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Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

gumishu  15 | 6236
21 Aug 2019   #121
Just you wait and there will be hundreds of trolls, not only working in and for the Ministry of Justice.

yeah sure
jon357  72 | 23459
21 Aug 2019   #122
Some PiS trolling has been also discovered after elections 2015.

It's nothing new; and they've used a Russian agency to help them do it. There's also an ex-PF poster involved...
mafketis  38 | 11155
21 Aug 2019   #123
I always wondered if he was on the pad... did they finally realize how irrelevant this place is and pull him?
OP pawian  223 | 27187
21 Aug 2019   #124
This place is like Russia - it is never as weak or strong as it looks or they say. :):)

PS. BTW, who are you talking about? Did he/she admit to being a paid PiS troll ?
mafketis  38 | 11155
21 Aug 2019   #125
BTW, who are you talking about?

To quote from Downton Abbey: "I don't like to say..."

But look up the genealogical and pro-PiS threads (from the first year of the current government) and it will be clear.... around christmas this same poster would go off on anti-Santa Clause rants, claiming the figure was created by coca cola (no, he dates to the first decade of the 19th century)
jon357  72 | 23459
21 Aug 2019   #126
did they finally realize how irrelevant this place is and pull him?

He was begging them for a job for ages (there are reasons not to employ him); and now has one.

Did he/she admit to being a paid PiS troll ?

We know people in common in real life. His new work isn't a secret particularly.
OP pawian  223 | 27187
21 Aug 2019   #127
But look up the genealogical and pro-PiS threads

The proPiS guys whom I remember from old times are Polonius, Grzegorz.

yeah sure

Every hour new info surfaces. It appears more and more PiS nominated and controlled judges who went over to the Dark Force took part in hate trolling against their independent mates.

PiS is one big cesspool. And you still defend them?,75398,25108223,dyrektor-z-nowej-krs-ludzkim-botem-szkalujacym-sedziow-nie.html#S.DT-K.C-B.3-L.1.maly
jgrabner  1 | 73
22 Aug 2019   #128
Allegedly, he had been drinking for 4 days with his family and a 20 yo girlfriend

we might now know why he is drinking so much. He is currently under investigation of forging the signature of his (now) ex-wife under two bills of exchange in 2009, that were used as collateral for a mortage. After he missed payments this year, the bank wanted to collect the money from her and she now claims that the signature is not hers and she never saw the documents. When you look at one of those documents, it seems apparant, that both signatures have been written by the same guy:

but the DA hired a handwriting expert to confirm the obvious. I still cannot believe, that what is making the rounds is the real, actual document. The forgery is absurdly obvious, but we are supposed to believe that the bank is accepting such a piece of paper as collateral for 2 mln. CHF without even bother to ask her if that is really her signature? Anyway, he probably has run out of money and he is facing a long time behind bars (it seems that for such a crime, 5 year incarcaration is the minimum sentence, to which the drunk driving charges are almost peanuts). What a fall from grace.
OP pawian  223 | 27187
22 Aug 2019   #129
What a fall from grace.

If they prove he forged her signature, he is finished, indeed.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Aug 2019   #130
Drinking for 4 days with young beautiful women = my kind of politician.
mafketis  38 | 11155
22 Aug 2019   #131
he's not a politician..... and Poles are conservative and don't support degenerate sexual shenanigans like those that you support!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 Aug 2019   #132
Drinking for 4 days with young beautiful women = my kind of politician.

Sounds great - almost glamorous - except for that liver he will need soon and the syphilis - if he is lucky - he will get from one of those "young beautiful women".

The number one problem with men is that they all think they are special and gifts from God. To compound it, that 50-inch beer belly looks 35-inch to them even if the tape says 50.
OP pawian  223 | 27187
9 Sep 2019   #133
Great, because I am debating whether to go see it, it will be good to have an honest opinion.

Sorry, I am afraid I won`t review the film for you coz all independent reviewers claim it is an artistic failure - boring and gloomy most of all. Yes, there are a few funny scenes but on the whole the film is too long and chaotic.

Paradoxically, the Chairman`s role is one of the least controvercial in the film, Kaczyński is shown as a nice old man, surrounded by crazies and fools. No, thank you, it is not for me. :):)

Vega, the director, is known for making popular films for undemanding audiences and it seems he hasn`t changed.

Edit: the two photos below show a new politician who decides to show his disenchantment with politics by displaying his bare ass in the Parliament. Played by a famous actor, Olbrychski. Kmicic pokazał dupę. :):)

  • 8DIktkqTURBXy84NTA1Y.jpg

  • indeks.jpg
10 Sep 2019   #134
I am afraid I won`t review the film for you

Such is life ;)
Cineworld reviews here have given it 2 out of 5 stars, so it doesn't look to be a great film. Probably I won't bother with it either.
OP pawian  223 | 27187
10 Sep 2019   #135
so it doesn't look to be a great film

As usual with Vega`s films, the audience is happy and 1 million saw the film an the opening weekend.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Sep 2019   #136
Probably I won't bother with it either.

And yet the film seems to be worth watching. An extremely interesting review in RZECZPOSPOLITA explains why the film may actually have influence on the audience who will vote in the nearest election or because of it may actually abstain from voting. The author of the review says this film shows all the scandals within the party presently in power in a very condensed form and may thus appeal unfavourably for voting PiS among typically right-wing audiences of Patrick Vega films.
10 Sep 2019   #137
yet the film seems to be worth watching.

Are you going to see it Ziem?

may thus appeal unfavourably for voting PiS among typically right-wing audiences

Well it certainly couldn't have been released at a better time and if it sways people from voting PiS, then it's all good. Having said that though, it might have the opposite effect and people might not bother voting at all, given that PO were not scandal free either. The consensus might just be that all political parties are as bad as each other.

Thanks for the link, it looks to be quite long so I'll look at it when I have some time free to try and translate it :)
Ironside  50 | 12930
10 Sep 2019   #138

Go if you want. I heard it is a boring crap.
OP pawian  223 | 27187
11 Sep 2019   #139
Not heard but read about it in the forum, Mr Expat.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Sep 2019   #140
people might not bother voting at all, given that PO were not scandal free either.

The problem is, however, that PiS declared before winning the election that it was going to be a fully scandal-free party. This makes the film really interesting for those who wanted to belive such crap.

Are you going to see it Ziem?

Peut-être, but I am well aware of all PiS scandals without watching any film on them. I am not an expat who is largely under-informed about Polish affairs, you know.
mafketis  38 | 11155
11 Sep 2019   #141
for those who wanted to belive such crap

I despise and laugh at anyone who believed that. A bunch of PRL-mentality apparatchiks won't be corrupt? HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
Ironside  50 | 12930
11 Sep 2019   #142
Not heard but read about it in the forum, Mr Expat.

Heard about it on youtube, Mr A-hole.

why the film may actually have influence on the audience who will vote in the nearest election

lol! Wait so there such idiots who would believe that nonsense? Bravo Vega he is making money on morons, a smart guy, doesn't know how to make a good movie but surly knows how to advertise them on the cheap.

I despise and laugh at

Why don't you stick to something you know and understand?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Sep 2019   #143
don't support degenerate sexual shenanigans like those that you support!

Poles are very much for hetero relations and the majority are against gays and other sexual degenerates, which in no way do i support. Theres nothing degenerate about a man and woman, and theres a reason why wealthier older men are attracted to young beautiful women and vice versa.
mafketis  38 | 11155
11 Sep 2019   #144
Poles are very much for hetero relations

No adulterous ones!

Why don't you stick to something you know and understand?

What don't I understand about PiS and their neo-PRL management style?
OP pawian  223 | 27187
11 Sep 2019   #145
theres a reason why wealthier older men are attracted to young beautiful women

Mostly after dumping their first or second wife. :)

other sexual degenerates

Surely, dumping old wives isn`t sexually degenerate. It is a long standing tradition.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Sep 2019   #146
Adultery isnt considered a sexual degeneracy the way lgbt is amongst poles. Also many polish men especially polonia where the family lives in poland and the husband works in germany, us, uk, erc and sends money back home will often have a girlfriend in the country theyre working in. Its pretty normal even though most will never acknowledge it
OP pawian  223 | 27187
12 Sep 2019   #147
Its pretty normal

I see. I hope one day your wife or another female partner will tell you that it is quite normal she has a boyfriend. I am sure you will be happy and won`t make a fuss. :):)
OP pawian  223 | 27187
14 Sep 2019   #148
Denmark Poland six months. my PESEL number no ID .pensioner 7200 zloty every month. life here in Poland. loan ?

Which of these things do you consider a scandal or conflict?
Ironside  50 | 12930
14 Sep 2019   #149
PiS nominated and controlled judges

Was the info they posted on so called Judges false? No!
Those people shouldn't be judges even for a second - soviet -PO- scum.In fact they should fire all of them and take in a new bunch with some values plus change the system, I would even go with American system, not prefect but OK.

PiS is one big cesspool

Po are incompetent fools, criminals, traitors, F peasants and tools and you defend them to the hilt. Why is that? Are you one of them?

Drinking for 4 days with young beautiful women

sounds like fun but F peasant like him should stick to what he knows best i.e. being a bum, well post-commies in Poland promote zeros like him all the time.

What don't I understand about PiS and their neo-PRL management style?

That there is nothing in Poland that is better. It is sad but true. What you take for liberalism in PO rule was just a chaos of a banana republic.
OP pawian  223 | 27187
14 Sep 2019   #150
you defend them to the hilt. Why is that? Are you one of them?

Nope, I am not one of them. But I can see that, juxtaposed to today`s PiS, they were angels when in power, in fact. :):)

Was the info they posted on so called Judges false? No!

You mean those PiS-controlled judges` troll factory under the auspices of PiS Ministry of Justice? Do you want to say trolling is truth? :):)

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