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TVP producer fired for allowing rainbow flag on the air...

johnny reb  49 | 7993
21 Apr 2023   #151
my advice for you is

Thank you for your concern and advise.

chose God first.

I do and always will.

Love for your enemies

I do my Christian enemies and I even pray for them.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
21 Apr 2023   #152
@johnny reb
Just saying, comes off as a lot of bragging and very little action - be aware of it
johnny reb  49 | 7993
21 Apr 2023   #153
comes off as a lot of bragging

Bragging ?
I think you may be confused so you think I project myself as sinless just because I know the word.
Many of the unsaved souls here use that claim to diminish me.
My name is J.R., not J.C.
He was the only one to ever walk this earth sinless.
This includes you so maybe you should profess your sins here next.

be aware of it

Yes, we should all be aware when we are judging other people with authority when they don't measure up to our personal expectations.
Did you know the Bible says that homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven if they indulge in perverted sexual acts ?
So see, I am not judging, I am merely educating these perverted Rainbowers.
If you disagree fine but please don't attack me by saying that I am bragging, which I am not, and not showing any action when I am.

We good now ?
pawian  226 | 27572
22 Apr 2023   #155
This includes you so maybe you should profess your sins here next.

Are you going to play a priest for Kashub?

Here you are - feel free to tell each other all your sins. :):):):)

  • 12.jpg
Alien  25 | 6434
30 Apr 2023   #156
to tell each other

I went to confession but no priest has ever confessed to me.
P.s. Speaking of a rainbow, sometimes I have one outside the window.
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Apr 2023   #157
Speaking of a rainbow, sometimes I have one outside the window.

Is it a rainbow or raaaainboooow?
Alien  25 | 6434
30 Apr 2023   #158

it's big, beautiful and sometimes even double.....ah, and even children can see it.
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Apr 2023   #159
They should add brown to it.
Alien  25 | 6434
30 Apr 2023   #160
The brown color is not well regarded in Germany.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
30 Apr 2023   #161
I went to confession but no priest has ever confessed to me

Yeah, typical priests, just like politicians, they never admit anything!
Novichok  4 | 8568
1 May 2023   #162
Only stupid people confess. By that time, God already knows everything so why bother?
How would I know that the "priest" is not an FBI agent?
johnny reb  49 | 7993
1 May 2023   #163
It's hard to debate a smart person and in this case even harder to debate a dumb one.
1 John 9.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
Nowhere in the Bible does it say we must confess to a priest to be forgiven.
You can go to one of your fellow Christians and confess and ask that the Father Almighty forgives you.
Novichok  4 | 8568
1 May 2023   #164
You can go to one of your fellow Christians

You risk that he will rat you out.
The first rule of life: Trust nobody unless you have no choice.
Alien  25 | 6434
1 May 2023   #165
unless you have no choice.

....and why are you confessing everything on PF?
Novichok  4 | 8568
1 May 2023   #166
Opinions are not confessions. Deeds are.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
1 May 2023   #167
Poland's an unusually conservative country, bound by centuries-old Roman Catholic
strict constructionism.
While I'm certainly not in favor of the above action, I'd be terribly naive if I believed
the reaction of the general viewing public would be any different!
Lyzko  44 | 9719
1 May 2023   #169
Thank you, Johnny.
Add to my prior remarks the plain fact that Poland remains one of the
most ethnically homogeneous nations on the continent of Europe, logically
making drastic, indeed culturally and socially jarring changes, almost Draconian
punishment to impose on a historically monolithic populace.

"Diversity" 's all well and good in politically liberal societies such as France or Sweden,
with long histories of either colonial or advanced progressive culture. Therefore, it's easy
for Bruxelles to say, "Hey, Poles! Get with the program and welcome LGBTQ into your
living space....OR ELSE!" The actuality of the situation though is far more complicated and
this must be born in mind in the midst of our sounding off about this affair.
OP mafketis  38 | 11171
1 May 2023   #170
Poland remains one of the most ethnically homogeneous nations on the continent of Europe

That ship has sailed... you cannot walk for 5 minutes in any Polish city without seeing a fair amount of non-Polish people (not counting Ukrainians who are mostly invisible as non-Polish until they speak).

PiS was handing out work-study permits in Asia like candy for years and there's been migration from other sources too.

You really need to catch up...
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
1 May 2023   #171
You really need to catch up

Lyzko, like many Americans, does not have a clue......
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
1 May 2023   #172
"Diversity" 's all well and good in politically liberal societies such as France or Sweden,

You show your complete ignorance yet again!!!!!
"Diversiry" is not working in France or Sweden!
Novichok  4 | 8568
1 May 2023   #173
"Hey, Poles! Get with the program and welcome LGBTQ into your living space....

LBGTs are mentally ill freaks of nature and not differenent from bipolars and schizophrenics. As such, they have nothing to do with "diversity".
Diversity is racial and ethnic - and social tumor if allowed to grow past the point where it become malignant.
Diversity of opinions is the only kind that may be beneficial to the tribe if it does not clash with science like math or biology. 2+2 = 4 is as undebatable as that there are only two unchangeable genders.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 May 2023   #174
Historically monolithic populace? Poland?

Long history of advanced progressive culture? SWEDEN?!

What's next from you? That Japanese think of themselves as children of the moon and that the national symbol of Ireland is and always have been a flag with several lions on it? Buhahahahahaha

You made me laugh internally and put a smile on my face! Bravo!
Lyzko  44 | 9719
2 May 2023   #175
@Maf & Milo,

Poland has comparatively few foreigners integrated into the total population,
particularly in smaller cities, so I've read in local newspapers. Large urban
centers practically anywhere in Europe will always continue to be the exception.

The occasional kebab stand or the like does not a "diverse" society make! -:)

Kaszub, the Swedes as well as the French, although not for the same reasons,
view themselves as bastions of both democracy and progress. The lack of diversity in
places such as Sweden, especially the more rural or outlying areas, Norway, including
Finland, has more to do with their geography than with their demography.

Stockholm, Paris or Helsinki are poor examples against which to measure the success of
multi-ethnic populations.

Even in the US, New York, Boston, Washington or Los Angeles will neve be bellweathers of

Think some of y'all out there are just playing the Devil's Advocate, frankly. Even if I made
a decent point, some of you wouldn't ever admit it.
OP mafketis  38 | 11171
2 May 2023   #176
so I've read in local newspapers


meanwhile (these are just videos with titles in English... if I knew enough of other asian languages to search I'm fairly sure I'd find lots more....

I remember not long before the pandemic going to a hyper market to shop on Saturday afternoon... around half the conversations I heard were in other languages (not just russian/Ukrainian but also in French, English, Spanish and a few I couldn't identify)

Most of the employees were Ukrainian but I also heard other languages between them....

It's nowhere near places like Berlin or NYC or London but Poland as a very ethnically homogenous place is over.... hopefully the inflows can be held at slow enough a pace to manage integration.
OP mafketis  38 | 11171
2 May 2023   #177
I'll ad to my previous comment, the hypermarket in question is kind of hidden away and you'd never see it from any major road. You have to know it's there to go there (as it were).
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 May 2023   #178
Problem is that you view newspaper "integration" as actual integration. It is in most cases just media BS and leftist agenda, I experienced it on my own skin, it's very selective tolerance and "acceptance".

While in Poland you don't see actual integration, so you think it does not exist, while I experience it. That is the differance.

And Yeah, you won't see any "integration" in Poland cause Poles very blunt about somebody being part of society or not.
johnny reb  49 | 7993
2 May 2023   #179
Post a map with the gps coordinates so others may enjoy it too.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
2 May 2023   #180
Poland was far more isolated and for a long time
almost hermetically sealed off from non-Caucausian outsiders
within their midst.

While not desirable in a broader spiritual sense, this is simply
the reality with which Polish people have had to contend, and
the inroads of the larger world face resistance from many as
they're ill prepared for the slow, if inevitable, coming together of this

An apt analogy would be of a large, homogeneous, heretofore contented, family,
a spoiled brood now being asked or rather being forced by their elders to share.
As with most children, they really don't want to and often throw a tantrum if at
first they don't get their way.

In this case, the parents are represented by Bruxelles and the children by the Poles

Home / News / TVP producer fired for allowing rainbow flag on the air...

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