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TVP producer fired for allowing rainbow flag on the air...

mafketis  38 | 11284
20 Jul 2021   #1
Latest PRL style media adventure with PiS

A few days ago a Slovak vocalist (Karin Ann) was on a Polish tv morning show as the show was ending she addressed the audience briefly in English expressing support for LGBT(etc etc) people and draped a rainbow flag around her shoulders.

Apparently higher ups were upset that the producer didn't focus on something else or just black out the picture in PRL style... and has been told he'll get no further work with TVP (technically he was a contract and not salaried employee).

the offending video of the unperson committing a thoughtcrime has been scrubbed from the tvp sources but remains on youtube...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
20 Jul 2021   #2
Not a supporter of LGBT or any other alphabet soup group. But this is really just childish reactionary BS. This is unfortunately what the world see's as Poland and PiS. They are simply an embarrassment.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jul 2021   #3
has been told he'll get no further work with TVP

The same with other symbols which belong to groups hated by PIS. E.g., in February, PISTV fired a speaker who was wearing a heart symbol of Owsiak`s Christmas Charity.

They are simply an embarrassment.

So are their voters.
Novichok  4 | 8791
20 Jul 2021   #4
Not a supporter of LGBT or any other alphabet soup group.

Is there a flag for the people who are not mentally ill? It seems that it's just a white piece of cloth on a stick.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
20 Jul 2021   #5
It used to have golden french lillies on it, but it got removed. Then blue and red stripes were added instead. You should love them tho, they love decapitating people until recently
Ironside  51 | 13124
20 Jul 2021   #6
people and draped a rainbow flag

WTF? Why those people think that is their job to be political? Does she thinks it will further her carrier?

get no further work with TVP

Well that is their right as the employer. Facebook and twitter cenzor people all the time as their are just privately owned companies. Haven't seen you going after them...

I don't know the details and you don't know them either. IF they was something she did on her own volition no harm in showing a nutter and a hypocrite for what she is...

If that was a part of the plan and producers was on it ... that it is the only right they stopped using his services.

I suppose knowing PiS that were just sycophants acing up to suck up to JK. Nobody asked them to be that way, they are natural butlers like pawian.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
20 Jul 2021   #7
You got the flag right
Joker  2 | 2468
20 Jul 2021   #8
and has been told he'll get no further work

Excellent news for Poland! Someone has to fight and try and save the children!

They are simply an embarrassment.

I see it the exact opposite. Ive witnessed their disgusting parades in Chicago and they all want to indoctrinate our children think this behavior is normal.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jul 2021   #9
Excellent news for Poland! Someone has to fight and try and save the children!

Indeed. It's quite pathetic how hard they try forcing this stuff onto the population when its clear the vast majority want nothing to do with LGBT
Novichok  4 | 8791
20 Jul 2021   #10
Since the thread is the subject of reproductive mental illness, can somebody finally explain what these people are proud of?

indoctrinate our children think this behavior is normal.

Just wait and they will have pride parades for those with HIV and AIDS. Have AIDS and be proud!!!
OP mafketis  38 | 11284
20 Jul 2021   #11
Why those people think that is their job to be political?

So you have no problem with censorship in the PRL?

If you think it's okay for PiS to run tvp like a private advertising department then you're fine with PRL media as well (same principle unless you're a hypocrite).
Ironside  51 | 13124
20 Jul 2021   #12
So you have no problem with censorship in the PRL?

What makes you think so?
They can show LGBT flag all day long on TV24 if they want...your angle is very strange I said you're based and you are..
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #13
PRL style media adventure with PiS

has been told he'll get no further work with TVP

The normal nonsense from reactionary boobies, hell-bent on making even greater fools of themselves than they already have.

And meanwhile, people enjoy the sun and ignore the bigots.
OP mafketis  38 | 11284
20 Jul 2021   #14
They can show LGBT flag all day long on TV24 if they want...

And state run TV is perfectly fine as an advertising branch of the ruling party?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jul 2021   #15
can somebody finally explain what these people are proud of?

I would, but it's too explicit and the mods will probably give a suspension.... but yes, normal people are proud of real accomplishments - getting a promotion, graduating college, etc., not acting out sexual proclivities...

they all want to indoctrinate our children

They aren't even hiding it anymore... the san francisco gay men's choir recently released a song where the lyrics explicitly state how Bible teaching is out and it's "their turn" to teach the kids...

This is why I hope Poland goes the way of Hungary, Russia, and the other based dgaf countries and just make all displays of lgbt illegal in the public sphere. Thankfully there's far more support against lgbt than for it in Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13124
20 Jul 2021   #16
And state run TV is perfectly fine as an advertising branch of the ruling party?

Yep, it has been run that way most of the time, PO and then PiS just made it more obvious in a crude way due to sycophants..

I mean it is not even that bad as you can turn it off or listen to a different TV station or Internet.
What is bad are companies like Facebook and twitter which present themselves as a platform of communication between people and yes they get their money by taking advantage of those people and make money on advertisement providing data and so on ...but what really dangerous about them is turning political and censoring political views ...that step too far

You are ingoing it all and focus instead on some lone TV station which is full of propagand so bad it turns people away from PiS.

You must be akin to jon an old commie full of BS.
20 Jul 2021   #17
Sex addicts know no limits, they will always push the boundaries to try and get that elusive rush of adrenaline using competitiveness and sex, they believe that they will one day reach nirvana if only the pesky Christians would allow them free reign to do what they want, but alas due to immunity build up against the effects of adrenaline abuse they just move further and further away from it and will never find satisfaction no matter what they do. They are a symptom of our screen based culture which glorifies competitiveness and casual sex and creates conditions in which loneliness thrives. The ubiquity of screens is the problem not LGBT, the more you fight LGBT the more it will retaliate, they love anything that gives them adrenaline, it temporarily distracts them from their soul crushing loneliness.
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #18
Sex addicts

There's no suggestion that any of the parties involved here are "sex addicts" (whatever that even means).

And state run TV is perfectly fine as an advertising branch of the ruling party?

They like to have their cake and eat it. Then squeal like the little piggies they are when things don't go their way (which is most of the time, since that political tendency is inherently aggrieved by things they see - or more likely read/hear about second/third hand - around them).

culture which glorifies competitiveness

Is that something new for you to moan pointlessly about, or is it a somewhat more timeless whine?
Novichok  4 | 8791
20 Jul 2021   #19
In other words, they are nuts.
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #20
Yes, the politicians and their cronies behind TVPis are indeed "nuts'.
20 Jul 2021   #21
@jon357 Sex addicts are people who abuse the sexual response for the purposes of distracting themselves from loneliness/reality/facing up to responsibilities. And as for competitiveness, yeah it's more of a pointless whine from the sidelines
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #22
If you mean sexual compulsives, it's bit more complicated and deep-rooted than that, as well as various possible physiological aetiologies.

Here, the issue is po-faced and hypocritical politicians, playing on the fears of those who fear anything new, or anything that challenges their anxiety.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2021   #23
Anything new like your posted images of sticking it in a cows mouth or into a fishes butt ?
No doubt twisted sick sht like that causes anxiety in any normal grounded person alright.

as well as various possible physiological aetiologies.

Sounds like you have had first hand therapy for your perverted physiological aetiologies. Yes
Novichok  4 | 8791
20 Jul 2021   #24
Sex addicts are people who abuse the sexual response for the purposes of distracting themselves

...and attracting attention. Weirdness sells. Normal is boring. When was a normal person invited for an interview to tell how it feels to be normal. Weirdos and perverts - no problem. Add AIDS and you will be on the evening news. As a hero, of course, not as a pos who had sex with a dozen unsuspecting victims.
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #25
attracting attention

It's television. Should TV shows suddenly try not to attract attention?

sticking it in a cows mouth or into a fishes butt ... twisted sick sht

It doesn't have permission to address me, especially about its fantasies.
Novichok  4 | 8791
20 Jul 2021   #26
Should TV shows suddenly try not to attract attention?

Which of these two attention-grabbing attractions would you like to see first - two fags fu*cking in front of that rainbow na Placu Zbawiciela or a pos being executed by a firing squad for the rape and murder of a child?
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #27
You do write rubbish sometimes. I'd feel sorry for you if I could be bothered to care.
Novichok  4 | 8791
20 Jul 2021   #28
What I just wrote is no rubbish. You and others like you recognize no limits on perversions and deviancy. If you do, tell me which of those we already know you would limit in numbers or ban outright.

Like, how many LGs as a percentage of the population can a nation tolerate? For reference, it's 100% for normal people. See how easy it was for me to answer THAT question - if somebody asked me?

Let's see what kind of evasive move will come from you...BTW, a question that starts with "how many" calls for a number. An essay is fine - after the number, not instead of it.
20 Jul 2021   #29
@jon357 that's an interesting perspective about the politicians playing on the fears of people who fear anything new. Suppose there was a powerful movement that suggested that that from now we should recommend injecting all schoolkids under the age of 16 with heroin because heroin makes you feel good, that would be something new as well. Would that scare you at all? or is there no limit to this philosophy? I'm genuinely curious to this philosophy as it's very different to how I see things.
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Jul 2021   #30
Suppose there was a powerful movement that

There isn't though, is there, now...

I'm genuinely curious to this philosophy

Especially since you just made it up in a failed attempt to argue. That particular technique, called a 'straw man' if you're interested (or even "genuinely curious"), is almost as old as the Gods themselves.

Anyway, you're going off-topic (another technique oft tried here to distract from PiS' failings and one which has never worked). The issue is the risible and rather pointless censorship being carried out in Poland, a country which is unfortunate enough to have a state TV company directly controlled by coarse populist politicians and where politics plays a greater role in recruitment than it ought in a more stable state.

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