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Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

11 Aug 2015   #1
After a road trip this year through Poland, Germany, Danmark and my native Sweden i have to say that the A1 highway in Poland (Gdansk-Lodz stretch) surpassed, in terms of the general road quality, anything that i have seen in the other countries. Some of the other roads in Poland were not all that great though, but the same Can be said about Germany and Sweden.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #2
Swedish roads weren't exactly all too shabby when I last visited Goteborg almost twenty years prior.
11 Aug 2015   #3
The main issue with Sweden, however, (since we are moving away from history and towards modern day), is that it is a highly effeminate society dominated by feminism. It is probably the most effeminate nation in the history of the world.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #4
Your errant and coarse oversimplifications of complicated historicity are highly offensive, not to mention completely UNacademic! Characterizing Sweden for example as a feminine society because of her feminist movement??! For G_d sakes, man, you sound just like Archie Bunker (minus the mangled syntax and malaprops)!!
11 Aug 2015   #5
Well, two things: one, I don't claim to be an academic, two if you see something I said about history that is wrong could you help me understand where I am wrong instead of calling me names?

This is how we do things in the West.

And regarding Sweden, the fact that twice as many males become prostitutes as females doesn't seem like a strange anomaly to you?

To most people, this is a very strange anomaly.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #6
First of all, I'm from the West, pal! From the garden spot of the States, Brooklyn, USA!! Secondly, where do you get your facts regarding Sweden's sexual life?

I'd be more than happy to "inform" you about history if I though it'd do much good:-)
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #7
The main issue with Sweden, however, (since we are moving away from history and towards modern day), is that it is a highly effeminate society dominated by feminism. It is probably the most effeminate nation in the history of the world

Enlighten me, in what way is Sweden the most effeminate nation in the history of the world :)
11 Aug 2015   #8
The fact that twice as many men are getting dicked for money than women in sweden is well documented.

Sweden is also the only country where male-on-male rape is so epidemic that they have hospitals there for the swedish bleeding-buttholes

all this is problematic for the viking image.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #9
Not__Polish, when will you ever learn that just because it's on Wiki DOESN'T make it necessarily so!!


Men va' tycker du over det?
11 Aug 2015   #10
Rape is a HUGE issue in Sweden - immigrants there rape Swedish women, and instead of the Swedish men defending their women, they are often getting raped (literally) themselves.

Economic data was published by the World Bank, and was linked to wikipedia........
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #11
So is drinking, but why stereotype ALL Swedes as drunks???! As I recollect, the Finns drink twice as much as either the Swedes or even the Norwegians combined (plus can get twice to thrice as nasty in the process!!).

11 Aug 2015   #12
I don't think all swedes are drunks. I'm saying that they take it up the ass more than any other nation in europe, and I have statistics to back this fact up.

I don't have a low regard for Poland. I have a low regard for Sweden.

Poland can be mended. Sweden is beyond help.
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #13
I don't have a low regard for Poland. I have a low regard for Sweden.

IF you should be looking up to us. When germans envisage The ideal german They see a swede.
11 Aug 2015   #14
Swedes were underrepresented in the Waffen SS, unlike the Norwegians and Danes, because they were and are cowards.

From Scarlett Johansson or Sasha Grey to Zbiegniew Brzezinski and Alan Greenspan, without Polish blood America would have stumbled and fallen into its own feces decades, if not centuries ago.

Best Post of the Day.

I will humble myself accordingly!
11 Aug 2015   #15
Polish people like Sweden, see below

Swedish Ambassador in Poland Staffan Herrstrom has received an Order of Merit to the Republic of Poland with a Star for his contributions to Polish-Swedish partnership.
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #16
Swedes were underrepresented in the Waffen SS, unlike the Norwegians and Danes, because they were and are cowards.

Wow you really dont know what you are talking about. A vast majority of swedes were looking at the german war effort and its raping of The continent in disgust. Why would we have joined them. We had no sympathy for The germans. We stayed formally neutral for selfpreservation reasons, although informally help was given at all Times to The Norwegian and Danish resistance movements. Luckily germany Did not invade Sweden. I guess Hitler was hesitant to Hurt a nation of People that are taller, blonder and More industrious than the germans.
11 Aug 2015   #17
The difference is that Germans are capable of defending themselves as are Finns and Poles, whereas Swedes will take it up the arse from ANYONE: Germans, Russians, Muslims. They hide behind a facade of moral superiority to hide the fact that they are cowards.

Nothing, the swedish troll is trying to act self-righteous. Nobody in the world takes Sweden seriously, its just a place for muslim men to deposit large amounts of semen inside of a passive population that confuses cowardice with morality.
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #18
Were you disgusted when the Bolsheviks invaded your neighbor, Finnland?


Oh yeah, the reaction was the same - cowardice and indifference from a weak, and indifferent country

Sweden has not been at war for 200 years. We are a peaceful nation and proud of that. Unlike the barbaric germans and Their genocidal ways we like to resolve our issues though peaceful menas. You know, like civilized People.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2015   #19
moved from another thread

Mmm - let's get this straight Player. Did I hear you say that you are Swedish? If so, your statement has a degree of temerity in it that I find staggering. In that the Swedes did precisely nothing to negate that cruelty offer than accepting refugees, which by convention they, as a "non-combatant" nation, were morally required to do.

I put those words in parenthesis because....

Sorry Player - your grandparents' friends were cowards. Everybody knew what was going to happen. Swedes everywhere should still hold their heads in shame, and there was no excuse to be pacifist, for the SECOND time in one century - those are the facts as some see them, if we have to talk at all about what happened 70 years ago.

"We are all in the Common Market now, and everything should be forgotten. Let's all be friends. " The words of the immortal forementioned Basil Fawlty (a John Cleese creation)

I will put it another way Player. Would you fight to protect your country? I am 57, but if there were no nukes, and Britain were threatened, I would walk there - today - to help preserve my people's way of life.

What did you Swedes preserve? You lost your integrity, your being. Better to die.
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #20
The difference is that Germans are capable of defending themselves as are Finns and Poles, whereas Swedes will take it up the arse from ANYONE: Germans, Russians, Muslims. They hide behind a facade of moral superiority to hide the fact that they are cowards.

I dont know. Unlike the germans We have been able to keep our country fairly safe since its foundation. Swedes have never been massacred on Their own soil. We have unfortunately been responsible for some massacres though. The deluge comes to mind and The thirty years war where we pretty much burned northern germany to The ground. And Then we have the Whole viking thing. Unlike germany we have realised that war only brings unnecessary suffering a long time ago.

InPolska  9 | 1796
11 Aug 2015   #21
@Player "to turn off Fox news"! Right on ...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2015   #22
full of happy wealthy beautiful People.

Very troubling post. A lot of peeps here in Poland today would have been a damn sight more wealthy if there hadn't been war visited on them, then 45 years of communism.

And you people did precisely nothing, because as you so state, it was self-preservation - and you are talking about material facts?
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #23
What did you Swedes preserve? You lost your integrity, your being. Better to die.

What a drama Queen. Well we preserved our lives, our cities our children. And Then we built one of most equal, safe, humane, open minded and wealthy societies the world has ever seen. Look for any ranking pertaining to quality of life and you will find Sweden pretty much at the top.

will put it another way Player. Would you fight to protect your country? I am 57, but if there were no nukes, and Britain were threatened, I would walk there - today - to help preserve my people's way of life.

What are you talking about? We were never attacked.

Its a hell of weekend though. :)

Also, i dont know where you got that 70 percent number from.

Also, Sweden is Richer than germany in terms of both nominal and PPP gdp.

Also, i love your new username.......pretty clever stuff.

Sweden was a safe heaven for poles, Jews, roma and others who were escaping the germans. Unlike in many other countries no one was handed over to The germans. They were safe here.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2015   #24
True, but the Narvik iron-ore was the real key. Sweden let it be transported through Sweden if I recall, so the Nazis let you be. In today's world that would be collaboration. Please correct me if those are not the facts ( regarding the iron ore)
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #25
In that the Swedes did precisely nothing to negate that cruelty offer than accepting refugees, which by convention they, as a "non-combatant" nation, were morally required to do.

Well Folke Bernadotte (and his White buses) saved roughly 20 000 People from german concentration camps. I would suggest you Google him, he is kinda a big deal here in Sweden.
11 Aug 2015   #26
Sweden is not really "wealthy." Most swedish people live paycheck to paycheck.

Norway is wealthy.

Norway is basically everything this swedish chauvanist claims his crudhole country is: peaceful, wealthy, and moral.

I may be giving Poland a hard time about a few things I dislike about their rural part of society, but I HATE, I repeat HATE swedish "people."

They are the scum of this world, the most arrogant, cowardly and weak creatures on two legs.

The most pirate-oriented country that became "peaceful" as it became weaker. Basically Britain without the testicles.

/\ Yes, swedish beasts collaborate with anyone and everyone who is strong and then claim to be 'peaceful,' when they are, in fact, amoral cowards.
OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #27
Well if we are not wealthy, i guess that makes germany a quite poor country, considering that we have a higher gdp per capita as Well as higher salaries. Perhaps eventually they will catch up.
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Aug 2015   #28
swedish "people."They are the scum of this world, the most arrogant, cowardly and weak creatures on two legs.The most pirate-oriented country that became "peaceful" as it became weaker. Basically Britain without the testicles.

Regardless that you are a troll I agree with you on that one 100%. Sweden used to be such a beautiful country, so intelligent, creative and talented people, probably the most civilized nation on this planet comitted slow and painful suicide.
11 Aug 2015   #29
After the 70% taxation?

No, I think you know that the play money you are talking about has no value in purchasing power and most swedes have to sell their *** in order to buy vodka and chocolate on the weekend.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #30
My lasting impressions of Sweden, having last been there only in the late 80's, were of a singularly homogeneous nation, jealously guarding both their beautiful language and their culture from the majority of outsiders! No, many whom I met did NOT speak decent English, at least up to my standards, and so we ended up speaking Swedish:-)

The image propagated through the films of Ingmar Bergman is about as representative of the entire country as Frank Capra and John Ford are of the US as a whole. The Swedes I met, and on their own terms, were jarringly down to earth, highly educated, upwardly mobile and as removed from the stereotype "My name is Jan Jansson, I come from Visconin."- stumbling, slow, clodhopper as one could imagine.

I guess opinionated would be the best way to describe the Swedes I met, across the board. Unlike the Poles however, the Swedish tend almost never to descend into heated emotional rhetoric when certain cherished notions of theirs are attacked; they'll gladly (and rather skillfully too, I might add) play the Devil's advocate...and they'll usually win.

On the less positive side, I found many, even in the bigger cities such as Goteborg, to be somewhat provincial, smug and almost incredulous of the fact that not everyone else thinks or is brought up in lock step, i.e. gets married young and automatically has children, cradle-to-grave security etc..

Generally though, I was impressed by the breathtaking landscapes, the gorgeous language, the long summer nights and the ever spirited company of my many friends.

Sweden. All may be summed up perhaps by the motto of Lund University: ATT TANKA FRITT, AR STORT. ATT TANKA RATT, AR STORRE" (To think freely is a great thing, to think correctly, even greater)

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