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Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa?

Successor  1 | 3
7 Jun 2009   #1
I am a Nigerian international student currently studying in Cyprus and will be taking a transfer to Warsaw Poland to finish up my undergraduate degree this October. I am a little worried about the rumor about racism in Poland. In Cyprus where I currently study, we have a lot of blacks and we do just fine. I feel very at home. Can I be like that in Poland? Please can someone give me more information, I am yet to pay the tuition fee. If I pay the tuition fee, then that means am going and if I don't the case will be the reverse. Can someone tell me what likely possible things I might face from the Poles who don't like blacks and in Public places. Will I be able to move around, drive around besides studies?
esek  2 | 228
7 Jun 2009   #2
You shouldn't expect problems in Warsaw... just find some nice place to stay.
krysia  23 | 3058
7 Jun 2009   #3
That's right. There are many students from different countries and nationalities studying in Poland. You don't have to worry about that. The only time you have to be careful is when you go out at night and when the Poles had too much to drink, then they might start some fights, but in general, you will be treated with respect.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2009   #4
If not respect, then left alone. The drink thing is universal. They even fight one another this way. However, I'd say Poland is a fair bit safer than the UK.
jump_bunny  5 | 236
7 Jun 2009   #5
However, I'd say Poland is a fair bit safer than the UK.

I disagree. I think it's easier to get into troubles and real fights while beeing in Poland. In the UK people just speak out loud what they would want to do to you but somehow never manage to :-)
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2009   #6
Hmm...I see your point but there is more racial tension in the UK. You can't deny that. I feel safer in Poland than I did in the UK. Scottish guys are forever fighting after beer. I guess the English are just as bad. The Welsh and NI are hardnuts too.

I haven't seen too much trouble here. I guess if you are in some bad parts of Warsaw, then maybe.
esek  2 | 228
7 Jun 2009   #7
real fights while beeing in Poland. In the UK people just speak out loud what they would want to do to you but somehow never manage to :-)

Does it mean that ppl in Poland are more truthful? :D They do what they say....

lol, sorry, couldn't stop myself :D
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2009   #8
Now that would be pushing it? ;) In the UK, you can expect a fight or 10 every Saturday night. Maybe I live in a tame part of Poland :)
jump_bunny  5 | 236
7 Jun 2009   #9
I guess if you are in some bad parts of Warsaw, then maybe.

Little places are even worse. In Warsaw or Krakow people got used to foreigners but eslewhere they are still something very new and eventually worrying for natives. While living in the UK all I was getting were all sorts of verbal abuse, in Poland someone tried to rape me and my brother was stabbed with the kinfe.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2009   #10
You just got unlucky, that could easily have happened in the UK. My condolences for that, nobody should encounter such morons. Go to Glasgow and you will meet knives in many places.

As Krysia said, they tend to redress the balance when drunk but you just have to stay out of their way.
jump_bunny  5 | 236
7 Jun 2009   #11
you just have to stay out of their way.

That's what I always do. Sometimes they don't want to stay out of your ways though! I don't blame the whole Polish nation for what happened, I think Poles are great!
esek  2 | 228
7 Jun 2009   #12
knife, damn... i had a few fights in my life but nobody used knife - thanks god... most probably next day after fight with someone who used knife i would buy a gun or sth similar.
OP Successor  1 | 3
7 Jun 2009   #13
Thank you my great friends for contributing solely on this thread I have posted on here. I will be studying at the Warsaw University of Technology. School Dorm is not my kind of thing and I am worried can I even rent a apartment outside school? Will I be attacked if I do so? Can I enjoy myself when it comes to social life(Clubbing, going out with friend and driving) I have just about 2 months to make a decision that will change my life forever. I need more advise and opinions from you. I would be very grateful as to whatever information I can get. Cyprus is a very nice country when it comes to staying and living in peace. I would say. it has zero level of racism. Am scared of regretting. I don't ever want to regret of going to Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2009   #14
You live in Cyprus but are from Africa, right? You should be able to rent an apartment but getting a Polish person to help you would be very useful. Many African students study medicine here and they seem to be fine.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
7 Jun 2009   #15
I am worried can I even rent a apartment outside school? Will I be attacked if I do so?

Hmm... hard to say...
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2009   #16
It is hard to say. Some act on their racism. OK, it's not like in the US where you enter a project. You are likely to get beaten there as they are more territorial. My American friends have told me all about it.

Poland is safer but you are definitely more at risk than I would be. Warsaw has its fair share of skinheads.

Generally though, you can expect some looks but people to leave you alone.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
7 Jun 2009   #17
While living in the UK all I was getting were all sorts of verbal abuse,

Are you saying people abused you for no reason on a regular basis? Im not sure that we're in the habit of just shouting at people in the street for no reason! We have 100's of nationalities in this country when made you so special that people openly abused you? It's not something I've ever seen happen.
z_darius  14 | 3960
7 Jun 2009   #18
You will encounter less racism in Poland than there is in Africa.
frd  7 | 1379
7 Jun 2009   #19
I disagree. I think it's easier to get into troubles and real fights

Wrong, there's much much more knife and gun crime in UK, from what I heard it's better now, but there are places and cities well known for it's knife crime rate, there's no such things here in Poland, of course you have your dangerous districts, but it's not to the same degree as it is in UK. The only area we are "better" in is road traffic, excidents, collisions more of them in here..

On the topic, in Warsaw you'll be just fine - of course not the same as at home - without the knowledge of your surroundings it's always worse.. and always not as at home, but you'll probably get familiar with the area and feel safer with time.
Kasz  1 | 75
7 Jun 2009   #20
Am scared of regretting. I don't ever want to regret of going to Poland.

No fear m8 :P, like most of those topics up there i wonna say, that u have nothin to fear about ofc u can get beaten or robber but not cus u are another skin colour... things happens everywhere, liek thy said... In UK/Irleand/Poland or any other, and in every majore citu there is loads of ferigners so for sure u will not be alone, and after some time for sure u will find ur place in here ;]

krysia  23 | 3058
7 Jun 2009   #21
Little places are even worse. In Warsaw or Krakow people got used to foreigners but eslewhere they are still something very new and eventually worrying for natives.

Yes, I've seen that too. Country people don't get around much but In larger cities people won't mess with you. You will make new friends.
rdm  1 | 4
7 Jun 2009   #22
Poland safer than UK???? I completely disagree. I am dark skinned and have polish gf. I have been to poland several times and now am in UK. UK is far far more safer than Poland. In Poland they dont see dark people
OP Successor  1 | 3
8 Jun 2009   #23
Thread attached on merging:
What do you think particularly about Nigerians in Poland? Just Nigerians.

Am moving to Poland this October to finish up my school in Warsaw. Am just wondering your opinion of Polish people and other nationals about Nigerians in Poland.Sometimes when some other African does things People generally classify all Africans to be the same. Nigerians has their flaws too as well as other countries all over the world. What are your perspectives towards Nigerian. Anything good or bad to say about them. Feel free to discuss anything about them. Any encounter with one? Please I would love to know.
gumishu  15 | 6227
8 Jun 2009   #24
I never met anybody of whom I knew he specifically was Nigerian - but years ago I (we) played football against black people who were living where I was (they were surely students as I was - the place was not a regular university dormitory it was a place on the outskirts of Wroclaw (Psie Pole) there was a youth hostel there and porbably still is)

the black guys played barefoot on tarmac :) but they were fast man ;)

appart from that I haven't really had much contact with these black guys, but there was no animosity there as far as I can tell and eventually I have no idea what part of Africa they came from

I know it is slightly off-topic ;)
OP Successor  1 | 3
8 Jun 2009   #25
I am looking forward to coming to Poland in October and i hope I get the best out of the great land of Poland. I am ready to explore beyond the horizon. Spread my tentacles, face my study, stay away from trouble, of course that's what I know how to do best.. Hmmm about Polish girls... Only seen them on TV on Viva Polska and other Polish channels on satellite cable TV. They are beautiful and usually slim unlike 'em fat Turkish and Cypriot girls. I must have met or seen them in London but I can't tell who is Polish or not. Can someone tell me about Polish girls perspective of black guys? Do they like or get attracted to us.
freebird  3 | 532
8 Jun 2009   #26
OK, it's not like in the US where you enter a project. You are likely to get beaten there as they are more territorial. My American friends have told me all about it.

my expert Seanus, lol. Most likely in the states he would get beaten up by another blacks since like you've already mentioned, yes they're very territorial.
SteveB  1 | 3
9 Jun 2009   #27
Hello, I dont think you will have too much of a problem! When i studied abroad, there was one african and one chinese kid in my program. They both had a very good time and did not feel like they were treated poorly by locals. I was in warsaw though..maybe different in smaller/less cosmopolitan towns.
Polskiweed  1 | 9
29 Mar 2010   #28
really man just be cool with people. wear a polish soccer jersey or something like that. just dont **** with people and dont look and stare at them. you should be good! if your also going to be eating with polish people always make positive comments. not just food lol, but anything you do with a polish person. hang out, drink, party, etc.

Warsaw is really cool man you will enjoy it. especially the girls and clubs!
love_sunil80  14 | 127
29 Mar 2010   #29
I have got many nigerian friends in Poland, You will enjoy here and will not have problems choose cities like warsaw, wroclaw, krakow and you will be enjoying.
29 Mar 2010   #30
Why study in Europe, Nigeria has no universities?
And how can a Nigerian afford to pay for an expensive study in Europe?

Are you one of those Nigerian scammers?

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