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Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

pawian  219 | 24792
9 Jun 2019   #1
Let`s look into cases of scandals and conflicts in Poland. All kinds: political, cultural, social, local and national etc.

Certain politician compared another one to Hitler by showing their similar gesticulation. There was an uproar on Twitter and many users protested.

Too similar to stay calm

cms neuf  1 | 1752
9 Jun 2019   #2
This by the way is the man PiS nominated to replace Tusk as head of the EU council - a position normally occupied by former prime ministers.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
9 Jun 2019   #3
Yes, and the guy feels he was wronged when they didn`t choose him, hence his current obsession about Tusk. He has been attacking Tusk regularly.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2019   #4

All kinds of scandals by PiS

I mean political, financial, corruption, moral etc. scandals which have taken place during PiS rule and with active participation of its members, politicians or representatives.

It is impossible to mention them all at once because there are so many of them, so episode narrative will be used.

If you would like to mention their successes, you need to create a seperate thread because this one is for failures only. What is more, if you would like to criticise former government, today in opposition, remember there is a seperate thread about it in the PF.

Episode 1.

Do you remember the scandal with extra bonuses for PiS ministers from 2018? The party gave many of its government politicians bonuses worth 15,000 euros ($18,000), 15 times the average monthly salary in Poland. It was then that the PiS Prime Minister shouted: Because we deserved it!!! After the independent media blew it wide open, they announced that the money would be donated to charity.

The funniest thing is that 150 people received undeserved bonuses but only a few have donated it to charity so far. Congratulations, PiS - they really deserved it. :):)
mafketis  38 | 10911
12 Jun 2019   #5
What about Falenta? Does he have a dead man switch?

He's been hinting he has damaging info on PiS...

Surprised more people aren't interested in the case? It's almost as if most readers here don't really know what's going on in Poland...
OP pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2019   #6
What about Falenta? Does he have a dead man switch?

you are very impatient. :):)

Ok, Episode 2 - illegal wiretapping of rival politicians

Yes, the case is very funny because when in 2014 Falenta organised illegal wiretapping of PO government politicians, and the recordings surfaced in media one by one, PiS demanded a thorough investigation and blew the matter out of its proportions like crazy.

Today, Falenta claims he made the recordings for PiS and threatens to give away his contacts with the party if he isn`t released from prison. However, PiS insist there is no need to investigate the case any further. :):)

A businessman whose wiretapping scandal helped bring down Poland's then pro-European government threatened to reveal details about the ruling party's involvement if he's not pardoned, a newspaper reported.

Falenta also claims he has recordings with Kaczyński who knew about the whole case.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
16 Jun 2019   #7
This thread is not only about politics.

How about conflict in art? A few weeks ago the decision to remove indecent (it depends) banana illustrations from an art museum/gallery by its director caused a mass demonstration with a few hundred people eating bananas in the street.

See the controvercial banana photos. and read more,157,m/banana-protest-in-warsaw-after-museum-removes-indecent-exhibition,931592.html

Banana demo below plus celebrities instagramed their banana photos too.

terri  1 | 1661
17 Jun 2019   #8
The same could be said for 'cucumbers' but somehow they don't have the same connotations, although it was only cucumbers never bananas who were used in old 'adult' films for inspiration.
17 Jun 2019   #9
caused a mass demonstration with a few hundred people eating bananas in the street.

Bananagate! Love it!
Has the artwork been reinstated though, as promised? That wasn't the only piece of artwork removed either.

There is also conflict in literature too. How could those priests burn Harry Potter books!!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jun 2019   #10
The same could be said for 'cucumbers' but somehow they don't have the same connotations,

No, it is not the same, we don`t eat cucumbers like we do with bananas. :):)

Has the artwork been reinstated though, as promised?

Hard to say. The article which mentions it reads: the works are coming back which isn`t the same as the works have come back. :),muzeum-narodowe-przywraca-wystawy-natalii-ll-z-bananem-i-katarzyny-kozyry-znamy-powod

There is also conflict in literature too. How could those priests burn Harry Potter books!!

Because Harry uses controvercial magic and has suspicious contacts with demonic guys like Voldemort and his assistants? :):)
18 Jun 2019   #11
the works are coming back which isn`t the same as the works have come back. :)

Indefinitely put on hold then!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Jul 2019   #12
(In)famous personal conflict

Kaz Marcinkiewicz, the former Prime Minister in old PiS government, left his wife and 4 children for a much younger woman. For a few years they were a happy couple but eventually broke up. She sued him for alimony cause she still claims she can`t work due to arm disability after a car accident. The court ordered Marcinkiewicz to pay her about 1000$ monthly. But he doesn`t and is being sued for this money now.

In the media she calls him Mr Marcinkiewicz and he calls her a stalker and accuses of extorting money, even a bike during a bike marathon in Warsaw. :).

Well, a Polish saying comes to mind:You wanted it yourself, Gregory Dyndała.

  • Making covers

  • Meeting in court
Lenka  5 | 3484
20 Jul 2019   #13
Not to mention the toilet video of him she published... sometimes one wonders if they can get any worse
Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Jul 2019   #14
Kaz Marcinkiewicz,

That cretin got a talent. To pick a scourge that will hunt him until he kicks the bucket. lol she is not even very attractive. I think he shares talent to judge people's characters with his former boss JK.

By the way question to women on this forums is it OK to call her a ***** form hell and a gold-digger?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Jul 2019   #15
Not to mention the toilet video of him she published..

I know nothing about this toilet. hahaha really?

she is not even very attractive.

Well, their affair started before 2009 when they got married and he was visibly fascinated with her so she must have been attractive to him.
mafketis  38 | 10911
20 Jul 2019   #16
I know nothing about this toilet

He's naked on the toilet screaming at her to get a job.... it's all I can see any time he's on tv now....
OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Jul 2019   #17
Aaah, so he sent her the video of himself while in the toilet! hahaha I thought it was her who filmed him illegally.

BTW, today he is 60 and she`s 38.
Lenka  5 | 3484
20 Jul 2019   #18
***** form hell and a gold-digger?

Well, she seems to be ...
On the other hand if you want to do that you should find equally hard name for a guy that leaves his family the first opportunity he gets to put his d**k in a younger women.

Aaah, so he sent her the video of himself while in the toilet! hahaha I thought it was her who filmed him illegally.

No, she tracked him to ask about the money and ambushed him in the toilet doing his thing, recorded and posted :)
OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Jul 2019   #19
That`s crazy. :):) It seems they love being in the public eye, earlier on magazine covers, today in court. Although he claims today he didn`t want to become a media celebrity, she arranged all interviews and photo sessions.
Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Jul 2019   #21
On the other hand if you want to do that you should find equally hard name for a guy that leaves his family

Why? I don't see the need to some equality action. We can talk about him and we can talk about her separately without cross refences. Right? Why she seems to be. she clearly is.
Lenka  5 | 3484
20 Jul 2019   #22
I didn't mean right now, I meant generally. But yeah, she seems to be quite the catch :) I must say that I love reading comments under articles about them... Some people are really good at expressing what this whole situation is like.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
31 Jul 2019   #23
The latest political scandal is again made by PiS leeches who believe they can suck the state at will because they DESERVE it after winning elections. .

Radio Zet's investigating journalists found out that the Speaker of Polish Parliament, Kuchciński, was flying together with his family in the government's plane. First reports confirmed six flights, now they are talking about many more. Of course, Kuchciński didn`t pay for his trips. Yesterday he contributed to charity.

Reactions? As usual in similar cases. The opposition demands dismissal, PiS and rightwing media say nothing serious happened. Parasites.
gumishu  16 | 6182
31 Jul 2019   #24
The opposition demands dismissal, PiS and rightwing media say nothing serious happened.

more serious things happened during the PO rule as per abuse of state funded flights - you just need to take a look at Wiadomości TVP which you presumably despise - I'm trying to make you understand that you imposed a filter on reality - this filter includes not watching Wiadomości

this is one of the examples of abusing state funded flights by PO officials -
OP pawian  219 | 24792
31 Jul 2019   #25
more serious things happened during the PO rule as

this is one of the examples of abusing state funded flights by PO officials

hahaha How did I know that you and your sort would answer like this? I have been posting about PiS thievery since February and the only answer you have is PO this, PO that.

Don`t you realise how stupidly you react? :):) When PO ruled, we could freely talk abour their faults. Now, with examples of PiS thievery, you suggest PiS is still OK because PO was worse, (which is not true, BTW).

You ssss...... (now I will not finish not to offend ladies with a foul language). :)

So, final reminder - PO HASN`T BEEN IN POWER SINCE 2015, PIS HAS. Every case of criminal or suspicious behaviour goes into PiS` account.
gumishu  16 | 6182
31 Jul 2019   #26
Don`t you realise how stupidly you react?

do you realize that Kuchciński's family attended only to seven (literally seven) flights that would take place even if they didn't attend - and Borusewicz flew to Gdańsk 700 times between 2007 and 2013 - it cost the budget 400 thousand zloty - just realize how stupid you sound when you maintain that PO is better than PiS in the light of these facts - Tusk was also known to fly home to Gdańsk almost every weekend often on Thursdays already - just vote for Lewica altogether - at least you will have your much wanted homo marriages


and let's keep it this way
OP pawian  219 | 24792
31 Jul 2019   #27
just vote for Lewica altogether - at least you will have your much wanted homo marriages

hahaha you are really at a loss of arguments if you bring up LGBT while we are talking about sucking the state by PiS. Again, let me repeat - do you realise how stupidly you discuss? :):)

As for 700 flights by PO, shall I mention all trips home by PiS politicians, by plane or car, which they have done since 2015? Shall I remind you of all positions in state companies that PiS grabbed for themselves? Shall I remind you of all extra bonuses that they secretly paid to themselves? And many more things? I can remind you of all openly dirty or morally suspicious things here for everybody to see that PiS are bigger leeches than PO ever was.
gumishu  16 | 6182
31 Jul 2019   #28
As for 700 flights by PO,

it was 700 flights by a single politician - he flew to Gdańsk allegedly to walk his dog on occasions - 700 flights in the period I mentioned means he flew about every 3 days
mafketis  38 | 10911
31 Jul 2019   #29
PiS are bigger leeches than PO ever was.

Some people are paid to pretend this is not the case.... PiS stinks of old commie boss ways of doing things like not following binding court orders
Lenka  5 | 3484
31 Jul 2019   #30
Od stycznia 2016 do stycznia 2017 roku na paliwo do służbowego samochodu używanego przez Bartłomieja Misiewicza wydano 57 568 złotych - wynika z informacji przekazanych przez MON, a opublikowanych na Twitterze.

Misiewicz, Macierewicz's little pet spend 57 568 zl in a year on his car. And that's a guy who was pharmacist's assistant before Antoni discovered his wonderful talents.

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