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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

jon357  72 | 23654
16 Aug 2017   #1
Some great news. A survey taken in each of the Visegrad countries has found that Poles are the most favourable towards the EU: 88% support membership of our Union, Elsewhere the figures are 82% for Hungarians, 74% for Slovaks and 56% for Czechs.

Poles also want to integrate more closely with the rest of our EU. 58% say that if the EU moves in a 'two-speed' direction, with some countries more integrated that others, they would like Poland to be part of that core. This is eight percent higher than was found in April. Even among self-identified right-wing voters, 55% want this.

CBOS, the main Polish polling agency have said that the results can be interpreted as an indicator of concern about the policies of the PiS junta, which is seen to be isolating Poland in the EU and is against closer union.
mafketis  38 | 11263
16 Aug 2017   #2
tha'ts a gricean answer in poland, not indicative of much

what is interesting is that no matter how you do the numbers at least hafl of those supporting PiS also support the EU
OP jon357  72 | 23654
16 Aug 2017   #3
what is interesting is that no matter how you do the numbers at least hafl of those supporting PiS also support the EU

Yes, though I doubt public opinion will do that much to rein them in. PiS support is often very luke-warm. 500+ has a lot to do with it, however very few people out in the villages think that will last in the same form forever, whereas the impact that EU membership has had certainly will.
Ironside  51 | 13087
16 Aug 2017   #4
though I doubt public opinion will do that much to rein them in.

I see you love debating red herring you yourself created. PiS is not anit-EU party, they never claimed to be, quite the opposite. That narrative is created by some in a vain hope that people in Poland who generally (generally) want to say in the EU will believe it and turn away from supporting PiS.

The thing is the dynamic of the support is changing, more and more young people are becoming EU-septic, well there some groups that openly advocate Polexit. Unthinkable few years back.
Ironside  51 | 13087
16 Aug 2017   #5



* lol - EU- sceptic.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Aug 2017   #6
well there some groups that openly advocate Polexit.

Which are almost certainly Russian backed.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
16 Aug 2017   #7
more and more young people are becoming EU-septic,

Not according to the poll of Poles. 88% are pro-EU

well there some groups

There are some groups that believe in alien abduction, a flat earth, the teachings of the 'hidden masters' and 9/11 conspiracies. It doesn't mean they have one whit of sense between them.

Which are almost certainly Russian backed.

That is a reasonable assumption, given Russian funding of similar groups elsewhere.
G (undercover)
16 Aug 2017   #8
Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Yawn... Another manipulation of the Eunuchs. Ask people what they think about staying in EU If that means taking in islamists or should we stay in it if we won't get several billion EUR net plus annually and you will get totally different figures. If they ask the way they do even I could tell yes.

~15% of Poles are EUnuchs, another ~15% are anti-EUnuchs, remaining 70% basically says "yes but..." -> feck off with savages, we need money out of this mess etc. That's pretty much the same thing PiS is saying. Otherwise they wouldn't have defeated EU's lapdogs.

You can have here your little "expat heaven" where several dudes convince themselves that unicorns really exist but everyone with any clue how things really look like, knows that what I wrote above is true.

Which are almost certainly Russian backed.

The whole concept that there's some conflict between Russia and EU is pure nonsense. Their sanctions are a joke, Gerries are doing business with Putin, they work hand in hand and the goal is to: 1. Push Americans out of Europe. 2. Divide the whole territory between Lisbon and Vladivostok into Moscow's and EU/Berlin's controlled territories.

"If you don't agree with that, you must be working for Russians" is just one more manipulation of the left. They did that with Trump, they do it with anyone who don't bow to EU/Berlin. Meanwhile both CDU/SPD and the EU's HQ are full of Russian moles.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Aug 2017   #9
You haven't got a clue how things work, because you've been pushing that tired old myth on here for years and the trend is against you. The reality is that if you ask people a straight question, you get a straight answer. That straight answer is that Poles are overwhelmingly in favour of the EU, no matter what some Russian-supporting internet lovers want.

The whole concept that there's some conflict between Russia and EU is pure nonsense.

There bloody well should be a conflict. Keeping Russia out of the EU should be the EU's #1 goal, especially with the amount of appeasers in Poland who would quite happily have the Russians return.
Crow  155 | 9700
16 Aug 2017   #10
Its money. Poles love money. Like my people, like all people. So, as long as cow have milk, yes, YES would go.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
16 Aug 2017   #11
~15% of Poles

88% are pro EU

That straight answer is that Poles are overwhelmingly in favour of the EU

Crow  155 | 9700
16 Aug 2017   #12
Its a big cow you know. But, many mouth on tits already
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Aug 2017   #13
I love you Crowie, seriously :D

And it's a perfectly valid point. Plenty of mouths to feed, and not enough money to go round. In fact, the failure of PiS to negotiate a good settlement for the next budget might well hurt them. Even if they win the 2019 election, going into 2020-2023 with barely any money from the EU could ruin them.
G (undercover)
16 Aug 2017   #14
88% are pro EU

Of course not they way you paint it - ave Brussels and the the holy Junkers, savages willkomen. If that was the point, PiS would have never won. 88% want to milk this crap till there's still some money left in it.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
16 Aug 2017   #15
Plenty of mouths to feed, and not enough money to go round.

And people know this, just as they see the tangible benefits of EU membership, particularly in terms of infrastructure and access to export markets that have created so many jobs.

he failure of PiS to negotiate a good settlement for the next budget

They're already grasping for coins down the back of the sofa - without the infrastructure funding from our EU, the situation would be dire. And people know that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Aug 2017   #16
88% want to milk this crap till there's still some money left in it.

No, they want to stay in it full stop. They're not saying "yes, but...", they're simply saying yes, no matter how hard Russian-sponsored types try.
G (undercover)
16 Aug 2017   #17
No, they want to stay in it full stop. They're not saying "yes, but..."

LOL ! Of course they do.

51,2% would rather leave EU than take in any savages - an obvious proof that you are totally wrong, with 1 link I've just destroyed all your narration here. But you will simply ignore it and go on with the usual nonsense :)))
OP jon357  72 | 23654
16 Aug 2017   #18
The reality is that if you ask people a straight question, you get a straight answer.

And the straight answer is that 88% of Poles support membership of our EU.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Aug 2017   #19
with 1 link I've just destroyed all your narration here.

Except that's not the answer to the question being asked.

You can dream all you want of things going back to the good old days when your parents enjoyed large amounts of privileges from their Soviet friendship, but the straight answer to the straight question is that 88% of Poles support membership of the EU.

By the way, it's a pity that you use words like "savages". One can easily find similar propaganda online about Poles.
G (undercover)
17 Aug 2017   #20
You can dream all you want

I'm not dreaming. I've just proved you're totally wrong. That's it.
mafketis  38 | 11263
17 Aug 2017   #21
And the straight answer is that 88% of Poles support membership of our EU

Conditional on the money coming in and the Merkel jugend staying out.
cms  9 | 1253
17 Aug 2017   #22
No - it is not a zero sum game about inflows and outflows of state money. Much of the benefit comes from opportunities for Polish citizens and for Polish businesses - to trade and invest freely in the worlds biggest market. The funds for building infrastructure is only half of the story.

You can ask Brexit Britain how it is going - they might save a few hundred quid per head in EU contributions but at a terrible and permanent cost to their business sector, including trashing their biggest industry.
spiritus  69 | 643
17 Aug 2017   #23
And the straight answer is that 88% of Poles support membership of our EU.

Nothing straight about it.

There's no detail about the exact question asked in the poll. If the question asked was "do you support Poland being in the EU" then it doesn't leave people much room to manoeuvre. It's like asking someone "do you like black and white movies" ? It really depends on the detail.

Most Poles do not want migrants or migrants and if that was a condition of having to be part of the EU then you would get a very different response
17 Aug 2017   #24
Each and every survey to varying degrees confirms Poles are in the heavy majority for remaining in the EU but are equally sceptical of any benefits eurozone membership would bring. So Poland is destined to stay in the EU, but retain the zloty, which is a good thing
OP jon357  72 | 23654
17 Aug 2017   #25
So Poland is destined to stay in the EU, but retain the zloty, which is a good thing

Absolutely - and it's great for the EU as a whole, including Poland. to have an extra currency. If the government did this properly, the zloty counld have a bery interesting future.

It's like asking someone "do you like black and white movies"

Most would find that a straightforward question.

migrants or migrants

It's a simple yes or no - sign up to the EU and everything it involves, including sharing responsibility for demographic change, or be outside the EU and try to handle that change alone.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Aug 2017   #26
if that was a condition of having to be part of the EU then you would get a very different response

That is exactly what I am hearing from my Polish friends here in America as they say their relatives back in Poland feel the same way.

Poles have already said that they would rather pay the fine then take in Muslim Immigrants and most likely would reject the EU if it was a requirement.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Aug 2017   #27
It's a simple yes or no

Yes, it's a binary choice, and 88% chose the option that involves the EU.

Poles may not like some elements of the EU, but you'll struggle to find anyone that is happy with everything that the EU offers, which is normal. I loathe the CAP, for instance.
mafketis  38 | 11263
17 Aug 2017   #28
including sharing responsibility for demographic change

like Barcelona?

Great deal! Where do I sign up?
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Aug 2017   #29
Poles are the most favourable towards the EU: 88%

Im sure that percentage will be dropping down significantly after the religion of peace struck again today!
Seems like fake stats, coming from you it most likely is.

Poles have already said

They don't want these savages pouring into their country and I don't blame them one ioda.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
18 Aug 2017   #30
Im sure that percentage will be dropping down

Some how I doubt that.

Seems like fake stats

The latest CBOS figures - and PiS hate the stats, by the way.

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