're too nice.

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Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
5 Jan 2023   #166
you know what. Ha!

Useless to talk about the few, the elites, to narrow of a subject. Your knowledge is secondhand sporadic, and incomplete; you know next to nothing about

hunting. You were fed meats obtained by brutal methods, tortured terrified animals led to slaughter who can smell their destination.
Don't forget psychopathic butchers, providers of your meat.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Jan 2023   #167
So you never buy meat from a supermarket or butcher's shop or eat it in a restaurant?

Very commendable of you.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jan 2023   #168
Don't forget psychopathic butchers, providers of your meat.

As I never forget hunters! Ha!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
5 Jan 2023   #169
@jon357 So you never buy meat from a supermarket or butcher's shop or eat it in a restaurant?

I accept any meat and its robust consumption. The problem I encounter is hypocrites criticizing hunting while stuffing their mouths with the flesh
of dead animals killed by psychopathic butchers. Now you see the difference?
Paulina  17 | 4465
5 Jan 2023   #170
@Przelotnyptak1, at least we're not those psychopathic butchers or psychopathic hunters who find what they're doing "elating". That's the difference.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Jan 2023   #171
Now you see the difference?

I see that you don't mind killing animals as long as it's 'elating' and equally accept the (very) low standards of the American meat industry pretending that it's somehow justification for hunting an animal down and shooting it yourself for kicks.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
6 Jan 2023   #172
justification for hunting an animal down and shooting it yourself for kicks.

It is difficult to recollect the beginning of your ignorance if you were born ignorant, stubborn, and unable to compromise.

As I never forget hunters! Ha!

I doubt it , according to Jon, your memory is even shorter than yours.....never mind, let's say very short, he should know:::)))
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jan 2023   #173
if you were born ignorant, stubborn

As the animals you feel 'elated' at killing are born free?

and unable to compromise.

Are you?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
6 Jan 2023   #174
Actually yes I will say the wolves have never been the dominating predator of the whitetail. Wolves are not and have never been in all the whitetail territories. There are so many sub species of wolf and of deer in the US most people cant even imagine. The explosion of whitetail is directly related to farming, not the hunting of their predators.

If JR took 3 and only got 50 kilo's those were some very small deer in his neck of the woods because I hunted those same area's and the smallest I ever took weighed at least 60 or 70 kilos, and that would be about the average size in that area. Some deer in that area can get to 100 kilo easily if the winters are mild.

Your high and mighty attitude based upon your pseudo intelligence is boring.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jan 2023   #175
Your high and mighty attitude

You say so coz I pointed out to your ignorance after you mistakenly believed that the mountain lion and cougar are different species. Ha!!!

because I hunted

No, you didn`t. You only heard or read sth about hunting and repeat those stories here with errors.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
6 Jan 2023   #176
Go have another vodka.

So, Are There Any Differences Between Cougars and Mountain Lions?

The short answer is no, because they are from the same species, but there do tend to be some slight contrasts in overall size due to geographical concerns, diet and climate. "There are no significant differences other than vernacular taxonomy, if you will," says Charlie Jasper, founder of C&C Security Consultants, whose private clients live on the urban/wilderness divide in Los Angeles, necessitating his expertise in helping them to deny access to predators on their property.

"Panthers in Florida and the Southeastern U.S., like most creatures there, tend to be a little smaller," he adds. "If you compare a Carolinian white tail deer with its equivalent up in Maine, it's like looking at a labradoodle versus a wolf."

Those geographical differences do allow for people to make distinctions. Being from the US, I would never call a Florida Panther the equal of a California Mountain Lion, while technically in the same species they are dramatically different animals in size.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Jan 2023   #177
Wolves are not and have never been in all the whitetail territories.

Maybe not all territories but they are in Northern Michigan.
No disrespect PolAm but maybe you should read this article about how the wolves in Upper Michigan have decimated the deer herd there.
And YES, we have them here where I live too along with cougars.

The hunters feel it is better to shoot these deer for their freezers than it is to have a pack of wild 125 pound dogs run a deer down and tear it apart alive.

The deer in Michigan yard up in cedar swamps in the winter for food and shelter in the very deep snow.
When a pack of wolves find them it doesn't take long for the woves to kill the most of them.
I know deer, PolAm, as they eat out of my garden all summer, I hunt them in the fall for over 50 years now and feed them every day all winter behind my house for forty years.

That makes me an expert on the whitetail deer in our part of Michigan compared to guys like you that hunt them six days a year and that's it and suddenly become an authority on them.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jan 2023   #178
another vodka.

Well, I don`t need it to run this discourse but if you do, feel free. :):)

The short answer is no, because they are from the same species

So why did you ask this weird question? :
Natural predators? You mean wolves, mountain lions and cougars?

It is obvious you considered them separate species when you asked.
Imagine a snake watcher saying: Yesterday I spotted a grass snake, an adder and a viper.

That`s what you did with mountain lion and cougar. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Jan 2023   #179
Your high and mighty attitude based upon your pseudo intelligence is boring.

Ptak could say the same about you so slow down, Pal
I have bitten my lip until someone name calls my friend names that mirror themselves.

Some deer in that area can get to 100 kilo easily if the winters are mild.

I hope you are not talking field dressed because you would be very wrong.
Deer that big around here are extremely few and far between.
Most deer in our area here in Michigan weigh 135 pounds (61kg) field dressed.
Take away 50 pounds of guts and 50 pounds for hide and head and de-bone them and you end up with 35 pounds (16 kg) of meat.
16kg times 3 deer would be about 50 kg of meat.
Ya trackin' with me here now, PolAm ?
And yes, I harvest small deer because they are the best eating, the first ones to starve to death in the winter and they don't reproduce next year.

Still want to talk about pseudo intelligence when it comes to whitetail deer hunting and management ?

The last one I killed was about 90 kilo field dressed,

You must have some pictures of such a monster as those are very rare in our territory.
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jan 2023   #180
The hunters feel it is better to shoot these deer (...) than (...) have a pack of wild 125 pound dogs(...) tear it apart alive.

Sorry, but this sounds like a sweet... bullsh1t. Predators usually kill their prey before "tearing it apart" no matter whether they're canine or feline, or wait for it to die if it's a bigger and more dangerous prey, because it can hurt them.

When a pack of wolves find them it doesn't take long for the woves to kill the most of them.

That would mean human hunters aren't needed for controlling the deer population, because nature can do it on it's own.

By taking their natural prey from predators for your freezers you may be contributing to the dwindling of their population. And when there's not enough of wild predators, the deer will multiply to the extent that hunters are "needed".

Home / Travel / Do Poles like to hunt? Hunting in Poland.

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