Great, because I am debating whether to go see it, it will be good to have an honest opinion.
Sorry, I am afraid I won`t review the film for you coz all independent reviewers claim it is an artistic failure - boring and gloomy most of all. Yes, there are a few funny scenes but on the whole the film is too long and chaotic.
Paradoxically, the Chairman`s role is one of the least controvercial in the film, Kaczyński is shown as a nice old man, surrounded by crazies and fools. No, thank you, it is not for me. :):)
Vega, the director, is known for making popular films for undemanding audiences and it seems he hasn`t changed.
Edit: the two photos below show a new politician who decides to show his disenchantment with politics by displaying his bare ass in the Parliament. Played by a famous actor, Olbrychski. Kmicic pokazał dupę. :):)

