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Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?

Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2010   #31
Exactly, Crow. The problem was that only 36% of UN members recognised it. The telling stats are that 22/27 EU states and 24/28 NATO members made the decision. We see where the balance of power lies.

Good to see that Poczta Polska took a stand :)
OP Crow  154 | 9535
6 Jun 2010   #32
Good to see that Poczta Polska took a stand :)

yes, yes. Polish post service is serious institution.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2010   #33
Tusk was just voting with his EU and NATO buddies. The UN seems not to matter.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
6 Jun 2010   #34
The UN

its an impotent organization
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2010   #35
Most people agree with that :) It is an attempt at a mediation body which, unfortunately, backs down when it is most needed.

It must be the subject of many an Israeli joke :)
sobieski  106 | 2111
6 Jun 2010   #36
The Black Hand of Serbia shot Ferdinand (arguably the most progressive, farsighter and progressive of all Habsburgs).
I sorts of agree with Bismarck on this one. First that you should build a wall around the Balkan and let them sort our there own problems and second that all kinds of ugly wars are prone to start over there.

BTW, what a pretention to compare Serbia to Poland. Poland was always part of the Western hemisphere - whatever its shortcomings (Only have to quote old Winston who once told "Europe ends at the Bug").The Enlightenment never reached Serbia. Backward and Ottomanic in its past. Ever-violent and maffia in its present and future.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2010   #37
Do you have video evidence of that, sobieski?
OP Crow  154 | 9535
6 Jun 2010   #38
arguably the most progressive, farsighter and progressive of all Habsburgs

who argued? farsighter of what? progressive by which standards?

if he was that progressive why he didn`t respect Serbians and Slavs? We told him but he provoked, he wanted to humiliate Serbs, on our ground. Then, he died... and it was like braking the neck of the cat,... with only two fingers. Many Romans already had died from the hands of Skordisci. He was just one of many on the way to oblivion

Belgrade (Sindidun/Singidunum) coming! Tell that to Brussels! Tell that to all Slavs, to all the Celts, to all native Europeans!
gonon  - | 6
24 Feb 2011   #39
well this is my first post so i will try to be brief......under no circumstances Polish government be it Tusk or anybody else should vote for secession of Kosovo from Serbia .........and i don't care what anybody said, Serbians are our brothers .......end of story and yes you can call them whatever you want mr belgian while your ancestors were ******* around making money Serbians fought with different results i grant you that but fought and now to take away they their ancestral home for few Albanian gangsters ...........that's just bloody wrong .how would you felt if in 40 years Wallonia due to Muslim immigration became majority muslim would you just hand that province to Turkey ................guess not so let understand Serbian people they are one of the bravest on the planet and they are our brothers whether you like it or not ...............and i tell you that as a regular Pole not some ****** up Brusell type .keep you hands off Serbia
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
24 Feb 2011   #40
yes, yes. Polish post service is serious institution

You should know what they did when they got to know about the Germans wanting to take all their stamps! in 1939


What ye guys think? Crowist or un-informed slavo-phil or Polish patriot sharing some "slavic" feelings with his fellows slavic people?
gonon  - | 6
24 Feb 2011   #41
well mr.grunwald if i was as informed as you think I'd be a moron and since i think i know a lot more than you ............well me think you are the one misinformed anyway judging by your nickname .............rofl
jonni  16 | 2475
24 Feb 2011   #42
un-informed slavo-phil

Looks that way.
TheHessian  - | 17
24 Feb 2011   #43
I can't believe some people are taking this thread seriously, or anything that Crow posts for that matter.
gonon  - | 6
24 Feb 2011   #44
lol i see mr.grunwald have his little cohorts ready lol .........looks that way that a statement ..or are you incapable of making own opinion back it up with your own opinion can you or are you just a pawn or possibly ......another login of mr.grunwald lol
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
24 Feb 2011   #45
Why the heck some of them assume they have a right to say anything about Poland is beyond me!

As opposed to "backward so called Poles" in the UK? If you live in the UK why do you then say anything about Poland, or Serbia for that matter? After all, those are your own rules of engagement?

I don't think Tusk is a dictator BUT if he's upsetting Crow, a delusional Serbian racist and a fanatic who blames all Serbian atrocities on NATO and EU propaganda then Tusk is a good guy to me. I know both sides committed crimes but the Serbian side was the main culprit of rapes, torture and murder in this war. Until people accept their past they'll never have a future.

PS. I disagree with the Kosovo solution which I think will only cause more problems in the future but that's a totally different subject.

Timed out on my edit.

The Serbian people have many episodes in their history that they're very proud of, and rightfully so. Yugoslavia breakup period isn't one of them.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
24 Feb 2011   #46
The Serbian people have many episodes in their history that they're very proud of, and rightfully so.

yes, as Poles knows and, i care only what Poles (and most of other Slavs) and their grandfathers knows.

Yugoslavia breakup period isn't one of them.

Why? because role of Serbians was portraited as negative because it suits to interests of the sinking US empire, Islamic league and EU?

sorry man but, most of things that was said in media of so called west about events in Yugoslav Civil War represent simple and pure anti-Serbian war propaganda. intention was to cover up real motives for NATO/EU/Islamic involvement against Yugoslavia/Serbia.

I don't think Tusk is a dictator

i regard him as dictator and plus- Slavic traitor. Poland deserve better president that would open path to Poland`s leading role in Slavic world, with that in Europe, too. For Poland is much more profitable to be first in Slavic world then last on so called west. In fact, real native European West is Slavic world and Poland is core of it.

BUT if he's upsetting Crow, a delusional Serbian racist and a fanatic who blames all Serbian atrocities on NATO and EU propaganda then Tusk is a good guy to me.

by your words, you sound as quite upset to me

I know both sides committed crimes but the Serbian side was the main culprit of rapes, torture and murder in this war.

you are absolutely wrong. Did you know that whenever Poland`s journalist and parliamentary delegations investigated on their own, Serbs were proved as totally innocent and real victims? Did you know this?

On the Web site of Serbian Orthodox Church you can found news of it. Before you ask, why on sites of Serbian Orthodox Church, i would tell you. It is so because of great impact of those sites on Serbian population. You must understand that Serbs as people were target of really tremendous attack by media and open war again us, many lies were said about Serbians. People suffered, mentally and physically. So, our national Church, being aware of enormous (particularly!) Polish influence on Serbs wants to, at least a little bit, heal our wound and practically telling to masses: ``look, there are other people, Slavs, Catholics, who are honest and believe in justice and truth and those people speaks in defense of Serbs``.

only one fragment from the article >

Polish press on false reporting from Kosovo
Beta News Agency, Belgrade

WARSAW - Commenting on the recent wave of violence in Kosovo, the Polish daily "Trybuna" published a feature article entitled "The victory of lies" in which it criticizes what is calls the false portrayal of the situation in the province in the past.

"The majority of Polish media uncritically rebroadcast news about 100,000 victims of Serb genocide, as well as the disappearance of one million Albanian males and 70,000 Albanian women, reportedly raped by Yugoslav soldiers," writes "Trybuna" and emphasizes that this so-called information was never officially denied.

The paper also reminds that the under the barrage of media propaganda the highest Polish politicians compromised themselves, expressing their regret upon the alleged murder of Ibrahim Rugova at a time when he was holding meetings with Slobodan Milosevic and holding press conferences.

24 Feb 2011   #47
Why? because role of Serbians was portraited as negative because it suits to interests of the sinking US empire, Islamic league and EU?

No: it was due to Serbian scum committing genocide.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
24 Feb 2011   #48
you repeating that to me or to yourself?

and why are Serbs scum? because Serbs have more confidence in Great Poland then in EU?
24 Feb 2011   #49
you repeating that to me or to yourself?

We both already know about the genocide Serbs committed (pity that you can only lie about it never happening), I was just pointing out the blindingly obvious to anybody who might have forgotten that Serbs are murderous rapist scum.
sascha  1 | 824
24 Feb 2011   #50

Word well-worn like a whorre. Just name the number of victims and flupsi, there is your genocide.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
24 Feb 2011   #51
We both already know about the genocide Serbs committed

you speak of situation where regular Bosnian Muslim army with support of worse Arab mujaheedines massacred more then 3000 Serbian man, woman and children... and, when General Ratko Mladic liberated area occurred revenge (by some Serbs) on Muslim males, in Srebrenica?

Harry, only planed genocide here was genocide on Serbs. it was classical example of planed genocide and NATO and EU supported it. Is that the problem for you, that i constantly repeat nasty truth that NATO and EU practically took part in genocide on Serbs? sorry, but that`s how it was. NATO and EU were logistics to Arab mujaheedines. Sorry but, i must say that. Sorry, even if it means that i`m not politically correct for saying that.
24 Feb 2011   #52
You might want to go look at the graves in Srebrenica and the monument: you'll find that the reality is precisely the reverse of what you describe, as has been found by repeated court cases and excavation of the bodies that your murdering scum didn't manage to destroy.
sascha  1 | 824
24 Feb 2011   #53
@crow: With this Harry sth no constructive talk about this topic. Biased.

You might want to go look at the graves in Srebrenica and the monument: you'll find that the reality is precisely the reverse of what you describe, as has been found by repeated court cases

Asssshole, did you asko your brain or what is functioning there why in Hague mainly Serbs are accused while 3!! parties at least were involved in that war?

If you cannot, stop your bs. You don't know a shi1t.

HR and BIH had better marketing(and of course allies) on their sides and could "proof" that they are just victims. hahahahaha
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
24 Feb 2011   #54
This is the topic: Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
24 Feb 2011   #55
Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?

In the 2007 parliamentary elections, he (Tusk) got more than 534,000 votes, which is the best individual result in the electoral history of the Third Polish Republic. His Civic Platform won the elections with 41% of the votes.

Webster's Online Dictionary
24 Feb 2011   #56
Yes, but that is clearly just propaganda spawned by the EU/USA/Islamic League. The fact that those of us who actually live in Poland say that Tusk is very popular is simply yet more propaganda.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
24 Feb 2011   #57
that is clearly just propaganda

I am more surprised that I found "Tusk" in a dictionary than anything on PF.
I should have started that last post with the thigh slapping line "By definition...".
jonni  16 | 2475
24 Feb 2011   #58
Polish people didn`t authorize Tusk to

By electing him they gave him a mandate.
Ironside  50 | 12946
25 Feb 2011   #59
**** him and his mandate
jonni  16 | 2475
25 Feb 2011   #60
So you don't believe in democracy then? Perhaps an unelected leader, as it was pre-1989?

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