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12 Nov 2010   #211
As much as people are trying to make him a legend, I think it only shows that Poland is rather short on true "legends,"

Only some stupid freaks try to make him a legend.
In each of your comments you prove how little you know what is going on in Poland now a days and still you like to judge and say sh*t about the country you don't live in.
gjene  15 | 202
22 Jun 2011   #212
It would be nice to get the P.O.W. files to look over the names for those that survived to see if there are any names that can be recognized. I have relatives that claim my grandfather (as a non com) may have been a witness to the massacre. But because he knew German and Russian besides Polish may have saved his life.

So he spent some time as a P.O.W. But not sure for how long or where. Hopefully someone will make the Katyn files and other attachments in regards to names of those shot or as P.O.W.'s available as a PDF.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
23 Jun 2011   #213
It seems alot of Russians have felt sympathy towards Poland since they learned about Katyn.

I had a Russian online apologize to me for what was done to Poles under the Soviet Union.
Najem  - | 1
19 Jun 2012   #214
Merged: is it true

hi everyone ,,
i read somewhere that there are like 25000 polish soldiers were killed and buried in russia

is that true ,, ??
any one can help me with the true story
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Jun 2012   #215
i read somewhere that there are like 25000 polish soldiers were killed and buried in russia

About 22.000 Polish army officers, policemen, priests, landowners, civil servants etc etc were executed by Soviet stalinist communists in 1940.
Google for Katyn Massacre and choose the language you understand:
Sasha  2 | 1083
29 Jun 2012   #216
Sadly it's not time yet for the Russians to fully acknowledge and revaluate what happened to them during the Soviet reign in general and at stalin's reign in particular. This is still not an altogether rare occurrence when I see people denying the Katyn as well as stalin's crimes against humanity on the whole. Katyn is probably the most ignominious page in Russian history.
Varsovian  91 | 634
20 Dec 2012   #217
[Moved from]: Wlad the 5th of Poland, died 1997

An acquaintance met his brother in London - embarrassed at the family connection ...

Often wore flamboyant 'regal' clothes in public.

Importantly, he issued (in 1943) the first English-language document on the Katyn massacre - for which he was pilloried by British left-wingers. Rather predicatably, he was labelled a fascist by them. He also got interned by the govt, keen to keep good relations with Stalin.
Ironside  50 | 12916
4 Jan 2013   #218
Rather predicatably, he was labelled a fascist by them. He also got interned by the govt, keen to keep good relations with Stalin.

So nothing new under the sun.
gjene  15 | 202
2 Aug 2015   #219
It has been quite some time now that Russia was supposed to declassify their files on the Katyn Forest Massacre. Has anyone heard what has happened as of yet to these records? Have the records been reviewed, scanned and turned into pdf files so people can access and read them?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #220
April 13 (Today) is the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Katyn Massacre.

Let us today remember and pray for the victims, on this the 80th anniversary of the Katyn massacre.

It is exactly 30 years ago that the Russians admitted that they committed the massacre.
Crow  154 | 9463
13 Apr 2020   #221
So it was at this day. RiP
cms neuf  1 | 1846
13 Apr 2020   #222
RIP - we should ensure that in the future the people who commit these massacres face justice
call1n  2 | 192
13 Apr 2020   #223
It is exactly 30 years ago that the Russians admitted that they committed the massacre.

Please do not call these people "Russians."
They are as Russian as Leon Trotsky whose real name is Michael Bronstien from the Bronx New York.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
13 Apr 2020   #224
They were Soviets including many Russians - just the same as the ones illegally occupying Crimea
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #225
Please do not call these people "Russians."

Oh you mean like the Nazis were never Germans.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Apr 2020   #226
Please do not call these people "Russians."

They were Russian.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2020   #227
Or Soviet (the most accurate description)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #228
So soviets were not Russians?, they spoke Russian when they took my mum, dad and their families to Siberia.
call1n  2 | 192
13 Apr 2020   #229
Viking Expansion - The Lands of the Rus

The Rus were a viking people that settled in Kiev and became the Kevian Rus.

The Rus were killed off during the Russian Revolution.
The Polish provisional government put in by Stalin after WW2 had an entirely Jewish cabinet.
The early communist leaders of the "Russian" Revolution also were entirely Jewish

Do you think the Jews that were obeying orders from Stalin should be held responsible for sending Polish dissidence to Siberia?

Oh you mean like the Nazis were never Germans.

I guess the Nazis were just following orders like the Jews who were following orders from Stalin during the great purge of Poland
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2020   #230
So soviets were not Russians?,

Sovets included Russians, Belarussians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Jews, Chechens etc etc etc Russian was the common Soviet language but lots of non-Russians (like Stalin) were able to get ahead in the USSR...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #231
So you guys are saying that the Russians and Germans were not responsible for WWII, It was all down to Jews and notable others.

Thanks for the History lesson guys , I got it all wrong over this last 50 odd years, I will tell my mum when I call her tomorrow.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
13 Apr 2020   #232
Please do not call these people "Russians."

They were Russian.

So soviets were not Russians?

It is about the devised overthrow of Tsarist Russia by the jews and the coming of the jews into power through the jewish ideology of communism.

War with quotes does not clear up the situation anyway, to prove my claim about the bolshevik ie. jewish revolution I will give you links to the biographies of the few high-ranking jews who overthrew Tsarist Russia.

Now here are the bearers of the revolution, all of them jews ie. members of the "chosen" people:

Yakov Ganetsky (Jakub Fürstenberg)

Adolph Joffe

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich

Lev Kamenev (Lev Rosenfeld)

Olga Davidovna Kameneva (maiden name Bronstein)

Maxim Litvinov

Solomon Lozovsky

Karl Radek (Karol Sobelsohn)

Grigory Sokolnikov (Girsh Yankelevich Brilliant)

Yakov Sverdlov (Yankel Movshevich Eiman)

Leon Trotsky (Leon Davidovich Bronstein)

V. Volodarsky (Moisei Markovich Goldshtein)

Genrikh Yagoda (Yenokh (Enoch) Gershonovich Ieguda)

Yakov Yurovsky (Yankel Mikhailovich Yurovsky)

Yakov Davidovich Zevin

Grigory Zinoviev (Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky, Hirsch Apfelbaum)

Angelica Balabanoff

Semyon Dimanstein

Moisei Uritsky

Polina Zhemchuzhina

Yakov Blumkin

So it does not surprise you that jews were overrepresented, as if there were no Russian intellectuals at the time but they were all illiterate peasants?

Judeo-communists butchered and removed the entire intellectual elite of Russia, to come to power and topple their hateful often anti-jewish Tsarist Russia, which did not allow usury because of its economic policies which were based on Christian principles. There were about 6 million jews in Russia, and that is a terrible destructive force.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #233
the jews

So let me get this straight , the Jews who ruled Russia (and not Russians) made a pact the Germans ( Who hated Jews) to start the second world war.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
13 Apr 2020   #234
Now I would particularly point out the jew Yakov Sverdlov who ordered and the jew Yakov Yurovsky the executioner of the massacre of the Russian imperial family.



mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2020   #235
So you guys are saying that the Russians and Germans were not responsible for WWII

Soviets and Nazis to be precise, the Nazis were German and Soviets were mostly Russian (though of course Stalin was in no way Russian)
cms neuf  1 | 1846
13 Apr 2020   #236
This thread is about Katyn - not about Jews. You are pathetic Vesko

How many of those people were involved with Katyn ?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #237
Soviets and Nazis to be precise, the Nazis were German and Soviets were mostly Russian

Thanks for clearing that up, thought I was going mad for a moment, I can't see what Jews had to do with Katyn either.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
13 Apr 2020   #238

dr. William L. Pierce - What Started World War Two

WW2 Massacre at Katyn

Bolshevism is jewish - dr. Arnold Spencer Leese
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2020   #239
thought I was going mad for a moment

but it's important to separate Soviet and Russian - it's very hard to understand what happened in the USSR or why without understanding insane Soviet nationality laws.... (which are still sort of a thing in Putin's Russia)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2020   #240
but it's important to separate Soviet and Russian

I see no difference especially under Putin , all Russians love him , all Russians believe that Russians were the hero's of WWII and Poland started WWII.


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