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Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal

pawian  226 | 27558
10 Aug 2023   #241
ommemorating simple soldiers who fought and died for Polish lands,

And raped all women who didn`t escape in time on their way to Berlin.

Why are you so fekking brainwashed???? What did those Soviets do to you or your ancestors that you appreciate them so much??? ily
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Aug 2023   #242
What did those Soviets do to you or your ancestors

Soviets did nothing to my ancestors. Banderists and nazis did. They cut off a big armful of branches from my family tree. One tends to remember such things.

And then Soviets and LWP did something to banderists and nazis. I would be an ingrateful bastard if I didn't feel certain measure of gratitude.

Also, I live in Ziemie Odzyskane and have lived here all my life (with the exception of 3 years in Ireland) - this is my Poland. The Poland that Soviets and LWP took from the nazis and gave to us. You keep talking about selected war crimes and about rapes - how many of the 600,000 fallen soldiers commited them? Why do you want to treat the memory of all of them - more than half-a-million - on the basis of what a minority of degenerates did?
pawian  226 | 27558
10 Aug 2023   #243
Soviets did nothing to my ancestors.

I meant brainwashing, not acts of violence. :):):)

Why do you want to treat the memory of all of them - more than half-a-million - on the basis of what a minority of degenerates did?

Because after decades, nobody remembers if the atrocities were committed by minority or most or all. What people remember is that they were committed by Soviets AT ALL. Imagine a student learning at school about Soviet crimes in Poland and then seeing such a monument?? Don`t you think it might be a bit schizophrenic experience??

Pull down Soviet monuments in Poland and fekk all Soviet lovers! that`s my motto. Ha!

I would be an ingrateful bastard

Relax, anti Soviet monuments are also pullled down. Like this crude sculpture of a Soviet soldier raping a woman. Being a private initiative, it was removed after a day or two. So, there is our beloved balance in nature, isn`t there?????

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Ironside  50 | 12954
10 Aug 2023   #244
These old soviet monuments are only a phalical representation of a domination claims ovet the whole area. You seem to confusing it with tombstones.
pawian  226 | 27558
10 Aug 2023   #245
are only a phalical representation of a domination

Good you are enlightening us about those Freudian aspects. However, phallic or not, they must be gone. Another reason is that most of them are terribly ugly. They really pollute the environment, not only historically, but also visually and esthetically. .
jon357  72 | 23492
10 Aug 2023   #246
These old soviet monuments are only a phallic representation of a domination claims ovet the whole area

I said much the same a while ago about that dreadful one on Zwirki I Wigury.

It's not a grave, those are there too and much more discreet. It's a symbol of r*SSian domination of Poland and it's high time it was repurposed as rubble.
pawian  226 | 27558
10 Aug 2023   #247
terribly ugly. They really pollute the environment, visually and esthetically.

Just look at this monstrosity. Veritable Frankenstein`s monster.

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Ironside  50 | 12954
10 Aug 2023   #248
I don't understand why Kania has iusse with it. Seems random..
pawian  226 | 27558
10 Aug 2023   #249
I don't understand why Kania has iusse with it.

Wow, it is the first time in months I agree with you. Amasing!

But we might guess from some hints he includes in his rants here. He has a fixation on banderists who were eventually crushed by Soviets. It looks like Soviets are heroes to Kania.
AntV  3 | 670
10 Aug 2023   #250
to treat the memory of all of them - more than half-a-million - on the basis of what a minority of degenerates did?

One of the unsettling things about the response in the West to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is how many self-ascribed "decent" people have spoken of Russians in dehumanizing terms..

I guess it allows them to justify their irrational hatred for Russia and Russians.

Plus, there's also a dearth of folks who just can't make distinctions.
jon357  72 | 23492
11 Aug 2023   #251
Russians in dehumanizing terms..


Perhaps if Muscovy stopped their orcs raping women and children, looting, abducting whole families from Mariupol, destroying theatres (using thermobaric bombs) full of cowering women and children with 'children here' painted in huge letters on the roof, seizing Ukrainian children for 're-education' and shooting (mostly elderly female) civilians with their hands tied behind their backs people would have a better opinion of their society, 'culture' and nation.

irrational hatred for Russia

Nothing 'irrational' about despising people who do all of the above
Novichok  4 | 8550
11 Aug 2023   #252
shooting (mostly elderly female) civilians with their hands tied behind their backs

How many were executed this way by Russians?
How do you know they were executed by Russians, not by Ukrainians?
Alien  25 | 6430
11 Aug 2023   #253
How many were executed this way by Russians?

Many, ...... shooting in the back of the head is the favorite method of the ruthenians, for example, in this way they killed Polish prisoners of war in Katyn.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #254
I don't understand why Kania has iusse with it. Seems random.

It's not a huge issue but it just doesn't seem right. Leaders, politicians, generals etc. - f*ck 'em. But leave simple soldiers alone. Atrocities were commited by a minority of degenerates; the rest of them gave their lives to crush nazis and banderists. If they hadn't done that, we wouldn't be having this conversation here today (we all remember what Generalplan Ost was, right?).


AntV is American, why should he use British spelling?

Perhaps if Muscovy

As far as atrocities against civilians are concerned, they are relatively low in this war...

There have been about 10,000 civilian casualties in a year and a half of the war. Compare that to 100,000 Polish civilian casualties in just one month in 1939. That's 10 times fewer people in 18 times longer time period.


This is exactly what you called it - "irrational hatred". The amount of vile hateful crap that has been spouted is staggering. Unheard of in case of many other conflicts with much higher civilian casualties.
Lenka  5 | 3539
11 Aug 2023   #255
crush nazis and banderists.

And they were better? They were in line with all that. And let's not forget that before they fell apart with Germans they attackedus too.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #256
And they were better?

Before WW2 Poland had 35 million people. In 1945, there were 23 million Poles in PRL. Until late 1980s there were 40 million of us.

How many Poles would be left if nazis weren't crushed by Soviets? Does Generalplan Ost ring a bell?
Ironside  50 | 12954
11 Aug 2023   #257
the unsettling things

Your moral compass does you a credit but you realize I hope it is a luxury not everyone can or will induldge.

Before WW2

Are you refering to the War that was a joint project of Berlin and Moscow?

But leave simple soldiers alone.

It is my point and the crux of the matter. WE (whoever they are) do leave simple or even all soviet soldiers alone. Remains stay or go to cemeteries, headstones are left alone and taken care for.

I don't get why you do have issue with removing Soviet/Russian pillars that say - here we won, here is our land, here we rule!

Seems to me rather strange that you would like to preserve such a messege on the Polish land.
pawian  226 | 27558
11 Aug 2023   #258

Irrational? When Russians come and do to you and your family what they did in Bucza and Izium, you will quickly cease calling it irrational. But that will be too late coz you will be already lying in a mass grave, with a bullet in your shapely head. ):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Aug 2023   #259
Soviet/Russian pillars that say - here we won, here is our land, here we rule!

Really? Does the monument of a soldier who died fighting here - so that these lands could be taken away from nazis and given to Poland - really say "here is OUR land, here WE rule"? Are we really so scared and insecure that we have to be afraid of monuments? Monuments that depict common Polish-Russian victories over an existential enemy of both our nations?

Seems to me rather strange that you would like to preserve such a messege on the Polish land.

The point is - I don't believe that's the message. For me the message, especially like with the one in DÄ…bie where both Polish and Russian soldiers were on the monument, was one of fighting together against a common enemy. You may, of course, argue that Soviets were also an enemy but for the difference between these two enemies see #256. In short, Soviets were an ideological enemy who wanted to dominate Poland but weren't a threat to biological survival of our nation; what Germans did and planned to do, I don't think I have to remind anyone here.

But I realise that these two points of view are quite irreconcilable so I see no sense in labouring the point to death and arguing incessantly. You know my opinion and that's all I have to say about this.
Ironside  50 | 12954
11 Aug 2023   #260

Really. That that Russian midnset. Ruski Mir!

I don't believe that's the message.

Suit yourself. If an enemy want to crush your body or crush your spirit there are no better or worse. They only use a different method to dominate.

I say F them both, you say hey you are nicer then the other one.
I would call it a Stockholm syndrome but whatever...
mafketis  38 | 11167
11 Aug 2023   #261
so that these lands could be taken away from nazis and given to Poland

No matter how grateful you are to russians, no matter how much you love russian things.... you're still trash to them and they think they have a right to redraw borders as they like...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
11 Aug 2023   #262
This is exactly what you called it - "irrational hatred".

...nothing irrational about it!
jon357  72 | 23492
11 Aug 2023   #263
irrational hatred for Russia

nothing irrational about it!

Exactly. If despising torturers, genocidal mass murderers, looters and rapists is "irrational", then I'll take irrational over rational any day of the week.
pawian  226 | 27558
11 Aug 2023   #264

Yes. All decent people agree that AntV dropped a big brick made of stinking shyt with his "irrational."
Ant, read and learn from decent people`s reaction to your stupidity.
Novichok  4 | 8550
12 Aug 2023   #265
One tends to remember such things.

Great post, GK! I feel exactly the same way.

Soviets did me no harm. Never even met one. And I loved going to Palac Kultury...

No, they didn't "brainwash" me. In fact, nobody even tried.
The brainwashing is all done by the Western woke scum and, unfortunately, they are very successful with this. I see it firsthand.

Are we really so scared and insecure that we have to be afraid of monuments?

Perfect. You are on the roll, GK.
pawian  226 | 27558
12 Aug 2023   #266
Are we really so scared and insecure that we have to be afraid of monuments?

No, we aren`t afraid of monuments. We, I mean decent Poles, only think it is humiliating for the victims of Soviet crimes to keep such monstrosities here.

Kania, it is high time you joined the ranks of decent Poles.

A Polish officer executed by Soviet murderers:

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Novichok  4 | 8550
12 Aug 2023   #267
only think it is humiliating for the victims of Soviet crimes to keep such monstrosities here.

In 1944...

Would you be happier if (A) the Red Army stopped and let Germans keep Auschwitz and similar places going or (B) would you be begging the Russians to remove the German occupiers by any means - even if it meant a pro-Soviet Polish government?

Simple question...A or B? No wiggling...
pawian  226 | 27558
13 Aug 2023   #268
Would you be happier if (A) the Red Army stopped

Yes, I would certainly prefer to be liberated by Western allies than Soviets. Poland would get its share of the Marshall plan and today we would be like Holland.

No wiggling...

Novichok  4 | 8550
13 Aug 2023   #269
I would certainly prefer to be liberated by Western allies than Soviets.

This was not an option in my question.

Your choice was Germans and Auschwitz or Soviets and communism. The Soviets would never let the Americans into Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11167
14 Aug 2023   #270
Your choice was Germans and Auschwitz or Soviets and communism.

stupid false choice.... anyone who plays your word games is a sucker

Soviets would never let the Americans into Poland.

All the more reason to want the Soviets out....

Home / News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal

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