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Are Polish Christians here?

pawian 221 | 24284
27 Jul 2022 #121
Twilight and the smell of incense.

Twilight is good coz you can`t see too many details in the church or people around you and in result can concentrate better on your sins and how to atone for them.

As for incense, I agree - it is polluting the air without any necessity. The Three Magi tradition? Fekk them!! We have a global warming problem!
Alien 22 | 5228
2 Oct 2022 #122
Well, this global warming is only God's will as you can guess.
pawian 221 | 24284
2 Oct 2022 #123
Do you mean SHE has planned it ???? What for? For good or bad cause???
Alien 22 | 5228
2 Oct 2022 #124
For good cause of course, a mild winter means less demand for russian gas.
Alien 22 | 5228
22 Sep 2023 #125
Are Polish Christians here?

Do you have to go to mass to be a Christian? Many Germans left the church to avoid paying church taxes, and in Poland they left because of pedophile priests. This is not a good turn of events.
mafketis 37 | 10789
22 Sep 2023 #126
Do you have to go to mass to be a Christian?

Protestants do not have mass... they have services.
Atch 21 | 4159
22 Sep 2023 #127
Anglicans have Mass.
mafketis 37 | 10789
22 Sep 2023 #128
Well they're a queer lot (word used in older meaning) they've got a foot in both camps as it were....real protestants don't have mass
Alien 22 | 5228
24 Sep 2023 #129
Well they're a queer lot

What I liked most in their churches were the play corners for children during masses. Unfortunately, children must sit quietly at Catholic Mass.
Atch 21 | 4159
24 Sep 2023 #130
What I liked most in their churches were the play corners for children during masses.

I'm presuming these are located somewhere on the premises and not in the actual nave (main seating area). I've been in many an Anglican church and there was no play area.

Unfortunately, children must sit quietly at Catholic Mass.

You shouldn't take a child to Mass until they are old enough to do that. You can take them to the church for visits but don't expect them to sit through a whole Mass. They should start going regularly about a year before they make their First Communion.
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Sep 2023 #131
What I liked most in their churches were the play corners for children during masses

Some do, however it's not liked by everyone. Often the kids go for religious lessons in the church hall and are brought into church just before people lift up their hearts.
mafketis 37 | 10789
24 Sep 2023 #132
children must sit quietly at Catholic Mass.

Small children often run around and sometimes make noise playing during the Polish masses I've attended... not every time but it's not a rare occurence and the priests either ignore it or smile at them...
Atch 21 | 4159
24 Sep 2023 #133
Small children often run around and sometimes make noise playing during the Polish masses I've attended..

Well they shouldn't. Most Polish families can arrange for somebody to babysit while they go to Mass. There is no need to bring children with you if they're not able to sit for the duration. I was expected to sit quietly beside my mother when I was only four. I remember being almost asleep with the boredom. I used to amuse myself by looking at the women's fashions and the stained glass windows. The winter was worst when the church was freezing. I remember tucking my face into the folds of my mother's fur coat and having a little nap :)
Alien 22 | 5228
1 Oct 2023 #134
Most Polish families can arrange for somebody to babysit while they go to Mass. T

When our son was still in a stroller, my wife went to Mass and I went at the same time for 45 minutes walk. We talked about this matter with a priest who was satisfied with this solution.

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