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Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

Tacitus  2 | 1269
15 Apr 2021   #211

It is always impressive with how much opinion and how little knowledge you argue. You dont have any idea on how parties in Sweden have been arguing about asylum laws in the last decade. You would also know that statements like "80% are military-age men" simply do not reflect reality. In Germany male refugees made up only 60%, with men aged 18-40 making up less than 40% of all arrivals. Meanwhile 30% of all applicants are below the age of 4. Not exactly how you envision it, right?
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2021   #212
Not exactly how you envision it, right?

Novi just loves making up data and theories.
Novichok  4 | 8682
15 Apr 2021   #213
If the Swedish experiment with the Somali scum were a success in the eyes of the Swedes, it would continue. When the ruling cliques are "thinking", it means that it is an unmitigated disaster.

If the German experiment with the foreign scum were a success in the eyes of Germans, it would continue. When that idiot Merkel is "thinking" it means that it is a disaster, too.

I don't need to know the exact numbers. 60% or 80%, who gives a sh*it. Both Sweden and Germany should be all white.
Changing the nation's composition is a concept simple enough and existential enough to let the voters vote directly.

Tacitus, don't bother responding to my posts. I no longer read yours. There are better ways to get sick.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Apr 2021   #214
Why? Does the truth hurt that much?
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Apr 2021   #215

I explained why in the last sentence. Problems with English?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Apr 2021   #216
No, and you're a fine one to talk!
amiga500  5 | 1541
16 Apr 2021   #217
tytus is a polish comic book character not some roman emperor
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Apr 2021   #218
I no longer read yours. There are better ways to get sick.

Why do you engage in discussions which make you sick? Here I see your main problem, hon. You start an exchange with stupid arguments and then get sick. You should know what such people are called.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
16 Apr 2021   #219
I suppose being refuted with facts every single time is just too frustrating. Then again, nobody forces him to go into those arguments wholly unprepared.

At least he refrains from writing truly mentally unhinged crap like he did before he got banned.

There are reasons to be critical of Sweden, especially because of its callousness during the Covid pandemie, but they are doing very well on most issues.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Apr 2021   #220
@Amiga, the point was that Novi called the poster by a name other than their own.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Apr 2021   #221
Eight out of 10 'stranger' rapes in Sweden are carried out by migrants, with more than half of all rape convictions to foreigners, study reveals
Nearly six in ten convicted rapists in Sweden born in another country
Where rapist and victim didn't know each other, the figure is 85 percent
Four in ten 'stranger rape' attackers have been in Sweden less than a year

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Apr 2021   #222
in Sweden

Wait its coming to the USA soon too except the culprits will mostly be Hispanics.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Apr 2021   #223
Novi, there are (often) lies, damned lies, and then there are stats. Never confuse mere facts with truth:-) @Tacitus, you didn't reply to my query regarding Germany's asylum and immigration policy in comparison with Sweden.
mafketis  38 | 11263
16 Apr 2021   #224
Thus is seems that the people of Sweden agree with the current situation.

I've actually yet to meet a Scandinavian who agrees with large scale immigration from the Middle East/Africa.... and once you get them started..... the problem is the major parties agree that the policy must continue and so what the voters want doesn't matter

Denmark has tried to bring official policy in line with majority preference and gets lots of international disrespect, Sweden prioritizes public relations over citizen well-being and Norway is somewhere in the middle (I remember a Norwegian woman who was _very_ worried for her adult daughter's safety. She lived in Oslo which was becoming a lot less safe due to crimes committed by non-assimilating non-western migrants.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Apr 2021   #225
Slight difference, dude!
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Apr 2021   #226
so what the voters want doesn't matter

Thanks for this comment. Voting is a scam to legitimize the ruling mob. Period. Communism, socialism, capitalism - same sh*it as long as there is no legally binding Swiss-style referendum available to the citizens.

Slight difference, dude!

That's up to me to decide if it's "slight, not you.

Wait its coming to the USA soon too except the culprits will mostly be Hispanics.

...and the victims, hopefully, will be Bidet voters.
I read somewhere that in Sweden even the rape victims support their refugee policy. That's how far the Euro woke cancer has metastasized.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Apr 2021   #227
It's also known as political correctnessLOL
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #228
Hey, guys, I forgot to tell you that crimes by immigrants and refugees are 100% preventable!!!
I am so sorry...
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #229
immigrants and refugees

lol I am so happy about them as being a Ex small business owner the current owners will get some cheap help for 7/8 bucks an hr cash :))like bars,7/11 franchises,liquor store,convenience store and gas station owners.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Apr 2021   #230
Typical Reagan Era Trumpist! Why exploit low-wage foreigners? The work culture of Northern Europe must change.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #231
Hey, guys, what's going on? Three hours ago, I posted the most profound and revolutionary claim that crimes by immigrants and refugees are 100% preventable and nobody says, wow, we didn't know that!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Apr 2021   #232
Probably because most of us already know your agenda. Oh, by the way, champ, WE'LL kindly be the judge of what is "revolutionary" and "profound", not you :-)
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Apr 2021   #233
Well, did you know that some crime is 100% preventable? Of course, you didn't. It was a revelation to you, wasn't it?
It's amazing how simple it is. Keep foreign scum out and they can't hurt your loved ones.
I am a genius again...
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Apr 2021   #234
Funny, Hitler basically said the same thing LOL
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Apr 2021   #235
It didn't take long for you to invite Mr. Godwin to the party.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Apr 2021   #236
Why are you threatened by him?

Home / Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

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