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Are Polish Christians here?

Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #61
I now feel like a Trump. Tries to explain obvious things that are clear to all but irrational reasons make it look like mud to you.

@jon357, frankly, you should take in account possibility that you are stupid.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Oct 2020   #62
Spot On, Crow!
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #63
We Slavs (ie Sarmats) must arrange things as it suits to us in our world. In our world Christ as true God of love, goes hand in hand with Svetovid that is true aspect of ancestors and human-nature relationship.

Those who in the name of Christ, because of their greed, shed blood of those who loved Svetovid betrayed Christ.

So, you Poles, Russians and all other Slavs needs to follow Serbians and return to ancient custom that is celebration of family SLAVA in its Christianize form. It will unite us all no matter which Christian provenience we belong in particular. That is a way even for our Slavic Muslims and no matter other faith. Return to the path of ancestors is the only way.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Oct 2020   #64
Christ as true God of love, goes hand in hand with Svetovid

Most people here in Poland would disagree with that assertion...

Return to the path of ancestors is the only way.

And that one.
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #65
Most people here in Poland would disagree with that assertion...

Of course. Their ancestors were defeated and subjugated by Rome (like all Slavic/Sarmat ancestors). Fear was imposed on people. Indoctrination for centuries. Freedom takes time, among other things. We have to heal.

And that one.

Then what is the alternative? The opposite to it? To return to Latin American ancestors so Vatican is happy and have its multi soup to rule?

Much better to return to our own ancestors, be on its own and have tolerance as way of coexistence with others. As our ancestors did. They tolerated, didn`t tend to mix at any cost.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Oct 2020   #66
To return to Latin American ancestors

return to our own ancestor .... Return to the path of ancestors is the only way.

Why 'return to ancestors'?
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #67
That is the path we know. The rest is unknown. Our ancestors are the only god we are certain gave life to us. Other gods, we seek together with our ancestors in us.

As long as we live, our ancestors live in us. With them we always have a god is us, we are godly creatures and we are gods ourselves.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Oct 2020   #68
That is the path we know

Who's 'we' and how would you 'know' such a path.

Our ancestors are the only god we are certain gave life to us

Few here would agree with that.
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #69
No important you are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Muslim or whatever religion Slav (Sarmat), you should celebrate SLAVA as did your ancestors >>>>

Important about SLAVA custom Serbians preserved from the days of old faith >

* A tradition that dates from the old days before Slavs accepted Christianity. Its remembrance of old pagan gods in a Chritizanize form. Patron (local) deity every Slavic house (clan) had Serbians turned into Christian Saints. Slava is one of the most important characteristics of Serbian tradition and it is even inscribed in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.

* If a Serb invites you to come to his home for Slava, consider self an honored

* The Slava is celebrated annually and it is transferred from generation to generation. It is meant to be celebrated at home, gathering family and friends in one place. Serbs use Slava as a great opportunity to meet and get together

* Sons inherit the patron saint from their fathers and women from their husbands.

* There are four elements that need to be on the table during Slava and those elements are Slava cake, candle, red wine and cooked wheat. People drink wine, beer, and rakija and they drink a lot.

* During his Slava, a host/master, man of house is not allowed to sit until midnight. He must serve his guests on his legs, standing and walking. Its to honor his ancestors that, as it is believed while he stands sit on his right shoulder and providing protection of the house until the next Slava day (next year)


Slava Cake must include firesteels


firesteels /in Serb. (OCILA - meaning `from fathers`)/ that are ancestral symbol of tool for burning the fire

The same symbol you have preserved on oldest coiuns of Polish kings >


Coin, DENAR of Polish King Mieszko, 992 AD


Cooked wheat Serbians call KOLJIVO which directly means `something that is slaughtered` /referring to animal sacrifice to gods/. In later times also sacrifice in plant food. KOLJIVO is word from time immemorial. Prepared wheat KOLJIVO also includes symbolism of firesteels (OCILO).

Firesteels are strongly correlated to the core of the ancestral faith that was fire and sun. Firesteels around the cross are direct reference to the sun and solstice and human balance with fundamental laws of nature.

Serbian coat of arms >

Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #70
Few here would agree with that.

Sarmatia shall awake.

I refuse subjugation.

Who's 'we' and how would you 'know' such a path.

Tradition remembered the path of ancestors from a time before they were forced to deviate from the path. Forced by those who killed them in the name of Christ and that way committed sins on both- our Ancestors and on Christ Himself. We Serbs saved memory on the ancestral path and proved Christ is God of love. Victory shall be ours.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Oct 2020   #71
Sarmatia shall awake.


We Serbs saved memory on the ancestral path and proved Christ is God of love


And how is it relevant to the staunchly Roman Catholic Poland?
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #72
Poland is quite alright as Catholic Poland. Forget term Roman Catholic Poland.

Poland is precious. Rome is a monster with which will Racowie dealth with, same as we dealt with Constantinople.

Ancestors and Christ, yes. Subjugation, no.

And we shall all celebrate Slava.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Oct 2020   #73
Forget term Roman Catholic


same as we dealt with Constantinople.

You mean Istanbul, Turkey's largest city.

Anyway, Christianity in Poland is staunchly Roman Catholic, except for a minority in the Kresy and converts to American and German style evangelicalism.
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2020   #74

Rome and Constabtinople commited and allowed genocide on Serbians, in fact, on all Slavs. So, Orthodoxy and Catholicism would go better without Rome and Constantinople.

You mean Istanbul, Turkey's largest city.

Istanbul, too. But before that we dealt with Constantinople. Its not crusaders who destroyed it. Serbs broke backbone of Eastern Romans and Constabtinople. Crusaders just looted it.

Poland is staunchly Roman Catholic, except for a minority

Poland is full of Serbs.


And here we came to the answer. When?

When core of our civilization is healed and strong enough. As Lusatian Otto von Bismarck said on his dearhbad - Serbia.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Oct 2020   #75
When core of our civilization is healed and strong enough

You'll be waiting a long time.

And meanwhile, Poland is still RC and looking west.
Crow  155 | 9699
17 Oct 2020   #76
You'll be waiting a long time.

Things are accelerated. Look around you.

And meanwhile, Poland is still RC and looking west.

Poland will look to itself. Poland is the West. C is fine. RC is past. It must be past because threatening Poles.

And tell me @jon357, why do you care for that hierarchy? Rome. Rome. They are maniacs there in Vatican and in that joke what is now Constantinople Patriarchate, not Christians. Are you Christian @jon357?

Now, RC won`t be allowed. C is fine.

Belgrade knows and Belgrade is center.
PNaft  - | 7
17 Oct 2020   #77
Belgrade knows and Belgrade is center

you drunk or something? Belgrade is not the center of anything but Serbia.
Crow  155 | 9699
20 Oct 2020   #78
It is. Send your spirit to the future and you shall see Belgrade on the top. Its the only way even Poles to survive as Poles.

Serbian economy becoming Best in Europe. Its only the announce of new order. New old order. Sarmatian order as should be.
PNaft  - | 7
23 Oct 2020   #79
tut tut.

Serbia's ranked 66th on GDP per capita if you go by the International Monetary Fund. 71th if you go by the World Bank. Poland's 39th per the IMF, 41st per the World Bank.

So how can you say Serbia's economy is the best if Serbia's lower than Poland?
Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Oct 2020   #80
and converts to American and German style evangelicalism.

Ancestors are important.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Oct 2020   #81
For what?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
23 Oct 2020   #82
Inheritance money, dish dash dosh.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Oct 2020   #83

From ancestors?

Not many people inherit a medieval manor house from an ancestor 10 generations back. Nor, necessarily, do they inherit any of that ancestor's genes.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
23 Oct 2020   #84
From ancestors?

Have you not heard of trust funds, very common amongst tax avoiding brits.

Now do you think Tax avoidance is Christian ? do poles give to the poor?, as they typically avoid taxes at every opportunity ( my observation.)
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Oct 2020   #85
trust funds

From ancestors? Or relatives. The Duke of Wherever is hardly typical of anything.

Tax avoidance is Christian ?

1. Render unto Caesar.
2. Above all, the meaning of the Last Supper.

do poles give to the poor?, as they typically avoid taxes at every opportunity

Are most actually Christian or just going through the motions?
Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Oct 2020   #86
For what?

For reverence for remembrance for veneration.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Oct 2020   #87
Venerating ancestors? Are you Chinese?
Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Oct 2020   #88
No, RC. Go November the First to any normal cemetery in Poland after dusk and you will see its glow.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Oct 2020   #89

That's relatives. Ancestors are somewhat further back.

Go November the First to any normal cemetery in Poland

Not this year...
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Oct 2020   #90
That's relatives. Ancestors are somewhat further back.

Familial ancestors are included in that too.

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