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Do Poles like to hunt? Hunting in Poland.

pawian  219 | 24592
1 Jan 2023   #121
Twister? Not my monkeys, not my circus. Simple.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 Jan 2023   #122
all the lovely hares will disappear in a decade or so. Is that what you want?

I want there to be balance in nature. I didn't know that nature needs humans for that. Does it really?

Btw, foxes are lovely too. And cute and funny :) They're like a mix between a dog and a cat and give out the funniest noises when they are being petted :):

From the comments lol:

"foxes are cat software running on dog hardware with a dolphin soundboard."

2. The fox lives, saved by a hunting ban introduced by monsters like Pawian, Jon or Lenka.

Where did they advocate for a hunting ban? Pawian even wrote that he wouldn't support such a ban.

lots of men who hunt the first time talk about a kind of endorphine rush or high at their first kill...

That's what I was talking about and that's what bothers me.
pawian  219 | 24592
2 Jan 2023   #123
Pawian even wrote that he wouldn't support such a ban.

Of course. I love animals and feel awful when they are hurt.
However, I love people even more and don`t want them to be hurt, either. It is better when hunters relieve their odd instincts on animals than people.

The theory of lesser evil comes to mind.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
3 Jan 2023   #124
Theory ?
Human Beings vs. Animals ?
You two have a meltdown if a hunter kills rabbit for dinner but killing a helpless and defenseless innocent human baby in it's mothers womb to throw in the garbage is acceptable.

I guess you Woke Liberals just have different "theories" than us Christian hunters do.
mafketis  38 | 10868
3 Jan 2023   #125
That's what I was talking about and that's what bothers me.

You wouldn't exist without it..... but now that it's not immediately needed you want to dispose of it?

I want there to be balance in nature. I didn't know that nature needs humans for that

Humans are part of nature...
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Jan 2023   #126
@mafketis, where did I write that I want to "dispose of it"? I have the same attitude towards hunting for "sport/fun" as pawian - better they kill animals to get that "thrill of a kill" than people (and I already wrote about it in this thread). It doesn't mean that I have to like it though and that I have to like people who view killing living beings as entertainment (and I explained it too in this thread already). It's similar with people working in a slaughterhouse - I wouldn't want to be around people who kill animals there for fun or they feel "elated" when they kill.

You wouldn't exist without it.....

Times change, societies change, people change and I can defenitely exist without hunting for sport/fun nowadays.

Humans are part of nature...

One of parts, yes. Nature can do without humans though :)
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Jan 2023   #127
This is my sentiment:

"The did not need to die."

The Na'vi from "Avatar" resemble to some extent Native Americans, including their attitude to all living things and their hunting rituals. Both are/were far less arrogant towards nature than the Sky people/white people and they have/had more respect for it. They view/viewed themselves as part of nature and not someone who should lord over it.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
3 Jan 2023   #128
I wouldn't want to be around people who kill animals there for fun

Just like I don't like being around people who kill their babies because their babies will be an inconvenience to them by cramping their style.

With a baby comes 24/7 time and expense not to mention the widening of a womans backside and the stretching out of her unit.
How selfish can you get to kill a human being to avoid that ?
Talk about lording over nature.
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Jan 2023   #129
@johnny reb, that is your right - you don't have to be around them. Women who have an abortion don't do it for fun though, it's usually a difficult decision for them and I doubt they feel "elated" while having an abortion.

How selfish can you get to kill a human being to avoid that ?

And how selfish is it to kill a living being just to have some fun?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
3 Jan 2023   #130
And how selfish is it to kill a living being just to have some fun?

Hell Paulina, when I was a little boy I had fun stepping on ants and killing them.
The difference is that animals don't have souls like humans do.
God put animals on the earth for man to use whether it be pulling a plow or meat on the table.
I am here to tell you that I know one hell of a lot of hunters and none of them kill just for the fun of it.

Do you know any hunters in Poland that kill just for the fun of it ?
jon357  72 | 22778
3 Jan 2023   #131
when I was a little boy I had fun stepping on ants and killing them.

A psycho in the making.

The difference is that animals don't have souls like humans do.

How does he know?
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Jan 2023   #132
@johnny reb, first of all it's silly to compare a child with an adult - children are still learning, while adults already know the difference between right and wrong.

Btw, I never killed anything for fun, not even when I was a kid. Even then - when I was a kid - when my brother caught a jellyfish when we were at the sea and started cutting it up into pieces with a stick, I asked him to stop it and I was trying to explain to him that he's hurting it and that it's wrong.

God put animals on the earth for man to use

That's a Judeo-Christian take. Maybe this is where this arrogance towards nature from white people comes from.

I know one hell of a lot of hunters and none of them kill just for the fun of it.

Not "just" for the fun of it? But they still have fun killing nevertheless?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
3 Jan 2023   #133
while adults already know the difference between right and wrong.

Really, are we still talking about killing a defenseless baby in it's mother womb ?
If so you are all wet.

arrogance towards nature from white people comes from.

You are a racist. lol
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
The pictures that I saw of elephants being killed just for their ivory tusk by Black poachers in Africa and leaving the rest of the elephants remains for the buzzards...........never mind.

"Just" for the fun? But they still have fun killing nevertheless?

So how many hunters do you know that kill just for the fun of it Slippery ?
How do you know they have fun killing and are not just putting food on the table ?
When I sit down to do my duty is not necessarily fun, it is just a task of life.
You sure are creative with your projected opinions.
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Jan 2023   #134
Really, are we still talking about killing a defenseless baby in it's mother womb ?

No, this thread is about hunting, in case you forgot.

The pictures that I saw of elephants being killed just for their ivory tusk by Black poachers in Africa

You keep sidetracking this discussion - me, pawian and jon357 don't talk about hunting for food or for money (because poachers killing elephants for their tusks are doing it for money, not for "fun") by people in some poor countries. We're talking about hunting "for sport/fun".

How do you know they have fun killing and are not just putting food on the table?(...) You sure are creative with your projected opinions.

Those are not "projected" opinions - my comments are based on what Ptak, PolAm and maf wrote.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 375
3 Jan 2023   #135
Do you know any hunters in Poland that kill just for the fun of it ?

Johnny, convincing an empty oil drum might be easier than convincing a Battle Axe, who is elated every other sentence for reasons unknown to sane people with functioning brains. Or the astonishing statement that nature does not need humans. I doubt she is considering seppuku as a way to improve nature. Hell, she must float on the cloud, eating the meat harvested from terrified animals being killed by sadistic butchers while approving the slaughter of innocent unborn human beings and repeatedly feeling super elated . What hypocrites they really are. So Johnny, thanks for your patience in trying against all odds.

How does he know?

Jon, you must have proof of the existence of an inhuman soul. If not, your question makes no sense.

You sure are creative with your projected opinions.

Johnny. You are talking to a ventriloquist who is stumbling through life, making important decisions based on what her gut tells her, influenced by watching too many episodes of NCIS. Follower and the hypocrite

Ptak, PolAm and maf wrote.

You see, Johnny. This is how people with defective brains operate. First, they latch to a word and then assign its meaning, their interpretation.
Mindlessly repeating, "elated by killing." Ptak Pol-Am or Muf never expressed such an opinion. The worthless opinion, she owns it, the sicko hypocrite.
jon357  72 | 22778
3 Jan 2023   #136
proof of the existence of an inhuman soul.

Is there 'proof' of the existence of any sort of soul either among Homo Sapiens or any other species?

If you know of it, please remember to inform scientists who will doubtless reward you for the single biggest discovery in the history of the animal kingdom.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 375
3 Jan 2023   #137
for the single biggest discovery in the history of the animal kingdom.

Jon, things in existence that you will never experience because you lock awareness of your soul. But there are many, the lucky ones that were one with their souls for short blessed moments. I am one of them. But, unfortunately, my, yours, or the greatest of scientists, the material brain, cannot understand the first thing about the soul.

So Jon, for what is worth, the soul most certainly exists; just because you were not privileged to experience its existence is not proof it does not.
pawian  219 | 24592
3 Jan 2023   #138
Do you know any hunters in Poland that kill just for the fun of it ?

All hunters in developed countries like Poland or the USA hunt for fun. You don`t need this meat that you obtain through hunting - you can buy it easily at a lower cost than you have to spend on hunting equipment, ammo, transport, permissions, vodka, annual membership costs, etc. Hunting is always for fun except places where people are really poor.

So, don`t tell us that you are so poor you have to kill 3 deer per year to "harvest" about 50 kilograms of meat. How much does a kilo of raw beef cost in the USA??? How much do you save?
jon357  72 | 22778
3 Jan 2023   #139
the lucky ones that were one with their souls for short blessed moments

So doesn't that include other mammals?

But, unfortunately, my, yours, or the greatest of scientists, the material brain, cannot understand the first thing about the soul.

So how do you know that other species don't have them?
mafketis  38 | 10868
3 Jan 2023   #140
Not "just" for the fun of it? But they still have fun killing nevertheless?

You misunderstand... hunting can be a traumatic process for the hunter and the high from killing is an adaptive trait to deal with the trauma (as are foraging people who pray over hunting, thanking the animal for giving up its life...) the high is an indication of what a strong drive hunting is.

Yes, there are some sick people who simply get off on killing but that's not most responsible hunters. There are types of recreational hunting that I despise but on the other, hunting is a drive embedded deep in the human (esp male) psyche and it's better to keep it in the open and regulated to some degree.

And most animals killed in hunting suffer far less traumatic deaths than most other wild animals.... pretend you're a deear and the options are being eaten alive by a predator, untreated disease or injury (the latter maybe leading to being eaten alive) or starving to death because you're too old..... or taken out with clean shot that you never see coming.... which would you choose?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 375
3 Jan 2023   #141
So doesn't that include other mammals?

I am an animal of humankind, so I am spiking from a human perspective. If you are seeking an animal perspective, speak to Paw.::::))))
johnny reb  46 | 7516
3 Jan 2023   #142
All hunters in developed countries like Poland or the USA hunt for fun.

Exactly but that doesn't mean they kill just for fun.
I don't know a single one that does, do you ?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 375
4 Jan 2023   #143
I am an animal of humankind, so I am spiking

I am speaking.

Paw, we are not talking tiny sarny. Virginian deer is much bigger; the one that put my name in the record books was over 200 hundred Lbs, about 100 kilos

185 pounds field dressed. Johnny's deer were average in size,160 pounds, 480 pounds, and he gets only fifty kilos of venison.
What happened to the rest of his venison?
Can the hunting guru explain disappearing venison, or do you finally admit you are a hunting expert that knows nothing or very little at best?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
4 Jan 2023   #144
"3 deer per year to "harvest" about 50 kilograms of meat. How much does a kilo of raw beef cost in the USA??"

Again you show you know nothing about hunting, and its costs. In Michigan where I hunted for decades, it would cost me a total of about $30 to hunt all season. A mature deer in Michigan will provide in most cases 70 to 100 kilo of meat. The last one I killed weighed almost 90 kilos field dressed.

Deer are much bigger in the US than in Poland. The average cost of beef, if buying a whole cow, is about $8 per kilo. Do the math. If buying in plastic in a grocery store the costs are much higher. For instance, one pound of tenderloin packaged last time I bought one was about $50. The same package in Poland would cost me about 25% of that.

Comparing hunting clubs in Poland to hunting in the USA is nonsensical. Most US hunting is done on public lands and your $16 license is access to those lands and to the game on those lands. No other membership required.

In the US there are so many Deer/Car accidents and deaths because there are so many of them that hunting is required to keep the population under control. Ever see what a deer can do to a car? Ever see what a person can look like after that kind of accident?
Paulina  16 | 4384
4 Jan 2023   #145
hunting is a drive embedded deep in the human (esp male) psyche

I'd argue that not so deep considering how many people (including men) aren't into hunting.
I understand that people have all kinds of drives and instincts that still linger despite years of evolution, but majority of people act out those drives and instincts in non-lethal ways. I prefer that kind of people. Like PolAm's vegan friends who hunt for animals with a photo camera. Those are my kind of people - I understand them. I don't understand people who have a choice and choose to kill instead of taking photos of those beautiful creatures. For me it's sad. "Very sad only." Because "they did not need to die".

hunting can be a traumatic process for the hunter and the high from killing is an adaptive trait to deal with the trauma

Who in the right mind chooses to experience such trauma if they don't have to do it then? They are either masochists or they don't experience much of a trauma at all. And if they don't find killing to be a traumatic experience then my first thought is - what is wrong with them?

That's the thing - killing an animal would be a traumatic experience for me. No kind of "high" would compensate for that. And I find life of animals as more precious and important than following some primal instincts from Stone Age. That's why I don't like people who find this drive so irresistible that it trumps on their empathy towards animals and respect for their life.

pretend you're a deear

But I'm not a deer :))) I'm writing from a perspective of a human being who doesn't want to be around people who don't have to hunt for food or out of poverty and yet they CHOOSE to do so. I love animals. They're wonderful and often better than humans. That's why I don't understand people who WANT to kill them.

Your arguments that for a deer it's better to be killed by a hunter than a predator are pointless, because you don't know whether that animal would get killed by a predator if it wasn't killed by a hunter. And hunters who hunt for fun aren't hunting in order to spare animals the suffering at the hands of their natural predators, so it doesn't change my view of what they're doing.
Paulina  16 | 4384
4 Jan 2023   #146
At least 70% of the nonsense is about her and her demands

I'm not making any demands, I'm presenting my point of view. The title of this thread is: "Do Poles like to hunt? Hunting in Poland." I don't like to hunt and I'm explaining why. I also don't know anyone in real life who likes to hunt or hunts at all. My cousin's husband likes to go fishing, but I don't know what he does with that fish after catching them. My mother also knows one fisherman - her former work colleague and that's it.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
4 Jan 2023   #147
how many people (including men) aren't into hunting.

I don't know but what I do know is that over 127,000 women bought hunting licenses in the State of Michigan alone.

Like PolAm's vegan friends

We call them lousy hunters

And hunters who hunt for fun

Again, you are confusing all hunters who hunt for fun to a extremely few hunters who hunt for the fun of killing.
How many hunters in Poland do you personally know that hunt just to kill ?
Paulina  16 | 4384
4 Jan 2023   #148

I meant "angler", sorry.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
4 Jan 2023   #149
My cousin's husband likes to go fishing, but I don't know what he does with that fish after catching them.

Most likely guts them and cuts their heads off to make them ready for the frying pan to feed his family a treat of some fresh fish.

We get it Paulina, you are anti hunting and pro abortion while we are anti abortion and pro hunting.
Can we move on now and let others express their opinion on this topic.
Paulina  16 | 4384
4 Jan 2023   #150
We call them lousy hunters

That's stupid.

Again, you are confusing all hunters who hunt for fun to a extremely few hunters who hunt for the fun of killing.

Not quite. Because how hunting can be fun if it's end goal is killing? For what kind of people it is "fun"? You can have fun without that last part - killing the animal by, for example, taking a photo instead of putting a bullet into the animal.

None of you so far commented on this - so I'm going to ask a direct question: considering that you don't have to do this, why do you choose to kill animals? Doesn't it bother you in any way that you're taking life?

you are anti hunting and pro abortion (...)
Can we move on now and let others express their opinion on this topic.

1. I'm not pro-abortion on demand and I wrote about it more than once on this forum. I've also never had an abortion. But this is not the topic of this thread.

2. I'm not preventing anyone to take part in this discussion - anyone can join in if they wish. And I have the same right to participate in this thread as you, Ptak, PolAm and anyone else.

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