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Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa

OP Bobko  27 | 2079
15 Feb 2023   #31

The primate is in my cage, and that's all I was hunting for. Now that I have you here, tell me - how deep is your love for Russia?

Also, Poles getting lazy.
pawian  226 | 27453
15 Feb 2023   #32
how deep is your love for Russia?

It is so deep that I will be over the moon when eventually there are 12 Russiastans newly created after the current imperialistic Russia loses the war and collapses under Western sanctions.
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
15 Feb 2023   #33
It is so deep that I will be over the moon when eventually there are 12 Russiastans

You are a real masochist. Any normal statistical Pole would say one Russia is enough, only Pawian would say "give me 12x more".

The Force is strong with this one.
pawian  226 | 27453
15 Feb 2023   #34
only Pawian would say "give me 12x more".

Get back to what I wrote and find a huge misinterpretation in your reply. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
15 Feb 2023   #35
- how deep is your love for Russia?

Also, Poles getting lazy

More proof of your insanity!

We don't need any more....
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
3 Mar 2023   #36
Now that I have you here, tell me - how deep is your love for Russia?

As deep as Lake Baikal and as wide as the distance from Volga to Yenisey. But in my case it is love for people not for the state, and at this particular moment of history the interest of Russian state (or the small mafia group of politicians and oligarchs that control it) is deeply at odds with the interests of Russian people. Germany were first defeated, then judged and divided, then reborn and united again - and look at modern Germany compared with Third Reich. Which is better for German people? The new Russia will also be similarly better for Russians. After it's defeated, judged and divided, and then reborn.

Death, redemption and resurrection. Poland went through the same process. And we deserved it too.

More proof of your insanity!

Not of insanity but of Slavicness. Have the winds of Albion blew the remains of słowiańska dusza from you, Milo?
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 Mar 2023   #37
But in my case it is love for people not for the state,

I say the same about the US and then I am called a traitor.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Mar 2023   #38
I say the same about the US

No, liar. You don`t say the same about coloureds, women, LGBT, immigrants etc. Roughly about 70% of the US. Stop being a lying azhole. Ha!
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 Mar 2023   #39
No, stupid, I never said I hate women. I hate stupid - like a woman who stumbles out at 3 a.m. drunk and hops into the first random car that offers her a ride to rape and murder.

Same with blacks. Don't loot, rape, murder, make half a dozen babies for me to support and we are BFF. Duh!
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Mar 2023   #40
No, liar. You hate all blacks no matter what they do. You revealed it many times. Woof! wOOF! Woof! hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 Mar 2023   #41
Another Polish idiot, another Polish metaphor, another Polish lie.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Mar 2023   #42

Exactly. Put another record on, pour another glass of wine. Rock another night of us losing all track of time in the PF. hahahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
3 Mar 2023   #43
Have the winds of Albion blew the remains of słowiańska dusza from you, Milo?

Not at all.
I no longer regard Russians as fellow Slavs.
In fact, because of my family history and experience of Russians.
I never have.
Russians are not part of the Slavic brotherhood.
Never have been.
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 Mar 2023   #44
I never knew that it was up to you to decide what they are.
Are we now in transgender freakdom where we are what we claim we are and objective truth no longer exists?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
3 Mar 2023   #45
Totally incomprehensible nonsense.....
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 Mar 2023   #46
OK, let me try...

I no longer regard Russians as fellow Slavs.

Your opinion of them means squat. Just like some moron thinking of his dick as a female body part and a reason to join them in showers.

I know it was lame but I couldn't resist it.
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
5 Mar 2023   #47
More than 8 years ago this war started. Posting a video here of volunteers showing up for the war in 2014, for all the people that argue Russia engineered this thing. Accompanied by nice Don/Kuban Cossack music, and plenty of instances of actual Cossacks (hello Ukraine) visible on screen. The type of Cossacks I like, in uniform, and not some dress-up costume.
Novichok  4 | 8478
5 Mar 2023   #48
Here is the problem...To PF Russia haters, 14,000 Russians who were killed in Donbas don't count because they were "Ukrainians". How do I know that they were Ukrainians?

Easy. When they were taking their last breath, they had Ukrainian IDs. Therefore, Russia had no right to protect them. Simple. Never forget the level of mentality we are dealing with here.

On the other hand, US Marines landing in Grenada to protect American med students - well, that's an entirely different story...
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
16 Mar 2023   #49
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I will post it here in my trash bin of a thread.

Why is it that all liberals everywhere get all their ideas from the West? Whether they're Chinese liberals, or Russian liberals, or Polish liberals - they all decide to do whatever it is they do after they had been thoroughly brainwashed by sneaky Anglos.

Does it make sense, what I'm saying? Like, they never come up with some uniquely Russian liberalism. I understand why Putin, Xi, Orban etc want to ban all foreign influences, like Soros and Burger King. They prevent our left-brained populations from thinking for themselves.

That is, I'm sure Putin would not ban some uniquely Russian form of liberalism. He's just irritated that the gender matrix and gay-love stuff comes from the West, like many other things some Russians like. As a true patriot, he wants to see indigenous development. For example, if instead of changing the pronouns we use for ourselves, liberal Russians did something original - something nobody on earth had ever done before - like insist on their right to consume vegetables rectally - then I'm sure Putin would defend their right to do so to the death. For Russians, and for Putin, it is important to be first in all things. We are not readers, we are writers - and the copycat liberalism offends our spirit.

TLDR: The problem of liberals in the Non-West is their lack of originality, and constantly looking back at how things are done "over there".
Paulina  19 | 4458
16 Mar 2023   #50
Why is it that all liberals everywhere get all their ideas from the West? Whether they're Chinese liberals, or Russian liberals, or Polish liberals

Hmm, I don't know about others, but I disagree about Polish liberals. They (and centrist like me too) also tap into Polish history and tradition, imho - the tolerance, the multi-ethnic character and political freedoms of the Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów), for example, the first Constitution in Europe. We take pride in this stuff and look back to that as something "Polish".
Paulina  19 | 4458
16 Mar 2023   #51
For example:

"The Dawn of the Reformation: Rome May Have Her Way - We Have Our Own

Both this doctrine and the peaceful co-existence within the same state of many confessions could not have remained without impact on the later development of religious freedoms for Protestants. Sixteenth-century supporters of the Reformation repeatedly appealed to those deeply rooted traditions. They insisted that, if the Orthodox and the Muslims could at one time have been tolerated alongside the Catholics, similar treatment must now be accorded to the Lutherans, Calvinists, as well as Anti-Trinitarians, who called themselves the Polish Brethren. This attitude found support in the foreign policy of Sigismund I (1506-1548), which in practice took little heed of the missionary goals of Rome. The Polish monarch, despite the Papacy's fervent protests, was the first among Europe's rulers to recognize as his vassal a Lutheran duke, the Prussian Albrecht von Hohenzollern.[2] Instead of the anti-Turkish crusade, for which the Church had repeatedly called, a life-long peace agreement was concluded with the High Porta in 1535. Finally, Polish nobility were forbidden to take part in the religious wars in Germany, regardless of the side."
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
16 Mar 2023   #52
imho - the tolerance, the multi-ethnic character and political freedoms of the Commonwealth

Tolerance: For what? Jews?

Multi-Ethnic Character: BS. A bunch of different shades of white. Russians at least have Tuvans and Chukchi, etc. If you look at France or Italy closer you will also see a past of many ethnicities, not less than in Poland.

Political Freedoms: For oligarchs, and nobody else. You could find these kind of arrangements in the Lowlands, in the Merchant Republics of Italy, and other places.

I was just showing you how first of all the things you listed are not unique to Poland. However, I also think this is complete historic revisionism to view these things as somehow implicitly liberal (the Roman Empire is then very liberal, and the Mongol Empire). It's just you interpreting it that way, from today's vantage point. In reality - 95% of your liberal or centrist thought is Western in basis and very modern with no root in Polish history.

They insisted that, if the Orthodox and the Muslims could at one time have been tolerated alongside the Catholics

Hmph! Maybe I'm wrong - ha. This is interesting.
Paulina  19 | 4458
16 Mar 2023   #53
@Bobko, read the link I posted in my post #51, please, because I can see that you didn't...

Hmph! Maybe I'm wrong - ha. This is interesting.

Jesus... You don't know anything about Polish history, do you? o_O Honestly, Bobko, even pro-Putin RuSSians I've discussed with in the past knew a bit more about Polish history than you do... Have you been living under a rock or did living in the US do that to you? Educate yourself at least a bit if you want make such judgements about other nations, ffs...
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
16 Mar 2023   #54
You don't know anything about Polish history, do you?

That's why I am so grateful when you teach me!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
17 Mar 2023   #55
Rome May Have Her Way - We Have Our Own

Yes. Poland, as opposed to Czechia (definitely Western) or Russia (definitely Eastern), has always been tragically torn in our civilisational identity, and I am not able to say with full confidence what our hearts would choose if they were forced to make a choice (the brains would choose Western). That's why - being torn between two different worlds - we developed our own, unique turbo-Sarmatian, Slavic-Latin civilisation, incorporating all of the best of the two worlds and inheriting none of the worst.
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
17 Mar 2023   #56
incorporating all of the best of the two worlds and inheriting none of the worst

Are you joking? Russia is the one that took the best from both sides of the family.

From the West we learned how to be hypocrites, and from the East we learned how to have a good time while doing it.
jon357  72 | 23482
17 Mar 2023   #57


ook the best from both sides

Or the worst.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 Mar 2023   #58
we developed our own, unique turbo-Sarmatian,

.....reminds me....where is Crowie???
Alien  25 | 6392
17 Mar 2023   #59
....where is Crowie??? oblivion.

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